Why Do YOU Eat Low Carb?



  • AshRyd
    AshRyd Posts: 126 Member
    Because I have more energy when I keep my carbs at 40% or less of my daily intake. Excessive carbs make me feel sluggish.. I also find I'm more hungry, especially if my carb intake is high in starch/grains. Fruit makes me hungry too, like really hungry.

    this -- my sister does atkins faithfully and stays around 20 carbs a day and has lost a ton of weight. I tried that for about two weeks and started feeling sick so i raised mine to about 50-80 carbs a day and do really good. anything for sure over 100 a day and i start to feel like a slug.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    When you're doing 20 hours a week of running/cycling, and burning insane amounts of calories.....

    Most people do not do 20 hours a week of running / cycling or any exercise for that matter. If you're not this active, what reason do you have to eat high carb?

    If you're meeting your protein and fat goals for the day, and you wish to be in calorie restriction, the carbs cannot be high.
  • melkneec
    melkneec Posts: 309 Member
    Medical reasons for me. It keeps my insulin levels down and makes me feel normal. Plus because my insulin levels are low I don't get that starving feeling. I hate that! lol
  • clobercow
    clobercow Posts: 337 Member
    Sugar is toxic.

    Carbohydrate is rare in nature and our biology is designed to store it when we come across it.

    Insulin (triggered by carbohydrate) suppresses important hormones like Ghrelin and Leptin, that control hunger and satiation.

    Carbohydrate causes an imbalance of good and bad cholesterol and prevents the body from regulating it appropriately.

    Carbohydrate causes hardening of arterial walls, causing clogged arteries that cholesterol attempts to repair. This becomes a chronic issue and is commonly blamed on cholesterol and fat.

    Carbohydrate can cause insulin insensitivity leading to diabetes and other chronic issues like metabolic syndrome.

    Many types of cancer are accelerated in growth by carbohydrate because cancers develop insulin receptors.

    Carbohydrate effects the brain the same way many addictive drugs do.

    Carbohydrate addicts suffer with withdraw symptoms when they quit cold turkey.

    Also, Carbohydrate is 100% NOT NECESSARY IN THE DIET. We only need fat and protein.

    So why eat it unless you have a specific purpose and a means to use that carbohydrate effectively.
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    I feel better eating low carb. I still workout and don't feel slugish at all. I get up ready for work, some days without an alarm. If I have a "cheat day", I can feel it. I actually get sick from it....throwing up sick.
    I just like the way it makes me feel. My skin has improved as well. AND I have lost 50 pounds. I will eat low carb for the rest of my life. I've done it for almost 2 years now and have absolutely no intention of going back. It's a lifestyle choice.
    I eat meats, nuts, berries, veggies and cheese. I do not feel deprived at all. I even get to eat chocolate (Chocoperfection....it's amazing!!) and I have rootbeer floats, cheesecake, brownies, low carb bread.... There are all sorts of low carb options.
  • AmeChops
    AmeChops Posts: 744 Member
    I have PCOS and insulin resistance - if I eat more than a bare minimum number of carbs, it doesn't matter how much or little I eat or exercise, I will consistently gain weight. Low carb doesn't always make me lose (my body is pretty determined) but it is the only thing that ever works for me. Plus, bacon!

    Exactly this for me too!!
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    I try to eat low carb, because frankly carbs make my belly stick out...lol. The less I eat of them the flatter my stomach looks.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I have PCOS and insulin resistance. If I eat too many carbs I don't lose. Even fruit carbs are a killer for me!
  • starkid120
    starkid120 Posts: 204 Member
    To support my boyfriend (who initially decided he wanted to do it) and to lose the last bit of weight I've been stuck trying to lose for the past 6-ish months.
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I've no idea what my percentage is but I just cut white carbs bread/pasta/rice etc. I didn't count the carbs in vegetables and fruit.

    I guess in a curry with alot of veg and cauliflower instead of rice the meal still has quite a lot of carbs but they are all healthy ones? The most calories is usually in the small amount of curry sauce (i water it down so don't use as much of it)

    I replaced chips with sweet potato chips baked in oven.. still carbs I guess but supposedly healthier than white potato? .. usually done with green beans and baked fish (no batter) as my healthy alternative to fish, chips and mushy peas!

    I have bread a couple of times a week and its gluten free when I do have it. I like the occasional fishfinger sandwich (GF fishfingers and bread) or cheese on toast for lunch! When I have breakfast cereals they are also wheat free... I have found this has reduced how much water I retain even at TOTM now only gaining 4/5lb that week where previously it was 6-10lbs.

    It's helped me get weight off and keep it off but weight loss has still been slow compared to many others, only lost 3 stone in a year but I have under active thyroid and other mobility issues that severely restrict exercise options.

    I tried brown rice but don't like it so do occasionally allow white rice once or twice a month but usually replace with cauliflower whizzed in processor then steamed in microwave.
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Sugar is toxic.

    Carbohydrate is rare in nature and our biology is designed to store it when we come across it.

    Insulin (triggered by carbohydrate) suppresses important hormones like Ghrelin and Leptin, that control hunger and satiation.

    Carbohydrate causes an imbalance of good and bad cholesterol and prevents the body from regulating it appropriately.

    Carbohydrate causes hardening of arterial walls, causing clogged arteries that cholesterol attempts to repair. This becomes a chronic issue and is commonly blamed on cholesterol and fat.

    Carbohydrate can cause insulin insensitivity leading to diabetes and other chronic issues like metabolic syndrome.

    Many types of cancer are accelerated in growth by carbohydrate because cancers develop insulin receptors.

    Carbohydrate effects the brain the same way many addictive drugs do.

    Carbohydrate addicts suffer with withdraw symptoms when they quit cold turkey.

    Also, Carbohydrate is 100% NOT NECESSARY IN THE DIET. We only need fat and protein.

    So why eat it unless you have a specific purpose and a means to use that carbohydrate effectively.

    Sugar is not toxic...
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    I eat low carb most of the time because I can usually eat a larger volume of nutrient dense food for the same cals as I would be eating high carb, cal dense foods. Also, carb dense foods are usually my binge foods, I'm slowly learning to eat them in moderation and I think, for me personally, eating low carb has helped that.

    With that being said, I up carbs if its the week before a race and also, the bread with my Jimmy John's #5 today was delicious.
  • bacitracin
    bacitracin Posts: 921 Member
    Because carbs made me unhealthy. I eat ketogenically now where I get about 65% calories from fat, 30-35% from protein and 5% or less from carbohydrates. My running endurance has gone up, running speed has gone up, I'm able to do chin ups and pull ups for the first time ever, and my cholesterol, blood pressure and everything else improved. I'm basically a carnivore, and in perfect health without fruits, vegetables, grains or supplemental vitamins. Just meat, cheese, butter, coconut oil and some almonds once in awhile. Digestion has drastically improved as well. No GERD anymore, it's a lot easier to poop, I stopped snoring... Basically, everything in my life is better since I stopped eating carbs.
  • sydnisd183
    sydnisd183 Posts: 247 Member
    I tend to gravitate toward meats, vegetables, fruits and nuts because that's what I like to eat. Probably why eating Paleo works so well for me. If im at a party or buffet, hey as long as they have chilled shrimp, cheese and loads of veggies/fruits that's cool with me. I don't want the crackers and bread. I feel bogged down and sluggish when eating a lot of starchy carbs. I'm not on any diet, but I've been tracking my macros in MFP and they actually end up being around 50% protein, 25% fats (or more) and the rest in carbs. I'd rather eat a good sized steak and a large fresh salad or brussels sprouts, broccoli, etc than pasta.
  • MissMaryMac33
    MissMaryMac33 Posts: 1,433 Member
    1. I feel like crap when I eat too much bread/pasta type carbs... bloated, tired, blah
    2. I have PCOS and insulin resistance and eating GOOD carb, lower carb works best
    3. I eat good carbs -- like quinoa, millet, farro, teff, amaranth, gluten-free oats

    Protein makes you feel and stay full longer....

    My MFP settings are 30% carb, 40% protein, 30% fat.
  • MoveTheMountain
    I'm trying the Paleo approach, which cuts all grains/pastas/rice, sugar (obviously, right?). I try - and generally do - keep my daily carbs in the 70-90 range, and they all come from fruits and veggies. Not in the order, either. Oh, yeah, and I do allow my self the occasional adult beveridge: red wine, some tequila.

    I'm not doing any endurance training right now, just power lifting. I actively manage my protein (up up up) and my carbs (down down down) and let my fat intake float. So far, it seems to be working, along with the 5x5 program.
  • joejccva71
    joejccva71 Posts: 2,985 Member
    Ugh. You folks do realize there's no metabolic advantage to doing low-carb diets. The only reason to go low-carb would be if you have some sort of medical reason or you're trying to release some extra water retention and glycogen via glycogen depletion workouts.
  • BAMFMeredith
    BAMFMeredith Posts: 2,829 Member
    I do endurance racing as well, and even during race season, I do NOT eat a high carb diet. Many endurance runners are beginning to eat higher protein diets for sustained energy as well. It just depends on the person.

    I have PCOS as well, and my body just can't handle a high amount of carbohydrates (insulin issues). I also have a gluten sensitivity, so there's that. I eat a balance of 40% protein/30% carbs/30%fats, with the majority of my carbs coming from vegetables, only a couple servings of fruit a day, and that's about it. I feel a million times better when I am not eating starches, I have more energy, my weight is controlled, my skin looks better, just everything about removing starches from my diet makes things better for me. My doctor told me that women with PCOS should try to follow the American Diabetic Association diet guidelines to control insulin levels (if you have insulin resistance), and I've found that to be SO helpful with everything.

    That said, that's JUST me. I know plenty of people who can eat bread all day long and be just fine, lose weight, have energy, etc. It just doesn't work for me. I actually have noticed better time and endurance in my race training since moving to a higher protein diet.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    Carbs are quick fuel that the body will burn before it will burn fat stores because it is more efficient. If you have a lot of carbs then the body never gets around to your fat stores. Enough of a calorie deficit and it will get to the fat eventually, but it does take longer. The carbs also raise your insulin levels. They make me crash energy wise after a short while and I'm hungry again. Eating yet more carbs at that point keep your insulin levels yoyoing which isn't healthy and can lead to insulin resistance. Protein with some fat keeps me full for hours. Complex carbs such as fruits and vegetables get absorbed slower and paired with some protein and fat, wont spike your blood sugar and are acceptable. I try to limit my net carbs (carbs - fiber which will be found in fruits, veggies, and beans but not so much in french fries and white bread) to around 100 a day.
  • rogerheffington
    I went on the Atkins diet a few years back and lost 50 pounds. But I felt awful and miserable pretty much the whole time. Once I went off the Atkins I gained weight back-but only 30 pounds. I think the Atkins is indicated for those who are morbidly obese (like i was). The risk from doing the Atkins diet was less than having all that extra weight. realistically though, expect to gain back a lot of weight, but, hopefully, not all. Might be a good starting point to lose weight fast, but then you have to adopt a healthy lifestyle to keep the weight off...