Ripped in 30 - Month of August - Who is with me?

Hey everyone,

I have hit a weight loss plateau and have been exercising for the last 5 weeks but the scales haven't budged and my measurements have hardly changed either. So I figured it would be good to have a focus to keep me going. I have been doing a mixture of fitness dvd's including Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred, so I figured I would get another of hers, Ripped in 30, to do during the month of August.

I have a wedding on the 31st August, so I will be doing this most days and will come on here to update my progress.

Anyone want to join me?


  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Okay. I'm in. I gotta try this again. It didn't work at all for me last time (gained strength but lost VERY little weight) but I'll give it another shot!
  • dragonflyjen
    dragonflyjen Posts: 64 Member
    Great! Think that is my problem, I focus too much on the scale - so I've decided it doesn't matter so much what the scale says my weight is. I have just got myself some body analyser scales and I am going to focus on my fat % and my fitness. Gaining strength is gotta be a good thing in the long run! :)
  • SteveHunt113
    SteveHunt113 Posts: 648 Member
    Also consider using a tape measure to measure your arms, legs, abs, etc. Sometimes the proof is in the inches, not the scale! :)
  • dragonflyjen
    dragonflyjen Posts: 64 Member
    As I said in my first post, my measurements haven't really changed at all in the last 5 weeks despite exercising most days, but I will keep at it and hopefully see change by the end of August!

    Thanks! :)
  • dragonflyjen
    dragonflyjen Posts: 64 Member
    Well this morning I put on another 1.6lbs despite sticking to my cals and exercising. *Sigh*

    I gradually upped my cals over the last few days to my BMR of 1500 as, after alot of reading, it seems like I wasn't eating enough staying around the 1200 mark, esp with 30-40 mins exercise most days. So I'm not going to worry about it as my body may be adjusting.

    I had a rest day today but will be raring to go tomorrow with the Ripped in 30 Days.

    My stats:
    Height: 5' 6"
    Weight: 160.2lbs
    Body Fat: 30.3%
    Lean Body Mass: 18%
    Water: 50.2%

    Main measurements:
    Waist: 32 1/3"
    Hips: 39 13"
    Bust: 36"
    Thighs: 23 3/4"
    Biceps: 12 1/2"

    I will weigh myself weekly but will only measure again at the end.

    So looks like it is just me and you tomorrow 'penrbrown'. Although we will be following Jillian's Ripped in 30 dvd, if anyone just wants to join in on exercising most days during the month of August then feel free to join us. I will update this most days for my own records, feel free to do the same.

    Jen :)
  • Cajunmalakai
    Cajunmalakai Posts: 59 Member
    Your first instinct was correct. Don't worry about your actual weight to much, and instead focus on composition. Muscle is about 1.5 times heavier than fat, so as you build lean muscle it might seem like your not losing weight at all, or that your even getting heavier!

    Stick to your routine and diet and you'll start seeing real results soon. Especially as your body starts to adjust. Good luck!
  • mollyandmumu
    mollyandmumu Posts: 2 Member
    hey there - i'd love to join in! I actually did level 1 day 2 today (just started yesterday) it is hard for me as i have not really worked out for a long time and need to lose quite a bit of baby weight. Would love to have a buddy or two or three...
  • dragonflyjen
    dragonflyjen Posts: 64 Member
    Thanks Cajun, must admit it's quite frustrating not really seeing any real body changes after 5 wks of exercise but I figure somethings gotta give some time! But I'm loving feeling fitter, so I'm not giving up the exercise no matter what the scales tell me.

    Glad to have you on board Mollyandmumu, I'll add you as a friend. How have you found the dvd? Bet those first few days are a killer, it was for me when I did the Shred, but it won't be long until you can feel a real difference. Feel free to message me any time. :)
  • cshamber
    cshamber Posts: 9 Member
    I'll join in!! I did 30ds in July, but only levels 1 and 2. I also have started running so I did it every other day. I did purchase the ripped in 30 with it- so I am ready to go! One warning though...I did try this several months ago and only made it to week 2. My neck ended up so sore I couldn't turn it! I will pay special attention to keeping it relaxed this time!
  • Cajunmalakai
    Cajunmalakai Posts: 59 Member
    Some of it depends on your relative fitness level. I'm only passingly familiar with Jillian and have tried a few of her workouts. (I prefer Bob Harper as far as the Biggest Loser bullpen goes) But if you've hit a sticking point, it might be that your not using enough weight, assuming the workouts require them.
  • Jlan11
    Jlan11 Posts: 61 Member
    Add me please! I just finished 30DS today and I am going to start Ripped in 30 on Monday. I can't wait to hear everyone's results!
  • maryjaquiss
    maryjaquiss Posts: 307 Member
    I started on Monday but am in for the last 4 weeks before my wedding on 25th August! Finished 30 Day Shred and now looking for a new challenge :happy:
  • dragonflyjen
    dragonflyjen Posts: 64 Member
    Looks like there's a good wee group of us now! :)

    What hand weights does every use? I have been using 3lbs and although I really feel the burn on some exercises (during the Shred), others not so much. Might be good to get heavier weights to alternate if necessary.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I have 3lb and 5lb weights. I alternate depending on the exercise. Some moves I can do easily with 5lbs and some I can't do AT ALL unless I'm using the 3lb. :)
  • dragonflyjen
    dragonflyjen Posts: 64 Member
    Will defo get myself some 5lb weights. At the mo some exercises I find tough to finish the reps (but I always do), others it feels like there's little resistance and I could do a hundred more.

    Oh and will need to look into Bob Harper's workouts Cajunmalakai, not heard much about them. Thanks!
  • tree5981
    tree5981 Posts: 18 Member
    I started Ripped in 30 yesterday again...i never finished the first time :/ I WILL finish this time!
  • dragonflyjen
    dragonflyjen Posts: 64 Member
    Brill! Yes you will, and I will be right there with you!! :)

    Does the plan suggest having a rest day? I will see how I feel, but I think I will rest one day each week.

    I just came across this... pretty amazing ...enough to encourage us to keep it up for the whole month!
  • cshamber
    cshamber Posts: 9 Member
    Day one down!! :) And Jillian says at least 1 day of rest a week!
  • Kimbersmith100
    I started Ripped in 30 on Monday. The first day I was exhausted. However I just finished day 3 and I can already tell I've been able to complete the reps much better. Kind of a love/hate relationship with these workouts....hate them during, but love them afterwards as I have so much energy and feel great about myself!
  • laurajordana
    laurajordana Posts: 48 Member
    I am in but I will be starting next week the 6th