pregnant smokers



  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    I can't imagine it would be good to smoke while pregnant and it would seem logical that a doc would recommend not stopping to a smoker for risk of the effects of nicotine withdrawal but coming from a mother who was and still is a chain smoker all her life I can tell you I have absolutely no respect for smokers. Yeah it's one of those things the makes me an a whole but I consider smokers to be the bottom feeders of society. I cannot stand them in any way shape or form. They stink, most of them are inconsiderate about their smoking and they are genuinely disgusting people. Not to say I won't tolerate them but I would never allow a smoker to live with me and I generally just do not respect them.
  • angryguy77
    angryguy77 Posts: 836 Member
    I thought it was just a mass of cells?

    Our society us screwed up. It's ok to kill it, but don't smoke while carrying it.
  • tabinmaine
    tabinmaine Posts: 965 Member
    There will always be something to b**** about when it comes to pregnant woman. With both my pregnancies I took anti-depressants, which can cause birth defects. But not wanting to harm or kill myself while pregnant out weighs the possibility of my children being born with defects. I'd love them anyways and take care of them to the best of my ability.

    Its 9 f'n months. You are that selfish you cant be strong for 9 months

    Oh but its okay, you are willing to deal with the kids handicap. That must be so hard

    What about the kids dealing with their handicaps!?

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME ?? Did you just slam this poor girl for having depression and suggest that she NOT take her meds while pregnant ? You obviously do not have a clue about mental health or any common sense !

    I suppose you think a diabetic should stop taking insulin too while pregnant ?

    You need to CHECK yourself ! Ignorant fool.
  • Darlingir
    Darlingir Posts: 437
    Her body. Her baby. Her business.

    guess if she had a needle hanging out of her arm that would be ok too....crazy feminist bulls**t

    How is that feminist? It's a matter of mind your own business. It has nothing to do with feminism and everything to do with not meddling in other people lives and letting them make their own decisions, even if their decisions are stupid. They have to live with the consequences, not you.

    ] it affects another person.....YES, person ....period
  • etfan
    etfan Posts: 133 Member
    Any ob/gyn who would recommend that a woman with a high risk pregnancy NOT quit is an absolute moron, and the woman should immediately find a new doctor. That advice is not only bad, it's malpractice.
  • Sweetdistraction
    Sweetdistraction Posts: 12 Member
    There will always be something to b**** about when it comes to pregnant woman. With both my pregnancies I took anti-depressants, which can cause birth defects. But not wanting to harm or kill myself while pregnant out weighs the possibility of my children being born with defects. I'd love them anyways and take care of them to the best of my ability.

    Its 9 f'n months. You are that selfish you cant be strong for 9 months

    Oh but its okay, you are willing to deal with the kids handicap. That must be so hard

    What about the kids dealing with their handicaps!?

    Any child could be born with handicaps, regardless of what you do while pregnant. I atleast can say that I would love my babies no matter what, not everybody feels that way. I don't care what you think, I made the best and responsible choice I could. My boys are amazing, healthy, adorable and ALIVE! They also have me, their mother, to raise them. When I'm pregnant with my next child, I will without a doubt continue to take my medication.
  • Sweetdistraction
    Sweetdistraction Posts: 12 Member
    There will always be something to b**** about when it comes to pregnant woman. With both my pregnancies I took anti-depressants, which can cause birth defects. But not wanting to harm or kill myself while pregnant out weighs the possibility of my children being born with defects. I'd love them anyways and take care of them to the best of my ability.

    Its 9 f'n months. You are that selfish you cant be strong for 9 months

    Oh but its okay, you are willing to deal with the kids handicap. That must be so hard

    What about the kids dealing with their handicaps!?

    ARE YOU KIDDING ME ?? Did you just slam this poor girl for having depression and suggest that she NOT take her meds while pregnant ? You obviously do not have a clue about mental health or any common sense !

    I suppose you think a diabetic should stop taking insulin too while pregnant ?

    You need to CHECK yourself ! Ignorant fool.

    Thank you
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Any ob/gyn who would recommend that a woman with a high risk pregnancy NOT quit is an absolute moron, and the woman should immediately find a new doctor. That advice is not only bad, it's malpractice.

    Yeah, no.

    Science has proven that significant number of chemicals are filtered out by the placenta. Nature's way of protecting the baby, but the placenta can't help the child if the mother's heart rate dramatically rises. If the mother is prone to hypertension already, a withdrawal could lead to some serious problems.

    Please, oh please, stop buying into sensationalism and do some real research for yourself.
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    As bad as it sounds I would say it's none of your business.

    The only reason you want to say something about the premises being non-smoking is because she's pregnant. Whereas if there was a different person that was not pregnant outside smoking you wouldn't have taken the time to post here and you would not have said anything to the person.

    WRONG = every time I see someone smoking here I WANT to say something... I just don't want to lose my job over it. But thanks for assuming things about me. LOL
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    As bad as it sounds I would say it's none of your business.

    The only reason you want to say something about the premises being non-smoking is because she's pregnant. Whereas if there was a different person that was not pregnant outside smoking you wouldn't have taken the time to post here and you would not have said anything to the person.

    WRONG = every time I see someone smoking here I WANT to say something... I just don't want to lose my job over it. But thanks for assuming things about me. LOL

    All things aside, why aren't you allowed to say something to someone smoking on property that they are not allowed to smoke on?
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member

    Thanks for weighing in !! I do appreciate all of the RATIONAL responses... the name calling and bashing... not so much!
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    As bad as it sounds I would say it's none of your business.

    The only reason you want to say something about the premises being non-smoking is because she's pregnant. Whereas if there was a different person that was not pregnant outside smoking you wouldn't have taken the time to post here and you would not have said anything to the person.

    WRONG = every time I see someone smoking here I WANT to say something... I just don't want to lose my job over it. But thanks for assuming things about me. LOL

    All things aside, why aren't you allowed to say something to someone smoking on property that they are not allowed to smoke on?

    I guess I should ask the higher up's if it is appropriate. Good food for thought!
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    As bad as it sounds I would say it's none of your business.

    The only reason you want to say something about the premises being non-smoking is because she's pregnant. Whereas if there was a different person that was not pregnant outside smoking you wouldn't have taken the time to post here and you would not have said anything to the person.

    WRONG = every time I see someone smoking here I WANT to say something... I just don't want to lose my job over it. But thanks for assuming things about me. LOL

    All things aside, why aren't you allowed to say something to someone smoking on property that they are not allowed to smoke on?

    I guess I should ask the higher up's if it is appropriate. Good food for thought!

    I used to work in a similar situation. No smoking on the property. Parking lot included and YOUR CAR. Employees were expected to keep the public and each other responsible as it would result in a huge fine for the company.

    Interesting that you might be barred from doing so. Hmmmm....
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    As bad as it sounds I would say it's none of your business.

    The only reason you want to say something about the premises being non-smoking is because she's pregnant. Whereas if there was a different person that was not pregnant outside smoking you wouldn't have taken the time to post here and you would not have said anything to the person.

    WRONG = every time I see someone smoking here I WANT to say something... I just don't want to lose my job over it. But thanks for assuming things about me. LOL

    All things aside, why aren't you allowed to say something to someone smoking on property that they are not allowed to smoke on?

    I guess I should ask the higher up's if it is appropriate. Good food for thought!

    If it's not a designated smoking area, then you could complain to security, but do it for that reason... not because she is pregnant.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    As bad as it sounds I would say it's none of your business.

    The only reason you want to say something about the premises being non-smoking is because she's pregnant. Whereas if there was a different person that was not pregnant outside smoking you wouldn't have taken the time to post here and you would not have said anything to the person.

    WRONG = every time I see someone smoking here I WANT to say something... I just don't want to lose my job over it. But thanks for assuming things about me. LOL

    All things aside, why aren't you allowed to say something to someone smoking on property that they are not allowed to smoke on?

    I guess I should ask the higher up's if it is appropriate. Good food for thought!

    If it's not a designated smoking area, then you could complain to security, but do it for that reason... not because she is pregnant.

    That was my point too.... early in this thread. Many pages ago.
  • barmum
    barmum Posts: 73
    There will always be something to b**** about when it comes to pregnant woman. With both my pregnancies I took anti-depressants, which can cause birth defects. But not wanting to harm or kill myself while pregnant out weighs the possibility of my children being born with defects. I'd love them anyways and take care of them to the best of my ability.

    Its 9 f'n months. You are that selfish you cant be strong for 9 months

    Oh but its okay, you are willing to deal with the kids handicap. That must be so hard

    What about the kids dealing with their handicaps!?

    Any child could be born with handicaps, regardless of what you do while pregnant. I atleast can say that I would love my babies no matter what, not everybody feels that way. I don't care what you think, I made the best and responsible choice I could. My boys are amazing, healthy, adorable and ALIVE! They also have me, their mother, to raise them. When I'm pregnant with my next child, I will without a doubt continue to take my medication.

    You made the best and most sensible decision !! This person clearly knows sweet fanny adams about mental health and is giving out really potentially dangerous advice
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Her body. Her baby. Her business.

    guess if she had a needle hanging out of her arm that would be ok too....crazy feminist bulls**t

    Comparing Heroin to Cigarettes... WOW... You are crazy.
  • Cold_Steel
    Cold_Steel Posts: 897 Member
    As bad as it sounds I would say it's none of your business.

    The only reason you want to say something about the premises being non-smoking is because she's pregnant. Whereas if there was a different person that was not pregnant outside smoking you wouldn't have taken the time to post here and you would not have said anything to the person.

    WRONG = every time I see someone smoking here I WANT to say something... I just don't want to lose my job over it. But thanks for assuming things about me. LOL

    Yeah every time I see any body smoking it would be nice to be able to hit them with the proverbial truck but in reality that is not all that practical the fact that the person is pregnant does add something to it in general though, it does spark a bit more of a concern for the person and their general well being.

    Usually I dont have a concern for the health and well being of a smoker per say, you know just every one else around them that in some cases really dont have an opportunity to avoid.

    At work the designated smoking area is right outside my window, I rarely open my window because of that. Do I have any concern for the persons smoking? No. The company image - yes, the health of every one else that has to dodge their smoke clouds of death- yes. It is kind of like saying shooting a gun in public is safe as long as no one walks in front of the bullet... a bit dramatic I know but gah... I just despise smokers.
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    There will always be something to b**** about when it comes to pregnant woman. With both my pregnancies I took anti-depressants, which can cause birth defects. But not wanting to harm or kill myself while pregnant out weighs the possibility of my children being born with defects. I'd love them anyways and take care of them to the best of my ability.

    Its 9 f'n months. You are that selfish you cant be strong for 9 months

    Oh but its okay, you are willing to deal with the kids handicap. That must be so hard

    What about the kids dealing with their handicaps!?

    I'm a litttttttttttttle shocked that something so ridiculous just came out of your mouth.
    You are on MFP. Does that mean you are THAT SELFISH you can't control your food or caloric intake for 9 months?!?!
    Smoking, btw, does NOT lead to handicap children... just a little tiny fyi
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    smack her... or infact.. help her.. kick her in the stomach?

    Holy fu^&cking WOW. Seriously?