Most embarrassing "fat" moment....



  • janicesweetness
    same for me here2 years ago. But I was determined to ride it becauss I was in line for an hour waiting to get the front row so another big guy that worked there had to sit on the handles so that it would lock in. The ride lines were packed and everyone saw me cus we held up the ride. :blushing: I laughed it off but I was mortified
  • krim12
    krim12 Posts: 102
    On my sons first day of kindergarten the teacher had the kids down on the mat talking to them about this or that and out of the blue my son told that she was fat just like his mom....i think we both wanted to crawl into a hole.

    another time when we were at wal-mart my son told the ppl behind us that "his mom has too much body fat" I thought i was going to die.
  • lalaCNSbFS
    I've had many fat moments. From getting called grabbing a size of jeans that you think fit and think are a big enough size, but turns out they are still too small. :(

  • popzork
    popzork Posts: 78 Member
    I've been reading these for the last couple of days! Heartbreaking!

    A couple of years ago, I was out shopping for Mother of the Bride and Mother of the Groom dresses with my daughter and her soon to be Mother in Law. Both of them are size 2. I was a 14-16 at the time.

    I was having a hard time finding a dress and my daughter was trying to help. We were in one of those stores where one side was regular and the other was plus. She picked out a dress from the plus side and handed it over into my dressing room and said "Here Mom - this is a 16 Wide - it might fit better! (she thought the dresses were like shoes and the W meant wide) - Maybe it does...

    Later that afternoon, her and her future Mother in Law were trading size 2 dresses back and forth in a different store while I sat on the bench holding the bags.... I was so sad that day.
  • Pink_Tina
    Pink_Tina Posts: 164
    Many many years ago, I overheard my ex-husband talking to his sister on the phone. He was asking her advice on how to get me to start working out (without me knowing), because he didn't want me to get "any fatter." When I confronted him, he said "Don't you want to look good for me? I like it when you look good on my arm when we go out."

    I was both highly embarrassed and royally P.O'd. I ended up walking around with added layers of clothing on to hide my "fat" (I was 5'4 and 145 lbs then!) and eating more just to spite him. Stupid-stupid-stupid decision, I know, but I was also stupid to marry a mentally abusive idiot like that too.

    The bad news is I am currently trying to take off that extra weight and some. The good news is my current husband is nothing at all like my ex. :)
  • rdyne1
    rdyne1 Posts: 53
    When the biggest size clothing I had ever even tried to fit into (as a joke from a friend) turned out to be too small on me, and the look on my friends' faces when they realised at the same moment as me how much weight I'd put on. Mortifying doesn't even cover it.
  • roughneckswife
    roughneckswife Posts: 341 Member
    I had my gall bladder removed, when I was coming to they were moving me to another bed and I heard them say "another heavy one, good thing we've got the strong arms today"
    I wanted to DIE!!
  • MakeMeHealthy
    The most embarrassing moment for me (caused by my weight) was not one, but three evens occurring in the same day. It was my little brother's birthday and my family, him and some friends of his were going to the local amusement park. We first got there and were told to step on the scale at the entrance to get weighed for our all day wrist band passes saying that we could ride all the rides. Everyone stepped on individually and moved on... then came me. I stepped on the scale and the man working the machine motioned over to his fellow employees to come over and they smirked at me while trying not to laugh hysterically. I knew what they were going to say,but I certainly did not want to believe this was actually happening to me. That's when the man told me that I was under their weight limit by 3 pounds for one of the rides and he told me not to eat anything too heavy before a ride or at all that day for that matter. My family tried to be supportive, but my little brother and his friends began laughing and teased me about it that entire day, referring to me as Biggin'. While at the amusement park I went to the restroom where they had a scale that took quarters. I wanted to see how much I weighed because I had not had a scale a home at that time. So, I put in my fifty cents and stepped on. One by one people began to crowd around to watch the obese teenager weigh herself. Some people were even arrogant enough to take pictures of me on the scale. I stepped off and ran back to the group. On our way home we stopped at the outlet mall where we could buy some back to school clothing. My brother and his friends agreed that it was appropriate for us to shop at Aeropostale. We get into the store and I head toward the jeans. I look for my size as the store employee (a size zero) approaches me. She asks what size I am looking for and I tell her. Then she giggles and says they don't carry clothing for heavy set people. I rush out and wait for everyone else to finish their shopping and I am forced to explain the situation to everyone in the car on the way home. They just laugh along as my little brother and his friends call me Biggin' again.
  • rogerbosch
    rogerbosch Posts: 343 Member
    On a perfect photo-shoot day and then afterwards looking at those photos that had me in it… That was the day I decided I had to lose weight
  • whitterbugCo

    My most embarrassing moments has to be the carnival/amusement park rides. I barely fit on one and that when I stopped going to amusement parks with friends. I was 17 at the time. That's ALL my friends wanted to do. So due to my weight and fear, I missed fun opportunities. Now, 21, I would love to go with my BF and his daughter (3) to a carnival or amusement park but fear I would be the one who gets to just stand and watch.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    Too many to mention. I love this thread, though, it shows that the pain of being overweight is truly universal.
  • LouiseRose92
  • xLexa
    xLexa Posts: 482 Member
    I have had a few...

    standing with my friend waiting on a cab and some drunken .... said you two ladies should join weightwatchers! Well sadly for him my friend is very quick. Slapped him with a few comments and left him standing with his jaw dropped in disbelief lol

    One of the kids from my class... we were playing baseball... overheard him saying, she could hit a home run with her belly lmao

    Kids REALLY do not lie!
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    my doctor thought i might have worms because of the strange marks on my stomach.
    she was a new doctor it was her first week.
    they were just my stretch marks.

    OMG where did that doctor go to school or get her degree that she didn't know what a stretch mark was???
  • LisaLouisiana
    LisaLouisiana Posts: 145 Member
    But the defining moment that happened to me was that I had tried getting pregnant for almost 6 months. I couldn't, so I visited my doctor, and she told me I had to lose 50 pounds before she'd even CONSIDER giving me fertility meds because of my weight.

    I've actually lost enough already that I am ovulating for the first time in my life, but I don't ever want my weight to be an issue again, so I've put off getting pregnant until next July and I'm working on getting my body right before then.

    What you're doing is awesome! Sometimes things that hurt us actually are good for us.....we learn from them. By waiting to get pregnant until you loose some weight, you're now learning how to eat properly and this is what you're going to teach your child! That is a huge gift to you, your husband and your future children! You're going to raise that child/those children with a healthy attitude towards food and they will have an awareness that most people don't have. You won't bring them to fast food joints and give them colas starting at a very young age and you'll talk about why you don't want to bring your family there. They will understand it's not healthy for them. In reality, right now, you are starting what could be good health not just for you, but for generations after you. It's truly a beautiful thing!
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    Well there is the common courtesy aspect of allowing room for the other vehicle to open his door so he can drive home. If the OP couple used your strategy the first driver would have been stuck.

    That's assuming the driver of the other vehicle was overweight.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    The most embarrassing moment for me (caused by my weight) was not one, but three evens occurring in the same day. It was my little brother's birthday and my family, him and some friends of his were going to the local amusement park... They just laugh along as my little brother and his friends call me Biggin' again.

    I can't believe your parents (whom I'm assuming were there based on your above statement) didn't step in and put a stop to that! Unacceptable! I'm so sorry :(
  • LisaLouisiana
    LisaLouisiana Posts: 145 Member
    I took my kids to see a rodeo in a coliseum and not only could I not fit my butt between the old armrest, I cut my jeans on it. In the end, I managed to squeeze myself into what felt like a trap and I had one son on each side of me....they were thin and didn't need all of their seats, but I knew I had cut my pants and I just died inside.

    Then there was the time a friend sent me a picture she took at a horse show we had gone to and when I looked at it, I recognized a friend of ours, but not the absolute grotesquely obese woman standing next to him.....and then realized that was actually me. If you go to my profile and look at my pictures, that picture is the one with the horse in the picture. I cried like a baby when I saw it, but that was the moment I sucked it up and took control. The day I saw that picture was the day I started on my weight loss journey.
  • cuarrech
    cuarrech Posts: 118 Member
    I was walking in the bus station in Seattle Metro, a guy across the station yells across "YOU FAT *****!" and laughs.

    I was pregnant with my daughter and my grandmother-in-law came up to me and said "Are you pregnant or just fat?"

    Along similar lines, I was 8 months pregnant with my son, and a woman asked me if I was pregnant. At 8 months pregnant, she wasn't sure. And my son was big, he was 11 1/2 pounds when he was born.

    I was walking in the evening with my newborn daughter strapped to me, bunch of guys in their car yell something about "fat", they pull a U-turn at the light 1/4 mile away and start gunning it towards me and yelling more. I ran into an apartment complex and hid. That was more scary than embarrassing. And it happened again, in a completely different town, when my daughter was 3 and we were out walking. I had to hold her mouth shut while we were hiding in the bushes waiting for them to go away.
  • Sharon_73
    Sharon_73 Posts: 189 Member
    I have been single for 10 years now following a bad marriage and even worse divorce! A few years ago I was talking to someone who I thought was a friend and saying how much it upset me to still be single. She said it "must be hard at your age to be big and a plain jane" and maybe my doctor could" change the way I look and then men might be interested."