Mantras for running / walking



  • runnerchick69
    runnerchick69 Posts: 317 Member
    When I'm out on a 20 miler I will keep telling myself it is only 20 miles or just keep putting one foot in front ot the other. Before I know it I'm 14 or 15 miles in and at that point I repeat it is only 5 miles :smile: Whatever it is you think about or repeat to yourself the thing to always remember is you are out there and it doesn't matter if you are on a 20 mile run or a 2 mile run...keep running!
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    I hate running so when I run I repeat this in my head "No more fat pictures!". It motivates me to keep at it. But i really prefer the elliptical and stair master. Less of that winded feeling.
  • Cwyman1
    Cwyman1 Posts: 72 Member
    Being fat is hard, working out is hard, pick your hard!

    I like this...going to steal it.
  • jd479
    jd479 Posts: 2
    Normally I think through song lyrics to pass the time, but lately it's mostly been "Jeez, it's freakin' hot."
  • RunnerBlonde808
    RunnerBlonde808 Posts: 257 Member
    I count a lot too. I count to 10, repeat, etc. Or I'll count my breaths in and out.

    And when my kids were watching Nemo a lot. I would say "just keep swimming, just keep swimming"! Seriously, it helped.
  • ladytinkerbell99
    ladytinkerbell99 Posts: 970 Member
    bump for inspirations - thanks. Great ideas. :flowerforyou:
  • eaddyphd
    good stuff.....

    "all I need is within me now"
  • seaKind
    seaKind Posts: 136
    these are great! I love praying the Rosary on slow days, and just "Hail Mary's" are great for higher intensity!
  • hjoyk
    hjoyk Posts: 6 Member
    Every single time I have seen someone out running in the last few years, I have just had this longing to BE a runner. So with some encouragement, I just faced my fears and got out there and started being one! ;) Now whenever I am getting discouraged, I say over and over, ``I am actually going to BE a runner!`` It just fills me with joy and accomplishment!
  • cindyj7
    cindyj7 Posts: 339 Member
    I love these! Thanks everyone!
  • JenRLo
    JenRLo Posts: 95 Member
    No more fat *kitten*, no more fat *kitten*, no more fat *kitten*....

    If I'm on the treadmill at the gym I try to get behind someone who looks good so if I slow down I look at them and think "I want my arms/back/*kitten*/legs to look like that!"
  • filomenae
    filomenae Posts: 110 Member
    My running mantra is, "Not every run is going to be great, but any run is better than none."

    Sometimes I'll take my water bottle with me, other times I won't. I never have it full. I always leave the house with it empty. I use it as motivation because when I go running, I do about 4 1/2 miles or so to the gym, where they have a bubbler and I end with about 45-60 minutes of strength training. I'll constantly be thinking, "HOW MUCH DO YOU WANT THAT WATER? If you walk, it'll only be longer! Keep running! Fight the pain, you are in control."

    I swear my mind is like a drill sargent..
  • lee1205
    lee1205 Posts: 11
    Bump so I can use on tonights run.
  • zombiemusicgirl
    zombiemusicgirl Posts: 98 Member
    Runners world once ran an article that the most effective mantra for the human brain is:


    This actually worked really well for me. When I ran my last 10k and felt like mud in the last half mile, it got me to the end :-)

    There's really nothing cure or fun about it though. Just really effective for me.
  • melindadunston
    These are great! I didn't know other people did I have just started running and just did my first 5k last week. I have a lot of internal dialogue. I do the old "what doesn't kill me will make me stronger." But the other side of my brain asks which one this is doing??? Killing or making me stronger? Somedays I can't tell the difference. I often say over and over in my head "If it were easy everyone would do it...." Or keep going, I set little goals along the way and don't quit:)

    Happy Running:)
  • frhenderson
    frhenderson Posts: 32 Member
    I like Isaiah 40:31 "They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength. They shall mount up on wings as eagles. They shall run and not grow weary. They shall walk and not faint."

    And when I'm on machines I keep repeating "less than __ left", or "__ done". I figure out the number in fractions and decimals and the pain of the math overcomes the pain of the run. :)
  • shae68143
    shae68143 Posts: 422 Member
  • CricketWhiskers
    CricketWhiskers Posts: 64 Member
    I haven't been brave enough to go running outside yet but whenever I'm in the gym I always pick a treadmill next to a person who is super fit then as we're running I ask myself "If this person was a Zombie could I outrun them?" and if the answer is no I always bump up the speed just a bit.

    I don't always avoid getting "eaten" but it takes the fitness zombie a little longer to get me every time. Not exactly a "mantra" but it keeps my mind occupied and I like to think it lets me use some of my fight-or-flight fuel :D
  • Cocochickdeleted
    Cocochickdeleted Posts: 343 Member
    Normally I think through song lyrics to pass the time, but lately it's mostly been "Jeez, it's freakin' hot."
    Me too! I listen to my playlist and the music becomes my mantra for the most part, but I know there will come a day when I need an actual saying to get me through some runs, so now I have some great ideas. And there have been several occasions lately when "Jeez, it's freakin' hot!" has been my unintentional mantra. I'm not one to wish summer away, but I am getting TIRED of the sunny, 90+ degree days every single day!
    Every single time I have seen someone out running in the last few years, I have just had this longing to BE a runner. So with some encouragement, I just faced my fears and got out there and started being one! ;) Now whenever I am getting discouraged, I say over and over, ``I am actually going to BE a runner!`` It just fills me with joy and accomplishment!

    This was me, too! Except, you need to change it to you ARE a runner. If you run, you are a runner. Usually, just being out there and knowing that I'm doing it is motivational enough to keep me going.
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    Well I am really new to any excercise. I started walking two weeks ago and now I am running walking and today I was saying 'Food is not worth this' over and over. But I think I will use the Ghandi mantra, it is far more meaningful and cool.