I think I need to be told I am fat



  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    While I'm all for making someone feel good about herself, sometimes we need a kick in the pants, right? You carry your weight very evenly, I never would have guessed 190. While I don't look at your picture and think "that girl's obese!" you obviously know you need to lose some weight or you wouldn't have written this post. Here's the reality, though and I'm giving it with love and respect... I'm about your height and if I ever saw 190 on the scale I'd be much more than a little unhappy. In fact I hit 140 last year and was VERY unhappy because I was about to fall into the "overweight" category. That was my wake up call and the moment I got into action.

    Don't let people convince you of something you know is untrue. If you know you're overweight and are unhappy about it, do something. Do it for you because you know that 190 at 5'3" isn't healthy no matter what people tell you. Good luck on your journey, wherever it takes you.
  • lean4life2
    I don't think you look obese at all! I understand the feeling though of feeling like you look great then seeing yourself later in a pic. Keep up the good work, you look fabulous.

    thank you
  • GhostPack
    GhostPack Posts: 197 Member
    Focus on tight, Not on fat. Tight like... Tighten up the body, not... man these pants are tight.
  • sweettthings
    sweettthings Posts: 157 Member
    You look like you have a lot of muscle under some padding. You do not look morbidly obese.
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    Some people think they are much bigger than they are,I think I have the opposite problem,I think/feel that I am smaller than I am.
    I wore this outfit the other night and felt so good,then I see the picture and am like ...not feeling so good.
    I weigh 190 and need to lose at least 40 lbs to be even close to a healthy BMI(more like 50+) ,but my motivation lately has been less than stellar,the working out,running ect is great I work out all the time,I just eat way too much :sad:
    So tell me do I look morbidly obese(I am only 5'3 so this is where I fall on the charts!)


    you are an inch taller and 14lbs lighter than me...you are NOT fat. I would LOVE to look as good as you do in that picture. However, yes, you are most likely considered obese by BMI standards ( I don't hit overweight until like 164lbs).
  • k011185
    k011185 Posts: 320 Member
    my word, I wished my 'obese' looked like that! haha. No, you are not by any stretch morbidly obese.
  • rlmadrid
    rlmadrid Posts: 694 Member
    You honestly look far better in the picture than I expected when I read your post. I think you may be considered overweight or obese but remember that BMI isn't perfect. You likely have a good base of muscle mass to be that small and considered morbidly obese. That on it's own will be a huge help for weight loss. Stick with it, good food choices with the occasional indulgence in moderation is a sustainable lifestyle change. The hardest moment for me was realizing that 1-2lbs a week is okay.

    No one should tell you you're fat. In the same way, no one can convince you NOT to lose weight. You have made your own decision so keep that picture and show us another one in the same outfit on September 1st. You'll be amazed at what you can do :smile:
  • jpcamden
    jpcamden Posts: 45 Member
    That thing on the wall looks pretty sweet. If that was a clock it'd be amazing.
    Oh and you don't look morbidly obese or whatever. You look good. You just made this for compliments huh? :P
  • yusineddy
    yusineddy Posts: 457 Member
    Im 5'3" and weigh 188.8 right now and you look weigh thinner... wow.. goes to show how everyone's body is so different, but regardless hope you get motivated and reach your goal, after all its all about being healthier really... good luck in your journey which is so trying at times, but we can do this!
  • lean4life2
    How the hell do you look so good at 5'3" and 190? I am 5'10" and at 190 I looked like hell....you're magical. :) I understand the want to lose weight to be healthier, but you are by no means a "oh-my-god-look-at-her-butt" type of woman. ;)

    well I looked at your profile and you do NOT look like hell,I think you look amazing :happy:
    and you will notice there is no "butt" shot
  • lilimini
    lilimini Posts: 56
    I am the same! I seriously thought I was skinny. In my head - I was skinny back when I was 165lb. It wasn't until I took a photo of myself with less clothes on - that I could see just how big I actually was. Maybe you should do the same. Take a photo in a bikini or something - and then you will see that there is some work to be done.

    Don't settle for just looking ok - you can look fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    I am the same way! I feel all cute and everything and then look in the mirror! Total bummer! But you look fantastic, I'm 5'1 and 190 and look fat
  • kairisika
    kairisika Posts: 131 Member
    Are you up for brutal honesty?
    I think many of us have started to lose our sense of overweight, because so much of the population is overweight. When we compare with 'average', we often forget that the average person these days is overweight.
    I definitely don't see morbidly obese, but I definitely see overweight.

    You look like you carry your weight very similarly to me - it's evenly distributed across your body. Some people gain weight and it turns into one big beer belly, or spare tire, or huge thighs. Some people instead gain weight very very evenly, and that makes it less visible. Instead of seeing one big fat area, it's a smaller layer of fat all over. So you don't look as heavy, and it's easy to not notice the pounds for a while.
    Looking at your photo, there's no big fat area, but everything looks soft and having some extra width. Your waist doesn't go in much, but your body appears as though it naturally would. Your widest part is not at your hipbones, but below that - suggesting extra weight carried on your thighs. Your arms are extremely soft, and your wrists and hands look a bit puffy.

    So I don't think you look too bad, and you definitely carry your weight well, but you probably do have a fair bit of extra fat on your body that doesn't do you any favours, and would probably be healthier losing some of it.
  • lean4life2
    SCREW THE CHARTS! Everyone holds their weight differently. When I was 160 (I'm 5'2'') I didn't look near that, but I sure did feel like 200lbs. I'm 138lbs now and I have friends that are 160lbs, same height, that look thinner than me. Everyone carries their weight differently.

    The nice thing about you is that you look like you carry your weight all around, so not just in one area. For me I carry my weight mostly in my stomach and thighs, everything else is pretty thin. Keep doing what you're doing and force yourself to cut back on unhealthy choices and huge portions (If this really is your problem). It is hard to cut it out, but once you do, it gets easier and easier and you don't even crave the junk food anymore.

    Good luck!
    yeah the unhealthy choices are my issue,but every time I try to totally cut them out I binge :tongue:
  • Frood42
    Frood42 Posts: 245 Member
    You look a little overweight as opposed to obese.
    I don't think the top helps that you are wearing, looks a bit too old for you. :flowerforyou:

    ... I'm allowed an opinion ...

    You have some nicer profile pics though, and some cute kids in one pic (was being nosy I know)..
  • lean4life2
    I'm amazed, you carry your weight very well. I think you'll be hard pressed to find someone to tell you you're fat...
    thank you
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Honest answer: you need to lose a few pounds to look your best and healthiest. But 40 pounds seems hard to believe.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    You definitely don't look morbidly obese - but that is partly because you are lucky enough to carry your weight really well. Even overweight, you have a shape!! That means as you lose weight you will look even better.

    I was borderline obese when I started losing - a couple years ago. Lost 20 pounds, then got bored - gained a few back. Then I started here last fall, and lost 35 pounds. (So about 50 pounds total loss from my highest weight - 183 and 5' 5 1/2") I feel so awesome, and when I look back at pictures of myself, I can't believe how big I was. Like you, I didn't feel too bad about myself, I carried it well, but it was pictures of me that really made me realize I had to lose weight.

    Find a sustainable way to start losing, start working out (that is what really made it a life changer for me), and start being more and more happy about how you look! Just wait until you see skinny pictures of yourself!
  • mnlght535
    Might not be the answer you want, but you do not look obese. I totally relate to the "not liking myself in pictures thing." I have been that way for many years. As someone posted earlier, use the pictures you feel dissatisfied with as your motivation to continue to achieve the results you can be happy with. All I can say is that you do look great. Having said that, I hear those same comments from my family and friends and I just don't see it, at least in my pictures, but I too, feel confident and good about the way I look not in pictures. It's really weird for me too. Just keep doing what you are doing because you're rocking it :) Good luck with your future successes :)
  • cjkclark1
    Charts are not for the individual. You do not look morbidly obsese at all. Now, I also understand the feel of small and the look of big at 5'2", but you have to know also that a camera will do its best to make you think you are hallucinating. That saying that it adds 10 lbs is not a lie. While what we see may push and motivate us for change, please know that you are an individual, and I will encourage you to change what you see to what you actually feel, but do not believe the hype of the standardized chart. :flowerforyou:
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