Most embarrassing "fat" moment....



  • alisiaendris
    alisiaendris Posts: 213 Member
    My daughter pointed out a woman in the mall and said "Look Mommy! That lady looks just like you!" I replied, "Oh, because she has brown hair like me?" My daughter said, "No, because she is really fat too." I was mortified that those words came out of my child's mouth and horrified that my daughter saw me that way as the woman was at least 100 pounds heavier than me. I knew it was time for a change.

    So, a few things about that:
    1) At least she said it quietly.
    2) We had a talk about how words hurt and using polite words.
    3) My daughter did apolagise after, on her own accord. Not the I-am-saying-I'm-sorry-because-my-Mom-is-making-me kind of apolagy.
  • Rosa1213
    Rosa1213 Posts: 456 Member
    The first time my boyfriend saw me nude.
    I've never been obese, just a little chunky, but I still felt embarrassed for a few moments. It quickly passed, of course, but it was just one of those self-image things.

    Also, when I go shopping, I can never find my size of pants. It's like all they carry is 6's. And I know for a fact that I will never ever be a size 6, just because I'm so big and tall.
  • Bermudabarbie
    Bermudabarbie Posts: 568 Member
    Bump for later.
  • MisterIncredible
    MisterIncredible Posts: 8 Member
    There was a girl I really liked back in high school. One of my friends happened to be friends with her as well. Since I wasn't too comfortable in asking girls out, I had him call her - while I was listening in - to put in a good word for me. (Pathetic, I know.)

    They talked for a bit and then he brought me up in conversation. She admitted that she didn't know who I was.

    He said, "You know, the funny guy I hang out with...blond hair, blue eyes, spare tire."

    I couldn't believe he said that! I laugh about it now, but back!!!!
  • obrendao
    obrendao Posts: 318
    Pants split up my crack when I was 10. Granted, I was letting kids jump on me and I would flip them over my shoulder, Aikido-style.

    Oh, and then in 9th grade, I was 13, and my weightlifting coach came over to me, telling how impressed he was that I was able to dead-lift more than half of the BOYS.

    Nothing like growing up a "husky" girl. :sad:
  • cbferriss
    cbferriss Posts: 122
    When the toilet stall was so tight, I couldn't bend around to clean myself. I had to sneak into the handcap stall after so I could reach my parts.
  • scott1646
    scott1646 Posts: 110 Member
    When I went from a size 36 to a size 50 in less than 3 months. I have a spine related condition, that was so bad, I was not able to fully stand up, I had to lay down almost all day, just to keep down the pain, I was on 4 types of meds to help with the pain and instead of making food like I normally did, I would have my parents buy me fast food, twice a day.

    When I went back to work, I had to buy new clothes and I swear half the people I worked with didn't even recognize me at first.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    Mine was when my boyfriend told me he wasn't sexually attracted to me anymore.... talk about a devastating blow to your ego!!

    Been there, done that.

    He also said it again recently. Some people just have messed up ideals :frown:
  • iammegs
    iammegs Posts: 38 Member
    1. Fit girls openly flirting with my BF in front of me

    2. Same as many other posters, I've had the seat partner problems on airplanes. The worst, though, was on a packed Southwest flight - the last people getting on were complaining loudly to each other that the only spots left were in the middle next to fat people.

    3. Losing weight previously, a friend asked about three months in whether I'd lost weight. She got really excited when I said yes, and encouragingly asked, "How much!?" When I said 25 pounds, her face and comments turned to disbelief. Talk about motivation to get to a point where 5 pounds is noticeable, let alone 25!

    I feel fortunate I've never noticed the booth problem. This has really opened my eyes though, as there are others in my family larger than me, and I NEVER considered the hostess' "Booth or table?" question from that perspective. I feel awful now for all the times I requested booth with those family members!
  • Derpina7
    Derpina7 Posts: 552 Member
    I had an ex that was a bit emotionally abusive, we'd play wrestle a lot so that was fine, but one day he wrestled me and lifted me onto a scale to see how much I weighed.. That moment has always stuck with me. :(
  • I told my ex I was turning vegan and he said, "Well that should help with that." and poked me in the stomach.

    He was an *kitten*.

  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    When I was 16 and a lot smaller, my stepdad stopped me in the hallway and said: no guy is ever going to love you if you look like that. I was shocked and bottled up the bitterness/anger from that. He would also comment on my eating all the time. If we were out somewhere he would glare at me and watch me eat. He would sigh heavily if what I was eating was not what I should have been eating in his mind. He would always say: Are you sure you should be eating that? I think you've had enough.

    I dated a guy for a little bit and he saw a picture of me from a few years ago in Hawaii. He looked closely at it and announced: Wow you were so much skinnier then! My eyes got big and I walked away. As soon as he was done saying that he realized what he had said and said he was sorry over and over. I knew he was right...still hurt though.

    I like to go out with friends sometimes and I've had this happen once or twice where I'll be minding my own business and one or two guys will come up to me and pretend to flirt with me. Then they go back to their group of friends and laugh about it. Or they'll be sitting in a group and I walk by with my friend when they'll stop me and point to another one of their guy friends and say: hey, he wants to date you or something to that effect. Then they all laugh about it. I mean...why would you do this?

    I went to the zoo with my friend and we were walking out to the parking lot to get back to my car. The car next to mine had two people sitting in it and as I went to open my driver's side door to get in, they started reversing the car. I kind of made a face like why are you pulling out now when you see me about to get into my car and closed my door so it wouldn't hit their mirror. Then I hear the passenger's side window roll down and a lady yells out: we were backing out so you could get into your car you fat *kitten*!
  • I've had quite a few. Just like everyone else. One of the things that stuck out with me the most was when I was in Jr. High and I walked into a classroom to give a teacher something -- and two guys in the class started making "crushing" noise every time I took a step. Like I made the earth rumble because I was walking. It stuck with me for a long long time. I was probably 12/13 and am 26 now.

    Recently -- I found out I had a nickname at the company I was working at. Between the head of marketing, President, CEO and CFO. Which was "the cow" -- I've lost 111 pounds in the time I've been working there. I've been through hell and back..yet they still call me the cow. Grown men. I've been through so much since then..the fact that I was "fat" didn't bother me. The fact that I'm amazing at what I do was pushed aside because of my weight. It digs at your soul sometimes.
  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    on my birthday some guy called out of his car 'you're fat'. my friend pretended she didnt hear (which i'm actually thankful for, i was always too embarrassed by my weight that i never wanted to talk about it) and proceeded to buy me a coffee.

    way to ruin a birthday..

    People are such jerks!! I had that happen to me when I was out JOGGING (hello I'm trying to do something about it!) but on your birthday?? That's rough. :(
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    When I was in 7th grade, I wore a bathing suit for the first time that I borrowed from a similar sized friend. I have always had cellulite. As I climbed up the ladder in front of her (at her insistence) to get in the pool, she said, "hey, your legs look like cottage cheese!"

    I shrugged it off the best I could, embarrassed but pleased it was just us.

    The worst part was going to school the next day and overhearing her tell another friend, "I found out why Kristena doesn't wear shorts... she has cottage-cheese legs". They both snickered and I still haven't worn shorts outside of my own home.
  • SquidNebula
    SquidNebula Posts: 107 Member
    When I was in middle school boys would come up to me and ask me out on dates.
    They would immediately run over to their little packs of friends and laugh and point at me.
    It was a little game they liked to play and they did it nearly every day.
  • Serafimangel
    Serafimangel Posts: 174 Member
    Ok, have never been asked if I was pregnant, my weight is more *kitten* & thighs.
    My one, freshers week, walking home with a few new and old friends. A drunk guy walks past and says 'you have a huge *kitten*'. I was a UK 14 (US 10). I was anorexic a few years before that and had been made to gain from a UK 6, that comment DID NOT help. I want back to my room in halls and cried. Am now a UK 10 :D
  • When a co-worker asked me in a meeting with 8 other people, "Are you pregnant or just bloated?" Worst day ever!
  • ViRoot
    ViRoot Posts: 15 Member
    I've had quite a few. Just like everyone else. One of the things that stuck out with me the most was when I was in Jr. High and I walked into a classroom to give a teacher something -- and two guys in the class started making "crushing" noise every time I took a step. Like I made the earth rumble because I was walking. It stuck with me for a long long time. I was probably 12/13 and am 26 now.

    Recently -- I found out I had a nickname at the company I was working at. Between the head of marketing, President, CEO and CFO. Which was "the cow" -- I've lost 111 pounds in the time I've been working there. I've been through hell and back..yet they still call me the cow. Grown men. I've been through so much since then..the fact that I was "fat" didn't bother me. The fact that I'm amazing at what I do was pushed aside because of my weight. It digs at your soul sometimes.

    I'm still surprised at how those individuals got to be in their position, but I know they will not last long. I also know that you're an amazing artist and person who will be remembered by many! Their memory will live on through us and our kids on how NOT to treat others.

    It is important to be physically healthy - this helps us be productive members of society - helps us raise our kids and handle the stress of everyday life - helps us pursue our dreams whatever they may be - but it's also important to be mentally healthy. And I can tell you that being told I'm ugly because of my weight never made me feel calm. It made me sad, angry, or anxious.

    If anything good can come out of these stories of abuse, it's that we have the power to speak up for those who are being bullied. The illusion that some are better than others is one that we can work to stand against. Sometimes we aren't the focus of ridicule, but I hope that we all are brave enough to stand up against what we know to be morally wrong.
  • RealMattHopkins
    RealMattHopkins Posts: 75 Member
    I am already built like a pro-wrestler at 6'3 and relatively thin at 240lbs but imagine me now at 326lbs. I had the horrible rollercoaster moment last month. I am often too tall in the torso for alot of rides but at this one, it was simply the size of my rear end. LOL. I can't have that happen next season.

    The worst though, for me, is sweating. Since I put all this weight on, I notice I sweat constantly. It's embarassing to look like you've just run a marathon when you actually just walked down the street.