Need to lose a lot quick...



  • LeslieC1970
    You could try a low carb diet to get you started. I have used Scarsdale before and was able to drop 20 lbs fairly quick.
  • mom2handh1975
    mom2handh1975 Posts: 224 Member
    You know what, I got very discouraged reading the previous posts. I imagine you did, too. That 50 pound number sounds great, but don't you think that if you even lost 20 pounds, you would feel a whole lot better about your appearance? I've only lost 7 pounds, and I can see it in my face (that's usually the first place to go on me), and I feel like my clothes look better already. I think you should focus on eating within your calorie budget, drinking LOTS of water, and getting whatever kind of exercise you can manage. You may not lose 50 pounds, but you will notice changes and feel more confident. Buy an outfit that flatters your curves and have a blast at the wedding. :happy:
  • TinaGuenette
    TinaGuenette Posts: 8 Member
    How about trying the 30 Day Shred workout video by Jillian Michaels? It gives me a good workout and I am at the 250lbs mark. It says you could lose up to 20lbs within the 30 days. Just as long as you eat a healthy diet with it. Hope this helps and good luck. Enjoy yourself at the wedding either deserve to have fun. :smile:
  • jr1985
    jr1985 Posts: 1,033 Member
    Well... I don't recommend doing it, as it is NOT super healthy, ... but watch fat, sick, and nearly dead on Hulu or netflix... The guy "ate' nothing but fruit and veggie juices for 60 days and lost 80 lbs.
  • Akimajuktuq
    Akimajuktuq Posts: 3,037 Member
    I think you know (as SO many other posters have pointed out) that 50 lbs. in 2 months is probably an unrealistic, and UNHEALTHY goal.

    However, I certainly can understand your wish to achieve it. Have you considered talking to your doctor and going on a medically supervised liquid diet? important words: MEDICALLY SUPERVISED.

    You could achieve excellent results, but ONLY under a doctor's strict care, to ensure you are taking in proper nutrients.

    Speak with your doctor, and see if that is an option. I wish you luck. Everyone here knows that weight loss isn't easy - we're all in the same boat!

    Doctors kill people all the time, and besides this person has not even lost 1 lb, so consider your sources!

    I agree ^.

    This person can achieve excellent results (but not 30-50 pounds) by eating healthy and exercising as much as they are able. Doctors are NOT the best people to consult for nutrition and weight loss advice, usually (likely there are exceptions). They don't study nutrition (usually one course) in medical school and they are affected by all the drug fads that come their way. A doctor may suggest surgery (people more than occasionally die from bypass surgery) and an ultra low fat diet. They're still stuck in the 1980s with their nutritional advice, in many cases. Doctors do kill people; medical treatment is one of the leading causes of death in the US (my opinion-do your own research, Dr. Mercola has great articles with SOURCES..)

    It's great to go to the doctor to get all the numbers checked (cholesterol, triglycerides, etc) per lifestyle change and then get them done again in a few months.

    To the OP: I understand that you need support and encouragement, but how can we do that when you propose something so unhealthy and dangerous? Please, do your best, day to day, and enjoy your progress, safely. Enjoy the wedding; it has nothing to do with your body!
  • fat214
    fat214 Posts: 109
    i suggest that you start last year.
  • elyelyse
    elyelyse Posts: 1,454 Member
    something I don't think anyone has mentioned, is that people who try to drastically lose weight quickly in order to feel better for a specific event... almost always put it back on plus some. The regimen you would need to stick to in order to reach the most loss in the shortest amount of time would not be sustainable in the long run, and that's what leads to the yo-yo effect so many of us experience.

    I, like others, think your stated goal is too ambitious to realistic... but I DO think you can see this event as the catalyst for making lifelong change. Think about how much better you will feel attending all future family events if you looked and felt better, and use that as LONG TERM inspiration. Even if you only drop 15 pounds by this event, you will already feel better, and knowing you are on a good path will give you the confidence you need.
  • Zeromilediet
    Zeromilediet Posts: 787 Member
    If you are seriously committed to this goal, try Whole30 but for the entire time leading up to the event. It's cheaper (no charge) than something like Metabolic Reasearch and you just eat the recommended foods which are available at your supermarket. You won't lose 50 lbs but you will lose a lot and it can be a kickstart to continuing after the wedding. Which should be your next goal: keeping it off. Yo-yoing is not healthy.
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I would spend a lot of time telling you how unsafe and ridiculous this is, but apparently I'm only supposed to be nice and supporting. So... good luck!
  • ctalimenti
    ctalimenti Posts: 865 Member
    I'm not saying you should do this but diarrhea works wonders. You'll be sick as hell but you'll lose weight. After having a colitis flare last yr and losing 1 lb per day before being hospitalized, I understood why laxatives for weight loss are abused.

    Do it the smart way; like everyone says. It'll be a good catalyst for the rest of your weight loss. Gotta start somewhere/sometime...
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I think DJ Tanner could teach you a good lesson! Just watch her episode about trying to lose weight really quick for a birthday party, and how she passes out!
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    I think DJ Tanner could teach you a good lesson! Just watch her episode about trying to lose weight really quick for a birthday party, and how she passes out!

    A man who watches Full House! I'm down! :wink:
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I think DJ Tanner could teach you a good lesson! Just watch her episode about trying to lose weight really quick for a birthday party, and how she passes out!

    A man who watches Full House! I'm down! :wink:

    haha is there anyone who hasn't watched that show!
  • b00b0084
    b00b0084 Posts: 729 Member
    I think DJ Tanner could teach you a good lesson! Just watch her episode about trying to lose weight really quick for a birthday party, and how she passes out!

    A man who watches Full House! I'm down! :wink:

    haha is there anyone who hasn't watched that show!
    I remember that episode. That was my show growing up. I understand the numbers of what I said I wanted to lose are what is getting all the negative remarks, I really do, but it was just the number I put. I never said I wouldn't be happy with whatever weight loss I do get. I want to be able to wear the high waisted jeans I was able to wear three years ago. They are two sizes smaller than I am now and I paid $80 on them. Just to be able to wear them again would be amazing!
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    My advice is to focus less on losing weight and more on working with what you've got. A few pointers:
    -A bit of a spray tan can help you look slimmer. Nothing too drastic. You might want to give it a test run a few weeks before the wedding to make sure you like it
    -Spend time finding the right dress. Go for dark colors and a flattering cut with loose flowing fabric-not clingy. V necks and belts help. You might do a little research online for what works best for your shape.
    -Spanx is a lifesaver! That and a good bra take off the pounds like nothing else.
  • leslturn8
    leslturn8 Posts: 505 Member
    do you know what, fk the hates and negative peoples!
    You want to lose that, you know its far fetched, awesome!
    Watch your intake, work your *kitten* off and be proud how low you go!
    Pointers, drink water, walking , water aerobics is low impact no swimming needed burns around 400 cals in an hour.
    Watch you intake and stay away from sweets and stay in your calories.
    Good luck :bigsmile:
  • Doozer1978
    Doozer1978 Posts: 61 Member
    I agree with slkehl.

    In my supportive fellow MFP user role I do ask you reconsider such a mission.

    About 6 years ago desperate to lose weight someone mentioned to me the Cambridge Diet. Wow.....sounded brilliant. 414 calories a day for 5.5 months....I dropped from 17st 9 to 10st 2. Drastic. I bought size eight clothes, looked stupidly thin for my frame and had absolutely no idea how to maintain it. I then went on starve/binge episodes and periods of self hatred as I tried to maintain something I had not developed the knowledge or routine for. My hair started to fall out, my skin looked grey and I had periods of left side paralysis.

    I then began to put the weight back on. Laxatives, tears.......then I lost it completely......but looking at it now I never really "had it".

    I am back to where I started now.... Well 30lbs down sensibly so far.....and now I can only lose weight sensibly, carefully and slowly. Develop your own understanding of fat, calories and cooking. Incorporate exercise and build your fitness regime into your life so that it becomes part of you.

    This is what I am doing now - and it seems to be working. I have a healthy relationship with my eating gremlin and we are getting fitter together.

    Start of a fitness/ healthy eating plan - it will make you feel better for the big day.
    Buy an amazing dress- spend extra - you are worth it.
    Get your nails done - hands and feet.
    Book someone to do your make up.
    Have a spa day in the build up.

    Your family will love you and you for being there.

    Good luck xx
  • amystyran
    amystyran Posts: 84 Member
    i'd say just try drink loads of water, and if you've hurt your knee, maybe just do exercises related to your top half? so like sit ups orrrr ...orrr.....well i can't think of any others but you get my drift! make sure you don't strain yourself though :)

    you should definitely set yourself mini goals aswell, like losing X amount of weight a week, then even if you don't reach your massive goal, you'll still have achieved something brilliant and it'll spur you on to do more :) good luck!