Were you treated differently after losing alot of weight?



  • LisaGore1
    LisaGore1 Posts: 41
    Absolutely. I think I am just more approachable in general. People are more likely to talk to me everywhere - in line at the grocery store, pumping gas, etc. No one ever talked to me before. Now, they do all the time. It's kind of strange for me though since I got used to being ignored. I don't really know how to talk to strangers.
    me too I have been over weight my entire life and now I'm average weight and when people talk to me now I have a hard time dealing with it not use to the attention.
  • IRun4Me_12
    IRun4Me_12 Posts: 240 Member
    I think most of it is because I act differently. I'm am more confident about myself and have no problem being assertive if I need to be. It's truly a mental change as well as phiscal for me. I walk a little taller, hold my head up and look like I am someone who is strong and confident!!!! :)

    This is exactly the case for me. Some people don't like or are jealous of the way that I am now, and to them, I say ... poo on you. This is me, love me or leave me!
  • missworld95
    missworld95 Posts: 131 Member
    My heart goes out to all of you, society is so heartless. I could never understand why so many people are quick to discriminate against people who are heavier... I remember my mother would be treated awful, people stereotyped her as being lazy and couldn't control her eating when in reality she has a thyroid problem and it;s very diffiult for her to lose weight. Regardless, even if you are "lazy" and "like ot eat a lot," that shouldn't mean you are any less of a person. Okay, I'm done my mini rant.
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    The first time I lost 80 pounds (pre children, and post high school), I worked at Lane Bryant. I went from a size 24 to a size 12. Customers that I had known for 2 or 3 years refused to allow me to help them any longer. I remember one woman actually saying to me when I recommended an outfit to" mind my own business because I obviously didn't know anything about being fat." I went home and cried that night because I just didn't know where I fit in anymore. Suddenly men were hitting on me, and strangers were JUST as judgemental. At least when I was overweight I knew people liked ME...not what I looked like.

    Now that I'm older (I was 22 then, and am 38 now), I really understand that attitude is all about interpretation of how people treat you. I don't care what other people think. I am a good role model for my kids. I am healthy. I am happy. If they have a problem...it's theirs not mine. I also try really hard not to get sucked into gossip about people: overweight or not. I get really upset when my friends or family demean the efforts of people that are healthy or trying to be healthy.
  • Skinny_Jeans_Soon
    Skinny_Jeans_Soon Posts: 326 Member
    The difference is night and day. In public my husband is always telling me that guys are looking at me but I am oblivious to it. Why the heck would they look at me? My friends are always asking me what I am doing, eating etc. I get compliments by the truckload at the office about my new clothes and how "tiny" I am but I am not tiny in any way. It is all overwhelming for me. I am quiet and shy and like to hide from the world. I wish I was very outgoing, I am working on it. I want a personality that shines and makes others smile.
  • Menoetius1
    Menoetius1 Posts: 18
    This is good motivation right? :P
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    This is good motivation right? :P

    Sometimes it actually makes me mad. I want to scream, I was just as awesome before people!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    This is good motivation right? :P

    Sometimes it actually makes me mad. I want to scream, I was just as awesome before people!

    I wasn't, honestly I know I wasn't my attitude sucked when I obese, I felt sorry for myself and hated myself and that hate for myself showed in my attitude. So I do know that I'm better now, yes I was called ugly things when I was big but I think the things I have heard about me since I've lost weight might be a little more hurtful, luckily I've belt myself up to handle it ok.
  • joebanz77
    joebanz77 Posts: 283 Member
    I lost about 70 lbs since December 2011. I get a lot of compliments from friends and coworkers but not so much from family. Probably once in a while from one of my siblings. But what's important now is that I'm glad my wife joined me during my journey and we're setting a great example for our kids.
  • CricketWhiskers
    CricketWhiskers Posts: 64 Member
    I've gotten a lot more catcalls and compliments. :) I've also noticed a lot of friends and family jumping on the fitness bandwagon and wanting to work out with me and asking me for advice. Everyone has been really nice and has tried to be helpful, even if it's not always what's best. My mom keeps warning me against "getting a big head" and tries to tempt me with a bite of this and a nibble of that. "You've lost so much, one bite won't hurt" or "You need to stop obsessing about everything you eat, it's not healthy!" I always laugh when she says that but I don't take it to heart since she still struggles with an eating disorder and she's just afraid that I'll become obsessed to an unhealthy degree.

    As far as treatment in stores and etc I haven't really noticed anything different but I do live in Kansas where we have a fairly large obese population so for most people an overweight customer is just the same as one at a healthy weight. :)
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    I haven't noticed, but I'm pretty oblivious to this stuff, I'm a very friendly person, talk to people at the grocery store etc. so when men are flirting with me often times i just think they are being friendly and then I'll be talking about it to a friend and they will smack me upside the head and say Hey idiot that guy was totally hitting on you. OOPS! But one annoying thing is my mother cannot stop bragging about me, it actually makes me feel a little bit uncomfortable, if we are talking to people at a store (trying on clothes for example) she will bring up my weight loss. Maybe because I still have so far to go that I'm embarrassed because I can just imagine what's running through their head is well that's nice but she's still a fat *kitten*.
  • movn4ward
    movn4ward Posts: 69 Member
    I definitely get treated differently by people in general. I believe some of it has to do with my lack of confidence once I put on so much weight. I really wanted to blend in as much as possible. Most of the treatment differences is a general,"when I'm in public" thing. I get more smiles compliments and date requests. As for the people close to me, I am sure they are glad they no longer have to help me "reason" with my weight. I don't get so many "pep" talks about not being fat, just a little big. Whatever that means.

    It affects different people differently
  • vndonates
    vndonates Posts: 22
    People are always nicer when I'm thinner. Also, the thinner I go, the more guys check me out. Always been that way.
  • Katahna
    Katahna Posts: 326 Member
    I can safely say yes, i get some double takes these days from girls so far =] that never used to happen
  • UnleashingLovely
    Didn't lose a lot of weight. But lost a lot of inches. But nope. And that's what makes it disappointing): Not even really gotten a compliment on it.
  • Blaineyyy
    Blaineyyy Posts: 151 Member
    It's sad but I generally feel more (though still not totally) accepted in society since losing weight. It's a shame.
  • StarvingDiva
    StarvingDiva Posts: 1,107 Member
    Being a southern boy and a geek at heart combined with being heavy has always given me negative attention the last decade. I was 6'4" at 250lbs with probably no muscle weight at one point about 5 years ago. Let's just say it was very hard to attract female attention and I didn't get much respect from others either.

    Now I am running at 220 lbs as of today. I also have a lot more muscle weight. However my stomach is still a bit ignorant so my pooch is till around though it is getting smaller at a snail's pace. At this point in my life, I am starting to receive a lot more feminine attention now which is still relatively new to me so I do not know how to take it sometimes. I also generally get a lot more respect from others. I attribute this to my fitness as well as the fact that being a geek at heart is starting to gain popularity with the modern world becoming so into technology.

    Funny how the world works....

    Thank you for serving our country and you don't look geeky to me.
  • gmoneycole
    gmoneycole Posts: 813 Member
    yep - people tend to judge a book by its cover.
  • javagsd
    javagsd Posts: 82
    I've only lost 1/3 of my goal but it's created a little tension with my DIL who has had numerous attempts to lose weight. The success I'm having seems to make her dwell on her own failures.
  • kini324
    kini324 Posts: 239 Member
    Without a doubt- YES.

    Men I know talk to me more, men I don't know acknowledge me. Women I don't know aren't necessarily friendly. Some women I know now aren't as friendly now that I'm skinnier. I like to think it's not me, it's their own internal issues. I understand not being happy with yourself so I don't judge.