Do you cook differently for your family?



  • Drop_it_Like_Its_Hawt
    My kids are 8 and 11, and really picky about their foods too. Before I started getting serious about getting healthier, I'd just give in and go through drive through, rather than fight them on what to have. And, of course, as long as I was there already...yeah. Inevitable diet fail. My husband was a little adverse to the healthy eating at first too, because he didn't want a bunch of "fake" foods (all nonfat, super low cal, etc.). He was from Louisiana originally, and has a fondness for real Cokes, real fried food, real butter...etc.
    I'd say I was going to make some lean grilled catfish for us, and he'd say "Great! Let me fry up some potatoes to go with those!"

    Once I stuck to it long enough though, my husband started to realize just how serious I was, and started making some adjustments so we wouldn't be making seperate meals. We still eat rice, but it's brown instead of white, and in lower portions (while veggie portions get larger). Still use butter, but it's lowered fat butter (and not as much). I used to let him do almost all of the cooking, but now at least half of the time, I'm cooking and trying out new healthier versions of stuff I know we liked before. Usually, it goes over well (still learning though - years of fast food eating made my cooking skills rate pretty low). The kids would much rather have fast food, pizza, chicken nuggets, etc. Some nights I still give in, but at least three nights of the week, they eat what we eat. By next month, I hope to make it four nights. Then five, until they're just used to eating what we eat, period.
  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    I refuse to cook everyone different meals because they choose to be picky. I take care of meals and shopping so I choose what we all eat together. We splurge on crap once in a while OUT of the house. That is what works for us.
  • Crossfitjessi
    I usually make 2 or 3 meals. Some nights yes,I make one for myself, one for my husband and then one for our son. it makes it easier for my diet to portion meals and just cook what each person likes. They are very supportive of it though because theen they get what they want and I get my healthy meals.
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    What I cook is what they eat, or they go hungry. I try to make things most of the time that I know nobody hates or allow a couple things per person that they don't have to eat, but it's rude for them to say they don't like what I spent time making them. Also they need to learn to eat something other than mac n cheese. It's been like that here since they were born, so it's not like they have to get used to all kinds of new foods. I say if you don't eat what I make, that's fine, but no dessert and no snacks after supper. Nobody even argues about it anymore, just eats what's put in front of them...except for a few occasional veggies that aren't someone's favs and I will let them just try one bite or eat fruit instead. I am not a short order cook!:noway:
  • bulbadoof
    bulbadoof Posts: 1,058 Member
    I try to meet in the middle. If my boyfriend wants cheeseburgers for dinner, that's fine by me - I'll have mine in lettuce instead of a bun and skip the cheese. I can't force him to eat what I want to eat and it's none of my business if he doesn't care as much for his health as I do for mine. It's his life, and I'm not his mother. Maybe when I AM somebody's mother, things will be different, but for now, this works for us.
  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    I only make one meal for dinner. My husband eats what I make since I do the cooking. We do the grocery shopping together so he has input as to what we have in the house.

    I tend to not make the few things he doesn't like... but there isn't much he doesn't like which makes it a bit easier. I just make extra and he gets a larger portion than me (much larger if it's a non-healthy food). If he's still hungry he gets himself a snack.

    When kids come along unless there is a food allergy they will eat what is made. If they don't like it, it gets packed up and put in the fridge until they are hungry. Kids will eventually eat what you give them when they are hungry enough. I won't make separate meals and I won't just take them through the drive thru. You have to teach healthy habits young... I don't want my children having the same weight problems I do.
  • easycure
    easycure Posts: 152 Member
    I have always been overweight and a poor eater. Knowing this, when I had children, I have always fed them healthy stuff. I watch what they eat closely. Not to say we don't do pizza every once in a while or mcds tho. My husband is 5,9 and weighs 128 lbs.... so he needs to eat more! lol.

    Over the years, I have learned to make things that we all like and manage to keep it healthy on most days (or remake our favorites in a healthy way). Sometimes I would have to show my kids something 100 times before they would eat it!!! My kiddos are picky eaters.

    Generally what I make is what they get, altho If its something they absolutely will not touch, I don't mind giving them another healthy option occasionally. <3

    I do love to cook! I have learned to remake a ton of recipes to satisfy everyone! <3