I wear makeup to the gym



  • Anastasia0511
    Anastasia0511 Posts: 372 Member
    People have too much time on their hands if they are worrying about what others are wearing to the gym, like clothing, makeup, hair styled just right or not. I don't care if the chick next to me looks like she's going to to Grammy's and working out, it's none of my business. I imagine doing an Insanity class or running on the treadmill for an hour would be a B**** on your feet in 7 inch YSL double platform heels though lol.
    I don't wear makeup to the gym and will wash it off if I have it on, but only because I wear enough mascara for me and the old school Motley Crue and I don't need that crap running all over my face and burning my eyes. I start to look like Marilyn Manson after a while. I think everyone should be able to go the the gym or anywhere for that matter feeling good about themselves if that's what they want to do, even if they take an hour getting ready to go lol.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    whats wrong with rolling out of bed and hitting the gym? Why do you care? I have met very few people at the gym who smell good. You're there to get dirty!

    I really don't think you should roll out of bed and go anywhere. At least wash your face and brush your teeth. The gym is not to get dirty, its to sweat. The fact that you are going to the gym means to some degree you care about how you feel and look. If being a bum is a goal look like a bum, but my mother always told me dress for the job you want, not the one you have. I think that applies here too. You want a fab body, you want to be fit. You want to look good, then ditch those 4x sweats you picked up at Costco and that Oversized t-shirt and start wearing clothes where you can see your muscles working.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    whats wrong with rolling out of bed and hitting the gym? Why do you care? I have met very few people at the gym who smell good. You're there to get dirty!

    I really don't think you should roll out of bed and go anywhere. At least wash your face and brush your teeth. The gym is not to get dirty, its to sweat. The fact that you are going to the gym means to some degree you care about how you feel and look. If being a bum is a goal look like a bum, but my mother always told me dress for the job you want, not the one you have. I think that applies here too. You want a fab body, you want to be fit. You want to look good, then ditch those 4x sweats you picked up at Costco and that Oversized t-shirt and start wearing clothes where you can see your muscles working.

    Your mom sounds like mine!!
  • KayceRN
    KayceRN Posts: 40
    You're going to the gym...that's what matters... If you want to do it in make up...that's you're choice :)
  • jus_in_bello
    jus_in_bello Posts: 326 Member
    I also wear leggings, wear cutesy shirts with fun sayings on them, have my nails painted, and I put on deodorant. I know that this basically is like 10 strikes in some people's opinions, but I work out after work and I could care less about washing my face.
    Just because I do these things does that make me any less serious while being there? I see alot of hate about these things. Can't we all just be encouraging? It's hard enough without MFP ppl bashing each other!

    Ahahaha. Aside from the deodorant I don't do any of this, but I also don't make that much of an effort for work, so I don't really think I can judge. Matching takes more effort than I'm willing to give.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    Matching takes more effort than I'm willing to give.

    love it! Although you may be judged...lol
  • SethosTBG
    SethosTBG Posts: 16 Member
    A weird conversation. I'm from the old school of working out, question remains, what do you go to the gym for? If you go to workout, as long as you're clean doesn't make a difference whether you put on makeup or not. If you're going to show off flirt, grab attention, well..ok. To each there own. The only time a man or woman should dress or make up is if you're going out or going to work. Somewhere, where that kind of matters. The gym don't see it, the focus is not on the workout, it seems to be on vainess.
  • hippietofugirl
    whats wrong with rolling out of bed and hitting the gym? Why do you care? I have met very few people at the gym who smell good. You're there to get dirty!

    I really don't think you should roll out of bed and go anywhere. At least wash your face and brush your teeth. The gym is not to get dirty, its to sweat. The fact that you are going to the gym means to some degree you care about how you feel and look. If being a bum is a goal look like a bum, but my mother always told me dress for the job you want, not the one you have. I think that applies here too. You want a fab body, you want to be fit. You want to look good, then ditch those 4x sweats you picked up at Costco and that Oversized t-shirt and start wearing clothes where you can see your muscles working.

    Your mom sounds like mine!!

    And mine! And yeah seriously I don't care how you look but if I can smell you from 5 ft away it becomes offensive.
  • amclaws25
    amclaws25 Posts: 128 Member
    If I look good, I feel good. If I feel good, I work hard! If I look like crap, I'm just not going to work as hard.

    In my opinion: No shame in wanting to look your best so that you perform your best!

    Amen sister! I work out after work so I always have makeup on. Hell, I come to the gym in high heels and slacks right after work and change at the gym. I don't know how anyone can judge you for that.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    A weird conversation. I'm from the old school of working out, question remains, what do you go to the gym for? If you go to workout, as long as you're clean doesn't make a difference whether you put on makeup or not. If you're going to show off flirt, grab attention, well..ok. To each there own. The only time a man or woman should dress or make up is if you're going out or going to work. Somewhere, where that kind of matters. The gym don't see it, the focus is not on the workout, it seems to be on vainess.

    So are you saying you don't notice women and how they are carrying or presenting themselves while you are working out?
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    whats wrong with rolling out of bed and hitting the gym? Why do you care? I have met very few people at the gym who smell good. You're there to get dirty!

    I really don't think you should roll out of bed and go anywhere. At least wash your face and brush your teeth. The gym is not to get dirty, its to sweat. The fact that you are going to the gym means to some degree you care about how you feel and look. If being a bum is a goal look like a bum, but my mother always told me dress for the job you want, not the one you have. I think that applies here too. You want a fab body, you want to be fit. You want to look good, then ditch those 4x sweats you picked up at Costco and that Oversized t-shirt and start wearing clothes where you can see your muscles working.

    Your mom sounds like mine!!

    And mine! And yeah seriously I don't care how you look but if I can smell you from 5 ft away it becomes offensive.

    Sounds like there are some good moms out there!
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    A weird conversation. I'm from the old school of working out, question remains, what do you go to the gym for? If you go to workout, as long as you're clean doesn't make a difference whether you put on makeup or not. If you're going to show off flirt, grab attention, well..ok. To each there own. The only time a man or woman should dress or make up is if you're going out or going to work. Somewhere, where that kind of matters. The gym don't see it, the focus is not on the workout, it seems to be on vainess.

    As I said, and I will state again, I come from work WITH makeup on. I don't like the notion that I am being judged because I'm wearing makeup when no one knows why I am wearing it, not even considering if I came from work. I've just seen alot of hate towards having makeup on at the gym....or the other things I've listed. I'm a girl that likes clothes, gym work or casual clothes. Just do.
    Also, your profile pic is of you shirtless, some could consider this vain as well.
  • hippietofugirl
    ^ Touche!
  • Tony_Brewski
    Tony_Brewski Posts: 1,376 Member
    I also wear leggings, wear cutesy shirts with fun sayings on them, have my nails painted, and I put on deodorant. I know that this basically is like 10 strikes in some people's opinions, but I work out after work and I could care less about washing my face.
    Just because I do these things does that make me any less serious while being there? I see alot of hate about these things. Can't we all just be encouraging? It's hard enough without MFP ppl bashing each other!

    Hitting the gym after or during work is an exception to most standard rules about 'cutsey' looks at the gym. The **** that I hate on are the ones you see in the parking lot applying the makeup and fixing their hair up.. THAN hitting the shower room and doing it again THAN walkin the treadmil for 10 minutes do 10 side bends walk around the gym doing that slow strut than leaving. If you're there lifting, sweating and WORKING out I don't give a crap what you look like. It's those posers I hate.... flame on posers flame on! I burn 1200 to 2500 calories a workout... you burn what 120 MAYBE 200?
  • imchicbad
    imchicbad Posts: 1,650 Member
    i could care less what you think, i get up at 5am go to work and straight to the gym after, so wether or not i wash my face or my gym clothes match is none of your business. Im not worried about what you look like and i could care less what your wearing. im focused on my work out with music blaring in my head phones yall can "KICK ROCKS", get real and grow up. to each his own:huh:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    i once saw a woman run out of her class in the work out studio and come back a few minutes later. i found out later that she would do this once or twice during a class to fix her make up that would run due to sweating.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    I don't wear make-up or paint my nails or wear cutesy shirts to the gym - but then I don't do any of those things at any time, so there's no reason the gym should be different. But it wouldn't even occur to me to judge people who do those things - each to their own.

    However I do wear deodorant - and I do that wherever I go - because, well, it's a bit unfair on the people around me if I don't! And I might feel a little judgemental of someone who hadn't bothered putting on deodorant and was stinking the place out!
  • ellenxmariex3
    ellenxmariex3 Posts: 165 Member
    I don't wear foundation. I have enough problems with my skin and I don't want to make the problem any worse by clogging my pores. I sometimes wear eye makeup. Mine doesn't run (even when very sweaty!) and it's hard to get off after work.

    As for clothes, I always wear an older, faded tank top and shorts. I'm not there to pick up guys (my bf goes with me) so I don't really care.

    I do look presentable though. To me, presentable is about looking clean. My clothes are clean and look it; I am clean and look it. That's all that matters.
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Good morning all :) I didn't venture into this thread last night, but I see that it got heated. I do make an attempt to look nice when I go out and about, but I do not wear makeup very often, but that's not what I am here to say. Just wanted to throw it out there that the night I met my husband I was working as a bartender in a nice restaurant, so I was wearing black pants, a men's tuxedo shirt, a bow tie and a black vest. I had on very simple make up. Did I feel "hot" in the tuxedo outfit, no. Did I wear it to the best of my ability (meaning that they fit well), yes. Did I carry myself with confidence, yes. Did I exude confidence by being able to hold intelligent conversation with him, yes. So, I am just saying that it is totally possible land yourself a hot former Marine even if YOU are not looking what YOU think is YOUR best. If you have confidence, let it shine whether that is via makeup or no makeup. Now I sound like a big dork, but I don't care. Guys REALLY don't care as much as we think they do.

    For the record, I do wear deoderant, and I have rolled out of bed to go to the gym.
  • jecka93
    jecka93 Posts: 415 Member
    Who cares about what is on your face, it's your body that you're there to work on! :D