

  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    I would like to have my favorite foods/recent foods & recipes in alphabetical order

    Absolutely this. (And I've only been doing this for 5 weeks.)

    Also, and maybe this is just me, I'd like to do away with the screen announcement that comes after completing my daily entries. The one that says, 'if you continue doing the same thing, in 5 weeks you'll weigh such-and-so'. Even on my best days it's daunting; such a long time with such a seemingly tiny weight drop.
  • spiregrain
    spiregrain Posts: 254 Member
    I'd like it if the app on my iPod touch would "know" that I kept logging my food every day that I was camping out of range of any internet, instead of resetting my log and making me jump through hoops to get it back to where it should be.

    I'd like to have a thing in my settings where I can get a notification when someone quote-replies to something I have said in a thread, or at least the ability to go back to the part of the thread where I responded with a single click (like in my commenting history?) and see if anyone responded to me without having to flip through sometimes 20+ pages of thread.

    I'd like to be able to track more macros. I always want to know my iron levels, calcium levels, and sodium levels. I'd like if the carbohydrate macro showed me how many of my carbs were from sugar and how many of my carbs were from fiber.

    I'd like it if the cardio exercises took into account my body mass and whether I am carrying weight with me and what the terrain is, surely these things make a noticable difference? I use "walking carrying infant of 15 pound load" almost every day but what do I do when that infant is 25 lbs.? 35? And I wish I got credit for doing this in the extremely hilly terrain of my neighborhood! I know, I know, enter my own values. But it would be cool if you could enter like:

    minutes: 25
    mph: 3.5
    weight carried: 20 lbs
    calories burned: ?????

    Maybe a good heart rate monitor would solve this for me though? I dunno. Maybe this stuff doesn't make much of a difference?

    I'd like if in the strength training, it was easier to enter one exercise that I did in sets where each set is a different length -- I don't think most people really do 3 sets of 12 or whatever? I know I could enter the sets one set at a time but it's just clunky enough to do that where I don't want to and I just use the JeFit lifting app instead.

    Edit: & yes, agree, mfp is great and I'm not going anywhere, I love it. I so appreciate the work that has gone into it and I don't think there is ANYTHING wrong with talking about what kinds of features users would love to see if it were going to expand.
  • GottaLoveRenee
    GottaLoveRenee Posts: 30 Member
    they really need to change the create your own recipe section. You should be able to change your amounts w/o having to delete and re-search for it, like you can in your food diary.

    This and definitely a "Like" button.
  • juliezum
    juliezum Posts: 92 Member
    I would prefer that it didn't add my exercised calories back into my daily allowance.
  • Jweb8969
    Jweb8969 Posts: 136 Member
    i have to say that i also would love to be able to access everything from my phone - and to see a different 'charting' of exercise implemented because i have also created an excel spreadsheet to keep track of my exercise so i can see it more clearly. OH, and the ability to delete a post or comment would be FABULOUS!!! i hadn't even thought of those!! :) you all ROCK!!

    having said that . . . . it's nice that we all agree that mfp also rocks . . . i can't even imagine all of the hours it takes to program and maintain the site . . . but we can all use some 'constructive criticism' now and again, right? ;)

  • HardyGirl4Ever
    HardyGirl4Ever Posts: 1,017 Member
    Notifications (like on the iPod)
    I know that there are email notifications, but really who wants an email as an notification especially if you have a lot of friends.

    Forums available through app.

    The option to flag a food for deletion.
    There are so many duplicates of the same food and most of the have the wrong calorie count.

    You can get notifications via email? I've been wishing they had that. How do I get hooked up? I don't get any email notifications. :-(
  • HeatherLeahxx
    HeatherLeahxx Posts: 156 Member
    to be able to 'like' a comment like on fb
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    It would be nice to be able to subscribe to particular threads to be able to follow the discussion more easily. All the threads you're interested in could show up right on your home page when they're updated.
  • ArtGeek22
    ArtGeek22 Posts: 1,429 Member
    Being able to access the forums through the phone app.

    ^^ THIS!!! And a "Like" button :smile:
  • rebeccasedwards
    Adding pictures. I'l love to show my progress but it's too confusing to even try it. So I'll share with my friends through Facebook I guess.
  • musiche
    musiche Posts: 214 Member
    I would like the ability to post photos in our new feeds.
  • ShyFeather
    ShyFeather Posts: 138 Member
    More options to customize the ticker. I wish I could have my photo on a black background instead of white.
  • musiche
    musiche Posts: 214 Member
    And notifications for when someone replies to a post (i.e., like what I'm doing right now), on one of your comments or replies to someone else's post, etc.. When someone says something to you on here, you never know unless you go back and track down all the posts/replies that you made (which sometimes is two or three pages ago!).

    So many comments go unread or missed because of this. :(
  • annadavidson1984
    annadavidson1984 Posts: 22 Member
    the ability with food to change the numbers on the food amounts. For example, I would like to say I ate two muffins rather than have to go back and check and add each time
  • rhonniema
    rhonniema Posts: 522
    Notifications (like on the iPod)
    I know that there are email notifications, but really who wants an email as an notification especially if you have a lot of friends.

    Forums available through app.

    The option to flag a food for deletion.
    There are so many duplicates of the same food and most of the have the wrong calorie count.

    You can get notifications via email? I've been wishing they had that. How do I get hooked up? I don't get any email notifications. :-(

    settings -> email prefrences
  • cersela
    cersela Posts: 160 Member
    Forum Stickies! There are so many of the same questions being asked over and over and there are some decent replies buried.
  • nwilson91
    Having a list with all food items I used so far not only resent or per meal ... I mean if I eat raspberries one day as AM snack it's likely that another day I eat them again but maybe after dinner ... I find it extremely tiring to search again and again generic raspberries in the database.

    Also I find it absurd that if I search generic article such as egg that I have to scroll through all type of eggsalads and other food that might contain eggs till I finally reach egg, raw ... Generic raw food, fruit, chicken etc should always be the first option for people who actually need all incredients for a recipe instead of opening a branded ready meal.

    Totally ^this^, plus, how about sorting new searches by most confirmations? No offense y'all, but some of y'all can't seem to read a package, and I hate having to sift through 8 people's "Amy's Cheddar Cheese Burritos" to find the one that actually matches the info on the package.

    Also, it kills me that the progress reports on the websites aren't the same as the ones on the app. Why does my graph only show a 100lb range, when my goal is only 40lbs? My progress looks like a flat line - VERY DE-motivating.
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    add alerts.
  • mbraley92
    Maybe I'm missing this, but it would be lovely to have a graph of net calories over a week. If it takes 3500 calories deficit to lose a pound, I'd like to see where I am in that range based on my BMR, intake, and exercise! I eat about 400 calories less than my BMR, but that doesn't count into how many calories my deficit is!
  • nwilson91
    I would like to have my favorite foods/recent foods & recipes in alphabetical order

    When you click to add a food, there is an option on the right that says Sort: and there is a blue arrow. Change it from Default to By Name and it will put the list in alphabetical order :)

    * Works for recipes too

    Good to know, thanks!