Benefits of Giving Up Diet Coke.



  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    Has anyone mentioned what it does to your teeth? Dark colored drinks, even drinks like orange juice will discolor your teeth. I stopped drinking Coke Zero three months ago, switched to just water, and my teeth are noticeably whiter already. Hope that helps.

    Fine point partner, reminds me of coffee. I don't really drink coffee anymore and just take a 200mg pill. Prolab pill has like different types of caffeine from different sources and doesn't give me a bad headache when I stop using it.
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    I gave up all soda, now I just drink my rum straight :drinker:

    In all seriousness:

    Was enough to keep me away. If I'm gonna give in to a soda--once in a blue moon--I'll just have the real thing. I feel like the weird chemicals in diet are more dangerous to me than the sugar and calories in regular.
  • jmarra1
    jmarra1 Posts: 1 Member
    Diet Coke has Aspartame -A sugar-replacement sweetener which is the basis of NutraSweet and Equal, and has been discovered to cause harm to the brain and nervouse system, causing anything from spasms or shooting pains, numbness, tinnitus, depression, impaired vision and memory loss to dizzyness.

    Another ingredient Phosphoric Acid (this is used to remove rust in a more concentrated form), there are such relatively little and more dissapated amounts in coke, but If you are a pretty regular, heavy drinker of this, or any soda, consider using a straw, which will keep the majority of this further from your teeth, since it can cause damage to your enamel.

    A new study indicated that diet soda drinkers are more likely to suffer from vascular complications.

    i would stay as far away from it as u can. Its not natural and its not healthy
  • ladyark
    ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
    I currently drink about 3 diets cokes every day. I also drink lots of water. I started driking diet coke because it was zero calories and it gave me my soda fix. I am considering giving it up but I think its going to be tough. What are the benefits of giving it up that I can look foward to? Is it worth it?

    I cant say anything about the benefits of giving up diet soda except maybe all the chemicals/additives in it. But i used to drink diet soda maybe twice a day and i decided to try giving it up due to all the chemicals etc ( i mean look what coke does to a car battery). I found that after about 2 weeks i didnt really crave it any more and now when i do pop open a can i cant do more than 2 sips and its just too sweet for me.
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    You'll notice that you look less bloated because all of the sodium in diet soda makes you retain water… Also the artificial sweeteners make you hungry as hell. You end up eating more than you would have in the first place.. GIVE IT UP!! :-)

    There is between 35 and 40mg of sodium in a can of diet coke...There is about 650mg of sodium in a chicken breast....PLEASE do some research before spouting this nonsense???
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    Diet Coke has Aspartame -A sugar-replacement sweetener which is the basis of NutraSweet and Equal, and has been discovered to cause harm to the brain and nervouse system, causing anything from spasms or shooting pains, numbness, tinnitus, depression, impaired vision and memory loss to dizzyness.

    i would stay as far away from it as u can. Its not natural and its not healthy
    Who "discovered" this?? The FDA, Canadian Food Agency, and hundreds of other government bodies who employ lots of really clever (not google clever) people to make sure we don"t kill ourselves by eating poison sure as hell did not....
  • thedancingleper
    thedancingleper Posts: 158 Member
    Everything in moderation.

    I have diet coke maybe once every two weeks as a treat. Any soda is very bad for the teeth so that's why I have it so seldom, but I don't see any reason to completely give it up.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    You can now drink Pepsi instead!
  • iotoole
    iotoole Posts: 2
    Whiter teeth! or healthier teeth
  • MeadowSong
    MeadowSong Posts: 171 Member
    Too much can sure make you feel bad. I'd try to cut down to one most days--but I wouldn't kick myself for it. Might be better off dealing with eating issues first. Do you drink coffee? I started and WOW it's better than Diet Coke. Never gives you a down feeling like Diet Coke does if I get too much. When I've had enough coffee, I just don't want any more--completely unlike Diet Coke. Bit of milk in it and a tiny bit of Truvia. Coffee has MANY health benefits. I feel much better. No bad effects from coffee for vast majority of people until they exceed 6-7 cups (6 oz coffee cups) a day. And that's not everyone. Don't drink it late. You can put a cup of coffee and a cup of milk (and even add some protein powder!) and some sugar over ice--it doesn't take much sugar and you could put Truvia--and make a great breakfast drink or afternoon snack drink.
  • littlecuteone
    littlecuteone Posts: 16 Member
    I have three new cavities in the last 6 months and I have already spent over $2,000 on fillings so far (prior to the 3 new ones). I blame it all on soda, diet or regular. The acids in soda eat away at the tooth enamel and cause decay. Those same acids can make your blood slightly more acidic (metabolic acidosis) and cause your bones to weaken.

    I'm still trying to quit my addiction. I'm down to one diet Mt. Dew in the morning but only because I don't like coffee but I like caffeine. The rest of the day I'm drinking sweetened iced green tea and I am not missing the extra soda at all.

    I just don't want to end up with dentures at a young age and a hump back and a broken hip when I'm old.
  • prettygirmel
    I am in the process of doing a 30 day challenge to be soda free, I have not had one for 11 days. It has surprising been pretty easy for me considering I usually drink almost 2 liters of diet soda a day. Someone shared with me the chemicals and mad stuff that is in diet coke. Also, a dietician told me it doesn't help in digestion of fat and that might be what is keeping me from loosing fat in the midiff area anyway I have lost 4 pounds this week and have also not use as much spendla. You have to research and do what is best for you.
  • missworld95
    missworld95 Posts: 131 Member
    Diet Coke has Aspartame -A sugar-replacement sweetener which is the basis of NutraSweet and Equal, and has been discovered to cause harm to the brain and nervouse system, causing anything from spasms or shooting pains, numbness, tinnitus, depression, impaired vision and memory loss to dizzyness.

    i would stay as far away from it as u can. Its not natural and its not healthy
    Who "discovered" this?? The FDA, Canadian Food Agency, and hundreds of other government bodies who employ lots of really clever (not google clever) people to make sure we don"t kill ourselves by eating poison sure as hell did not....

    Honestly, I don't give a crap about what the FDA says... if it ain't natural, I'm not having any of it. FDA also approved a bunch of **** like diet pills, so I literally would never cite the FDA as a credible source for anything
  • PonyTailedLoser
    PonyTailedLoser Posts: 315 Member
    It cleared up my complexion and I stopped having mood swings when I shook that diet coke monkey off my back :)
  • ShaneOSX
    ShaneOSX Posts: 198
    The benefits of giving up Diet Coke are pretty much limitless.

    If you're a true soda addict I'd say gift yourself a Sodastream, buy the natural flavors, and just try to work the calories into your diet. Having to do so will have the effect of reducing how much you're consuming on a daily basis as well.

    You can also buy Zevia soda from places like Whole Foods. It's natural and zero calories.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member
    You can use the left over cans to clean off your battery terminals. :)

    FYI - I had an uncle who was drinking a two liter body daily for years. He had a hip replacement and the docs told him he may have had too much and the coke actually cause loss of bone density. It might be the reason he needed the replacement. Needless to say, I have to ask if that isn't true only because of what it does to batteries.
  • monicalosesweight
    monicalosesweight Posts: 1,173 Member

    These are some links that might help you start reducing your coke consumption. I'm pretty much slowly getting rid of it to more of a weekly or biweekly treat (only the 90 calorie cans).

    If that doesn't scare you...see this one:
  • jordanclark1993
    jordanclark1993 Posts: 3 Member
    Alright, so I read about 2 pages of this thread until I needed to give my opinion, and some info.

    I drink about 1-2 cans of diet Coke/Pepsi a day. Anyone talking about the sodium in diet soda having effects on your body, probably don't realize the tiny amount of sodium in each can. In a 355ml can of diet Pepsi soda there is 50mg of sodium. 50MG!! That is 2% of the suggested daily amount of sodium. In a package of Mr. Noodle's chicken flavored, there is 1200mg of sodium, which is 50% of the suggested daily intake.

    Also, I have yet to see actual studies ANYWHERE, where several people have had issues because of aspartame/diet soda. I see this story here, that story there, but no actual research that suggests it is harmful, and that you should worry about it. People always say aspartame is bad, but I always ask them "whom are your sources?", they always reply "well I don't know, but they just say it's about for you. "So I say 'who is 'they?'", and they have no answer.

    In conclusion I believe you should not worry about diet soda, or the aspartame that is in it. I started drinking it when I started MyFitnessPal at the beginning of June, and have dropped from 217.4lbs to 190.4lbs (27lbs). Just limiting my eating at night, and NEVER going over on any day for MyFitnessPal, on anything. Not going over on sugars, sodium, fat, calories, etc. As well as moderate exercise and weight lifting to ensure I don't lose muscle. I hope to lose another 20-25lbs to get into the "Normal" BMI section for my height (5', 11").

    Oh yeah, and one more thing. I can't remember the website where I read this, I'm sure if I googled hard enough I could find it, but it was a study where they pumped aspartame into sheep (the equivalent of 30 cans of diet soda) and basically nothing happened haha. As well the reason diet soda is only 0 calories is because aspartame and all of the other sweeteners are 100s of times sweeter than sugar, so they just have to use a little amount, that ends up being under a calorie.

    As well I just saw this link from monicaloosesw:

    Why would this ever scare you!?! If someone is so stupid that they drink 10 litres of diet soda a day, and smoke 30 cigarettes a day while eating barely any food, of course you're going to die! Jeepers, some people. Just eat like a normal person, drink a couple cans a day, and you'll survive.

    Anyways, I hope I helped someone in there decision to either drop diet soda, or keep drinking it. That's my 2¢!

    Edit: P.S. I have seen absolutely no side effects from diet soda, so anyone that has gotten cancer, died, or any other issue with diet soda/aspartame, probably has some very rare disease that they were born with that is being effected by the soda/aspartame.
  • jsabet
    jsabet Posts: 51 Member
    Diet or not, it can have an effect on your bodies PH level, which in turn could cause issues for you.
  • FTW7
    FTW7 Posts: 21
    Diet Coke has a sugar substitute, 'aspartame'. Some say aspartame causes cancer but no scientific research has proved it. If you're interested in some potential adverse effects of diet coke in the event it is a part of your "DAILY" ingestion, see below:

    Some of the 92 long-term and immediate adverse effects of aspartame ingestion are:

    Abdominal Pain
    Anxiety attacks
    Asthmatic Reactions
    Bloating, Edema (Fluid Retention)
    Blood Sugar Control Problems (Hypoglycemia or Hyperglycemia)
    Brain Cancer (Pre-approval studies in animals)
    Breathing difficulties
    Burning eyes or throat
    Burning Urination
    Can't think straight
    Chest Pains
    Chronic cough
    Chronic Fatigue
    Death--Seroously?! Well if I die w/a siet coke in my hand..Then
    I died happy! Lol
    Excessive Thirst or Hunger
    Feel unreal
    Flushing of face
    Hair Loss (Baldness) or Thinning of Hair
    Headaches/Migraines dizziness
    Hearing Loss
    Heart palpitations
    Hives (Urticaria)
    Hypertension (High Blood Pressure)
    Hysterical pregnancy
    Impotency and Sexual Problems
    Inability to concentrate
    Infection Susceptibility
    Joint Pains
    "Like thinking in a fog"
    Marked Personality Changes
    Memory loss
    Menstrual Problems or Changes
    Migraines and Severe Headaches (Trigger or Cause From Chronic Intake)
    Muscle spasms
    Nausea or Vomiting
    Numbness or Tingling of Extremities
    Other Allergic-Like Reactions
    Panic Attacks
    Poor memory
    Rapid Heart Beat
    Seizures and Convulsions
    Slurring of Speech
    Swallowing Pain
    Vision Loss
    Weight gain
    In addition, aspartame can mimic symptoms or worsen the following diseases:
    Multiple Sclerosis (MS)
    Parkinson's Disease
    Multiple Chemical Sensitivities (MCS)
    Diabetes and Diabetic Complications
    Alzheimer's Disease
    Birth Defects
    Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
    Lyme Disease
    Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)
    Panic Disorder
    Depression and other Psychological Disorders