I haven't pooped in almost a week!



  • MellyMelx23o
    try adding ground flaxseed into your diet. you can add it to smoothies, to yogurt, baking, sprinkle on cereal, on just about everything! It works. Two tablespoons a day is the recommended dose.

    I think I may try that....I looked it up & there are many health benefits!
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    TMI, grief:noway:
    I have been on track with my eating & excersing but it seems like ever since I've started MFP I've been going A LOT less then I normally do. I feel bloated! HELP!

    TMI? Sure. But do you know how many posts I've seen on periods and sex? If that can be discussed, why not pooping? LOL. At least she is not describing the size and shape and how it comes out!

    It's a serious diet question! lol :frown:
    It absolutely is! Food doesn't stop once it enters our mouths. I don't understand why some people are so delicate about discussing digestion issues on a site with so much talk about diet. There are all kinds of threads here about runner's diarrhea too. Definitely not TMI when you are looking for help.

    A quick glance at a couple days of your diary and I think you need to eat more fresh fruits and vegetables. I see a lot of cheese/dairy, dry bars and simple carbs that you could replace with fruits and veggies.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    You have no veggies in your diet. Start eating at least a couple veg a day. Apples have alot of fiber too.
  • MoveTheMountain
    I have been on track with my eating & excersing but it seems like ever since I've started MFP I've been going A LOT less then I normally do. I feel bloated! HELP!

    Back way off the carbs (breads, pasta etc.) and eat more veggies. My wife has had the problem you describe for years, no lie. Starting last week, when we went mostly paleo/primal, she's going every day. (Ah, the things you learn about in marriage! Privacy? Who needs it!)
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    fiber and yogurt. No bananas...they are like buttputty.

    bwahahahaaaa... buttyputty... SO using that somewhere... don't know where, but it WILL get used again
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    fiber and yogurt. No bananas...they are like buttputty.

    I think I just broke something laughing at buttputty!! Thank you for today's laugh!
  • Tlopez428
    Tlopez428 Posts: 115
    Prune Juice is the best when you can't go!!!!! I have horror stories about my experience with prune juice lol....All I can say is stay near a toilet!
  • WifeNMama
    WifeNMama Posts: 2,876 Member
    If you are feeling pain, bad gas or are horribly uncomfortable, try a glycerin suppository or give yourself a water enema to get it out fast as you are incorporating all the good food advice. Sometimes both ends need work.

    Make sure you're getting healthy fats (it helps lubricate the system) and good bacteria (from probiotic supplements or good quality natural-as-possible yogurt)
  • zrmac804
    zrmac804 Posts: 369 Member
    Iron supplements are notorious for causing "backup", as well as some prescription drugs. Are you taking any of these?

    Bumping up your fibre intake will help in the long run. In the short term, prune juice really does work - especially if you heat it up.
  • becoming_a_new_me
    becoming_a_new_me Posts: 1,860 Member
    try adding ground flaxseed into your diet. you can add it to smoothies, to yogurt, baking, sprinkle on cereal, on just about everything! It works. Two tablespoons a day is the recommended dose.

    I think I may try that....I looked it up & there are many health benefits!

    Flaxseed is awesome!! Just make sure you get lots of water too
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    suprise buttseks.

    works every time.
  • jess1992uga
    jess1992uga Posts: 603 Member
    I would say monitor your fiber and make sure you are getting enough. For me it came down to taking something called Surfak every day and that's done wonders.
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I am re-quoting for pure awesomeness.
  • MustBeTheRows
    MustBeTheRows Posts: 377 Member
    I am re-quoting for pure awesomeness.

  • Melanie_RS
    Melanie_RS Posts: 417 Member
    A single cup of coffee first thing n the morning can also help. Sounds weird but it really does work.

    I practically run to the bathroom after this.

    TMI? pooping is very important...always a good thing to discuss!

    If nothing works, try miralax. or a vitamin C flush. google each.
    I'm sorry you have this problem, I never have and can't imagine what it feels like. :( but, it really needs to be taken care of.
  • CarleyLovesPets
    CarleyLovesPets Posts: 410 Member
    I know canned pumpkin is the BEST thing for when my pets have diarrhea or constipation.
    It works wonders.

    I've used it on my dog and bunny... I'm guessing it would work on humans too.
    Take a couple of spoon fulls of canned pumpkin (not the pie mix) and you should be feeling fine.
  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    No sh1t?
  • _binary_jester_
    _binary_jester_ Posts: 2,132 Member
    I am re-quoting for pure awesomeness.

    You said you would not film Friday at Sea World!
  • chunkydunk714
    chunkydunk714 Posts: 784 Member
    love this post because I thought this was just me who had this problem!
  • mamasmaltz3
    mamasmaltz3 Posts: 1,111 Member
    I would say monitor your fiber and make sure you are getting enough. For me it came down to taking something called Surfak every day and that's done wonders.

    I don't know if you have medical problem that would require the use of a daily stool softener but for someone without a medical condition the daily use of a stool softener will cause your body to become dependent on it.