10 by Turkey Day!



  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Congratualtions to all the losers this week!!

    I'm not one of them though... I've been stuck at 203 for 2 weeks now. Not even the slightest budge in the scale.:sad: I think it's cause my TOM is almost here... I just got over it on the first weigh in when I lost 4 pounds... Does it affect anyone else like it does me? It seems like I don't lose much til the week after TOM and then I lose some. I can pretty much forget losing the week before... strange.

    ANYWAY.... here's my stats:

    SW: 245
    TDSW: 207
    CW: 203
    TDGW: 197

    Early good luck to everyone for next week! I hope I can pull a good number to make up for the last 2 stagnant weeks!!:bigsmile:
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    Congrats to all the losers!!! :laugh: :drinker: :laugh:

    I lost ONE big one since last Thursday! :grumble:
    Well....... haven't been very focused.

    I hear ya Chocolate Mini Girl!!! :smokin: :sad:
    Damn raisins keep calling my name!
  • brewwerks2
    Ok, I somehow missed a week of reporting. So here is my stats:
    SW: 130
    1st week - lost 1 lb
    2nd week - stayed the same
    3rd week - lost 1/2 lb

    I am not actually showing a 1/2 lb loss on my scale, my food diary says it is so!! My weight has been fluctuating up and down from day to day, hour to hour. I took a shower and weighed 1/2 different before and after.
    Do others have this trouble?
    I see some people have tenth of lbs on their weight loss. what kind of scale do you have that weighs in 10th of lbs? Mine does 1/2 lbs increments only and I would like one that is more acurate.
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    Ok, I somehow missed a week of reporting. So here is my stats:
    SW: 130
    1st week - lost 1 lb
    2nd week - stayed the same
    3rd week - lost 1/2 lb

    I am not actually showing a 1/2 lb loss on my scale, my food diary says it is so!! My weight has been fluctuating up and down from day to day, hour to hour. I took a shower and weighed 1/2 different before and after.
    Do others have this trouble?
    I see some people have tenth of lbs on their weight loss. what kind of scale do you have that weighs in 10th of lbs? Mine does 1/2 lbs increments only and I would like one that is more acurate.

    I do have a Weight Watcher Scale. I really don't "trust" it ...I weigh myself every morning and...I have to step on it around 5 times to get an "average" of what I really weigh. With every step on it ..it goes up & up. I hate it. My hubby said the when the battery is low the scale reads low....haha:laugh: He's such a Ham. You could always buy a scale at Walgreens or somewhere & return it if it doesn't fit your needs. My weight fluctuating a lot too mostly because I'm too lazy eat healthy all the time. But were are really doing well despite the scale because really should loose slow so our skin doesn't get flabby:tongue:
  • brewwerks2
    I really like that reason not to lose weight too fast....since I am over 40 I need to be aware of the inelasticity of my skin....:wink:
  • nicole_a
    I hope everyone's weeks went well! Weigh in tomorrow, only only 2 left!!
  • jess1304
    I'm in! It's been really hard to lose weight lately but this motivates me to try harder...thanks!
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    First to weigh in today!!!:tongue:

    SW: 245
    TSW: 207
    Last Week: 203
    CW: 201
    TGW: 197

    Down 6 pounds! I doubt I'll lose 4 next week (I really hope I can, but I need to be realistic, too.. lol) but I'll be just as excited to see a 1 in front of my weight! I haven't seen the 190s in 5 years.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    :laugh: I'm still eating mini chocolates but have reduced my calorie intake to afford them.

    Yeahhhh I've lost 2 lbs this week. I havent seen the 150's since 10+ years ago:heart::drinker: :heart: Thank you Nicole for making this thread keep me motivated:flowerforyou:

    (SW: 183)
    10/22 STchallenge Invite: currently was 163
    10/29 Week 1 Weigh-In: 160.6
    11/5 Week 2 Weigh-In: 160.0
    11/12 Week 3 Weigh-In: 159.2
    11/19 Week 4 Weigh-in: 157.2

    :drinker: I've lost 5.8 lbs since I started this Turkey Challenge.

    Today I weigh 157.2

    T-Giving Goal: 153
  • amcmamcm
    Congrats to Blondie925 and IKnowICan! :drinker:

    As for me, I stayed the same:grumble:
    I did keep up the exercise this week, but I had two really bad days calorieswise, so I guess I should be happy with no gain...

    SW 165
    1st week (-3) 162
    2nd week (-2) 160
    3rd week (-2) 158
    4th week 158
    GW 155

    Only one week left! Good luck to all!
  • nicole_a
    Well done Blondie925 and IKnowICan!!

    After a huge week last week, I only lost -.5 this. Yes, its better than nothing, but I was hoping for a bigger number! I sort of knew that I wouldn't have a big week this week, because anytime I lose more than 2lbs in a week, I end up not losing the following week (my body needs to catch up with itself?).

    Anyway, I've got 3lbs left to reach my goal of 10 by Turkey Day. I really want to do everything in my power to reach it since it I am so close! I am traveling to NYC this weekend so it'll be hard, but I am going to try and make good food choices and workout daily!!

    Challenge SW 186
    This week (-.5) 179
    GW 176

    One week left and 3lbs to go!! Good luck to everyone, lets give it everything we have this week! I can smell the Turkey already!!!!!!!
  • brewwerks2
    SW: 130
    1st week - lost 1 lb
    2nd week - stayed the same
    3rd week - lost 1/2 lb
    4th week - lost 1/2 lb

    so much for the 2 lbs a week, but i can say i'm happy for the weight to be moving down at all. I am typically having one day a week of too many calories that blows my chances to losing more than a half a pound. sigh.....:drinker:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hope everyone is doing good...Turkey day is almost here.

    I thought i wasn't going to make my goal as i had a few bad weeks...but this morning i was 293.7 and my goal was 293.1....only .6 lbs to my goal...I may make it...i just may.

    I will take 9.4 lbs though
  • nicole_a
    Happy Turkey Day everyone!!! The day has finally come, and I hope everyone had great last weeks on this challenge! I lost 2 lbs this week, for a total loss of 9 lbs on this challenge! I did not reach my goal of an even 10, but I'll take 9 any day!!

    TD SW: 186
    CW: 177

    My next goal is losing 10lbs by New Years - which is exactly 5 weeks away from today!! But I wont think about that until tomorrow, because today I am going to be thankful and indulge!!

  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Congratulations Nicole! 9 pounds in a month is great anyway.. thanks for the challenge! It's really helped me a lot..

    TD SW: 207
    CW: 200.5

    I lost 6.5 pounds. I'm happy with it! The only thing I'm upset about is yesterday for a mini-Thanksgiving celebration some of my boyfriend's family had pizza and cookies... and I didn't eat but one slice of pizza but it had 400 calories!:noway: Than I got home and my parents had pumpkin pie cooked.. I ate some of that too. So I think had I not ate that I would have been under 200 today! Actually, I'm pretty positive of it. But anyway, I'm going to enjoy today and be happy knowing that the only thing keeping the scale from reading 19? is the sodium I ate yesterday.

    Good luck everyone and have a Happy Thanksgiving!
  • barbarella
    barbarella Posts: 609 Member
    HAPPY THANKSGIVING EVERYONE!!!! :heart: :love:
    We made it !!! .......... no matter how we did, there is always tomorrow! :bigsmile:
    New Years Challenge Nicole????

    Congrats to Nicole for 9 lbs. and Blondie for 6.5 lbs.!!! Great job you two! :flowerforyou:

    I'm at the same place: 160! I've been going up & down from 159-161.
    At least I'm stuck in a lower range than I have been for months. :love:

    ENJOY ALL!!! :love: :flowerforyou: :love:

    In case you haven't seen this thread, it's a good one, esp. for today!
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Well..didn't make my 10 lbs, but i did do 7 1/2 lbs. I will take that..
  • 1Sweets
    1Sweets Posts: 395
    Hello Everyone....Happy (Post) Turkey Day! I didn't have time to post yesterday bc It was so crazy here...but I did have time to weigh myself & think of you all :)

    I hate this new website version....I didn't know how to find you as fast as usual :sad:

    Anyway....I hosted Turkey Day at my house this year and boy am I exhausted! I worked like a dog for weeks to prepare my house, yard & food. OK well not so much food. I was so nervous bc my in-laws were coming ...that I didn't eat all day until Turkey Dinner time. I ate a normal small portion bc I was so hyper from cooking & running the show so that was good I guess but I am soooo tired...it's like the train came to a stop. I regret to say I did not make the 10 lb mark. But I did loose a good amount considering I've only been loosing 5 lbs a month for ever. So I'm very happy. Of course in-laws didn't notice or say anything about my 28 lb lose thus far. (Wouldn't want to compliment me nooooooo)

    (SW: 183)
    10/22 STCW Invite: currently was 163
    10/29 Week 1 Weigh-In: 160.6
    11/5 Week 2 Weigh-In: 160.0
    11/12 Week 3 Weigh-In: 159.2
    11/26 Week 4 Weigh-In 155.0

    :heart: I've lost 8 lbs since I started this Turkey Challenge.

    Let's do a Christmas or News Year Challenge bc if not that pie in the kitchen is gonna win:bigsmile:
  • Lisa0711
    Lisa0711 Posts: 1,405 Member
    Hey everyone! I really wanted to have a New Years Challenge myself, so I just went ahead and created one. It's basically the same as this one.. 5 weeks until New Years (from today) and the goal is to lose 2 pounds a week for these next 5 weeks. I thought there wouldn't be a better time to do it than now since it's the 5 week mark.. here's the link!


    Nicole - thanks again for making this challenge, it helped so much! I'm hoping the New Years one will help too. Hopefully we can all reach our 10 pound goals since we know exactly what we're getting ourselves into this time!! lol

    Congrats to all who lost weight!
  • amcmamcm
    I am back home and happy to report that this morning I was 155:bigsmile:

    I have reached my goal of 10 lb, and it is already after Thanksgiving, so I only have to worry about Christmas and new Year's dinners...

    Congratulations to everyone that lost during the challenge :drinker:

    SW 165
    1st week (-3) 162
    2nd week (-2) 160
    3rd week (-2) 158
    4th week 158
    5th week (-3) 155
    GW 155