alternate day fasting



  • beattie1
    beattie1 Posts: 1,012 Member
    I have been doing ADF for a few weeks now (not always religiously!) And I was wondering what everyone's opinion of eating back exercise calories on fast days was? Does that defeat the purpose of the fast and therefore it's health benefits or not? Any opinions would be greatly appreciated :)

    You don't eat back your calories on fast days, but you go over your allotted calories (calculated to lose weight) on other days, so over a week you eat what you would have if you weren't fasting. = Average out over a week.
  • fivepence
    fivepence Posts: 33 Member
    Thanks :)
  • oflibaer
    Hm, for a typical day that would be a skinny latte in the morning (130 cals), a sushi tray from Itsu for lunch (240 cals), an apple in the afternoon (50 cals) and the rest for some carefully weighted bread and cold cuts for dinner. (just can't throw that bread habbit, being German)
  • Peggy69
    Peggy69 Posts: 22 Member
    My first post on this. I've been doing this WOE on a 4:3 basis (fast Mon, Wed & Fri). Lost about 5 - 6 lbs in the first week and last week I kind of stayed the same (but did pig out a bit on feed days). Haven't seen it mentioned on this board about using a TDEE calculator ( You put in your sex, age, weight and height and how active you are and it gives you your TDEE calories per day (including the amount of exercise you do - can't eat back your exercise calories on top of this) and also your BMR calories, which is a calculation of number of calories you need to maintain your weight if you are sedentary. You need to add more calories to this number when you are active.

    I'm 5'3", 157 lbs and my TDEE is 1961 calories and BMR is 1426 calories. I think that the more weight you have to lose, the more calories will be on your TDEE/BMR.

    Also, from my experience, I find fasting until the evening meal and using them all for dinner, works best for me. By eating breakfast, it seems to start off my hunger. Get hunger pangs, but they come and mostly go.
  • Dit47
    Dit47 Posts: 3 Member
    I find that if I exercise I put on weight - no matter what I'm eating, the next day I am heavier. I have stopped doing it. I understand that research has shown that exercise does absolutely nothing for many, many people. If it doesn't do anything for you and you don't do it for enjoyment, I suggest you stop. There is no point in beating yourself up with no positive result.
    KANGOOJUMPS Posts: 6,473 Member
    join the group here IF, its great!
  • lawandfitness
    lawandfitness Posts: 1,257 Member
    Ok all this ADF talk sounds to good to be true..... so I got some questions....

    Is there anyone that has lost the weight from ADF and are now on maintanence.... I ask this because what is your plan for maintenance... Do you intend to ADF for the rest of your life??? Or are you switching back to eating daily but tracking your calorie intake?

    Also, it seems one can lose a lot of weight in a short period of time.... because of this do you have lose skin?

    Also, if you do ADF then on maintenance switch back to eating daily, by tracking your calorie intake to ensure you’re netting the same calories weekly, have you gained any back?? Or are you the same cause it is the same net calories for the whole week?? I am more interested in the long term effects of this diet then just dropping weight fast
  • Mims91
    I'm curious about the alternate day fast. Currently I starve completely on a Sunday consuming nothing but water and green tea. And then carb rotate in the week. I'd really like to try the alternate day fast. Do you think I could get away with using my 400 calories on milky teas rather than a meal? I always read about people spreading the calories around meals, but never with milky drinks, instead just opting for black coffee.

    Also, on a fast day, where would I stand with sugar free fizzy drinks? Can I have them if I count up the calories or are they not allowed?

  • ellenaj52
    ellenaj52 Posts: 18 Member
    This sounds stupid to me! Sounds like a good way to screw up your metabolism...slow and steady is much better. Why do this?
  • shesheshe20
    shesheshe20 Posts: 1 Member
    This sounds stupid to me! Sounds like a good way to screw up your metabolism...slow and steady is much better. Why do this?

    It's far from being stupid. You're only eating 500 cals for two days of the week, and the other 5 days you eat normally. There's nothing quick about this WOE. BTW, I've lost 10lbs in two weeks, but I know this will probably slow down to 1-2lbs in the next few weeks.
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    I didn't watch it, but I love fasting. I can't tell you how many times I have read to fast one or two days a week. It makes sense. Tosca Reno suggests fasting two days a week. Jenn Aniston's nutritionist said she fasts one day a week. Dolly Parton fasts one day a week. Woman's World article by a nutritionist said to fast two days a week. Countless books I have read on health say to fast two days a week. A doctor I know told me to fast two days a week. Tons of benefits, cleans your system, etc. I fasted 1 to 1.5 days once a week (ten yrs ago) and lost 50 lbs doing it. I did the Master Cleanse fast 6 mos ago and lost 17 lbs in 14 days. I only gained 5 lbs back and that was between Thanksgiving and Xmas when I was at my parent's house out of state for the holidays and pigged out. So I think that is pretty good, I am still at a deficiet from it 6 mos later. I have been eating pretty semi-healthy ever since and am only maintaining. That said, I am doing a semi fast now and eliminating junk to ease into the Master Cleanse again. Anyone who is negative here, has NEVER tried fasting. That said, discount their posts, they are uneducated guesses and not from experience.
  • S_U_M_M_E_R
    S_U_M_M_E_R Posts: 220 Member
    I want to add that I am somewhat fasting now. I am eating dinner at 5pm (used to eat dinner at 8p)and then fasting until breakfast. I am hungry at night, bc I am a huge late night snacker (I stay up til 1 or 2 am) but it is a way to burn off all my day's calories before bed, gives my system a rest and I am not consuming the extra late night calories.
  • mick92627
    mick92627 Posts: 4 Member
    So glad I read your post - I won't bother trying it now as I am sure some woman whose just been dieting for years is bound to know more about nutrition and biology than whole teams of university scientists :)

    MFP needs a 'like' button.
  • mick92627
    mick92627 Posts: 4 Member
    Day one. Starting at 251.6 lbs, 5' 10", BMI 35 and change.

    My 512 calories on down days are comprised of 2 Ensure High Protein Shakes, @ 210 cal. each and a 15oz glass of V8 Low Sodium spicy Hot Veg. Juice for another 95 cals. - total cal. 515.

    Plan is MWF down, and Tue-Thur and weekends up. And not to go crazy on up days but also not to deny myself too terribly either. If this isn't something I can do for life, it's less attractive to me.

    I know Mosley says to go low-protein for the benefits of reduction in IGF-1 and the food listed above results in 52 grams of protein for the day. I'll do some research to see if that's low enough. Am reading his book now. (The FastDiet: Lose Weight, Stay Healthy, and Live Longer with the Simple Secret of Intermittent Fasting). Read Johnson's book yesterday, (The Alternate-Day Diet: Turn on Your "Skinny Gene," Shed the Pounds, and Live a Longer and HealthierLife).
  • aidanpayne
    aidanpayne Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Mick,

    I've been alternate day fasting for about 5 weeks now, much the same pattern as yourself although I allow myself 600 cals on down days and don't really look to closely on up days.

    On down days I just eat regular food but choose low fat/calorie options, favourites are: egg white omelettes, lean ham, white fish. I usually skip either breakfast or lunch and have lots of vegetables in the evening! I find spicy food helps with keeping me satisfied, home made veggy curry with a bit of grilled chicken can be under 250 cals! also sugar free jelly and frozen berries is great for desserts!

    I've found that I get full much more easily now and that I eat much less than I used to. I also feel like it's helping me change my relationship with food for the better; I'm much better at leaving food on my plate than I use to be!

    I started at 250 lbs, 5'10'' about 5 weeks ago. I've since lost about 13 lbs.

    its really early days and I've failed at diets before but I think the psychology of this one is spot on and I'm enjoying feeling in control of my weight and I can imagine doing this long term. I can envisage dropping it to two days once I'm at a healthy weight.
  • afrosamurai04
    Hey guys,
    I just had a quick question on down-days and exercise...I'm very active running 30-35miles/week and lifting twice a week (trying to get ready for a 10K in may and break 40min again this year) and I unfortunately gained the freshman-15 last semester (lost 5lbs so far and need to lose another 10-15lbs).

    It is inevitable that I'll need to run, at least, on my down-days (usually 5 or 6 miles), and so, in that case, do I still eat just 600kcal or 1200-1300kcal (I burn roughly 600 on a 5miler and about 700 on a 6miler)? The reason I ask is because wouldn't the while daily caloric total still be around 600kcal, just like the diet requires for guys?

    Thanks for any answers!
  • queenoflaugh
    My guess is you were having trouble losing weight because you were getting too few calories overall. If were doing 1600 for 4 days, plus 500 on fast days, and 2000 once a week, your weekly calorie intake was 9400. That's an average of 1,343 spread over a 7 day period. If you were working out for an hour 3 times a week-- I'm guessing you're at least burning 500 calories or more, taking at least 1500 calories off your weekly intake. That brings you to an average of 1128-- which can very well slow down weight loss.
  • Rumik
    Rumik Posts: 86 Member
    Having a bit of a frustrating time. been doing the 5:2 fast for about a month now, and at first it was brilliant - finally got me over my plateau and got me below the "overweight" section on the BMI chart. But now I seem to have hit a wall again. I fast, drop a couple of pounds, eat normally the next day and put it all back on again. When it was working I was restricting myself to 1430 calories on my feed days, but now I'm playing around with increasing it to 1600 so it's probably that. But then, that wasn't working particularly well either. Is it just the weight of the food causing this? Or perhaps I'm just not eating enough calories on my feed days?

    Anyone have any advice?

  • debbiesolum
    debbiesolum Posts: 2 Member
    i also reccomend alternate day fisting

    I think that might leave one a bit sore...

    LMAO! Too Funny!!
  • debbiesolum
    debbiesolum Posts: 2 Member

    Is this video available online anywhere (free or for purchase)? It looks like it has been removed from YouTube

    Thank you for providing the link!