What is your HONEST reason for losing weight??????



  • quietstormz_wehcnage
    Sick and tired of being fat,feel ugly,take high blood pressure medicine , don't want any other medicine introduced to my system.:noway:
  • MaggieAudiologist
    I hate having to buy clothing that is cut to cover up troublesome spots. Those clothes are still ill-fitting, don't make me feel good, and aren't what I truly want to buy. Also, I don't want to walk into a trendy jean shop and be told they just don't have any sizes that fit me.
  • jim2do
    jim2do Posts: 17
    I am 60 lbs overweight, and just got put on a sleep apnea machine. Extremely disgusted with myself.
  • apocalypsepwnie
    And I've lost weight before but I've done it all the wrong ways.
    I'd like to inspire my partner to eat better also and.... Gosh I really didn't want to say this but honesty is honesty right?
    I don't want to be the fat step mum. I've got three step kids and their mum is tiny tiny tiny. She's naturally small and I know that I'll never get to be that size but I HATE when my step kids call me fat and mean it. I hate when they say 'Mum says you're fat and fat is gross' or when she texts my boyfriend and asks him why he's with me when he could be with her. It tears me apart to hear 'I don't want to eat all my dinner because it'll give me a fat tummy like my step mum'
    I want to be a good role model for them. That you can be whatever size, play sport and still be healthy as long as you are good to your body. I don't want them to think that looking good or being attractive is only based on the size of your pants and how much makeup you wear. I want them to know that healthy is paramount.

    And I want to know deep down that even though people yell at me in the street or give me filthy looks (I got to a size 14 once and looked sickly lol how does that work?) that even though I'm currently an 18 that I treat myself well. I don't want to be upset by those comments any more.
  • kimray75
    kimray75 Posts: 66 Member
    To feel good about myself and to be able to fit in smaller sized clothing and be comfortable :smile:
  • Live4More
    Live4More Posts: 177 Member
    I need knee replacement surgery and I have numerous other health issues. Mostly though I want to be able to play with my grandchildren without being in constant pain.
  • UltraRunnerGale
    UltraRunnerGale Posts: 346 Member
    I'm running a 100K (62 mile) race in October and I want to lose a few pounds before the big day. I figure every pound I lose will help me in so many different ways!!
  • Joethebull
    to be honest not sure. I would like to think it will help with increasing my mental functions(get smarter,more creative, etc), reduce depression, and increase confidence. At one point I tried to convince myself I'll have more sex if I do. But that extremely most likely indefinitely won't happen. I will still be boring:laugh:

    I mean, isn't it kind of depressing when you realize that--maybe not--I'm more apathetic. But I could have huge arms and a six pack, and I'll still be weird as hell. :)
    It is at times(gets very bad also). But I rather stay a geek/nerd and be weird regardless of weight or shape then just trying to fake my way threw life and relationships. Too much work and energy and I imagine it would suck the joy even out of sex(that is if sex is as good as people make it out to be)
  • SafioraLinnea
    SafioraLinnea Posts: 628 Member
    To be able to breathe if i feel the need to run somewhere. -- my asthma used to be so bad I couldn't run more than about 15 steps without needing medication.

    To feel better about myself. -- I didn't like how much cellulite I was seeing on my legs and booty and I was starting to be worried about how unhealthy I was feeling.

    To attract a mate -- I'm vain and I'm strange. I do not want to procreate with someone who is obese. I personally think that if I'm fat, the only people looking to date me are people with a fat fetish, or people who are likewise overweight/obese. Also, I haven't had the greatest success so far with dating so I figure something has to change.
  • kittenmcgowan
    kittenmcgowan Posts: 83 Member
    So that I feel like I'm someone worth marrying.

    I wouldn't marry someone who was as self-destructive as I was, drinking too much, smoking, taking drugs, eating crap constantly. If I was a man, I would want to marry a healthy lass who loves life and wants to LIVE it, not watch it walk by. Someone healthy enough to bear and raise kids, and still have enough energy to have fun.

    Someone who looked gorgeous, radiant and full of life in the wedding photos.
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I have diabetes, hypertension, and cornerary heart disease, and PCOS.
    I need to do something... my body doesn't want to work anymore.
  • paulaj999
    paulaj999 Posts: 3 Member
    I gained 75 pounds when I was pregnant 23 years ago and it took me 15 years to finally lose 60 pounds of it. I exercised, I ate well, I felt good, I was beautiful. Then my mother developed dementia and my teenage son and I became 24X7 caregivers. I worked full time in the office when she was in day care and at home when she wasn't. My son is a full time college student and was trying to juggle her transportation around classes and job. It was demanding when she was early stage, but then she went middle and late stage and we have struggled to handle it for 4 years, each in different ways. I gained over a 115 pounds, my son escaped to his friends on weekends wrapped in guilt because he felt he was abandoning me. I felt like I had lost him and lost myself. My mother passed away 5 months ago and we're slowly finding our way back again. He's doing all the things a young man should be doing and now I need to do the things to take care of myself. My BP and cholesterol are up, there is diabetes in my family and at 55 years old I creak, groan and my joints hurt like an unhealthy 80 year old. I'm afraid it's too late, that I have damaged myself physically and there is a certain measure of hopelessness when I look at myself or the scale. But I have to make this work, I don't know what else to do. I have 130 pounds to lose and I don't want to look and feel like this anymore. I want to find the person inside me again. That's my reason for wanting to lose weight.
  • rudimae
    rudimae Posts: 107
    Fear. I'm afraid that if I do not drop the weight that I won't live very long. I'm 43 years old and feel 83 sometime. Part of that is my psoriatic arthritis, of course. But even that would ease if I lost weight. Several years ago, I was dianosed with an enlarged heart. My heart was only working at 35% capacity. It was due to an infection that had settled in my heart, but I'm sure the weight and high blood pressure didn't help. I also have asthma. My sister is a severe diabetic, though my sugar tends to run low. And my mother may eventually lose her leg due to cardiovascular issues. And my mother is super skinny, like she can't keep on weight, and still has issues.

    Also, since I've always been fat, I'm so curious as to what thin feels like. I've never experienced it.

    It's odd...some folks said they are losing weight so they don't have to be alone, so they can find a partner. My husband prefers fat chicks. Not sure what we'll do if I lose weight and he no longer finds me attractive! I don't think that will happen. He carries a little extra weight, but he's still within the healthy zone. But he's been so supportive of me trying to get healthier...exercising with me, helping me track what we eat, pushing me to work out on days I don't really want to.
  • KCramer12
    KCramer12 Posts: 153 Member
    So i can feel and look better!!!
  • rudimae
    rudimae Posts: 107
    Paulaj999,I don't have your reasons for gaining weight, but a lot of what you wrote sounds so much like what I posted after you...and I didn't read your post first! I have also felt the hopelessness.
  • Nicoleleeee
    Nicoleleeee Posts: 42 Member
    To feel young and energetic. I'm sick of carrying around extra kilos.
  • tmellberg
    I want more balance in my life. <3
  • paulaj999
    paulaj999 Posts: 3 Member
    Rudimae, Thank you so much for saying something to me. I read your post and it was so similar. I think that your husband is a good man to support you in the way he does. He has your back. :-) I have good support from my son and he encourages me, telling I've done far harder things. I've depended on him so much for these years I think I need to find support in a different way and that's why I joined this site and then spoke up on a forum. Talk about outside the comfort zone! Your reaching out to me and sharing how you feel lets me know this was the right choice.
  • innocenceportrayed
    innocenceportrayed Posts: 569 Member
    As sad as it is, it is HONEST: Society judges you by looks....I feel disgusting because I'm SLIGHTLY overweight(like 8 pounds). I know it's really sad, but I've always been insanely self conscious (since I was like...8) and have always wanted to be smaller like the majority of my friends because I believed that if you were skinny you were popular...which throughout school was fairly true.

    Hey, at least I was honest.
  • MikeyPsychee
    These manboobies gotta go!