Be honest



  • porffor
    porffor Posts: 1,210 Member
    Great thread!

    I spent years putting others first, and forgot totally about myself. I've spent the last 7 years losing and keeping off weight - I had a pregnancy and breast feeding break for my now 2 year old but am now lower than I was when I fell pregnant and feels good. I'm 20lb off my lowest EVER adult weight and that also feels good.

    So for me, it's vanity and fitness for me. I want to look good and feel good and know my body is healthier than the 227 fat mum who never exercised and struggled to lift her children.
  • DetroitDarin
    DetroitDarin Posts: 955 Member
    So I lied.

    The REAL reason?

    Two months ago my wife of nearly 16 years said "The reason I don't pounce you, or come on to you is because I'm not drawn to intimacy with you. Physically, you are not somebody I'd want to do those things with"

    Move-out of the house is scheduled, next phase of my life is starting. I want to be a better me; not for her or to 'win' her back - I want to be a better me because I deserve it.

    You're moving out because she's no longer physically attracted to you?

    No - we are separating for a long list of reasons - this last part is the final piece of the puzzle. A modicum of attraction is the absolute baseline of a romantic relationship. She deserves somebody she truly 'wants/desires'. She's a wonderful woman; she and I are not wonderful together.

    I'm sure you'll find someone you are wonderful with.

    Or I won't. it's fine. Feels good. Life is...blessed. :-)
  • penguinlally
    penguinlally Posts: 331 Member
    to feel better (health issues) look better (who doesn't?) and of course to have my snacks!!!
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    I like looking good and having a nice body.

    I genuinely like to work out and see what physical limits I can take my body to.

    I've come to realize eating right makes me feel a lot better and gives me more energy.

    So when you put all that together it becomes really easy to maintain a pretty healthy lifestyle.
  • Brandicaloriecountess
    Brandicaloriecountess Posts: 2,126 Member
    I work out for two reason.

    To be able to eat more than 1500 calories a day and also to look good in outfits like the one in my profile picture.
  • amselby81
    amselby81 Posts: 150 Member
    I am working out and trying to get healthier because I want to avoid the health problems. I'm 31 and 60 to 70 lbs overweight. Heart disease and diabetes run in my family and my mom died when at the age of 60. I was just 26 when she died, and it makes me sad that she never got to see my 2nd daughter and that my first daughter was so young that she doesn't even remember her. :( So I'm doing it for everyone. I'm doing it for myself, so I can live longer and see my girls grow up and hopefully see my grandchildren. I'm doing it so that I can do more things, b/c my mom was always so heavy that she couldn't do much. There was no way that my mom could have hiked up a mountain or run a marathon or biked a trail. I currently can barely do those things, so I need to get my act together.
  • I work out and combat weight for multiple reasons:

    I'm 5'8'' and 150.6 lbs and 24 years old
    I am with in range of healthy weight however I can healthily loose even 20 more lbs... with my strong bone structure though it wont look too cute on me 142.0 is my goal

    1. For me (plain and simple)
    2. For my mirror (I want a positive reflection back)
    3. To play easy with my kids (I want the energy I had when I was Lighter)
    4. My health (I have suffered from thyroid issues and need to work hard to stay fit)
    5. My love life ( my husband says he could care less what I look like but the truth is I do care)
    6. Longevity ( unless my life is taken by a unpreventable disaster, my healthy life style should keep me around and able for a while)
    7. Someday compete ( I would like to compete in a swimsuit fitness and/or weight lifting competitions)
    8. To feel confident I my swimsuit (some times I catch myself crossing my arms as if to cover my tummy-- which is covered by my suit- it must stop)
    9. Weight loss and exercise are things I can do for me and my family
    10. Over all the reason are all for me but they also have an impact on my family.
    ---- and yes I want to fit in my jeans and all that jazz but that comes with the work that is a given.

  • SabrinaSt
    SabrinaSt Posts: 142 Member
    I work out to feel good about myself and get my tight body back.
  • LoosingMyLast15
    LoosingMyLast15 Posts: 1,457 Member
    to look hot in a 2 piece. oh and to be healthy
  • 916lude
    916lude Posts: 305
    To look good and feel good
  • tmoore_20
    tmoore_20 Posts: 49 Member
    Well I won't say I do it for my son because he probably likes my fat (in fact I'm sure he does), more cusion for him to lay on and he's 9 months so he doesn't even know I'm fat. But I will say he is a motivation for me to lose weight because he deserves a healthy, happy momma that doesn't stress about her weight.

    But I am losing weight strictly for myself. When I look back into past journals that I've written I've always let my weight hold me back. So I decided I want to look good, feel good and get my sexy back. Yeah, I want to look and feel very sexy.
  • mayberry310
    mayberry310 Posts: 146 Member
    Because I overheard someone say (at work), "Oh sure you know her, she's the funny FAT girl in the review department. She's hilarious!"

    I am funny...and I genuinely enjoy getting people laughing.

    But I would much rather overhear, "Oh sure you know her, she's the funny girl in the review department. She's hilarious!"
  • Mhaney
    Mhaney Posts: 467 Member
    in order of importance:
    -to look great naked
    -to have my ex husband imagine what I might look like naked now
  • bekahkoon
    bekahkoon Posts: 4 Member
    I'm doing this because I hate that I've been overweight for so long, but I am also doing this so my children have a good example health wise to look up to.
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    1. To maintain top physical strength
    2. Look good
    3. Feel good
    4. Help others from my experience
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    1. To maintain top physical strength
    2. Look good
    3. Feel good
    4. Help others from my experience

    How are others going to benefit from your 6pack?
  • wolfpack77
    wolfpack77 Posts: 655
    1. To maintain top physical strength
    2. Look good
    3. Feel good
    4. Help others from my experience

    How are others going to benefit from your 6pack?

    They dont.

    They benefit from the experience and trial and error it took to get it.
  • joecollins9385
    joecollins9385 Posts: 355 Member
    i want to look and feel better.
  • Totally superficial for me. I just want to look good and I don't want my kids to ever be embarrassed that they have a fat mom. I was always embarrassed of my mom and seriously can't stand the thought of my kids feeling that way about me.
  • fcp1234
    fcp1234 Posts: 1,098 Member
    1. To maintain top physical strength
    2. Look good
    3. Feel good
    4. Help others from my experience

    How are others going to benefit from your 6pack?

    They dont.

    They benefit from the experience and trial and error it took to get it.
