pregnant smokers



  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Her body. Her baby. Her business.

    I don't usually comment on forums but I just saw your replies...I have a friend (loosely speaking) that smoked during her last two pregnancies. Bother children are deaf as a result. Yes it was her business to quit but how do you think she now feels knowing that her smoking took away her child's hearing?

    Just saying.

    If she felt that bad after the 1st she wouldn't have smoked with the 2nd. Just sayin!

    BOTH her children are deaf because she smoked? negative ghost rider... would LOVE to see the specifics on this ...
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    you should smack her in the back of the head and embarrass her in front of everyone

    Her baby will thank you later on!!!!

    my mom smoked with both my brother and in...she'd fall asleep with a cigarette hanging out of her mouth...(classy I know) and we lived relatively healthy --- I can count on half a hand how many times I've ever been on antibiotics in my life...twice maybe? my brother is a marathoner, hockey player, volleyball player, racquetball, weight lifter etc etc...and I'm in great health.

    I don't really thank or hate my mother for her decisions while I was in-utero. my point. you'll love your mother regardless, because kids are warped like that.

    So, not every baby comes out screaming like they've spent 9 months in a smokey bar. ;)

    Absolutely love this...
  • ExplorinLauren
    ExplorinLauren Posts: 991 Member
    Any ob/gyn who would recommend that a woman with a high risk pregnancy NOT quit is an absolute moron, and the woman should immediately find a new doctor. That advice is not only bad, it's malpractice.

    Sigh. Again.. You are incorrect.
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    they ought to not be smoking while pregnant.....
  • gleechick609
    Just mind your own business. It's the best thing to do for all parties involved.
  • IronmanPanda
    IronmanPanda Posts: 2,083 Member
    It was so hard to put down the crack pipe the last time I was pregnant... but I overcame and was able to sell my child on the black market for 3 herds of camels. SCORE!
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    "Continuing to smoke during pregnancy does not provide any benefits to your baby. Quitting smoking does not put extra stress on your baby. Quitting smoking is one of the best things that you can do for your health and your baby’s health during development in the womb and after it is born. By quitting smoking, you will be protecting your infant from the dangers of secondhand smoke and reducing the risk of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)."

    Unfortunately you are not the mother and can do very little to get the mother to do what is right for her child. About the best thing you MIGHT be able to do is ask if she would consider a smoking cessation program at her local hospital or at least electronic cigarettes which at least have no carcinogens to worry about... if not for herself, for her baby's sake.
  • missworld95
    missworld95 Posts: 131 Member

    NO OFFENSE but since WHEN does a man have the right to talk about abortion...? You have no idea what your even speaking about truly and you never EVER will understand it thats just biology.

    Unless you're able to produce the child without man juice, don't tell a father that he doesn't have a say in the childs future

    If you are however able to create a baby all by yourself, well then congratulations because you're literally able to go and ____ yourself

    Hmm why don't you comment back when you are able to shove a human body out of your body... maybe men can put in a couple words (which may or may not have any effect) but that's about it,
  • tripitena
    tripitena Posts: 554 Member
    Think and feel any way you want but mind your own business. Im sure she knows it would be better if she didn't smoke so she doesn't need to you to act as her conscience.
  • avir8
    avir8 Posts: 671 Member
    Also....there is absolutely no link between smoking and deafness....

    No but there is a link between smoking and asthma, nicotine addiction, other respiratory diseases, cancer of the mouth, lungs, bladder, etc, infertility, stillbirths, bone fractures, need I go on. That baby is going to have an amazing life (i you can't tell that was sarcasm)
  • Huskeryogi
    Huskeryogi Posts: 578 Member
    my mom smoked with me and i turned out okay =D

    Ditto - although she had nightmares I was born and she could hold me in one hand.

    I turned out to be a nine pounder.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    It was so hard to put down the crack pipe the last time I was pregnant... but I overcame and was able to sell my child on the black market for 3 herds of camels. SCORE!
    ANIMATIONSMILEYSSMOKING-1.gif you can get that much for um? do they need to be alive or dead? hubbie was in inda a wile back and found out the dead ones go for alot less:frown:
  • Fieldsy
    Fieldsy Posts: 1,105 Member
    It makes me want to smack them in the back of the head for being so selfish.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    There are some doctors that recommend heavy smokers that are pregnant NOT quit, especially if it is a high-risk pregnancy. The effects of nicotine withdrawal could be too much for the fetus to handle and she could lose the baby.

    Just something to think about.

    Really? What doctor actually recommends continuing to smoke as much as a heavy smoker does? Without even trying to cut down?

    I'd like to see sources that it's safer for a fetus to be subjected to smoking than withdrawal.
    Her body. Her baby. Her business.

    my mom smoked with me and i turned out okay =D

  • CanadianThunder
    It's absolutely none of your business if someone chooses to smoke while pregnant. It is not your child, nor someone you actually know.

    But, once I am ready to have children or become pregnant, all smoking will end on my part. My aunt smoked through all three of her pregnancies, all children are fine. Regardless, I do not think it is right for me to make a decision for my child when he/she is unborn. He/she doesn't deserve to be subjected to it.
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    To clarify, it is clearly posted on the doors of our building ( Medical Plaza ) that this is a non smoking facility.

    Fair enough, but would you have such a strong desire to "thump" a non-pregnant smoker? I have to agree with some of the posts - It is her body, and I have heard the same about the withdrawl being too dangerous for some women during pregnancy. You can feel any way you want, but ultimately your opinion will not matter in terms of what SHE does. Just breath and look away.
  • InnerFatGirl
    InnerFatGirl Posts: 2,687 Member
    It's absolutely none of your business if someone chooses to smoke while pregnant. It is not your child, nor someone you actually know.

    So is it none of our business if people choose to hurt children in other ways? Should I not care if somebody gets blind drunk while pregnant, or if a Father abuses his daughter or a Mother her son?

    After all, let's let people do whatever they like to their children, and if their children suffer because of it, well it's too bad! It was none of our business and people should do whatever the *kitten* they like. Children clearly don't matter because they belong to the people who created them. They have no rights, no rights to be protected.
  • PayneAS
    PayneAS Posts: 669 Member
    Also....there is absolutely no link between smoking and deafness....

    No but there is a link between smoking and asthma, nicotine addiction, other respiratory diseases, cancer of the mouth, lungs, bladder, etc, infertility, stillbirths, bone fractures, need I go on. That baby is going to have an amazing life (i you can't tell that was sarcasm)

    They were responding to the person who said they knew someone who had two children who were born deaf because of the mother smoking.
  • sherisse69
    sherisse69 Posts: 795 Member
    There will always be something to b**** about when it comes to pregnant woman. With both my pregnancies I took anti-depressants, which can cause birth defects. But not wanting to harm or kill myself while pregnant out weighs the possibility of my children being born with defects. I'd love them anyways and take care of them to the best of my ability.

    Its 9 f'n months. You are that selfish you cant be strong for 9 months

    Oh but its okay, you are willing to deal with the kids handicap. That must be so hard

    What about the kids dealing with their handicaps!?


    Any child could be born with handicaps, regardless of what you do while pregnant. I atleast can say that I would love my babies no matter what, not everybody feels that way. I don't care what you think, I made the best and responsible choice I could. My boys are amazing, healthy, adorable and ALIVE! They also have me, their mother, to raise them. When I'm pregnant with my next child, I will without a doubt continue to take my medication.
  • CanadianThunder
    It's absolutely none of your business if someone chooses to smoke while pregnant. It is not your child, nor someone you actually know.

    So is it none of our business if people choose to hurt children in other ways? Should I not care if somebody gets blind drunk while pregnant, or if a Father abuses his daughter or a Mother her son?

    After all, let's let people do whatever they like to their children, and if their children suffer because of it, well it's too bad! It was none of our business and people should do whatever the *kitten* they like. Children clearly don't matter because they belong to the people who created them. They have no rights, no rights to be protected.

    Oh, sorry I didn't realize we were taking things to the extreme. Really, if people are abusing their children, that is a completely different topic. Smoking while pregnant is NONE of your business. Everyone knows the health risks. If she chooses to continue to smoke while pregnant, that is HER prerogative.