Do you text and drive?



  • ahviendha
    ahviendha Posts: 1,291 Member
    h-e double l hockey sticks to the no!

    my boyfriend was a chronic texter while driving, especially after he got his android, one day while driving he tried to get on the on ramp and hit the curb swerving us and denting his hubcap.

    I told him i wasn't getting in the car with him anymore if he's going to text and drive, and I hold him to it!

    And personally, I don't really care about my phone, I don't check voicemails, check texts usually a day or two after I receive them, and hate answering phone calls. I guess I helped myself by being anti-social.
  • Juliejustsaying
    Juliejustsaying Posts: 2,332 Member

    I met one guy online who was very needy and knew I left work at 4:30. I would have a text at 4:32 asking how my work day was and another text at 4:36 wondering why I hadn't answered him yet. Another one at 4:40 asking if I were mad. I would get home by 4:45 and text him back that I was driving like I do every day after 4:30! He actually said I could have texted him at a red light or while sitting on traffic. Um...yeah...delete.

    Sorry you had to meet my ex-husband...ugh...delete delete delete...I don't do needy anymore and I know I shouldn't text and drive. I still do a little...but I'm working on stopping...I'm not superwoman, and I need to remember that. Thank you for the reminder.
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I almost hit a divider trying to text and drive when I was 23. I started to text and drive again and then realized how stupid I was being. I try not to make any phone calls while driving, but I have pulled over a couple of times to answer the phone or call someone.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    I don't text and drive but sometimes I'll fire something off or check my phone when I'm at a stop light. I put it down as soon as traffic starts moving.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    No I don't. I don't even talk on the phone if my daughter is in the car.

    But you do when she's not? Even though there are other people on the road with their children in their cars?
  • DaBossLady24
    DaBossLady24 Posts: 556 Member
    I'll be one of the very honest folks and say, yes, I text and drive.

    However, I do have to follow this up with the fact that I'm cutting down tremendously. It became a habit after a while, which is very sad but true. I've gotten to the point now where I just put the damn thing on silent and chuck it into my passenger seat or backseat. Keeps me from distracting myself.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    I will admit, if I GET a text, I will only read it at a stop light. I wont text in the car anymore unless I am in park or I pull over.

    I see so many people doing it just driving along....its why I didn't get a motorcycle.
  • isingthebodyelectric
    The only time I have ever texted while driving is at the stoplight by my house, because it is like a five minute light. And even then, it is only if I feel like I have to - like if I'm telling someone I just left the house or something. I don't have long drawn out conversations.
  • isingthebodyelectric
    As an addendum to my previous post, I do have to be honest and admit that I sometimes fiddle with the GPS on my phone when I'm lost. It can be just as much of a distraction as texting, but I'm working on just pulling over when that happens.
  • 2143661
    2143661 Posts: 566 Member
    I guess I'm the only idiot that does text and drive.
  • MrDude_1
    MrDude_1 Posts: 2,510 Member
    I text and ride a motorcycle.... except when im wearing a scooby doo outfit.. the paws cant work the screen...
  • skullshank
    skullshank Posts: 4,323 Member
    I guess I'm the only idiot that does text and drive.

    nope, youre not...butt in one hand, phone in the other...however it's usually gchat...with someone you may know. ;)
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    No I don't. I don't even talk on the phone if my daughter is in the car.

    But you do when she's not? Even though there are other people on the road with their children in their cars?

    I said talking not texting. Yes, I talk on the phone if I am alone. I don't think it is much different than holding a conversation with someone sitting in the passenger seat. I did forget to mention I use a hands free.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I will at a light. And I have no problems talking on the phone and driving.. It's no different then driving with one hand on the wheel and talking with a passenger which I assume most people do.

    I won't text while in motion and I NEVER drink and drive.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    No I don't. I don't even talk on the phone if my daughter is in the car.

    But you do when she's not? Even though there are other people on the road with their children in their cars?

    I said talking not texting. Yes, I talk on the phone if I am alone. I don't think it is much different than holding a conversation with someone sitting in the passenger seat. I did forget to mention I use a hands free.

    Wanted to add the only reason I don't answer the phone with her in the car is because children are enough of a distraction, I don't need to add to it. I can hold one conversation and still keep my eyes on the road but trying to answer her or talk to her WHILE being on the phone adds too much distraction.

    So do you not speak to anyone while you are driving? Hands at the 10 and 2 and complete quiet?
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    It's no different then driving with one hand on the wheel and talking with a passenger which I assume most people do.

    I disagree. I have been behind many people who are talking on the phone while they are driving and they are either all over the road, driving really slow or their speed is inconsistent because they're not paying attention.

    Talking to a passenger in the car is loads different then talking on the phone because you're more distracted on the phone. Not only that but there are only so many things you can do one-handed and it's difficult to hold the phone and check your blind spots so you can change a lane safely.
  • tashjs21
    tashjs21 Posts: 4,584 Member
    It's no different then driving with one hand on the wheel and talking with a passenger which I assume most people do.

    I disagree. I have been behind many people who are talking on the phone while they are driving and they are either all over the road, driving really slow or their speed is inconsistent because they're not paying attention.

    Talking to a passenger in the car is loads different then talking on the phone because you're more distracted on the phone. Not only that but there are only so many things you can do one-handed and it's difficult to hold the phone and check your blind spots so you can change a lane safely.

    Agreed, which is why I use a hands free headset.
  • CF4L
    CF4L Posts: 58 Member
    I do now that I have Siri. But it's hands free using my bluetooth headset
  • scruffykaz
    scruffykaz Posts: 317 Member
    Never. It's dangerous and stupid
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    It's no different then driving with one hand on the wheel and talking with a passenger which I assume most people do.

    I disagree. I have been behind many people who are talking on the phone while they are driving and they are either all over the road, driving really slow or their speed is inconsistent because they're not paying attention.

    Talking to a passenger in the car is loads different then talking on the phone because you're more distracted on the phone. Not only that but there are only so many things you can do one-handed and it's difficult to hold the phone and check your blind spots so you can change a lane safely.

    Agreed, which is why I use a hands free headset.

    And I saw that after I made my post. :smile: