Brag on your kids



  • trackercasey76
    trackercasey76 Posts: 780 Member
    My 8yo son finished second in the national TaeKwonDo tournement in both sparring and board breaking. My 10yo daughter won her division in western pleasure at the national open youth horse show last year and she also reads at a college level.
  • AnewTif
    AnewTif Posts: 26
    After it took me 11 years to get pregnant ONE time, I told myself I just wanted a 'normal' healthy child. He didn't have to be a genius or be a Professional Athlete. I just wanted him to be healthy and happy. He's now 6.

    He's not Picasso, but he loves art.

    He LOVES Legos and will build machines and buildings and buildings that make machines.

    He invents new things all the time with common household items. Although, to be truthful none of them work for real, but in his imagination they have all the cogs and wheels necessary to move. ;-)

    His favorite meal is grilled salmon, rice and broccoli. He will eat any vegetable except raw tomato or raw onion. He will eat any fruit.

    He loves to swim and ride his bike. Says he wants to play a sport, but when I signed him up for soccer, he picked the flowers like Ferdinand the Bull.

    He has ADHD, but he excels in Math and Science. He struggled learning to read, but once we got him there he is doing well.

    He hates baths and wants to take showers because he's a big boy now.

    His favorite song is "Three Little Birds" by Bob Marley and I have to sing it to him every night at bed.

    He is learning Spanish and sign language and sign language in Spanish. No joke.

    He will be starting drum lessons in 2 months. He already has the drum set.

    He pays attention to the news and asks questions.

    He is not perfect and can throw a tantrum like no one's business, but he knows I don't give in but throws the tantrum anyways because he's mad.

    His nickname is Babaganoosh and answers to it, but if I call him anything else he gets mad and says "THAT'S NOT MY NAME!". For the record, Babaganoosh is not his name either. ;-)

    I have no illusions when it comes to my child.
  • OnionMomma
    OnionMomma Posts: 938 Member
    My full brag is a couple of posts up but I thought I should add that for almost a year whenever we went anywhere and he would meet other children to play with at the park, the mall, chuck e cheese......he would say:

    Hi my name is Optimus Prime. What's your name, wanna play!!!

  • kaotik26
    kaotik26 Posts: 590 Member
    Cutest thing I ever made!!!
  • Mummyadams
    Mummyadams Posts: 1,125 Member
    My son is my best creation ever!
  • OnMyWeigh464
    OnMyWeigh464 Posts: 447 Member
    My 14 year old is an awesome artist and story writer.

    My 10 year old is a very thoughtful child and will think of others before herself.
  • cbaac03
    cbaac03 Posts: 152
    Our little man is two and so adorable, fun and hilarious!!!

  • PlunderBunneh
    PlunderBunneh Posts: 1,705 Member
    I was shamelessly bribing my 5 year old to go to sleep well at a friend's house, and told her she could pick whatever she wanted for breakfast the next day. She thought for a minute, and then told me very firmly that she wanted snow trees (cauliflower), carrots, and yogurt to dip them in.
  • desilu69
    desilu69 Posts: 79
    I absolutely love this thread: I can so post on this one :smile: My son Matt is 20 years old. He recently decided to live a healthy lifestyle himself. Unfortuneatly while in high school he did give in to peer pressure and start smoking cigarettes but about a year ago he quit smoking and has started eating right, has lost 30 pounds and is in excellent shape. He was going to jujitsu and mixed martial arts class while he was at home. He also goes to OSU Tech. He graduates here in just a couple of weeks with an Associates Degree in diesel mechanics.
    There was one spot open for this apprenticeship program with this diesel company and 120 kids applied for it. My son is the one who got this position. TALK ABOUT A PROUD MOMMA :laugh:
    Anyway, that is what I wanna say about my kid. Wanna strangle him sometimes but he is a good kid and as you can tell am very very proud of him.
  • beach_please
    beach_please Posts: 533 Member
    My kids are super funny and they love to make people laugh. Even when I'm having a ****ty day, they always bring a smile to my face. And they give the best hugs.
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    Bump for later
  • AnewTif
    AnewTif Posts: 26
    My full brag is a couple of posts up but I thought I should add that for almost a year whenever we went anywhere and he would meet other children to play with at the park, the mall, chuck e cheese......he would say:

    Hi my name is Optimus Prime. What's your name, wanna play!!!


    This is awesome! :)
  • AuddAlise
    AuddAlise Posts: 723 Member
    My DS(10) is a genuis. The last 2 standardized tests that he has taken he's gotten perfect scores. His classmates come up and ask me how Sean does it.

    My DD1(7) is the sweetest, nicest, most kind hearted little girl I have ever met. She loves people and it shows and it recipricated.

    My DD2(6) is like her big brother, maybe smarter (she is only in 1st grade so no testing yet). She is also a riot to be around.

    My DD3(2) speaks so well I get asked how old she is all the time.

    I love my kiddos so much. I hate when school starts and I have to share them again.
  • GermanicKnight
    My only son will be 5 on the 28th. He is amazing and the apple of my eye!

    He can tell you anything about any Star Wars/Batman/Spiderman comic or movie. (Yes he actually has real comic books).

    He may be the only kid in the world who still has a batman tv.

    Chooses fruits, veggies and yogurt for snacks. Milk or juice for drinks.

    He is an amazing artist!

    His favorite bands are AC/DC, Arctic Monkeys, The Animals and various other classics.

    He isn't even in kindergarten and can read and write exceptionally well for his age.


    Your son and my son need to talk superheroes. All of my other son's friends have Dads that tell them superheroes aren't real and magic is fake. I am glad there are other boys out there like my son!

    My son was also born on the 28th. :) He will be 6.
  • LuisZav
    LuisZav Posts: 197
    I have no kids, but my 21 year old nephew lost 15lbs working out with me, and my 15 year old nephew is gaining muscle from hitting those weights. High school chicks are swooning over him.
  • DLKeeble
    DLKeeble Posts: 200 Member
    My 30 year old son has lost nearly 40 lbs in three months (introduced me to MFP)
    My 29 year old son is happily married and loves his job.
    My 20 year old son is finishing up his last year of college.
    My 18 year old son is starting his freshman year with an academic scholarship and will be playing baseball on the team in 2013.
    My 14 year old daughter is smart, beautiful, compassionate has a heart for Christ and is my secretary. :) (she knows where everything in this house is)
    I have a pretty wonderful 9 year old granddaughter too! Smart as they come, and cute as a button.
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    Can I brag that I DON'T have any kids? :drinker: