What is your HONEST reason for losing weight??????



  • rcadams97
    rcadams97 Posts: 106
  • MaitaAtienzaDiaz
    MaitaAtienzaDiaz Posts: 11 Member
    I want to lose weight because I really want to have a baby. I'm trying to conceive.
  • khurrambutt
    khurrambutt Posts: 260 Member
    I like to look good
  • joyfuljoy65
    joyfuljoy65 Posts: 317 Member
    Health issues getting a bit scary - asthma, blood pressure, joints....

    And to look better and not so mumsy! I am not old enough for mumsy yet!
  • 1. I want to look freaking hot in a leather corset.
    2. I want to be able to wear leather boots over skinny jeans.
    3. I am /seriously/ tired of trying on over priced ugly dresses that make me look like I am wearing a sack.
    4. It would be nice if I could look elegant in my wedding dress and not like a fluffy cake topper.
    5. I am taking my kids travelling for several months next year overseas. Lots of heavy pack carrying, lots of walking, lots of hot weather. I pays to be in shape and healthy when embarking upon such adventures... especially with two boys.

    Yes in that order :) A girls got to have priorities.
  • firead
    firead Posts: 56 Member
    Because my weight has started to effect my health in smaller ways (sore back, fatigue, worsened PCOS symptoms) and I'm afraid of it causing more severe problems. Related to that, I want my energy and endurance back - to be able to go hike or run around and play with my son without having to stop or slow down to catch my breath.

    Also, I am in college and working on a major career change in an industry where women are the minority and I know that gender discrimination is compounded by appearance - women in my industry who are deemed too sexy or attractive aren't taken seriously, but both women and men who are overweight or older (another strike against me) are also discriminated against and assumed to be lazy or not a good culture fit because they don't meet a certain unspoken standard of appearances. I want to do everything I can to increase my chances of a great job and to be someone my employer would not have reservations about sending to a conference or to give a presentation.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    I want to be a MILF! LOL! Honest answer right?

    Ditto this...

    So vanity is about 50% of the answer, the other 50% is equal parts health and longevity and setting an example for my children so they don't go through this, too.
  • judipatootie
    judipatootie Posts: 51 Member
    i want to feel confident in my clothes. I dont want to be the "fat" chick at work. I want me kids to be proud of me. And , well- my boyfriend is a few years younger than me , and spends a lot of time at the gym. He is pretty damn good looking. I dont want some hot young girl with a smoking body taking my mans attention away from me. You said to be honest!
  • justcallmedave
    justcallmedave Posts: 115 Member
    1. Health: I've just started on blood pressure meds. I'm only about 35 pounds over my ideal body weight , to be honest my aim is 200 pounds but I'm 6'1' and a solid muscular lad so 200 pounds should be a good weight for me. Additionally I work as ED nurse and I see so many older obese people come into ED with terrible comorbidities such as type 2 Diabetes and dangerously high BP that is poorly controlled with medication because the have been overweight for so long that they struggle to get back to healthy weight.

    2 Vanity : I don't want to be a fat old man- see above!
  • YF92
    YF92 Posts: 2,893 Member
    1. Health: My family has a history of diabetes and high blood pressure. My pressure is normally lower than most people so thats ok, but for the diabetes part I'd really like to avoid.

    2. Illness: I had a serious illness in the past and I'd like to condition my body and become stronger to avoid having to go through that stuff again.

    3. To be able to experience life more. Many sports I like such as football (Real football by the way), horse riding, skydiving (to do list), mountain climbing (to do list), etc.. require me to become more fit to experience. My training (and future) job requires me to do things such as move along steel bars, maneuver through tight spots and scaffolds, etc. I can do this now but its actually difficult. The extra baggage hinders me in some ways in life.

    4. To look better. I'm happy with the way I look, but I don't mind looking even better :)
  • DataSeven
    DataSeven Posts: 245 Member
    1) Better mobility - I had gotten to the point where it was difficult to get from point A to point B. I don't want to be an invalid or need a cane or anything like that.

    2) Vanity - I want to be able to walk into a store (even a plus sized store!) and pick out clothes because I like them, not because it's the only thing that will fit me.

    3) Travel - I want to not have to buy two seats and be able to fit in ONE airplane seat without bothering anyone next to me. I want to be able to travel and be a tourist and walk around places without getting tired so quickly.
  • eels4peels
    eels4peels Posts: 229 Member
    Better Sex. Period. Always.
  • Par7yPoison
    Par7yPoison Posts: 11 Member
    Want to be in better shape so that I can play footy more often and not be out of breath after a couple of minutes. And equally I want to look better - a little for me and a lot for my girlfriend. She hasnt asked me to but I want to be going on holiday with her and not embarrassed to be getting in the pool in my shorts, be able to walk around with no shirt on and not feel bad for doing it.
  • garnerish
    garnerish Posts: 67 Member
    I couldn't see my penis any more.

    I set myself that limit when I started gaining weight around 6/7 years ago.

    When you can't see your ****, that's the cut off, and you get to a healthy weight.
  • ChelseaWelseyKins
    ChelseaWelseyKins Posts: 272 Member

    I want to look sexy. My fiance is at boot camp becoming a Marine and I want to be able to be that arm-candy girl for him. I want his jaw to DROP.

    That's what my motivation was to start :)
  • dsm1991
    dsm1991 Posts: 156
  • ChelseaWelseyKins
    ChelseaWelseyKins Posts: 272 Member

    What....? Lol
  • mimieon
    mimieon Posts: 182 Member
    Vanity, health - feeling blegh all the time was a good motivation- and feeling like I could control something in my life.This last one was a bit of a scary reason, certainly a red flag for developing eating disorders (luckily it has not been an issue).
  • cincysweetheart
    cincysweetheart Posts: 892 Member
    Honestly… I want to prove a few people wrong…

    I want to prove the people wrong who think you have to go on low-carb diets or completely cut out sweets. (I work with a bunch of them)

    I want to prove the people wrong who think that if you have a bunch of weight to lose, you have to do something drastic, like get surgery, or go on reality shows like "Biggest Loser or Extreme Weight Loss."

    And I want to prove people wrong that thinks it has to be some emotional traumatizing experience to lose weight (usually because they see all those tears and "testimonials" on those aforementioned reality shows). In relation to that… I want to prove people wrong that think that the reason people are fat is because they have some unresolved issues and they will never be able to lose the weight or if they do, they will never keep the weight off unless they "resolve the underlying reason for it."

    Don't get me wrong… their are other benefits that I look forward to and will enjoy… but proving people wrong is really what is at the heart of it.
  • hilbertraum
    hilbertraum Posts: 4 Member
    #1 To fit back into all my clothes that are a bit too tight now. I can't afford new clothes at the moment and I have a lot of nice stuff that will fit if I reach my goal.
    #2 Mexican food. I'm from California but I live in Germany and I desperately miss good Mexican food. The stuff they call Mexican food here is...disappointing at best. In late October I'm going back to CA for 2 weeks and I want to eat ALL the Mexican food. ALL of it. So I'm losing weight right now to have a lot of leeway for the 2 weeks while there to eat it ALL. (Plus some other things I miss like cheetos and reses peanut butter cups) I fully expect to gain 5 pounds while there, and I don't care! I'll lose it again when I get back to freezing Germany in November!