Which food(s) have you given up completely?



  • nwhitley
    nwhitley Posts: 619
  • paprs
    paprs Posts: 47 Member
    I've given up frozen diet meals. I used to have a Lean Cuisine for lunch every day. It never satisfied me, and I'd end up at the vending machines a couple hours later. Now I bring a homemade lunch every day. I make sure it's something I will actually enjoy eating, around 400 calories.
  • caitlins01
    flavored creamers or syrups in coffee (they are still available milk-free)
    anything deep fried
  • ocean26
    ocean26 Posts: 122 Member
    Pizza, bagels, red meat, pretzels (trigger food), breaded chicken, pasta, french fries, frosted flakes, cheese
  • socalgirl68
    PEANUT BUTTER :sad: :sad:
  • vanessagoh
    vanessagoh Posts: 24 Member
    Soft drinks
    Fried chicken
    Fast food
    Ice cream!

    But once a while if I get the occasional craving, I'll just try to seek alternatives. Like yoghurt instead of ice cream, or filet o fish without tartar sauce! :)
  • RetroSnowflake
    I just past my two year anniversary of no soda. I stopped eating fast food at the end of June, I haven't had any since but if I have one every once in a while, I won't feel too bad (The fast food, not the soda).
  • sevsmom
    sevsmom Posts: 1,172 Member
    None. I just don't eat some of the sweets in as high a quantity as before.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I haven't given up anything. I have just learned how to eat them.
  • Shrinking_Moody
    Shrinking_Moody Posts: 270 Member
    I haven't given up anything. I'm making a lifestyle change and there is nothing I'm willing to give up for life. However - I don't eat things every day either. Moderation is working well for me.
  • chiedo_le_donne212
    chiedo_le_donne212 Posts: 32 Member
    almost all fast food , I do have pizza once a week with the family, its the kids treat for the week ,and for me.
  • Kipperdog123
    I've given up all breads, pasta, cakes, cookies, anything with sugar in it basically. I don't miss them though.
  • Maryt1961
    Maryt1961 Posts: 280 Member
    I haven't given up anything including alcohol... I have really cut back on fast foods, I have a lot more fruits/vegetables. I really take notice of what affects me scale wise the next day....like salt....thatreallyhas an affect
  • RobynMWilson
    RobynMWilson Posts: 1,540 Member
    I have ended my lifetime love affair with Reese's Cups. I dip dark chocolate in all natural PB now. And Hamburger Helper, the most convenient meal for a family. Also, Swanson Hungry Man Classic Fried Chicken...oh, how I miss thee! But don't miss how crappy I used to feel lol
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    I haven't given up anything...I just avoid GMO foods at all costs.

    My motto is "Moderation not deprivation."
  • kooltray87
    kooltray87 Posts: 501 Member
    This isn't a food, but since I've changed my eating habits NO more large Mcdonalds sweet teas :-( I used to drink them down like water.
  • katielauren2001
    katielauren2001 Posts: 171 Member
    Nothing because you only live once.
    I don't enjoy anything excessively bad, but a treat at special occasions is a must have.
    Although I do make more of a conscious decision when choosing at a restaurant.
  • KatiaClouse
    KatiaClouse Posts: 27 Member
    Soda and juice. Four Loco and Mike's Hard <everything>. Betty Crocker Helpers (you know, hamburger helper, chicken helper, tuna helper). I'll still make them for my family, but I'll eat something else. My reasoning is the same for all: "just not worth how many calories they have."

    You can try to pry the bottle of tequila from my dead fingers.
  • ocarinaoftimid
    Pizza, soda, chips, fast food, anything fried, lots of unhealthy restaurant entreés. Started eating a lot of ice cream lately, gotta give that back up sometime, too. Well, eat less of it at least. Gave up red meat, too, but that was was a decision I made back when I was in middle school.
  • MeganDominique
    MeganDominique Posts: 229 Member
    Gluten , dairy and 90% of starches including potatoes, anything processes , fast food with the exception of subway salads