200-250# women starting out on mfp...



  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    I'm 5'3 and started MFP @ 233 lbs. That was two months ago, and I'm down to 210. My goal weight is 150. Still a long way to go, but MFP is definitely the tool I need to get there. Good luck to everyone else on their journey.

    wow! awesome job so far! motivating.. right on.. yeah i cant wait to see the first goal of mine.. my wt at 199!! lol
    by nov 3rd.. as i signed up for a mud run that day!!! breast cancer awarness tournament thingy 3mi course
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    Hi, I have just restarted/re-activated my account. I am 59, 5-3, starting weight this morning is 219.2. My first goal is to get 20lbs off and get under 200 so looking to see 199 in the coming weeks. Long term goal is 150. Ultimate goal is 140 which takes my BMI to Normal-healthy.....tired of Obese!. This journey has been life long. I was a cute, pert 135 lbs in high school but because I was solid and strong and muscular, my 'petite loving' parents led me to believe that I was fat. One day in the last several years, I came across my 45 yr old cheerleading outfit and was amazed at how tiny the outfit was and I thought, 'I fit into that?'......yes I did but all the while at home, my folks were telling me I was fat. wow. really? So began my lifetime of beating myself up and having food issues. Now it is about Me. No husband telling me I am embarassing to be seen with, no ex boyfriend telling me I make him feel old (he was my age folks but trying to be 35)......no more 'other peoples standards' baring down on me. Only my goals and what is right for me. I am not doing this venture for anyone but me. The time has come for me to make my 60s my best decade ever. This will be a journey that I am excited to make. almost did the gastric sleeve last year but thankfully, I have let that go because even after that surgery, you still have to reduce your calories, eat right and exercise....so why not do it with my stomach intact. Anyway....I am committed to being on this website for support each week and am looking forward to my journey. Good luck to all of you!!

    awesome!! and small testimony with that.. thank you for sharing... we are similar.. I grew up with my aunt/uncle.. raised me..and my uncle would say things mean to me like 'look at your legs how big" stuff like that.. (i got heavy during puberty.. and he messed w/my head bad and self esteem.. so soon after i went down to 98#'s!! (anerexic ish then balemic.. ) yeah thanks unk!!!.. then ate more 'normal' but too much.. and had a short lived marriage (he wasnt mean to me about my wt though and neither was any ex bf or any man ive dated/been with) thankfully! guess they liked the T and A?? lol idk.. anyway... but with the bad short failed marriage i gained 50#'s (went from 182-232) not cool.. and ive juggled 20#'s or so last 5yrs...and its time!! time to be done with the 200's .. not healthy...oh and I too debated gastric sleeve/plication or band... and im glad ive decided not to!.. i havea friend that did the plication/sleeve.. (shes about 50#'s more then me) and shes loosing slowly.. and not exercising.. just hastn changed her MIND.. i told her she needed a surgical band around her HEAD! to change her brain... she was so sugar addicted and deprived after surgery.. that she went to take her vitamins (gummy chew ones) she ate the whole bottle!!!!!!!! 500 gummy vitamins...... umm yeah :/
    i think you will do great!!
  • mzfiyaa
    mzfiyaa Posts: 94 Member
    im 5'4 and currently at 234 i want to get to around 150 or 160
  • ehmadore
    ehmadore Posts: 72 Member
    I'm around 240 and want to be under 200 - as a short term goal. I'm more curvy so I'm not sure where my goal weight is.
  • no1betta
    no1betta Posts: 11
    Guilty as charge..... 5ft and my highest was 237 and now I am 209/7 (depending on the day)! Great job with the jogging. I want to jog but the treadmill is not my friend. I prefer to be outside but it is entirely too hot n humid now.... Yup that is an excuse I need to get on the dang thing but really encouraging to see that you are on the move!!!!! YAY
  • Math_Geek
    Math_Geek Posts: 67 Member
    Hi, I started about 7 weeks ago downloading the app and finding the online community. I've lost about 14 pounds so far doing very low carb diet with a lot of Zumba. I started at 235 and I'm not sure what end goal weight I should be or even want to be.

    All I really wanted was to lose 50 pounds before I turned 50, in February '13. I'll work from there and see how it goes!

    This is my first post although I have been lurking these threads almost daily. Something about your post made me reply, I can't say why.

    I'm in for the long haul, good luck to us all.
  • Alicemarieed
    Alicemarieed Posts: 86 Member
    I am 5ft 2in and weigh 67k ,don't know what it is in lbs. I have been using this app for 4 days and lost 1k .i swim everyday.3 sets of ten mins.its the only exersise I can do.
  • lisanorman6
    lisanorman6 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Lisa. I'm just under 5'5" and my start weight was 240lbs. It's been 8 weeks since I started and am now down to 217. I have decided not to focus as much on my goal weight but rather body fat percentage. My goal bf% is around 20-24%.

    This has been such a powerful journey for me so far. I am a single mom to a child with cerebral palsy. So much of our life has revolved around food, as I often rewarded my son with food. That's a habit we have changed and it's been awesome! I love that my new way of living, including fitness and food choices is also rubbing off on him.

    There have been moments that I've been discouraged and that's when I try to remember this is about more than what the scale tells me. There are other victories. I can now transfer my son from the wheelchair to other places with ease. I ran 4 miles yesterday for the first time ever. I feel stronger, healthier and more emotionally balanced. My body is a gift from God and I want to treat it well, with respect and enjoy the many blessings He's given me!

    Keep up the great work you guys! Remember....sweat is your fat crying!
  • PurpleEpiphany
    I'm 5'1" and currently 190 lbs. My highest (a few years ago) was 216. Some lifestyle changes (cutting out soda, etc) helped at that point, but I hit a plateau at 205 and was there for a while. I've been bellydancing the last two years which has helped, but while I was in better shape I was still more overweight than I wanted to be.

    I've been on MFP for just over two months now and have lost about 12 lbs so far. I've been working out a lot, but that's because many of my goals are dance related rather than just weight loss. For me, keeping track of what I eat has been critical. I've never really counted calories before, and I had no idea how much I was really consuming. I'm now one of those people who yes, counts out pistachios into a paper cup for a snack, but I'm finding that that's all I really need. Just because you CAN eat half a can of cashews at one sitting doesn't mean you SHOULD.

    So it's definitely a combo deal. I think calorie restriction has helped the most with weight, but exercising seems to be changing my body shape the most quickly. My only caution is don't think of this as a finite thing, a goal to get to, think of it as a long-term change. We just had a weight loss challenge at my work, and I heard so many people today (the final weigh in day) saying "oh after my weigh in I'm totally going to eat ____" It just makes me think they don't get it at all.
  • Cat52169
    Cat52169 Posts: 277 Member
    I'm 5'6" and started at 210 about 2 weeks ago...down 5 lbs already!!! MFP definitely works when you utilize the tools. Feel free to add me!! I'm always looking for supportive buddies. :smile:

    We're on the same starting line :smile: I'm 5'6 and 209. Well I'm there now. I was higher. I lost 34lbs and was down to 190 but then I found out that I really really really liked pomagranate margaritas so I'm back up to 209 in TWO MONTHS. No more alcohol for me :cry:

    Good luck everyone!!!
  • sds76
    sds76 Posts: 215 Member
    I started MFP 6 weeks ago a 264lbs. I am now at 239/240. I am also 5'4"
    I walk A LOT. I do workouts on the treadmill a min. of 1 hour every day. The last 2 weekends we have done 4mi walks as a family so I do that instead of treadmill that day or days.
    I play Kinect Adventures (reflex rige) with my kids and that is a workout. I also do videos on TV.

    My first goal is to get out of the dreaded 200's. I swear the day I see 199, I will cry.

    I am a busy mom of 5, I stay home(don't work outside of home), and I homeschool(summer break still right now) my 3 school age children. Wife to my husband of almost 16yrs.

    I have hypothyroidism but am successfully controlling it with meds.

    I love video games, hanging with my children, watching movies, doing word games and now I have found a new love in working out. It makes me feel good and I no loger feel like a big blob.

    edited to add: I have completely quit drinking soda, I used to drink 6-8 cans a day(yuk), now I only drink water and have added a lot more "clean" foods to our family's meals. We are getting healthier as a family and that helps a lot.
  • JanelleG0122
    JanelleG0122 Posts: 323 Member
    Hi, I'm 24 and started my weight loss journey at 240 lbs and only at a height of 5'2. I started MFP at 210 and now I'm trying to use this more and more. I need more friends in my journey for support and hope we can help each other out! :-) Feel free to add me and we can all support each other!
  • winamb
    winamb Posts: 18 Member
    I am 5' 6" and started MFP today at 197. I have a large frame, so I would LOVE to be down to about 175. I am all in. Please feel free to add me!!! It really helps to join a community, where you know that you are not alone in this struggle!!!!! I am 46, with two teenagers. Needless to say now that they are mobile (driving) I can finally devote some time to work on ME!!!
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    I am about 5' 3" and started out at 233lns (hw was 243lbs)...I am currently 156lbs.

    wow thats amazing!!! awesome job... 155-165 is my goal goal wt.. feels like a dream away sometimes...
    the weight i was 10yrs ago! in my early 20's
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    I started MFP 6 weeks ago a 264lbs. I am now at 239/240. I am also 5'4"
    I walk A LOT. I do workouts on the treadmill a min. of 1 hour every day. The last 2 weekends we have done 4mi walks as a family so I do that instead of treadmill that day or days.
    I play Kinect Adventures (reflex rige) with my kids and that is a workout. I also do videos on TV.

    My first goal is to get out of the dreaded 200's. I swear the day I see 199, I will cry.

    I am a busy mom of 5, I stay home(don't work outside of home), and I homeschool(summer break still right now) my 3 school age children. Wife to my husband of almost 16yrs.

    I have hypothyroidism but am successfully controlling it with meds.

    I love video games, hanging with my children, watching movies, doing word games and now I have found a new love in working out. It makes me feel good and I no loger feel like a big blob.

    edited to add: I have completely quit drinking soda, I used to drink 6-8 cans a day(yuk), now I only drink water and have added a lot more "clean" foods to our family's meals. We are getting healthier as a family and that helps a lot.

    wow!!!! great job so far! your awesome.. and holy cow that is a TON OF SODA!!!!! thats one addiction i dont have thank GOD... and I am with you.. when i see 199 and not 200+ on the scale, I will cry also!!!... ive been in the 200+ for last 5yrs! and im over it... so freakin done.. (was never above it though before 5yrs ago) but yes.. i cant wait...
    sounds like your doing great!!! and im starting my 3rd week now on mfp.. and am eating more and more healthy it seems... and fruits seem sweeter!! its awesome
  • Droope2
    Droope2 Posts: 82
    Well I'm a little taller, just under 5'7 and my all time high was about 283 back in January/February in March I started MFP at about 264, last week I weighed in at just over 215, I eat about 1500 calories a day and at least 30 minutes of exercise or swimming, I am longing for the day I see 199, I was actually approved to have gastric bypass when I started here and about a month ago was told I no longer qualify, which is an accomplishment in itself, my ultimate goal is 150 or less, I am hoping to reach that goal by December :)
    Feel free to add me if you would like!!

    I will also add, I have completely given up regular pop and only drink diet if I am at a restaurant or for a rare treat, otherwise I drink sparkling water (it makes me think I still have my pop sometimes)
  • ElleyPT
    ElleyPT Posts: 5
    Hi! I am just under 5'3" and my starting weight was 218 pounds. I lost 6 pounds in my two weeks. I am hoping to lose another 2 pounds this fortnight. I have found weighing myself every fortnight is more motivating than every week. The bigger numbers seem to inspire me more!! Good luck on your weight loss journey. :flowerforyou:
  • Allie_71
    Allie_71 Posts: 1,063 Member
    Hiya. I'm 5'3. I started at 225 and I'm around 152ish now. My goal is 145. I'm slowly crawling there, these last few pounds :)
  • shell1205
    shell1205 Posts: 138
    I'm about 5'4" and this is my second round on MFP. This time around I started at 214 and am currently at 207. My goal is 150 for now - though I saw the other day that at 145 I'm in the normal range for BMI - I'll reassess when I get close. I'm actually doing a beachbody challenge, which is a workout program and shakeology, and I really like it.

    Feel free to send me an invite if you're interested - Good luck!!
  • Amyaustin90
    Amyaustin90 Posts: 27 Member
    im 5'6" started at 219, now 207. i havnt been working out just eating healthy...bmi aroung 34 :(

    starting a kickboxing class in aug that i think will be fun