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I wear makeup to the gym



  • Rdahl2
    Rdahl2 Posts: 90
    Oh Kara, what have you started? :laugh:

    So, if you wear make-up people moan.

    If you don't wear make-up people moan.

    If you wear nice clothes people moan.

    If you don't wear nice clothes people moan.....

    I think there is some kind of pattern here, I just can't quite see it....... :bigsmile:

    ^^^^^My thoughts exactly^^^^ Point is who cares what you do. Go to the gym and get your workout on and dont worry about anyone else around you, its not a fashion show. We are all there for the same reasons, to maintain a healthy lifestyle period!
  • SMP151
    SMP151 Posts: 32
    I work out over my lunch hour so makeup is a must. I can't go to work without it. And I make an effort to look cute. I figure if it is my workout than I can look however I want for it. I feel better about myself and worry less about others when I look good. I don't go to the gym to impress anyone. Sorry if it looks that way, but I take the whole 'always wear nice underwear in case you get in an accident and the paramedics have to cut your clothes off' thing my mom always told me to heart and use that mentality everywhere. It is more for me than anyone else.
  • missprincessgina
    missprincessgina Posts: 446 Member
    Woah.... wearing deodorant is against some people's rules? Tell me who they are so I can stay far, far away from them at the gym...

    HA HA :bigsmile:
  • I also wear leggings, wear cutesy shirts with fun sayings on them, have my nails painted, and I put on deodorant. I know that this basically is like 10 strikes in some people's opinions, but I work out after work and I could care less about washing my face.
    Just because I do these things does that make me any less serious while being there? I see alot of hate about these things. Can't we all just be encouraging? It's hard enough without MFP ppl bashing each other!

    Thank you OP!! I completely agree with you! I try to look good wherever I go. And that doesnt affect my performance in any way. Wouldnt that be strange? That you'd perform less if you were wearing make-up and a nice top? Isn't your commitment, effort and strenght coming from within?? Or am I the only one who gets this??
  • wow...so I'm a slob because I can't afford expensive "cute" workout clothes? I don't go to the gym because of people like you...

    This should never be a reason or excuse to not go to the gym. If you decide not to go, you should not go because YOU don't want to. Not because of other people.
  • smithy85
    smithy85 Posts: 104 Member
    I dont think its wrong, I just think its insignificant, who cares what you have on makeup or otherwise, as long as your working hard and not prancing around to get noticed.

    the issue I have with what I call ''bimbos'' at my gym - these unfortuinately are the girls who wear makeup there, is that they dont break a sweat, go red or work hard....why bother being their if you are not going to workout, its not a dating site Simples.

    Anyway before I go off track if it makes you feel good do it, if you dont want to dont - yor choice, bollocks to anyones opinions....

    I personally dont as I have my skin to feel clogged up!

  • deadbeatsummer
    deadbeatsummer Posts: 537 Member

    I hate this attitude some people have on here that if you don't look like *kitten* at the gym then you are obviously not serious and you are 'silly'.

    Sorry but when I get my fierce on at the gym I want to look good. It makes me feel better. It boosts my self confidence. It makes me work harder.

    I see loads of boys from my secondary school at the gym and don't want anyone saying that I've let myself go since school.

    I'm not saying I cake it on. I just always have a bit of self tan and lotion on, perfume, nails done, hair put in a nice bun and make up on anyway from the day.

    If you want to look butters in the gym then fine go ahead. I however will not and this doesn't make me any less of a person.
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    I don't see that there is any problem with wearing make-up to the gym or deoderant. I know I have commented on other posts regarding women who insist on standing in front of someone who is trying to weight-train so they can check their make-up in the mirror. If that is the case then that make-up check should be done in the bathroom or off to the side out of someone's way who is working out (but this goes for men and women who are just there to chit-chat and are sitting on a bench and not moving to allow for someone to do their workout). As far as the cute clothes - I can't wait until I am small enough to wear them:bigsmile:

    My biggest complaint is the people who wear perfume/cologne to the gym (and I understand you may have worn it to work and then gone to the gym afterward and that I understand and usually it is not as strong as when you put it on first thing in the a.m.) but I am talking about people who show up to the gym at 5:30 a.m., freshly showered with perfume or cologne on. I have asthma and once I get a wiff of that while I am working out I can't catch my breath again or get it under control - it blasts my whole workout (which is why I stopped going to the gym near my house - now I walk/jog from home and am using workout DVDs).
  • knk1553
    knk1553 Posts: 438 Member
    I go to the gym immediately after work, therefore I wear makeup to the gym, and like someone else said, I go to the bathroom and wipe sweaty mascara and eye liner from my face from time to time as well. My tennis shoes are crazy bright and fun, my workout clothes are as well. I find that if I invest in cute workout clothes then I get excited about working out. I walk into the gym everday in my business attire and heels, put on my equally cute and matchy workout clothes with my makeup still on and my hair pulled up, and generally a matchng headband. And then I go and bust my butt and sweat more and work harder than half the people with baggy clothes and no makeup. I personally find it harder to workout in baggy clothes.

    My thought is, if it takes someone putting makeup on to get to the gym and workout, then go ahead and put your makeup on, if it takes cute and matching workout clothes to get someone to go to the gym, let them wear cute and matchy workout clothes. The point is, they're at the gym, and they're (hopefully) working hard towards their goals. Ultimately though, you have no clue why that person is wearing makeup there, and it really shouldn't matter, as long as they're making the effort towards adapting a better lifestyle
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I also wear leggings, wear cutesy shirts with fun sayings on them, have my nails painted, and I put on deodorant. I know that this basically is like 10 strikes in some people's opinions, but I work out after work and I could care less about washing my face.
    Just because I do these things does that make me any less serious while being there? I see alot of hate about these things. Can't we all just be encouraging? It's hard enough without MFP ppl bashing each other!

    Okay, first, I totally understand the "going to the gym after work, and I just don't wash my makeup off before working out". I do this myself. Also, I don't spend alot of money on workout clothes, but I don't wear ratty t-shirts and worn out basketball shorts either. I don't think you're the type these other people are talking about. The ones they're referring to are the girls who come in to the gym ALREADY dressed in their "workout" gear (so it's obvious that they did not just come from work), then get on the tread mill at a slow walk for fifteen minutes, while chattering on their cell phone or to the person next to them the whole time. They're in the gym for less than thirty minutes and never break a sweat or get their HR elevated.

    Second, for my part, it's not so much that I dislike them or that I'm "hating" on them. I just don't understand it. When I go to the gym, if I'm not soaked in sweat by the end of my workout, I don't feel like I've benefitted from being there. I hate having to go to the gym after working all day, so if I'm going to go to the trouble, I'm going to make it worth my time.
  • Darkskinned88
    Darkskinned88 Posts: 1,177 Member
    I wear earrings, deodorant might even spray cologne in case im near someone who doesnt wear deodorant, my gym clothes always match, my favorite machine is the pec fly and pushdown because I look jacked doing them. Judge me.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I wear a necklace, and deoderant (not wearing this is not an option) and I shower before and after I go. I have some cute outfits and some functional outfits. My hair is usually in intricate little braids to keep all teh stupid pieces out of my face. I dont wear makeup cause I love being ok with sweating and letting my skin clean itself out - but I rarely wear makeup anyway.

    One thing I love most about the gym is that I dont have to care how I look, only how my form looks. I can let go of worrying about taking up space or trying to shrink down to the size of people around me. All I have to worry about is if can DO something. And then Do it.

    Another thing that I love about the gym? Everyone's verbing. Outside of that, I dont care. Unless I see you using the calf press machine as a leg press.
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    People b*tching about people b*tching about people b*tching about stuff people do...inceptio-b*tching

    i giggled
  • marie_cressman
    marie_cressman Posts: 980 Member
    i say do what you want to do.

    i personally never wore makeup to the gym when i went to a gym, but let's be honest here, i'm lazy. i don't wear makeup on a daily basis. so if you see me wearing makeup... i must have had somewhere to go that day. LOL

    i have some cute gym clothes, but not a whole bunch. i actually really like my ugly workout clothes better. i don't feel bad when they're all stinky. i enjoy wearing my brother's old company tshirt to workout in. it's huge on me now and it used to fit me really well about 100lbs ago. ;)

    **edited to add... people should always wear deodorant. that's just wrong if they don't. just sayin'.
  • fit4lyfeLisa
    fit4lyfeLisa Posts: 529 Member
    I don't wear makeup period, but I do prefer to wear cute matching gym clothes. To be honest, I never notice what other people wear to the gym, nor do I care.
  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    I normally wear makeup to the gym too. Gotta look cute while I workout.

    But just recently I started washing it off before going, only because I've been breaking out and all that sweat on top of makeup is not doing my pores any good.
  • nancycola
    nancycola Posts: 98 Member
    I practice Bikram yoga. 90 minutes of staring at yourself in the mirror. You're not always staring at your soul so, yeah, do whatever the f&ck it takes to make you feel good when looking at yourself.

    I just wear eyeliner. There are no true waterproof eyeliners out there though so I do sometimes have raccoon eyes by the middle of class. Don't care! Worth it!

    Over the years I've stocked up on nicer yoga clothes that flatter and can handle the buckets of sweat I produce.

  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,021 Member
    I honestly think with some people, it's jealousy. If you were such a badass and were so focused on your hardcore workout, you wouldn't even notice what other people wear to the gym, much less feel a need to whine about it on MFP. I say if you are achieving your goals, then more power to you. The only time it pisses me off is if your routine of "trying to look as cute as possible while doing as little as possible" is getting in the way of my workout. And then my problem is not with how you look; it's that you won't do your prancing somewhere else so that I can do my Turkish get-ups without worrying that I'm accidentally going to sit on you.
  • basschick
    basschick Posts: 3,502 Member
    If I'm coming from work and already have makeup on, I don't wash it off to go to the gym. If I go on a day that I'm not working, I never wear makeup -- and I look terrible without makeup on -- very pale complexion, dark circles under my eyes, very thin, sparse lashes. However, I don't know a single soul at my gym, so I don't care how I look around a bunch of total strangers. If I knew I'd be running into friends, acquaintances, and co-workers at the gym, I might wear a little under eye concealer, mascara, and some blush, just so people wouldn't gasp in horror and think I was sick or something.
  • Well said! I go to the gym after my work day so whatever I'm wearing, makeup included is what I wear when I work out. I don't like to look sloppy or what I consider "dumpy" when I work out because it brings down my over all morale. Notice I said "I". It definitely is not the best to sweat with makeup on but all I do is wash it off when I get home! I just recently started back to the gym and feel great! I rewarded myself with some new gym clothes and I know I look good so it gives me more incentive to continue on my journey. People shouldn't comment or care about what someone else does or doesn't wear, etc. We are here for ourselves and this application is for people trying to live a healthier life and kind words of advice and encouragement are what we should be offering! :smile: