Ripped in 30 - Month of August - Who is with me?



  • stina0t2
    stina0t2 Posts: 62 Member
    Week 1 of Ripped in 30 using 5s and 10s in the books! Woot!
    Six days of sweating my *kitten* off. Definitely easier by day 6 - could notice a difference in the pushups and in the ab exercises.

    Very little DOMs for me after the first day and always took the time to stretch out my legs a bit better afterwards (I get really tight calves and quads).

    Overall - zero lbs lost but I feel stronger so I'll take that as a NSV.

    Tomorrow is a rest day. Week 2 starts Tuesday.

    HOw's everyone else doing?
  • HornsUT32
    HornsUT32 Posts: 163 Member
    I am starting Ripped in 30 tomorrow. I would have started this weekend, but I am recovering from a surgery and can't work out until Monday :(.

    I did the 30 Day Shred with 5 pounds weights, and although I only lost 7 pounds, my body CHANGED!!! It was crazy how such small weights could do that. I am stronger now, so I will be going to get heavier weights for the Ripped in 30.

    I am a teacher and go back to work in a week and a half. During the school year, my schedule is to workout Monday-Thursday, Friday is off (of diet and working out, we do family dinners on Friday), and back to it Saturday and Sunday. Saturday I either do a 5k race, or go to the lake and run the trails for a long run. So, starting next week that will be my schedule. Fridays will be my rest day from Ripped in 30.

    I am going to do 7 days of level 1 and 2, and 8 days of 3 and 4. I heard level 3 is awful I can't wait :). My goal is to do the classes in the morning, so I have my evenings for my normal gym workout (cardio and strength training).
  • dragonflyjen
    dragonflyjen Posts: 64 Member
    Hey guys,

    Nice to see more people on board. Sorry I didnt update yesterday, I did Ripped quite late. I also did 12 mins of Tracey Mallett's cardio dvd afterwards which is good for feeling the burn. Was going to have a rest day today as my knees are sore, but took a sneaky peak at the scales and they actually appear to be moving (slightly) in the right direction for the first time in about 6 weeks! So I may take my rest day on day 7 instead... a wee break before the next level.

    @ sydneytomunich - Good luck, Im not too far in front (Day 5 for me). What changes did you see with the Shred? I really like Week 1 of Ripped too... hope I like week 2 as much!

    @ Speedisoverrated - I actually don't think her dvd's are that girly. They undoubtedly would get anyone fit, so go for it. I didnt take before pics at the very start of my journey (205lbs) but took some last week (160lbs). Put it this way, you have alot less fat to lose than me and I have no doubt you will see results quicker. But I will get there, and forgive me if I don't post them until I feel I'm making some progress. Tell me, what is c25k?

    @ stina0t2 - Well done for completing week one! I've noticed a huge difference in my strength, especially with the push ups and can see slight definition in my biceps (from doing the Shred and Ripped). My quads have been really tight, think I need to take a leaf out your book and stretch more. The scales haven't been my friend for weeks, so don't worry about not losing this past week, just keep it up. :)

    @arollie - Hope you're okay doing Ripped after your surgery. I've been trying to get heavier weights but can't seem to find any local to me. Your exercise regime is crazy, kinda puts me to shame lol. Let us know how you get on.

    Anyone who wants to join our wee private fb group feel free. I initially set it up to keep me motivated, and if it helps you too then great! Encouraging fitness buddies all welcome! I plan on changing the 'mission' each month to keep things fresh.

    Jen :)
  • TanyaE8
    TanyaE8 Posts: 4 Member
    Still waiting for my DVD to arrive. Not looking forward to getting up at 5:00 am but I just keep thinking about the end results.

    Just during last week I was walking 4 miles a day and trying to stay under 1400 calories a day and lost almost 2 lbs. To me I try not to focus on the scale so much, but how much more energy I have, how much more positive I feel, and that my clothes feel bigger lol.

    "The secret to success is the consistency to pursue"
  • jecka93
    jecka93 Posts: 415 Member
    ME :D
    I'm starting week 2 tomorrow!
    I swear my legs have lost a few cm's already!
    I took my measurements before hand and can't wait to take them again in a few more weeks! :))
  • dragonflyjen
    dragonflyjen Posts: 64 Member
    Ooh 5am...that's dedication! Will defo be worth it though! I'll hold off taking my measurements til the end of Ripped I think. I do feel a real difference in my strength and endurance this week, it's a great feeling. This past week I upped my cals to 1200+exercise cals and I finally see a shift in the scale again after weeks. I defo wasn't eating enough even though I wasn't hungry.

    Last night I did Wk1 of Ripped, Level 1 of the Shred and 6mins of Tracey Mallett's intense cardio - so I worked really hard for 45 mins. My legs were aching afterwards but actually okay today. I tell you what though, I may live in Scotland where it's usually freezing, but last night it was really warm, and I wouldn't have been able to do half as much without having a fan on me the whole time.

    Oh I've just purchased a heart rate monitor (Polar FT7), so that I can get a more accurate calorie burn reading and get a true indication of how well I work out. Do any of you use a HRM? I'm a bit of a geek so quite excited to get it tomorrow! :)
  • Jlan11
    Jlan11 Posts: 61 Member
    Okay, so I started ripped in 30 today! I moved up to 5 lbs weights since 30ds and I think I will be ready for heavier weights soon. I love Jillians 3-2-1 method! As soon as I am ready to die with one exercise she moves on to the next. I like the warm up better on 30 ds, but I like the cool down better on ripped in 30. I think she should focus on stretching more than she does. I always hold the stretches longer and I do additional stretches at the end. I took before pictures and measurements this morning and I can't wait to see what 30 days will do! I love hearing everyone's progress. Anyone can feel free to add me!
  • sydneytomunich
    sydneytomunich Posts: 25 Member

    @ sydneytomunich - Good luck, Im not too far in front (Day 5 for me). What changes did you see with the Shred? I really like Week 1 of Ripped too... hope I like week 2 as much!

    Jen :)

    Hey Jen,

    Good going on Day 5! I am getting some slight knee pain, is anyone else having that? I'd like to blame the running man just so I can ease off it :) haha.

    I saw some pretty cool changes with 30 Day Shred, like a definite muscle appearing on my biceps (where no muscle has ever gone before), the beginning of that line you get down the side of your thigh when you're toned, and a hollowing out through the mid-section.

    I actually have some pics that show the difference, and I wasn't sure where to put them so I added them to my profile. They are a bit embarrassing, but pink underpants is before, grey is after.
  • Scarlett_S
    Scarlett_S Posts: 467 Member
    Well this morning I put on another 1.6lbs despite sticking to my cals and exercising. *Sigh*

    I gradually upped my cals over the last few days to my BMR of 1500 as, after alot of reading, it seems like I wasn't eating enough staying around the 1200 mark, esp with 30-40 mins exercise most days. So I'm not going to worry about it as my body may be adjusting.

    I had a rest day today but will be raring to go tomorrow with the Ripped in 30 Days.

    My stats:
    Height: 5' 6"
    Weight: 160.2lbs
    Body Fat: 30.3%
    Lean Body Mass: 18%
    Water: 50.2%

    Main measurements:
    Waist: 32 1/3"
    Hips: 39 13"
    Bust: 36"
    Thighs: 23 3/4"
    Biceps: 12 1/2"

    I will weigh myself weekly but will only measure again at the end.

    So looks like it is just me and you tomorrow 'penrbrown'. Although we will be following Jillian's Ripped in 30 dvd, if anyone just wants to join in on exercising most days during the month of August then feel free to join us. I will update this most days for my own records, feel free to do the same.

    Jen :)

    I will join you, but can I do P90X instead? I had it all set to go last week then got sick with bronchitis and an ear infection and shelved it until today. I am in the same spot - plateaued for awhile, about ten pounds to lose still, but I honestly don't care if I lose the weight or the inches, just am sitting squarely between a size 8 and a size 10 and I want that to change, and of course I want the smaller size.

    as of this morning, my stats:

    Height: 5' 10"
    Weight: 161.8lbs
    Body Fat: 21.3%
    Muscle % : 44%
    Water/Other: 42.2% (that is all according to my fancy scale - it is usually pretty accurate (within 3%) of my doc's scale and the time I had my body fat done.

    Bust: 39 inches
    Waist: 30 inches
    Hips: 39 inches
    Thigh: 21.5 (my worst area by far)
    Bicep: 13.5 inches

    I am trying to rid myself of fat around my thighs and waist prior to making the decision about getting a tummy tuck. I really don't WANT to have surgery, so making an all out effort until the end of 2012.
  • speedisoverrated

    @ Speedisoverrated - I actually don't think her dvd's are that girly. They undoubtedly would get anyone fit, so go for it. I didnt take before pics at the very start of my journey (205lbs) but took some last week (160lbs). Put it this way, you have alot less fat to lose than me and I have no doubt you will see results quicker. But I will get there, and forgive me if I don't post them until I feel I'm making some progress. Tell me, what is c25k?

    Sorry, just noticed this! C25k is this - - essentially a program to get you from sitting on the couch to running 5k in 9 weeks. Worked for me and seems to be something a lot of people do.
  • kiwifroot
    kiwifroot Posts: 2 Member
    I just started ripped in 30 tonight "officially". I'm alternating it with 30 Day Shred every week, working up to harder weeks. I love 30 Day Shred and have previously done it with no problems, but I'm kind of concerned with Ripped in 30 because I have weak joints. After the first day tonight both my knees and my right elbow joints are achy. I'm not worried about an ache here or there but I absolutely don't want to injure myself, does anyone have any advice?
  • sydneytomunich
    sydneytomunich Posts: 25 Member
    With 30 Day Shred, I modified 2 of the moves for my knees - the jumping jacks and the oblique twists. I found that by getting rid of the twisting movement of the oblique twists, and the jarring jumping jacks, my knees were probably even stronger by the end of it. I also did the knee circles before each warm up.
    I modified the moves by just basically jumping up and down and flailing my arms around. It's not exactly graceful but it's still cardio, and I still got results!
  • amberecochran
    amberecochran Posts: 124 Member
    I know it's a little late in the game, but I started Ripped in 30 last night and I did alot better than I thought I would. At one point hy heart rate was so high that my heart rate monitor couldn't even read it. The running man and the ones where you have to kick your own butt were the one where I had to slow down. I have asthma so my inhaler and my daughter were close by. Someone else on this topic said that while your doing it, its pure hell but when your done, you feel great. That's exactly how it is for me. So my stats are:

    Age: 35
    SW: 219
    CW: 204
    GW: 145

    I took a picture last night and can't wait to see the difference after 30 days. Oh, I didn't do the 30 Day Shred, does that mean it's going to be harder for me? I hope not. I must have done it backwards. :) Good luck to eveyone!
  • jecka93
    jecka93 Posts: 415 Member
    I have a super sore back from doing so many plank moves!
    I really hope it goes away! It's making everything harder! Even my breathing! D:
  • JennJenn1211
    I'm in too....I do this workout 2 - 3 times per week, it's awesome!!:) I have to make a few mods to the cardio as I don't like "jumping" and I have a bad knee, so I have to be careful. I usually just do "fast feet" running on spot.
  • dragonflyjen
    dragonflyjen Posts: 64 Member
    Hey guys, sorry I haven't updated this post in a coupla days. I've still been working hard up until today when I had to have an unexpected day off. But I will be right back to it tomorrow - Week 2, day 2.

    I have been doing extra exercise in addition to Ripped, and I also purchased a HRM the other day, so it was interesting to see the readings showing a higher burn than what MFP logs.

    Must say, I have had some positive results already - not only from the exercise but from eating more. The scales are moving in the right direction again! Never realised that the whole concept of eating more to lose more could actually be true until I did it myself - and now I'm out of my 6 week plateau!! Woohoo!!! So anyone else out there struggling...let MFP do the work for you! If it has given you a low calorie plan (ie 1200 cals) and tells you to eat your exercise calories on top of that, THEN EAT THEM! I can't stress that enough!! Your body needs those calories...I learned the hard way, but so glad I had the will to keep on going no matter what and I will use it as a major learning curve.

    For those asking if not doing the Shred will make this harder, then I'm afraid the answer is yes as this is slightly higher impact (Ripped has a higher calorie burn than the Shred), but that doesn't mean you can't get alot out of it when starting with the modified versions. If this was my first workout dvd, then personally I would do each level for longer than a week and gradually build up to it. You will know when the time is right to move on.

    Well hope you're all getting on well and the bodies aren't too sore...keep it up! :)
  • dragonflyjen
    dragonflyjen Posts: 64 Member
    I just started ripped in 30 tonight "officially". I'm alternating it with 30 Day Shred every week, working up to harder weeks. I love 30 Day Shred and have previously done it with no problems, but I'm kind of concerned with Ripped in 30 because I have weak joints. After the first day tonight both my knees and my right elbow joints are achy. I'm not worried about an ache here or there but I absolutely don't want to injure myself, does anyone have any advice?

    Not in any way qualified to give advice, but personally speaking I have trouble with my knees. I work very hard but I'm aware that certain moves may cause injury, so I either modify the exercise to something easier on the joints, or I do a completely different exercise with elevated arms to get the heart rate up. Don't do too much too soon and, if in doubt, then avoid any moves you think may aggravate it.
  • speedisoverrated
    Week 1 finished today - after it hurting like a...word I won't use...on day 1, the end of the week was a lot more fun and I felt great after seeing how mach easier it was after 6 days.

    Week 2 starts tomorrow. Everything I've read suggests it's not much fun, so that will be a lovely way to start the weekend.

    PS I know most - or all - of the people on this thread are female, but I'm carrying on being an honorary woman in this topic. Pleased to see everyone progressing well :)
  • paulaviki
    paulaviki Posts: 678 Member
    Ooh I missed this thread! Started ripped lady Sunday and was away Monday do have done 4 days Iof it do far and I'm quite enjoying it! But I think I might have to do week 1 for more than 7 days, it's not easy!!
  • 3under2
    3under2 Posts: 133
    I'm actually on Day 6 of 30 Day Shred but thought I would join you all anyways! I will be getting heavier hand weights today. I currently am using 2kg but need some more. I also use a HRM while exercising.
    My current routine is 30 Day Shred first thing every morning followed by Free Weights on M, W, F and HIIT (Running) on T,Th, Sat. I am following the Body for Life 12 week eating and exercise plan.

    Have a great day everyone!
