Grrrrr - people just don't understand



  • MessyLittlePanda
    MessyLittlePanda Posts: 213 Member
    I'm with those who say you can indulge once in a while and still lose weight/maintain a healthy weight.

    I try to go on a 80/20 rule. 80% is healthy, fruit veg protein and low GI carbs, but I allow myself a few treats if my friends go out, if there is a birthday, whatever. I look at it over the week not just on a daily basis, if I am under for the week then I know I'm OK overall. And I take a diet break if I go on holiday.

    It's healthy to eat healthy, and be conscious of what goes in your body, but it's also not so healthy to be obsessed with calorie counting. It depends if your friends go to junk food type places or decent food places - if my friends wanted to go to McDonalds or BK I wouldn't go or eat there for health and ethical reasons, I am celiac so I can eat very little there anyway. But I find in most non fast food places there are healthier options, you can ask for a plain grilled chicken breast or steak without butter, sauce etc or ask for just lemon juice for your salad, have a jacket potato instead of fries. This is how I manage to eat out as a celiac, because gluten will make me ill so I often have to avoid sauces and things like that, and fries are often fried in the same oil as other things that contain gluten.
    Which has the happy effect of also making the food lower in calories!

    You just have to be smart about it - restaurants these days are used to people with allergies/special diets, so they will cater for you if you ask for something to be adapted. I'd say avoid fast food and processed/sugary nasties, but if someone brings a nice home made birthday cake in, share a slice with someone, have a small piece, and go out for the odd nice meal. Just pick and choose the important occasions you want to participate in and make as healthy a choice as possible when you do.