bad eating with decent results?



  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    My main concern in reading this was protein and then sodium, I pretty much eat around my protein not then fill in with what ever I want to eat, I do eat a good bit of vegetables several times a week, but if I feel like I'm slacking on micros I take my vitamins for a couple of days.
    If your just wanting to lose weight, a moderate deficient with or without exercise will do it assuming there are no health issues preventing it, but if you want to get healthier/stronger/maintain or gain lean tissue protein is very important. My protein goal is greater than 100grams per day, that's my mental goal, I usually get close if not surpass it since I've started paying attention to it. Also I would recommend drinking a good bit of water to flush out excess sodium.
    Overall my answer is yes I think you can lose weight, but I don't know how well you'll be feeling or what you will be doing to your health in general and I think adding exercise is good for everyone and you'll probably at least be better off than you would be without the exercise.
    Bottom line.. Protein=yum ; )

    Edit- I missed one of your replies so I'm going to leave what I wrote, but clarify my opinion as you've changed some of your habits. Personally if I am in my ideal deficient for the day and meet my protein goal I consider it a good day! I might change that eventually, but I don't think you have to eat"clean" or restrictively in your food choices to improve your health and/or lose weight.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    This only counts as a support network when there is something sensible to support. :huh:

    I find it hilarious that you posted this spiel without expecting the opposition to reply to it.

    Your habits will not sustain you, as you know, and whatever weight you will lose will not matter because you will cut years off of your life and you will never be toned because you will not eat cleaner or do any real cardio and/or muscle development.

    You should see a nutritionist and if possible, a psychologist. There may be a deeper meaning as to why you cannot (maybe read: choose not to) eat certain foods. I watched a recent interview on Anderson of a man who had a subtle event in his life change how he viewed food at a young age, and even eating so much as a baked potato led him to anxiety attacks and nausea. Maybe that'd be something to look into.
    I am not asking for every health fanatic to pick on me, i did start my spiel with before you start, because i knew it would come...people cant help but have their dig at me.
    look at my profile pic, if you want i will post up my records of my HRM showing i dont sit on my *kitten* when im in mode. I am the furtherst thing from lazy and you are making me sound as though i am. By doing the p90x for 4 days I had guns.....there is nothing wrong with my muscles, just you cant see my abdominal or my thigh muscles yet.
    Its the taste....the fact my mum use to force feed me and make me sit up til 1am until i ate my tea...which i never did hasnt scarred me, i try food, if i like hey bonus.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    I'm 40 and leaner than ever (on my way to getting ripped, bodyfat around 14%). If you look at my diary, you'll see my eating is 50% healthy... yesterday, I had fish and chips for lunch; pie and mash earlier in the week! It is about monitoring your calorie intake but not being a **** about it. Put it this way, I could eat like this for the rest of my life no problems.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member

    I am a fussy eater so I am a creature of habbit, no veg, no fruit, no salad, no real meats.......NOTHING

    I don't eat fruit or veg either!! I've always been a very fussy eater!!
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    I eat like *kitten* and my results are good. It's all about a calorie deficit.
  • Arexxx
    Arexxx Posts: 486 Member
    This only counts as a support network when there is something sensible to support. :huh:

    I find it hilarious that you posted this spiel without expecting the opposition to reply to it.

    Your habits will not sustain you, as you know, and whatever weight you will lose will not matter because you will cut years off of your life and you will never be toned because you will not eat cleaner or do any real cardio and/or muscle development.

    BUT! I am not perfect either! Most of us aren't :flowerforyou: I still eat junk all the time, but I balance it and eat a lot of healthy things and I try to keep within my limit. Exercise isn't the key to weight loss for me, but it will lead to toned muscles instead of sagging skin in the future (with any luck!)

    You should see a nutritionist and if possible, a psychologist. There may be a deeper meaning as to why you cannot (maybe read: choose not to) eat certain foods. I watched a recent interview on Anderson of a man who had a subtle event in his life change how he viewed food at a young age, and even eating so much as a baked potato led him to anxiety attacks and nausea. Maybe that'd be something to look into.

    I like you
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    My main concern in reading this was protein and then sodium, I pretty much eat around my protein not then fill in with what ever I want to eat, I do eat a good bit of vegetables several times a week, but if I feel like I'm slacking on micros I take my vitamins for a couple of days.
    If your just wanting to lose weight, a moderate deficient with or without exercise will do it assuming there are no health issues preventing it, but if you want to get healthier/stronger/maintain or gain lean tissue protein is very important. My protein goal is greater than 100grams per day, that's my mental goal, I usually get close if not surpass it since I've started paying attention to it. Also I would recommend drinking a good bit of water to flush out excess sodium.
    Overall my answer is yes I think you can lose weight, but I don't know how well you'll be feeling or what you will be doing to your health in general and I think adding exercise is good for everyone and you'll probably at least be better off than you would be without the exercise.
    Bottom line.. Protein=yum ; )
    Thankyou, you didnt sound at all nasty lol
    I have protein shake after big workouts, I chose cornflakes as it is high in protein. I drink two sport bottles of water a day, i am better off exercising as changing eating habbits has only gotten me this far.
    As you can see in my profile pic, it can be achieved, i have proven this, i just lost my 30 minute walk a day and went backwards. When i became serious about losing the rest I then was stunted and it refusing to budge.
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    Nothing Hard to get comes easy. You might wanna try to stick with any of those exercise program for a longer period of time if you want to get fit from them (I hate doing yoga and it bores me to death but once a week I do Yoga X for an hour and a half). As far as diet goes like everyone said you can eat bad but just do less of it, the weight will eventually come off just not as fast as eating healthier.
  • AlissaFL
    AlissaFL Posts: 80 Member
    Yes, you can get good results even with a crap diet. Part of developing good eating habits are exchanging one good thing for one bad thing, like milk instead of coke. So you have mastered that. Another part is portion control. Another part is choosing foods that fit into a specific balance, like proportions of carbs to proteins to fats. Another part is finding foods that do more than add calories, have some long term health benefit. And so on.

    You have taken steps in the right direction. There are more steps to take, but that's for you to decide which ones and when. At the end of the day, it's your weight loss journey and all that matters is that it works for you. What works for some, isn't what works for everyone. :happy:
  • clarechieri
    clarechieri Posts: 60 Member
    Hi I lost all my weight eating the crap I always had but just less of it and by walking. The weight came off fine but I started to get ill was dizzy, sick constantly tired ect. it got so bad I really had to re evaluate why i was doing this I mean what's the point being thin and feeling worse than I did when I was big.

    So for the last few months I've been trying my best to eat healthier and only have the junk now and again (like I've had my first choccy bar for a month today and believe me it tasted so much better when uou don't have it every day. Plus when you eat fruit and veg you can have loads more to eat as they are so much lower in calories. I'm feeling so much better now and loving the new me.

    So you can lose weight eating junk but I really wouldn't advise it.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    My main concern in reading this was protein and then sodium, I pretty much eat around my protein not then fill in with what ever I want to eat, I do eat a good bit of vegetables several times a week, but if I feel like I'm slacking on micros I take my vitamins for a couple of days.
    If your just wanting to lose weight, a moderate deficient with or without exercise will do it assuming there are no health issues preventing it, but if you want to get healthier/stronger/maintain or gain lean tissue protein is very important. My protein goal is greater than 100grams per day, that's my mental goal, I usually get close if not surpass it since I've started paying attention to it. Also I would recommend drinking a good bit of water to flush out excess sodium.
    Overall my answer is yes I think you can lose weight, but I don't know how well you'll be feeling or what you will be doing to your health in general and I think adding exercise is good for everyone and you'll probably at least be better off than you would be without the exercise.
    Bottom line.. Protein=yum ; )
    Thankyou, you didnt sound at all nasty lol
    I have protein shake after big workouts, I chose cornflakes as it is high in protein. I drink two sport bottles of water a day, i am better off exercising as changing eating habbits has only gotten me this far.
    As you can see in my profile pic, it can be achieved, i have proven this, i just lost my 30 minute walk a day and went backwards. When i became serious about losing the rest I then was stunted and it refusing to budge.
    I must have been editing as you were replying! I have the backslide after summer's over every year, I've always been heavier in the winter months usually cut calories excessively in the summer while increasing my exercise(from summer activities-I'm such a summer baby), which is why I'm here! I want my previous summer weight all the time! Plus a bit toner, but I've never been a dieter I'm eating more now but getting my protein and I'm a resistance training junky lol.
  • JosieRawr
    JosieRawr Posts: 788 Member
    Nothing Hard to get comes easy. You might wanna try to stick with any of those exercise program for a longer period of time if you want to get fit from them (I hate doing yoga and it bores me to death but once a week I do Yoga X for an hour and a half). As far as diet goes like everyone said you can eat bad but just do less of it, the weight will eventually come off just not as fast as eating healthier.

    I just wanna say I love your picture such a good quality for underwater, makes me wish I was swimming!
  • jetsmaw
    jetsmaw Posts: 16 Member
    I'll never criticise someone who eats loads of crap (but oh so tasty) food. As someone who had a similar diet for years and never gained a lb from it, I should warn you, your body will start to pack in on you in the next ten or so years and then you'll find it bloody impossible to lose weight when it goes on like never before - oh and you'll likely be sick all the time.

    I have a whole host of health problems that affect my metabolism and I'm sad to have to admit that my diet growing up and into adulthood is likely to be a huge causative factor. I was never above a size UK12 until I had a child 3 years ago and the shock of pregnancy on a malnourished (but not skinny) body really took its toll. I'm now an 18-20 in UK clothing and I now suffer loads of nutritional deficiencies (believe me they are no fun and now unrelated to dietary intake) and a dodgy gut. Oh and virtually no long term weightloss - even on a medically supervised diet. I have to take 10 pills daily just to get by, not counting the daily vitamin supplements I need to take too.

    I started taking veg hidden in things like soup, if you can do the same, I'd suggest trying that.

    I had reservations about replying to this as I know how people can leap on you and give you hell for not singing the party song on mfp. You need to do what works for you but from someone who is now suffering as a result of a tasty but crap diet, please try to add some good stuff in. Visiting hospitals every week for different doctors/departments/tests is no fun (and plays havoc with employers). Getting lectures every time I visit them, about my *past* diet is also humiliating and patronising.

    I may have been slimmer but I certainly wasnt healthier.

    Good luck with whatever you decide to do! :)
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member

    Thankyou, you didnt sound at all nasty lol
    I have protein shake after big workouts, I chose cornflakes as it is high in protein. I drink two sport bottles of water a day, i am better off exercising as changing eating habbits has only gotten me this far.
    As you can see in my profile pic, it can be achieved, i have proven this, i just lost my 30 minute walk a day and went backwards. When i became serious about losing the rest I then was stunted and it refusing to budge.

    Did I sound nasty to you? This was not my intent. Apologies, if it is the case.
    Anyway, I can see that you are serious about your intent and wish you luck.

    Read the threads here about exercise and weight loss - lots of good info there.

    (Btw - I am not a nutrition nut and eat crap all the time - just not every day and I try to watch it and avoid a lot of things)
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    While you can lose weight eating junk food so long as you're maintaining a calorie deficit, weight is not the whole picture. You can be at a healthy weight and still be unhealthy and feel like crap. It seems odd to me that you can so easily dislike so many entire food groups (vegetables, fruit, meats). Are you familiar and comfortable with cooking? I've known many people who told me they were just picky eaters and it turned out that they just didn't like their own cooking, haha. Sometimes technique makes all the difference; perhaps if you're not too skilled in the kitchen, a cooking class might help you learn to make some tasty foods with these ingredients.

    I know that I wasn't even aware of how terrible I felt when I was living on Doritos, fast food, Coke, and alcohol until I stopped doing it. I remember just feeling hot, all the time. I would wake up with horrible leg cramps every morning. Introducing more nutritious foods (and taking a daily multivitamin when I was starting) made me feel loads better. So don't just look at your weight; look at the big picture of how your food makes you feel.
  • grrrlface
    grrrlface Posts: 1,204 Member
    You can lose weight but you won't be healthy and you will probably end up 'skinny fat'.

    It is all about calorie deficit but if you're looking for a toned, fit body you will need to adapt to cleaner eating.

    I'm also a fussy eater but I eat as clean as possible, you can add me to look at my diary, I eat a lot of the same meals but they're mostly all healthy (I say mostly because I still like my pizza & fries on occasions!) and always fit into my macros! :)
  • apriltrainer
    apriltrainer Posts: 732 Member
    When I was in my 20's I could eat super bad...(and as long as i exercised) i was ok.

    Once i hit my 30's didn't work. Exercise wasn't working so well. ALot of people say it's just cals in vs. cals out but I found certain foods would bloat me more than others, i.e. BREADS! In my 20's they did not...

    So just keep that in mind.

    enjoy eating bad with decent results. It happened with me.

    But be prepared for when you are older and you gotta change.
  • IngaRobertsdottir
    IngaRobertsdottir Posts: 9 Member
    Hide your veggies in the mashed potatoe, then you can't taste them :)
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    Ok firstly I am not here to judge and so I wont. All I am going to say is that this site is for those of us who want to get fit and healthy first and lose weight second. I personally need to do both and so I read a lot of these posts mainly for inspiration and information to help my journey. It sounds like you do not want advice or friendly criticism, just people to support your eating habits. But the majority of the members here wont support them because they are kinda counterproductive and the opposite of what this site stands for. Not eating vegetables or fruits is unhealthy and I appreciate that you have tried. I have not see one post that says that you are lazy. If anything I am far less fit than you it seems. But it also seems that you are on a defensive, like you know that you are doing wrong but don't want to admit it. I personally can see that you have tried and so you really do not need to get defensive or prove yourself to anyone here. There is a support network if you are willing to listen to advice and cheer people on for doing well, (not for being the same as you.) A lot of these posts that you have criticised have made some negative comments about your lifestyle, but they have also offered you helpful advice in which you have seemed to ignored. Instead of being so defensive why not read the comments that are offering you help and advice, those words of understanding?

    Now for my advice (if you wish to listen) I do think you should keep trying to eat healthier food and perhaps try taking some multivitamins that will give you the vitamins and minerals that your body is lacking through your diet. I do think the suggestion to see a Psychiatrist may be a good one because there could be an underlying reason why you cannot eat fruit or vegetables and I wish you all the luck with your journey. x
  • AnneC77
    AnneC77 Posts: 284
    oh and I hope you don't take offense to my post as well x