Ladies in the gym



  • chanson104
    chanson104 Posts: 859
    I don't usually say anything I just sniff their bike seats after they leave.
    Just spit out my coffee. People I'm working with are giving me strange looks. Thanks a lot! :ohwell:
  • court211006
    it depends, if i'm in the middle of a run and you come stand by the side of my treadmill wanting to chat, then hell no (has happened to me), if i'mintensely working out, sweaty and gross I don't really want to be talking i feel slightly disadvantaged. But I've never had a problem with polite conversation, my gym is really small so I ofen have people talking to me just because we all know each other so you have to just get used to it.
  • XxCaz89xX
    XxCaz89xX Posts: 29
    Theres one guy in my gym who works in there and it really irritates me how i clearly have my ear phones in sweating like a pig and running my hardest and he comes and stands in front of me waving his arms around for my attention.....surely he can see i'm in the middle of something? Apart from that I dont generally have a peroblem, i go to the gym at the same time everyday so usually see the same people and my bf is in there at the same time so the kind of people who would normally approach me dont.
  • Jkmumma
    Jkmumma Posts: 254
    Depends on the guy, the reason, and my mood. A bit whimsical maybe, but there's a lot of factors that play in to how OK I am with random contacts at the gym. A guy's "creepy factor" also plays a big part in it. Some guys just come across as creepsters. ENTIRELY not ok with creepy guys talking to me.
  • darrensurrey
    darrensurrey Posts: 3,942 Member
    I would have thought the best thing about a gym was being able to meet like-minded individuals in a social capacity as you could help motivate each other. It's the only reason I would go to a gym. (I train on my own 90% of the time; for the other 10%, I train with someone and still look like a sweaty mess in public.) It's the reason I love going climbing at a local indoor centre - the social part makes things even more enjoyable.
  • jeskate
    jeskate Posts: 52 Member
    It's funny you ask, I have had the same guy approach me on three occasions to comment on my highlighter pink Nike runners, using that as a segway to talk about other things... While I am completely flattered that someone has noticed me at the gym... I'm usually so sweaty that my glasses are fogged up and I'm so keen to get out of the gym that I'm no fun to talk to and probably come across as rude!
  • jeskate
    jeskate Posts: 52 Member
    I don't usually say anything I just sniff their bike seats after they leave.

    Wow.. that just made my night!
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    Not one guy has ever approached me in the gym so I guess that means I have a LOT more work to do lol

    More likely they are scared of you
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    I've only had one guy approach me at the gym.. and that was to tell me what my trainer had me doing looks "weird", and to try to help me not have it look so "weird" Then after that he proceeded to watch me as I was doing dead lifts one morning, and critique my form with this buddy without saying a word to me.. So he went from nice to an *kitten* in about .5 seconds flat.

    Most guys watch what I do but so far only that one has approached me.. and thats perfectly fine by me!
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    I work at a "boutique gym" which is a women's only gym, but I used to be a member of the YMCA. Guys used to come up to me there, but I would just smile and keep doing what I was doing. I wasn't rude but I didn't engage in conversation. Wasn't bothered either way, but nobody was too insistent or pestery. I think they just move on :)
  • KCoolBeanz
    KCoolBeanz Posts: 813 Member
    I'm not a fan of talking to anyone, male or female, during my workout. Before or after, no problem!
  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    I think it's quite rude when guys try to talk to me at the gym because I am married. I wear my rings all the time, you can't miss that I am a married woman. So when guys try to chat me up I feel as if they are saying I am a skank and a *kitten* who would cheat on her husband. Creepers!
  • Determinednoob
    Determinednoob Posts: 2,001 Member
    I think it's quite rude when guys try to talk to me at the gym because I am married. I wear my rings all the time, you can't miss that I am a married woman. So when guys try to chat me up I feel as if they are saying I am a skank and a *kitten* who would cheat on her husband. Creepers!

    That is always my thought when i talk to married women
  • katiekrusher
    katiekrusher Posts: 143
    The worst part is when they ask to share your machine and you're on your last few reps...and they never stop talking...
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    I wondered but that also brings up another question. If you are not working out in the "Ladies workout area" does that mean you do not mind guys talking to you?

    I've noticed that few gyms have a designated Women's section... the only one I've seen is at Goodlife. While I respect the concept of that, I don't see any real men's vs women's areas in the gym. That said, I recognize that most women avoid the testosterone pit that is the free weight area.

    I think that just because I venture outside of the realm of lululemon and hairspray doesn't mean I'm looking for male attention, but I'm also not one to push people away. It would drive me bonkers if I was getting hit on mid squat, but I don't mind guys striking up a conversation. Humans are social beings. I may go to the gym alone, but that doesn't mean I am closed.

    That's just me though, everyone is different.