What is your HONEST reason for losing weight??????



  • Muslimah1218
    Muslimah1218 Posts: 65 Member
    So that I can get pregnant... So that I can have sex without getting tired after less than 5 Minutes.... So that I can be more confident.... Because it is something that I should do.... I wanna wear lingerie... I want to be a good healthy role model for my future children.... etc
  • lindsayeade
    I have so many reasons.

    I've never been "fat" at all but this last year was really stressful and I gained about 20 pounds. I never exercised and ate poorly so it wasn't just gaining weight, it was losing all sorts of muscle tone and goals that I was SO unbelievably close to that I didn't realize until now, when I am 20 pounds heavier.

    I want to live a healthy life. I want to live a long, healthy, fit and active life and not let my actions or decisions be limited by my poor health or poor self image. I don't want to have the heart problems, diabetes, or liver problems that run in my family.

    I want to have the confidence that I've lacked for so long. I want to be able to get in a bathing suit without a second thought or any concern of what people will think of me I will think of myself.

    I want to be an example. I want to be the girl that inspires people because I can say, "I've been there". Though 20 pounds might not be as significant as say, 50, 70, or 130 pounds, it's still significant for me. It makes me just as unhappy as 50 pounds would.

    I used to be in shape, not the most in shape, but definitely fit enough. I'm not trying to just "lose weight". I'm trying to become the healthiest version of myself that I can be. I want to inspire my friends, my family, strangers, but most importantly, myself.

    I want to be able to train and run marathons, complete triathlons, go hiking, rock climbing, mountain biking, I want to feel the "natural runner's high" that I've heard of. I want not only be able to say "I did that", but "I did that, I gave it my best, and I kicked some serious butt while doing it."

    I'm done with letting my lack of confidence, poor self image, and 20 pounds get in my way of living life. It's been said a million and seven times, but life is just way too short to waste on negativity and poor self-esteem and though it's taken me several years to realize that (and probably a couple more years to be comfortable with and fully embrace), it's better late than never.

    So what's my honest reason for losing weight?

    Me. Because I deserve it.
  • magerum
    magerum Posts: 12,589 Member
    To be awesome & impressive for/to my son.
  • tship74
    tship74 Posts: 48
    I use to be in the Army Infantry. Got depression a few years ago and it destroyed me. Now I am rebuilding myself one step/bite at a time. I am ready to do those outdoors things again!!
  • Redtango76
    Redtango76 Posts: 144
    Reduce anxiety and panic attacks...
  • gerripho
    gerripho Posts: 479 Member
    I recently retired and now with all this extra time I want to be able to really enjoy life, do what I want to do, keep up with the grand kids, and in general stick around for quite a long time yet.

    Then, after all that, I want my pall bearers to not hate me! :laugh:
  • roxspires
    roxspires Posts: 9 Member
  • Jujubeez
    Jujubeez Posts: 2 Member
    To live longer, healthier, be able to enjoy working out again and feel better about myself.
  • Temple_Fit
    Temple_Fit Posts: 299 Member
    I let myself go and was just TOO DAMN BIG for my height and I was constantly in pain.
  • emtb319
    emtb319 Posts: 87
    I have a lot of reasons but the biggest one is hygiene. Do you know how hard it is to clean yourself or keep yourself clean with darned near everything is out of reach?
  • Starla_
    Starla_ Posts: 349
    Make my kids proud
    Reduce the symptoms of my pcos
    To be incredibly sexy and awesome for the man I love
    To live a long and happy life

  • nmleisa
    nmleisa Posts: 93 Member
    I don't want my kids to be teased for having a fat mom...and I am tired of being fat and feeling like a sloth!
  • HogSandwich
    HogSandwich Posts: 146 Member
    To reduce the impact of my anxiety disorder.
    To reduce the impact on my arthritic joints.
    My mother has a pathological fear of being fat, which means she can barely look at me.
    To stop prematurely bloody aging.
    Because chafing thighs are bloody painful and crap :(
    I want to be able to paint my toenails properly.
    Because I adore lingerie and want to look as good as possible wearing it.
    And I love fashion, and good designers for my size are sadly lacking :(

    And to get back to the weight I was when my partner and I got together eight years ago. HE'S still the same size, the *kitten*.

    Ultimately, EVERY SINGLE ISSUE I HAVE is tied to being overweight/unhealthy. EVERY ONE.
  • di2losew8
    di2losew8 Posts: 131 Member
    Honestly...to look good in anything I wear and to be healthier!
  • pen_thief
    pen_thief Posts: 78 Member
    God, I have so many.
    I'll list them in the order of most pressing:

    -I'm just like you. I'm 27 and have not one day of my life felt fully attractive and confident. So without prettying it up, it's vanity!

    -My health. I'm dealing with whacked-up hormonal problems that have made my life ever-so-delightful. I'm also aware that the more extra weight I have on my body, the higher my risk is for degenerative diseases later in life. Saw my grandma go down that road, and I think she'd be disappointed if I was given a chance to prevent that and didn't.

    -I kind of stand out in my family because I'm the only one with a weight problem pretty much out of all my cousins. I feel inferior quite often.

    -To enjoy my future relationships more - I've only had one and I didn't let him touch me because I was so insecure. Plus I didn't like him, lol. But I don't want to feel like "Ugh, don't look at/touch meeee."

    -Being able to spend less money on clothes, and always being able to find my size - and staying out the plus-size section

    -I've always been afraid of how small plane seats look. I think I'd fit currently but I don't want to feel jammed in there on my first-ever flight.

    -Go on a rollercoaster and get back in the swimming pool

    -I'm really looking forward to all those little reminders that'll pop up - for instance, Friend: "OMG I didn't even recognize you at first." Me: (Thinking) Oh that's right, I lost a whole person.
  • SWilkins75
    SWilkins75 Posts: 277 Member
    Health reasons. My heart couldn't handle the extra fat and my kidneys were working overtime. i was retaining so much water that even with pills i was not eliminatig it. It was hard to walk anymore because my feet were twice their size. i went for a meeting to get the gastric surgery and they told me i had to lose 10% of my weight to get on the table. I figured if i have to lose 30lbs on my own then what is the point of getting the surgery. I'll just keep doing it on my own since the first 30 lbs are the hardest one to lose. :smile:

    Good for you!!
  • saford10
    saford10 Posts: 24 Member
    To get rid of my sleep apnea so my husband doesnt wake up to a corps one day. And I don't want to be in the 200 range any more.
  • Frozen300
    Frozen300 Posts: 223 Member
    I felt gross and unnatural. I never was Mr.Fit, but I really let myself go in the past 10 yrs. Time to feel myself again.
  • naivenitara
    Wow, what a great topic! Because who's truly honest about their reasons for wanting to lose weight? Many people say it's because they care about their health or it's for their kids but their true reasons are much more shallow. ;) Honestly? Mine's to make people jealous. Before I (unwillingly) moved to the middle of nowhere in New Mexico to a one horse town, I was a chunko. Now when I go back to visit my friends this Christmas, I wanna make people jealous and make them think the move was really good for me (even though I hate this place). And I don't mind making my two sister-in-laws jealous either while I'm at it. So, yeah, that's the honest reason. But it doesn't really matter what motivates you. Anytime you're putting your health and waist line first, then it's good. Keep on truckin', people. I ain't mad at ya! =D
  • RSummer10
    To be healthy and stay athletic, I have always been pretty active during high school and college. I want to get pregnant soon and hope to stay in shape during my pregnancy and then bounce back as quick as possible (doing it healthy of course, and not being too crazy). I've heard step 1 is to be in shape before you get pregnant.