where are my nerds?!?!?



  • mettafiore
    mettafiore Posts: 4 Member
    This pissing contest could fill an entire tanker full of urine.

    Anyone else here like Coldplay?
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    I like your shoes!
  • mettafiore
    mettafiore Posts: 4 Member
    I like your dolls.
  • diadojikohei
    diadojikohei Posts: 732 Member
    I like your dolls.
    They are minis- 28mm high. I'm the one in the red jump suit! lol!
  • whoviangleek
    Ummm... Username? *points left* I've always considered myself a geek, but my mom keeps saying "You're such a nerd" to me, so I don't know.

    I love Sci-fi and fantasy. I'm not a huge geek about Star Wars and I'm not a Trekkie, but I loved the movies and I had a crush on Data and Cpt. Picard. Also, I built my own lightsaber at Disneyland. I've read all the HP books and seen all the movies (was anyone else upset that Winky didn't make it into the movie?), I liked Twilight before it was made into a (terrible) movie, loved Huger Games (books and movie), Eragon (another terrible movie... really... the events were out of chronological order), Inkheart, Fruits Basket, Hitchhiker's Gudie to the Galaxy (haven't seen the movie yet), Anne Rice vampires (Interview with the Vampire was an awesome movie), and pretty much everthing that Tim Burton makes with Johnny Depp. Oh and the Dominion board game.

    I am a diehard Dr. Who fan, but I still need to see the original. I have 3 Dr. Who t-shirts (Cyberman, Dalek, and Weeping Angel), the 11th Doctor's sonic screwdriver (which is an actual screwdriver), a TARDIS mug, a Everthing I Know I Learned From Doctor Who poster, the encyclopedia, the Dalek Handbook, the 100 Scariest Monsters, and I painted a TARDIS, Dalek, Cyberman head, and the Torchwood logo on the front of my sketchbook. I've seen 3 seasons of Torchwood (because I love Capt. Jack), but couldn't bring myself to watch it after the events of CoE (Janto fans you know what I'm talking about). I have all the books, the encyclopedia, both Yearbooks, and have llistened to all the radio plays.

    I'm in love with Merlin, Sherlock (I'm a Cumberb*tch), Criminal Minds (love Reid and Garcia), Castle (I need to catch up), Grimm, Through the Wormhole, How the Universe Works, The Nerdist ((podcast and show) because I'm trying to be even nerdier), Mythbusters, Once Upon a Time, Walking Dead, Dexter, Being Human (US), Project Runway, NCIS, Bedlam, The Fades, and Glee.

    Ahhhh, there's so much I can't remember it all!!!!!!!
  • sushiforbrains
    Nerd... According to Wikipedia...
    "Nerd is a derogatory stereotype of a person typically described as socially-impaired, obsessive, or overly intellectual. They may spend inordinate amounts of time on unpopular, obscure, or highly technical pursuits, or those relating to topics of fiction or fantasy, to the exclusion of more mainstream activities.[1][2][3] Other nerdy qualities include physical awkwardness, introversion, quirkiness, and unattractiveness.[4] Thus, a nerd is often excluded from physical activity and is a social outsider. In the stereotypical high-school situation, they may be either considered loners by others, or associate with a small group of like-minded people. As with other pejoratives, nerd has been reappropriated by some as a term of pride

    *** I used to be a nerd. Now I'm more of a geek ***

    According to Wikipedia...
    "The word geek is a slang term for odd or non-mainstream people, with different connotations ranging from "a computer expert or enthusiast" to "a person heavily interested in a hobby", with a general pejorative meaning of "a peculiar or otherwise dislikable person, esp[ecially] one who is perceived to be overly intellectual".[1]

    I love star trek, LOTR, the hobbit, jeopardy, big bang theory.
    I test software for a living. I get excited about Excel spreadsheets. My idea of an awesome conference was a software development one I went to in Vegas. Did the whole dual honors diploma with math and ad art. Took advanced calc in university, along with computer programming... I google everything, and Wikipedia is a very close friend.


    I ... fall into both of those catgories. heh. I cringe when my almost-elderly crazy office-mate looks things up in the phone book and takes more than one minute to do so. I want to jump out of my chair and yell "Red fire woman don't you know what google is!?" (would likely be more profane than that but you know.)

    I've always been socially awkward/inept and learned to just find the kindred spirit and hang with them. I remember when I moved in high school and I guess the cool kids thought they would adopt me into their group because I must be really awesome because I came from a city school with a "badass" reputation. They asked me to sit with them at lunch and after a day or two I was gone to the "nerdy kids" group because I was not about to hang out with a bunch of fake *kitten* rich kids who thought they were ghetto.

    Anyone into webcomics? which ones do you read? I am a religious follower of Girl Genius (have a copy of #1 floppy signed by Phil Foglio!), Least I Could Do, XKCD, Sam and Fuzzy, Girls with Slingshots, and QC, but I am always looking for more. I have a few others that I check out on occasion, but those listed I check every time they update. I'm also into print comics, I love "Unwritten" and "Chew" currently, along with "Wormwood: Gentleman Corpse", "Skullkickers", "Bone", "Usagi Yojimbo" etc, etc.
  • vytamindi
    vytamindi Posts: 845 Member
    *twitches* Doctor Who, not Dr. Who.

    Sorry. I had to. :blushing:
  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I hate it when people call themselves nerd because they enjoy pop culture.

    I know, right? You are not a nerd just because you enjoy some of the most popular movie and book franchises ever. There is nothing "nerdy" about Star Wars, Disney, LoTR, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games etc. These things are massively popular. Even my mom has read the Hunger Games. Harry Potter has his own theme park down in Florida. Right next to the Disney one that has the Star Wars ride in it. If something is popular enough to warrant a theme park, it's not nerdy.

    There's nothing wrong with liking these things if you do. Just don't think that liking them makes you unusual or nerdy.

    When you have Tolkien's The Silmarillion and the Appendices to LOTR nearly memorized, I think that transcends the line between "enjoying pop culture" and nerdom.

    How about if your parents taught you to READ using the Silmarillion?
  • tonyc518
    tonyc518 Posts: 14
    big nerd to the point where it was a problem earlier in life...used to play counter strike for 14hrs at a time back when I was in 8th grade ( end of 1.5 begining of 1.6 and steam ) here how my life was for a week, play from 3pm - 6 am, sleep until about 1-2, eat and go back at it...did the whole CAL/CPL/ESEA/CSEA nonsense coudln't get past cal-o for the most part due to destroying face and getting disputed every match, our one guy went 30-0 on one half, skill level was at cal-i/cpl at one point all we scrimed against and played against in ESEA. but now i rarely play video games, I'm trying to get back into it just to finish the games I have started. Had MW3 since christmas and just now started to really play it..online for those games bore me, so I usually stick to single player. So I don't look like a nerd now, but huge nerd now...but trust me I am. lol :)
  • alliwithaneye
    alliwithaneye Posts: 163 Member
    *pokes head in* This gal.

    LOVE me some gaming, anime, comics, BSG(SO SAY WE ALL!), Star Wars/Trek, Transformers (Decepticons always)... I named my cats; Link, Zelda and Gannon if that tells you anything ;) I REALLY want to name a dog Ryuk( death note anyone?) and future son is to be Archer(Capt Archer), my husband and I have already decided! Our little girl's middle name is Story, book nerds. I am a dead serious toy collector and have my own room dedicated to my collections as does my husband( Sentai ,PR, MOTU), true Harley Quinn and Wonder Woman fangirl. I like cosplay and am determined to make it to SDCC and E3 one day. I was devastated when they canceled Legend of the Seeker and Firefly. Have always wanted to get into tabletop gaming but no one will have me for I am a newb to D&D. I am pretty awkward and never really found a group of awesome people(like all of you) to hang with out in the real world.. *sad panda* Right now I am addicted to some Gears3 online... AlliTron @xboxlive. So do I meet the criteria?

    EDITED to say I do suck at math... so that part of nerdom is dead to me lol.
  • alliwithaneye
    alliwithaneye Posts: 163 Member
    I'm a Brony, Trekkie, Browncoat, still a Harry/Hermione shipper, love theonering.net, a fan of Rimmer on facebook, and named one of my daughters after Kahlan Amnell.

    I <3 you for naming your daughter Kahlan.
  • tmj2191
    tmj2191 Posts: 76
    bump bump bump bumpy bump
  • Exill
    Exill Posts: 155 Member
    I don't see how it's a bad thing to be a "geek", to have an intense interest in things (sci-fi, fantasy, gaming, reading) and carry out the things you enjoy in playful manners (cosplay, LARPing, collecting). Seems more fun than sitting around in a bar, but I guess I'm biased. I guess I just find people who don't share any of these "geeky/nerdy/dorky" interests boring. At least geekdom is catching on as being fracking awesome, so I don't have to feel like quite as much of an outcast anymore. I might even have had a chance at being "popular" if I was born 10 years later. Instead I got picked on for liking Sailor Moon and videogames were my best friends. /no regrets
  • jk262
    jk262 Posts: 1,598 Member
    I'm a nerd. I'm ok with it. I'm not into LOTR, the hobbit was actually the only book I read growing up that I DID NOT like. I've never seen Star Wars. I like to watch Star Trek from time to time. I do love to read though. I just really love learning. anything. I'm down. I like trivia a lot. I also like nerding out about music stuff too. And having intense intelligent discussions. LOVE.
  • Sheymarie417
    Sheymarie417 Posts: 40 Member
    uber nerd here!!!
  • Sheymarie417
    Sheymarie417 Posts: 40 Member
    uber nerd here!
  • loztandfound
    loztandfound Posts: 73 Member
    D'you know what, Sheldon Cooper may be too nerdy, but I do actually have two friends who are exactly like him, I mean to the CORE. well, take away the american part, and the religion, but very traditional upbringing and very......Shirts are casual wear, vest tops are for the weekends!

    I posted on the first page, there have been many more since me..... still adding people!!

    Lozt xx
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    Whedonite, addicted to most things fantasy and/or nerdy!
  • zombie_porno
    zombie_porno Posts: 199 Member
    D'you know what, Sheldon Cooper may be too nerdy, but I do actually have two friends who are exactly like him, I mean to the CORE. well, take away the american part, and the religion, but very traditional upbringing and very......Shirts are casual wear, vest tops are for the weekends!

    I posted on the first page, there have been many more since me..... still adding people!!

    Lozt xx

    I would LOVE to be friends with my very own Sheldon.
  • naivenitara
    I have a software engineering degree, I used to have a Red Dwarf "Smoke Me A Kipper" t-shirt, I can quote vast tracts of The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy and I know this much pi off by heart ... 3.14159265358979323846.

    And I thought The Big Bang Theory was a reality show ;)

    Awesomesauce! =D