Go grocery shopping before showering??

Littlegurl Posts: 172 Member
Just wondering if I'm the only one who goes to the grocery store or other errands right after leaving the gym (while still sweaty)? I don't like hauling all my stuff to the gym to shower. Takes too much time and thought. Today I went to Publix right after and an employee said "U must have either had a hard w/o or u got caught in the rain". Any other sweaty shoppers out there? :)


  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    If I'm already out, I'm not going to make a special trip back home to take a shower.
  • terri0527
    terri0527 Posts: 678 Member
    Wear your sweat with pride! :laugh: :bigsmile:
  • trophywife24
    trophywife24 Posts: 1,472 Member
    Nope. I don't go anywhere like that without a shower/blow dry/make-up, etc. But that's just me. I don't notice much what other people do.
  • cakelady69
    cakelady69 Posts: 228
    I do it often too. My gym is next store to the shopping plaza. So I will run in quickly if I need something that needs to be kept cold and can't be left in the car. If I'm just picking up things that can sit in the car, I go to the store first.
  • stronglikebull
    my car doesn't currently have air conditioning so i need a shower ANYWAY when i'm running errands. i definitely don't plan to meet the love of my life in my local grocery store so i don't mind looking a mess. definitely more important to me to economize my time in my furnace of a car any time i go out haha
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member

    I Freaking LOVE Me some embarassing sweaty shopping. It's my most gross guilty pleasure.
    I giggle the whole time.

    And that way my cart full of veggies and yogurt and popcorn doesn't get questioned.
  • Littlegurl
    Littlegurl Posts: 172 Member
    I do go to the store sometimes first if I know I only have a few small things that need to be refrigerated. They let me out food in the fridge at the gym. But if I have several things I just go afterward. Glad I'm not the only one!
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I am ok with shopping with a sweaty back, pits or chest, but if I get a sweaty *kitten* I would go home first...
  • Littlegurl
    Littlegurl Posts: 172 Member
    Another thought... By shopping after I make better choices. Why would I want to spoil what I just did at the gym?!
  • shaynak112
    shaynak112 Posts: 751 Member
    Ew no I definitely wouldn't! Sorry lol. I go right home and shower after I've been sweating.
  • joannecando
    Another thought... By shopping after I make better choices. Why would I want to spoil what I just did at the gym?!

    That makes sense. It might also make you want to get what you need and get out, instead of lingering over crap that you want but know you don't need...
  • HotMamaByVday
    HotMamaByVday Posts: 343 Member
    Yep. I take strategic showers. If I am at the gym and need to run errands, I do it after the gym. If I know I will need to do some cleaning at home, I wait to take a shower. Only excpetion is I will not go to bed or work sweaty. :)
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I keep a change of clothes in my gym bag; I'll generally change my T-shirt before going anywhere else- I'm like drenched after a workout and once I cool down, I find having a wet shirt on really uncomfortable. I could give a rat's *kitten* what the other shoppers think about it- unless I was going clothes shopping and trying stuff on- that would be really gross, lol.
  • susjan
    susjan Posts: 105
    I have... and whenever I do, I ALWAYS seem to run into someone I know. I don't give a rats *kitten* about remarks from a store worker that I'll never see again... but I've been known to dodge aisles when it's people I know. LOL
  • jpfrimmer
    jpfrimmer Posts: 134
    Yes! I do it all the time! It's a complete waste of time to go home, shower, and then go back out to run errands. I EARNED that sweat!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    My gym is right by Target, so it's not uncommon for me to stop by big red before going home. I've often been tempted to take a picture of me, still in my gym clothes and soaked in awesome, right in front of Target and post it as "People of Target" on Facebook. HAHAHA!
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    My grocery store is right beside a gym and people are ALWAYS coming in right after their workouts. You can't go 20 feet without seeing someone in gym clothes.
  • sushiforbrains
    I don't do anything after I leave the gym except drive home and hit the shower. I love sweating on purpose, but not being sweaty afterward. Had to explain that to my husband last weekend when we went to a car show and it was nasty humid to the point where you sweat by just existing. He said "well you sweated just as much as if you had gone to zumba." I had to lay out the difference. I do not like to sweat for no reason!

    ETA: @Normal: I used to work next door to a gym so I know exactly what you mean!
  • Jonalee1977
    Jonalee1977 Posts: 415 Member
    I do it a lot. I have to drive past the grocery store to get home. It's my contribution to the environment by not wasting gas. Haha!
  • 4jenniferk
    4jenniferk Posts: 307 Member
    I'm guilty of it and don't care. I would rather get it done on my way home then go home and shower and have to leave with kids in tow.