How do you motivate yourself for early AM workouts?



  • ggcat
    ggcat Posts: 313 Member
    I get up at 4am M-F and get to the gym no later than 415-430...workout and home by 6, get ready for work at 8!

    It was super hard at first, but now when my alarm goes off I just get my butt out of bed! Once I am out I am good!

    How to get out? I know that I will not go after work, I also know I can eat more with my workout! I feel alive and energized throughout the day as well!

    Good Luck! It gets easier every day!
  • zbmb30
    zbmb30 Posts: 178 Member
    I try and get up at 2:30 a.m. to go to the gym before work. I have to be at work at 5:30. Once my alarm goes off, it's basically useless to go back to bed because I am already awake, and by the time I actually fall back to sleep, it's time for me to go ahead and get up. Plus, I tell myself that if I can go ahead and get it done, I don't have to worry about it the rest of the day. Plus. . .the gym is basically empty at the time, so I get it pretty much all to myself :)
  • aschlum1
    aschlum1 Posts: 2
    So happy to come across this post. I am trying to wake up for AM workouts and this were great tips and motivation!
  • brimarie95
    brimarie95 Posts: 81 Member
    Bumping this becuase I will need to read over these several times over the next few weeks. I have been unemployed during my weight loss journey thus far and I just got a new job. I am determined to get up early to do my workouts, since I am also starting online college courses tomorrow and need my evenings for my studies.
  • classycouture
    classycouture Posts: 888 Member
    1. I put the alarm clock across the room so I have to physically get out of bed to shut it off (this doesn't always keep me from jumping back in though haha)

    2. I wear my workout clothes to bed, so all I have to do is literally wake up and put my sneakers on!
  • Jesstruhan
    Jesstruhan Posts: 331 Member
    I started my AM workouts three weeks ago. I think about how GOOD I feel all day after my workout and that I'm always On time for work instead of late. I actually don't mind being at work because I've been up for a bit already.

    Just think about that great feeling and how you'll be missing out on it and it might help.

    It doesn't make getting up any easier, but provides the reason for staying awake after the alarm goes off. Eventually you'll just say to yourself "well, you're already awake, let's get a move on!"
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I LOVE morning workouts (I push myself a lot more in the morning than night) so I get up before my alarm clock is set to go off at 4:45am lol The feeling I get after I work out is amazing so it makes it even easier for me. If you want to work out in the morning then make yourself get up. Try going to bed telling yourself when your alarm goes off, you'll get up and work out no questions asked.
  • KNarrainen
    KNarrainen Posts: 135 Member
    I have to get up around 5.40 to do my workout for an hour or so, then be leaving the house by 7.30.

    I'm not really a fan of it, but it's the only time I can do it, I try to think about how annoyed i get if I miss a workout, and about how good the results will be if I am consistent with always getting up and doing my workouts.

    Try not to got to bed too late, and be determind, it's gets a bit easier after you have been doing it for a while.
  • Four_Leaf_Clover
    Four_Leaf_Clover Posts: 332 Member
    I honestly don't have any other choice but mornings during the week. I get up at 6 - do my workout - then off to work.

    Gotta get sleep the night before.
    The better I eat the day before (good nutrition overall) - the easier it is to get up and work out.
    I lay out all my gear the night before - clothes, shoes, HRM, etc. so I just throw it on and go!

    I feel more revved up for the day and feel like I have stoked the proverbial furnace of my metabolism (I have no idea if that is actually true) - plus I have something checked off the to do list before I get to work!
  • cvance3
    cvance3 Posts: 64
    Any way to have or find a workout buddy? I'm working on training for a marathon, and it has made a WORLD of a difference to have my running buddy meet me at the gym each gives us a chance to chat, burn calories, and motivate each other! The days that she teleworks, I feel a HUGE difference...I usually don't push myself as much!

    Oh...and the alarm goes of at 4:15am and I'm a nightowl by nature, so it can be done! :happy:
  • DesignGuy
    DesignGuy Posts: 457 Member
    Some great ideas here. The only thing that helps me when I need to do a morning workout is knowing if I don't the whole day is likely blown. I used to be a guru at putting off my workout until "an hour or so from now." :)

    Also, I visualize how I will feel when my workout is done and how I'll have the rest of the day not thinking about my workout.
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    I've tried working out in the morning (5:30/6am) about 4 different times, 3 of those 4 times I about killed/seriously injured myself (no lie). The worst part for me is dragging myself out of bed, but once I do, I'm fine, besides the lack of coordination that I see to have pre-shower and pre-coffee. I currently work out immediately after work (go on my way home so I have no excuses) and it works well. However, I am trying to get back in to running, so I"m looking at adding that in 3 mornings a week since its so dang hot here to do it any other time but that early or super late. I'm definitely going to look these over, because I am not a morning person. The other option I"m considering is swimming in the mornings, I did it in high school and I think I could do it because the water woke me up, and it kind of just came naturally to me to do.
  • Wysteriajo
    Wysteriajo Posts: 14
    A timer on the coffee pot and all the workout clothes laid out. My alarm goes off the same time that the coffee starts, so I'm still "snoozing" when the beep of the coffee maker tells me there's hot java goodness waiting, if I'll only creep down to it. After a half cup or so I might as well put on the cute workout stuff (easier to put on if it's fun to wear) and go out.
  • smilingselena
    smilingselena Posts: 141 Member
    im in the stuck too i work 12 hour shifts and since im awak at 10pm after my shift i hit the gym for an hour before bed, but i cannot get up to hit the gym in the morning, could be the whole working 12hours thing... any ideas
  • zophiel67
    zophiel67 Posts: 181
    1. I put the alarm clock across the room so I have to physically get out of bed to shut it off (this doesn't always keep me from jumping back in though haha)

    2. I wear my workout clothes to bed, so all I have to do is literally wake up and put my sneakers on!

    I do the same with the alarm, but my plan for clothes is a little different. I get dressed immediately so by the time I realize what I'm doing, I already have one running shoe on. And then I think, "Well, might as well put the other one on and get this over with..."

    But then afterwards I feel GREAT! :bigsmile:
  • UnleashingLovely
    It takes less than a month to start a habit.... That's my motivation. Knowing eventually it will be as normal as brushing my teeth.
  • imanole
    imanole Posts: 169 Member
    I get up at 4am M-F and get to the gym no later than 415-430...workout and home by 6, get ready for work at 8!

    It was super hard at first, but now when my alarm goes off I just get my butt out of bed! Once I am out I am good!

    How to get out? I know that I will not go after work, I also know I can eat more with my workout! I feel alive and energized throughout the day as well!

    Good Luck! It gets easier every day!

  • Cwyman1
    Cwyman1 Posts: 72 Member
    I try to prepare as much as possible the night before. I usually run 3-5 days a week in the AM because it's too damn hot out after work this time of year. I save my strength training to afternoons. I will put my workout gear right next to the bed so I can get dressed right away and not have to go searching for something in the morning. I then will brush my teeth and wash my face with some cold water (helps wake me up). From there I will hit the pavement and log some miles. Bed to pavement is usually only 10 minutes. I usually will give myself about 10-15 minutes after my run to cool down before getting into the shower, so I'm not a hot sweaty mess when I get out. This is when I'll drink some water/gatorade to re-hydrate.

    I feel GREAT the mornings I'm able to get out of bed and workout. After about a week or two your body will adjust to getting up and it will be easier. Just keep trying!
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    I put my alarm out of reach so I have to get out of bed for it.
    I have my clothes set out and ready to go.
    I signed up for and linked up a foursquare account...if I want my points, I gotta haul myself outta bed
    I wake up at the same time every morning so that my body gets used to automatically waking up at that time.
    I think about how I'll feel if I skip...I know I'll feel guilty the rest of the day and I know better than to think I'll work out after work
    I joined a group on MFP and we have daily check ins. Not checking in now seems worse than getting my butt in gear
  • lmeasterling
    lmeasterling Posts: 139 Member
    I don't...never been a morning person, never will be! lol. I try to do a light 15-20 minute workout (a short walk, a quick jog or Zumba)in the morning just to get the blood pumping & then save any heavier working out for when I get home from the office. :)