I wear makeup to the gym



  • pucenavel
    pucenavel Posts: 972 Member
    You daredevil, you! You must feel really self-conscious being the pet peeve of so many!

    I'll bet you do curls in the squat rack, too!
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I'm sorry
    I do see something good whenever I look in the mirror.
  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member

    I actually asked my friend who pretty much lives at the gym what he thinks of women who wear sweats and t-shirts to the gym. You know what he said? He looked at me and said and I quote directly from the text message 'Well I could care less, seriously I am not there to pick up women I am there to work out. You want to wear cute clothes wear them, you want to wear sweats wear them. I think you women are far to judgy when it comes to each other."

    Probably depends on the guy. Another thing is most guys probably won't be honest with you when you confront them with questions about how women look.

    I've had some guy friends who don't seem to care about anything at the gym and other guy friends who make fun of fat girls and make jokes. Not saying any of it is right but I'm just saying not everyone is thinking nice things all day long.

    Well being as I have known this person for over 25 years I trust him... when it comes to me asking him questions he tells me straight up.. Honestly though I know what you are saying different strokes for different strokes. Although in my experience being the fat girl at the gym it is typically the women who are more catty than anything.

    Personally for me, I am going to the gym to work out not to get a date, if you want to make fun of me go hard.. because chances are I am making fun of the douche in the corner. I was just pointing out that NOT everyone who wears sweats is a slob.. I can't wear sweats or big shirts because I overheat and get sick, BUT then again I do not get super dressed up to go to work either as I work in a metal fab shop and high heels and fancy dress clothes don't work well and make up is a joke - it would be off due to sweat before noon...... and I usually go grocery shopping right after work so I probably do look like a slob.
  • graveflower316
    graveflower316 Posts: 169 Member
    I think it's less about what you wear to the gym, and more about if you're getting primped to go to the gym. The gym is for working out, not seeking out head turns or showing off your looks, as I've seen many people do. If you're just working out, good for you, but I've seen women go in full makeup and hair and just stand around machines to look cute and pick up on guys. That's what bars are for...
  • HolyPeas
    HolyPeas Posts: 71
    I see nothing wrong with this. I personally know insecure women who are very large (I am large too but still) and already feel intimidated at the gym and for them, I think the ladies who look hot and have makeup intimidate them even more.

    That being said, that's their issue, not yours. I personally don't because I feel like I look even worse once I start sweating it off but that's just me.
  • BeyondThePixels
    BeyondThePixels Posts: 91 Member
    Woah.... wearing deodorant is against some people's rules? Tell me who they are so I can stay far, far away from them at the gym...

    This! And outside the gym!

    As for the make-up, I personally feel better if I don't have any on. I feel like my pores are clogging up and my face can't breathe. But that may be just me. :)
    Ditto, there have been times after work when I don't wash my face and go to the gym. Then I regret it, because my face gets irritated. :(

    I could care less if people are wearing make up or not, but deodorant is a must.

    Also in a crowded gym, watch your breath. I hate it when I work out next to someone with bad breath. :-|
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    You daredevil, you! You must feel really self-conscious being the pet peeve of so many!

    I'll bet you do curls in the squat rack, too!

    Actually, I just stand around kissing my muscles.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    Alright, we got a cat fight! Let me say this, I don't care how you show up to the gym. Give me the same courtesy. That's all.

    Agreed! That's all I want.

    Don't call me a slob, because I just want a good workout. And I won't think you are silly for makeup.

    Though I think all women are plenty beautiful, enough and presentable without it.

    Also, sorry for quoting you.

    I think we quoted each other incorrectly, lol.

    Deal! If we meet in the gym, I will admire you for the hard work being done.
    Sounds good! And again I'm
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    Yeah sorry if the truth upsets people about the slob comment I made. If you're going to be out in public and not even make an effort to look presentable then you'll probably look like a slob. I don't get how someone could just have no care for how they look just for themselves. Its not even about looking good for other people its just caring enough about yourself that you want to look great no matter where you go. Wouldn't you want to see something good if you pass by a mirror?

    That almost shows a lack of confidence if you don't even try at all. It's almost like a person totally giving up if they just go out bumming it and don't even care.

    ok, I'm confused so please clarify. Are you saying that if one does NOT dress in matching cutesy stuff then they are a slob? If one does NOT wear makeup, is that a lack of attempt to look good? Really, just trying to make sure I understand what you are saying.

    I'd like to find one time where I mentioned matchy cutsey stuff or make up. I simply said they have to look presentable. Over-sized baggy shirts and sweats are not flattering on any woman. Just simply wearing clothes that looks clean, fits well, brushing your hair, and just looking decent is perfectly acceptable. The only woman that I see wearing such sloppy clothing to the gyms are the ones that are insecure and trying to hide their figure. As if wearing over-sized clothing makes anyone look thinner.

    I wear make up for myself because I like the way it looks. If I don't have time for it then I'll skip it often as well. As far as matching clothes, for me, they should at least not clash.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    I wear make up for myself because I like the way it looks. If I don't have time for it then I'll skip it often as well. As far as matching clothes, for me, they should at least not clash.

    What happens if they clash? Do people laugh? Does your confidence drop?

    I'm serious with the questions. I often wonder why people think they way they do. It's an anthropological thing I guess.

    Plus I think you are getting easily offended.
  • TyFit08
    TyFit08 Posts: 799 Member
    I am married now, so I don't care as much, but let's be real ladies, the gym is a great place to meet a guy if you are single. During my single days I joined a gym and showed up in my old high school basketball shorts, an oversized t-shirt and my hair looking crazy. When I got to the weight room, I found some of the most attractive specimens God has created. And guess what, none of them noticed I was there. I immediately went to the sporting goods store and bought some cutsey leggings and sports bra tanks. I didn't go as far as makeup, but I made sure that I looked cute and you better believe the men were racking my weights when I went back. Of course you can't just look cute, you have to work hard otherwise no one really takes you seriously. I can't tell you how many dates I have gotten over the years at the gym.
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I think it's less about what you wear to the gym, and more about if you're getting primped to go to the gym. The gym is for working out, not seeking out head turns or showing off your looks, as I've seen many people do. If you're just working out, good for you, but I've seen women go in full makeup and hair and just stand around machines to look cute and pick up on guys. That's what bars are for...

    I've also seen women go in not looking so cute and still stand around doing nothing. Or they'll do the 5minutes on every machines cardio rotation while accomplishing nothing. For myself I don't really care if someones going to look like a slob. As long as they stop resting on my bench and stop doing 5lb curls in the squat rack.
  • RedHeadDevotchka
    RedHeadDevotchka Posts: 1,394 Member
    Alright, we got a cat fight! Let me say this, I don't care how you show up to the gym. Give me the same courtesy. That's all.

    Agreed! That's all I want.

    Don't call me a slob, because I just want a good workout. And I won't think you are silly for makeup.

    Though I think all women are plenty beautiful, enough and presentable without it.

    Also, sorry for quoting you.

    I think we quoted each other incorrectly, lol.

    Deal! If we meet in the gym, I will admire you for the hard work being done.
    Sounds good! And again I'm

    It's cool, respect what ur saying. Okay, ladies that disagree, see what she did there? See what happened? We've agreed to disagree. Now let's all go buy some makeup and push up bras for the gym, lol.
  • Threebabymama
    The people that I think are funny at the gym with Make-up on and cute outfits are the ones who are standing around doing nothing. I used to live in a college town and that was an epidemic. All those single girls trying to get the guys attention. :love:

    Otherwise, I wear make-up at the gym. And I try to wear nice looking workout clothes. You know, if you look good, you feel good, and you work harder.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    I am married now, so I don't care as much, but let's be real ladies, the gym is a great place to meet a guy if you are single. During my single days I joined a gym and showed up in my old high school basketball shorts, an oversized t-shirt and my hair looking crazy. When I got to the weight room, I found some of the most attractive specimens God has created. And guess what, none of them noticed I was there. I immediately went to the sporting goods store and bought some cutsey leggings and sports bra tanks. I didn't go as far as makeup, but I made sure that I looked cute and you better believe the men were racking my weights when I went back. Of course you can't just look cute, you have to work hard otherwise no one really takes you seriously. I can't tell you how many dates I have gotten over the years at the gym.

    tell it!
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    I wear make up for myself because I like the way it looks. If I don't have time for it then I'll skip it often as well. As far as matching clothes, for me, they should at least not clash.

    What happens if they clash? Do people laugh? Does your confidence drop?

    I'm serious with the questions. I often wonder why people think they way they do. It's an anthropological thing I guess.

    Plus I think you are getting easily offended.

    Nothing would really happen and I'd still work out. Its just not something that would happen often as I plan my outfits. Usually if anything clashes it'll be my sneakers when I pack the wrong one.

    I guess the worst that can happen is I'll see it in an mirror and think "man that looks silly!" then I'll carry on with my day.

    And to answer why I think this way, I'll try to explain it with a visual. When I see the crazy haired sweat monster of a girl working out in front of me with sloppy clothes dripping on the machine my first thought is to keep some distance from her because she probably forgot to shower and might smell bad.

    When I see someone just as sweaty working out and looking good my first thought is that this is just this is just their regular routine day and they look pretty damn good.
  • HolyPeas
    HolyPeas Posts: 71
    whats wrong with rolling out of bed and hitting the gym? Why do you care? I have met very few people at the gym who smell good. You're there to get dirty!
  • lucythinmint
    I don't usually do my hair but I go in full makeup most of the time. It's a personal preference. I lift, heavy and why shouldn't I enjoy looking decent while lifting and sweating and grunting and doing everything else the guys do.

    I don't wear cute outfits or nails or really anything else but my makeup. I am married and I just like looking like myself while do things I enjoy.

    If it makes a woman feel more comfortable at the gym and she is able to achieve more because she feels better about herself, then girl wear your fake eye lashes too. What ever gets you to the gym and working. :drinker:
  • victoria4321
    victoria4321 Posts: 1,719 Member
    whats wrong with rolling out of bed and hitting the gym? Why do you care? I have met very few people at the gym who smell good. You're there to get dirty!

    I'm sorry but that's pretty disgusting. You don't go to the gym to smell bad. If you showered prior to working out you won't smell like a dirty laundry basket.

    There's a difference in smell to someone who just started to sweat and someone who's just plain ol stale and stinky.
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    here is what I have gathered.
    Folks don't care if a person wears makeup or not, nor do they really notice.
    Most people do care if a person is standing around and/or not wearing deodorant.
    If you wear baggy shirts/sweats to the gym, people DO notice, but may not really care.

    seems weird and slightly prejudiced.