Ketosis diet



  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    Are you eating 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight?

    Have you checked out You could look there for some tips on adding muscle mass.
    Yeah I'm meeting protein.
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    Hey guys, thanks for sharing! I appreciate all the tips and thoroughly enjoyed reading the article.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I did it and would NOT do it again... the weight came off but it was impossible for me to keep it up and I gained it all back after a year... even tho I always have eaten sensible. It's great if you want to loose for a special occasion but not great for long term - in my opinion :)
    Whoa! I can't lose anymore weight! I'm trying to gain muscle weight and it's Sooo hard.

    It makes sense why your trainer is trying to get you in ketosis then. You use less muscle for fuel in ketosis. Lots of great reading material on
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    This all sparked from some siminar he went to. He just tries to introduce me to new methods. I know he's just trying to help. It makes a difference when your trainer is also your best friend.
  • chrssyeldridge
    chrssyeldridge Posts: 47 Member
    I love this diet! I do miss pasta that's for sure.... In one month I lost 10 lbs with no exercise. So that was going from 141 to 131. That is having 30-40 net carbs a day. :flowerforyou:

    There are times that yes I have pizza or french fries but I do not have a cheat DAY I have a cheat MEAL. I feel great on this diet. The only thing I crave is starburst every great once in a while because I am a candy junkie :)

    As for drinking on this diet it will make you stall if you don't really pay attention to what your drinking. I thought all vodka was created equal and well come to find out the whipped cream flavor has a TON of carbs so it totally messed up my week. :angry: In other words stick to Crystal Light, diet sprite and good old unflavored vodka.
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    I love this diet! I do miss pasta that's for sure.... In one month I lost 10 lbs with no exercise. So that was going from 141 to 131. That is having 30-40 net carbs a day. :flowerforyou:

    There are times that yes I have pizza or french fries but I do not have a cheat DAY I have a cheat MEAL. I feel great on this diet. The only thing I crave is starburst every great once in a while because I am a candy junkie :)

    As for drinking on this diet it will make you stall if you don't really pay attention to what your drinking. I thought all vodka was created equal and well come to find out the whipped cream flavor has a TON of carbs so it totally messed up my week. :angry: In other words stick to Crystal Light, diet sprite and good old unflavored vodka.
    It's all water and green tea for me mainly. I just recently weaned myself off all sodas. Occasional beer when we are at the bayhouse! Not going to stop living and having fun!
  • trey4cubs
    ^there are a lot of people out there who make low carb their lifestyle; usually they're paleo or primal.

    fat won't make you fat as people have already stated on here. i've eaten lots of it and am still losing weight (that natural kinds found in meats and dairy and olive oil, none o' that fake vegetable or soybean oil). your body needs fat to function--your brain, cells, skin, hair, nails, etc. i don't know what caused people to become so freakin' afraid of fat but it's not bad at all.
    Yeah, I'm a nutrition junkie. I eat fat! I just stay away from saturated fats. I opt for poly and mono unsaturated fats.

    it's the trans fats that are bad not necessarily the saturated fats. here's a great site talking about saturated fats and trans fats. it's long so whenever you have the time, it's a good and educational read.

    never in my wildest day did i expect to see a link Lew's site on MFP. Then again, he has Mark Sisson on all the time.
  • cartrat
    cartrat Posts: 120 Member
    I love this diet! I do miss pasta that's for sure.... In one month I lost 10 lbs with no exercise. So that was going from 141 to 131. That is having 30-40 net carbs a day. :flowerforyou:

    There are times that yes I have pizza or french fries but I do not have a cheat DAY I have a cheat MEAL. I feel great on this diet. The only thing I crave is starburst every great once in a while because I am a candy junkie :)

    As for drinking on this diet it will make you stall if you don't really pay attention to what your drinking. I thought all vodka was created equal and well come to find out the whipped cream flavor has a TON of carbs so it totally messed up my week. :angry: In other words stick to Crystal Light, diet sprite and good old unflavored vodka.
    It's all water and green tea for me mainly. I just recently weaned myself off all sodas. Occasional beer when we are at the bayhouse! Not going to stop living and having fun!

    i hear that. i love my beer. however for now it's just plain vodka sodas or vodka and sprite zero :yawn:
  • julimonster
    julimonster Posts: 243 Member
    I have been, success, took a break and am going to go back to it to lose a last stubborn 20 lbs or so. It takes some commitment but the results really made themselves appearant in the months I was doing it! I also learned about reintroducing healthier carbs into my diet so I don't feel quite so deprived. Good luck!
  • Jones4177
    Jones4177 Posts: 136
    I do not do diets, I lost 30lbs about 2 months ago and all I did was eat what I want and exercise. I only gained because I decided not to get off my booty.
  • jshort152
    The problem with low carb diets are that although you lose an insane amount of weight, you gain it back as soon as you eat carbs again. If you maintain low carb for a period of months then you go into ketosis and burn fat but that takes a lot longer and you have no energy during it. There have also been links to heart problems and other health issues when diving into a low carb diet, hope this helps!! Let me know if you have any more questions

    Jesse Short
    ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    if you're trying to gain muscle and I assume your trainer knows this as well, why would they recommend a keto diet for hypertrophy? I'd get a new trainer if that's the case

    This. If you want to add muscle mass without losing any weight during ketosis, prepare yourself to be consuming lard by the bucketful. Low-carb isn't the answer for you.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    jshort152 is never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you

    (sorry I had to)
  • sherri928
    sherri928 Posts: 1 Member
    Yes I have. I am a Health and Fitness Teacher, Zumba Instructor and Personal Health and Diet Coach. It has to be done right to be healthy and you need to take alot of supplments to replace the simple carbs you can not take it... I have one client on my Controlled Ketosis diet and she feels amazing and lost 15 in two weeks. I call it controlled because it is healthy and good for you not like some of the others.
  • Jack3r
    Jack3r Posts: 96
    I love ketosis and low carb diets, I have lost ALL my weight from low carb. I find it much more restricting, which makes me stay on plan alot easier, none of the "oh I can fit this in" crap. So yeah, worked for me, 64lb in around 4 months.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    I love ketosis and low carb diets, I have lost ALL my weight from low carb. I find it much more restricting, which makes me stay on plan alot easier, none of the "oh I can fit this in" crap. So yeah, worked for me, 64lb in around 4 months.

    She's not looking to lose weight.
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    I have been, success, took a break and am going to go back to it to lose a last stubborn 20 lbs or so. It takes some commitment but the results really made themselves appearant in the months I was doing it! I also learned about reintroducing healthier carbs into my diet so I don't feel quite so deprived. Good luck!
    I love carbs! Healthy ones like fruits and veggies! I was a rabbit in another life lol.
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    The problem with low carb diets are that although you lose an insane amount of weight, you gain it back as soon as you eat carbs again. If you maintain low carb for a period of months then you go into ketosis and burn fat but that takes a lot longer and you have no energy during it. There have also been links to heart problems and other health issues when diving into a low carb diet, hope this helps!! Let me know if you have any more questions

    Jesse Short
    ISSA Certified Personal Trainer
    So this is NOT for me. I have 15.2% body fat and weigh to low. 118.2 lbs. The cardio is my enemy but I love it!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Ketosis is your body using dietary fat or your own body fat for fuel. What's so unhealthy about that - I thought that's what people want when trying to lose weight - burn body fat? We go into a state of it every night. And the brain runs better on a glucose/ketone combo and the heart runs better on ketones rather than glucose. Glucose is emergency fuel. Fat is what we burn at rest (but not anymore. More and more people are becoming sugar burners. Burning more sugar than fat even at rest. No wonder we want to eat all the time. Glucose "burns" up in a couple of hours and then the body wants more glucose and that's why we stay tired all day)

    Fat "burns" all day. I can down a can of full fat coconut milk and those ketones will have me bouncing off the walls at work

    Ketosis is not ketoacidosis (common in Type 1 diabetics and advanced stages of Type 2)

    I eat a high-fat diet. There are essential amino acids (protein) and essential fatty acids (fat). There is no such thing as an essential carbohydrate so glucose is NOT our preferred fuel source ( I eat glucose so my body doesn't have to work at converting protein to glucose. I can increase my carbs for a day or so, then drop them and I'm in immediate ketosis. My body burns fat like crazy now.
    Also, protein and fat are used for repair and growth so a good portion of the protein and fat calories you eat can't count as fuel (energy).

    Gain it all back? Like that doesn't happen on low-fat or low-calorie diet? All diets fail unless you count calories for the rest of your life. You have to change for life, not just temporarily. Switching to a high-fat diet let me get away from calorie counting and logging and weighing foods. I just "eye" my carbs (easy to do when you don't eat grains, flours, sugars, legumes and most fruit and dairy (only full fat diary for me!). And I get to eat a whole lot more this way. Give me bacon (uncured) and eggs (pastured) over oatmeal and fruit anyday. And my body thanks me daily for it. I have to eat a heck of a lot of fat to maintain 110lbs at 5'2"

    But N=1. We are all individuals and shouldn't have the exact same diet being pushed on us. I followed a "healthy" diet and dropped a few pounds. Whoopee. I went Primal and got my health!! Seeing my weight go 12lbs below my lowest adult weight was a bonus. AND IT WAS ALL FAT AND WATER. (I don't even retain water during TOM now)
  • jawheb
    jawheb Posts: 295 Member
    I do not do diets, I lost 30lbs about 2 months ago and all I did was eat what I want and exercise. I only gained because I decided not to get off my booty.
    I don't diet either. I would never deprive myself of food. This is just food choices/alternatives. I eat 2500-2800 calories a day.