Are White Foods the Work of the Devil?



  • Sidesteal
    Sidesteal Posts: 5,510 Member
    I believe it's the glycemic load of whites that cause you to crave, it causes your blood sugar to spike and then fall rapidly so your body scrambles for more sugar.

    This is what some people believe but the glycemic response of a mixed meal is often blunted versus eating these items on their own. Here's a good read:
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member

    Would you like to enlighten us with your comprehensive answer :)

    I think he covered it and explained his answer very well in one word. No.

    Why do you feel you need more clarification than this? Your original post is ludicrous. Do some BASIC reading and research and you'll have your "elaborate" answer.
  • HeavyLiftGirl
    HeavyLiftGirl Posts: 1,267 Member
    I still eat white foods and am doing great! I used to have one heck of a sweet tooth, so my "work of the devil" was high-frutose sugary snacks. I have since then threw away all my Little Debbies and candy bars and replaced with almonds, protein bars and trail mix.

    In my opinion, "white foods" are fine as long as they are eaten in moderation. I LOVE string cheese. ;)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Beezlebub has a devil put aside for bread, for rice, for potatoes ♪♪♪
  • puffidredz
    puffidredz Posts: 119 Member
    i dont know if its true or not, but i've heard that white foods contain bleach, hence the reason why theyre white.
  • BillyPinky
    BillyPinky Posts: 104 Member

    Would you like to enlighten us with your comprehensive answer :)

    I think he covered it and explained his answer very well in one word. No.

    Why do you feel you need more clarification than this? Your original post is ludicrous. Do some BASIC reading and research and you'll have your "elaborate" answer.

    Someone has had a sense of humour bypass.
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    I think the potato gets a bad rap. The rest of the whites, yes satan's spawn.
    yeah, potatoes are okay in moderation...but the rest................just stay away from refined ...ANYTHING....if you're trying to clean eat/low carb/low sugar :)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    I am only a month into this, but I actually increased potatoes and rice in my diet and have found that I haven't had any cravings at all. I think I wasn't getting enough iron in my diet. Also, almost all of the cheese that I eat is white, especially provolone. Cheese helps me keep enough protein in my diet.

    Growing up, we were always told that we should eat foods of a variety of different colors. No, I don't think that foods that are white were the work of the devil, anymore than foods of any other color. I think it's important that we get enough nutrition for various sources, and that the nutrition should come from food instead of pills.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    I've always said carbs ARE the devil :devil:
  • bigd65
    bigd65 Posts: 171 Member

    Would you like to enlighten us with your comprehensive answer :)

    If a specific food causes you to over-eat and you aren't able to moderate the consumption of that food then I could understand eliminating it from your diet, but individual food items on their own are not inherently lipogenic.

    And it looks like you've already hit on the fact that you don't know if it's the removal of these foods or the massive swing in macronutrients (added protein and likely added fat) that is blunting your hunger, and I would be willing to wager that it's the latter and not the former.

    White foods are fine.

    This^^^^ I will take all the potatoes you Don't want to eat, Also trust this man he knows what he is talking about. I would read up on potatoes before you give them up for good, everything in moderation
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    i dont know if its true or not, but i've heard that white foods contain bleach, hence the reason why theyre white.

    Yes, there are little elves running around underground bleaching potatoes.
  • AprilRenewed
    AprilRenewed Posts: 691 Member
    Elimination of pasta and rice has made a major difference to my energy levels. I have reduced potatoes, cereals and bread substantially as well, but still eat it occasionally.

    I think lots of lean protein my body seems to like a lot. That together with lots of colourful veg and I've noticed a real improvement not just in energy levels but stuff like wound healing, improvement to skin, hair, nails etc. :flowerforyou:

    This is me, also. I haven't eaten pasta, rice, or bread in over a year (with the occasional taste of something when my husband insists).

    The extra protein is what my body prefers, so I do very well on this diet, though I know it's not for everyone.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Did you give up milk and yogurt too? Or white asparagus, cauliflower, onions, egg whites, beans....

    Great examples of healthy white foods! Like I said, there is a place for every color of food on your plate. It isn't the color that makes it bad or good, but the nutritional content, the portion size, and the combination of other foods.

    I think eliminating a certain food, especially if designated by color alone, is unnecessary, unless you are allergic or whatever.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I upped my proteins, switched white for wheat, and increased my healthy carbs (fruits and veggies) and decreased the amount of processed foods I eat. I feel much better now. I still eat junk, but it is a lot less than I used to eat.

    edit: It's not that white foods are bad for you, it is that they don't fill you up as much. You don't get full so you eat more.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    i dont know if its true or not, but i've heard that white foods contain bleach, hence the reason why theyre white.
  • Kyrosh
    Kyrosh Posts: 238
    Beezlebub has a devil put aside for bread, for rice, for potatoes ♪♪♪

    This made me laugh :laugh:
  • wewon
    wewon Posts: 838 Member

    Would you like to enlighten us with your comprehensive answer :)

    I think he covered it and explained his answer very well in one word. No.

    Why do you feel you need more clarification than this? Your original post is ludicrous. Do some BASIC reading and research and you'll have your "elaborate" answer.

    Someone has had a sense of humour bypass.

    I find that this topic brings out a nasty (and completely uncalled for) streak in a lot of posters.

    Its not enough to disagree, it has to be done through clenched teeth.
  • Ccd1977
    Ccd1977 Posts: 7 Member
    They are just sugar. Nasty.
  • BillyPinky
    BillyPinky Posts: 104 Member
    Before everyone gets their knickers in a twist. I don't literally believe white foods are the work of the devil.

    It was trying to throw the question out there in humorous way ( it went over the heads of some people )

    I have cut out white carbs (potatoes, rice, pasta and bread) and replaced with veg. I just wanted people tell me about their trigger foods.

    I'm sorry if people misunderstood the posting.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    I would think Red foods would be the Devil ....:devil: