How do you fit a workout in?



  • McBully4
    McBully4 Posts: 1,270 Member
    I copied and pasted this from a similar thread, my answer is still the same.

    I make the time. It comes down to how bad you want to. I worked 50 hours a week, aced my architecture classes, made it to most of my wrestling training classes and lost 50 lbs. I was in the gym at 5am and not home until after 11pm most days but I made it happen.
  • jljewell
    jljewell Posts: 28 Member
    I'm a mom in grad school and working full time, and I get up early to do one workout (Zumba with the Playstation3 or go for my Couch to 5K program), and then a second workout late in the evening (30DS). I didn't think I had time, but I made it. Working out before bed has cured my insomnia!
  • LisaRep88
    LisaRep88 Posts: 20 Member
    I work out after I get my one-year old in bed for the night which is between 8 and 9p. I've been in this routine long enough to know that the later work outs do not keep me from falling asleep. They actually do the opposite! With a busy day of work, chasing my daughter when I get home, dinner, laundry, house cleaning and a work out, I fall asleep instantly! Choose whatever time works best for you - regardless of time. It's the only way you'll be able to stick with it! Good luck!
  • contingencyplan
    contingencyplan Posts: 3,639 Member
    Lunch break at work. Jump rope and calisthenics. Booya!
  • CentralCaliCycling
    CentralCaliCycling Posts: 453 Member
    Hey everyone! I'm wondering if anyone has any tips on how to fit a workout in. I work full-time, in grad school full-time and a mother of an infant and a toddler. It seems like I don't have a single second to spare and when I do I can't find anyone to watch my kids for me :(

    Is it ok to wait until 10:00 at night to try to workout or is that too hard on your ability to fall asleep after you're done?

    Better to work out at 10 pm than to not work out at all, however sleep is an important aspect of keeping weight down if that is one of your goals and when you work out late your body usually doesn't want to sleep. I usually ride in the evenings and don't get back in the house until after 9 pm which leaves me wired for a good three hours after - perhaps with your schedule that would allow for studies after the work out?
  • ChapinaGrande
    ChapinaGrande Posts: 289 Member
    When my daughter was a baby, I would use her as a weight. That way I could exercise and involve her. I held her to my chest while doing situps or squats, pushed her in her stroller while power-walking, laid on the floor and held her in the air above me and lifted her (this was dangerous because she had acid reflux and was quite the puker)... when she was a toddler, she thought it was hilarious to ride me like a horse and that was quite a workout, too. I liked these methods because it was special quality time with her instead of leaving her with a sitter while I spent even more time away from her at the gym.
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    You might just use DVDs/YouTube and catch in what time you can while the baby is sleeping. The toddler will be interested in what you are doing and will likely join in if there's fun music involved. Twenty minutes a day will make a difference. Also do the little things like taking the stairs instead of the elevator, park farther away from the door, etc.
  • veerichie
    veerichie Posts: 214 Member
    I've been getting up 45min-1hour earlier every day to do DVDs.

    If nothing else, you could always take the little ones for a walk.
  • bethanp
    bethanp Posts: 72 Member
    On the Netflix note- there are some streaming workouts on there that are called "Ten Minute Solutions." I've tried the yoga one but I know there are others. The workout is broken into 5 different 10 minute segments so if you only have time for ten minutes now, then minutes later, you can break it up or you can do all 50 minutes as well. Either way moving>not moving so try blocking out time in your schedule when the kids are sleeping/napping or do your grad school reading while marching in place or on a treadmill if you can. :)
  • JenniBaby85
    JenniBaby85 Posts: 855 Member
    I am a SAHM, and part time artist *who is not making many sales*, so it is a lot different. But I try to include my kids in my work outs. I chase my toddler around a lot, dance like a lunatic with her, and carry my infant, sometimes at the same time as my toddler :tongue: . I will lay flat on my back with my legs bent, place the baby on her belly on my shins *and hold her back so she is safe* and lift my legs with her hanging on. She loves it! It also works my abs because I have to bend in such a way as to keep my hands on her back at all times to make sure she doesn't fall. I lift my kids like I lift my lids up and down too. When I use my aerobic step my toddler likes to watch and laugh at me :ohwell:.
  • valcran
    valcran Posts: 6
    When I worked, I fell out of bed at 5am and did a women's weight training program, twice a week - before anyone else was up! and then walked to work and home again for a total of 5 hrs cardio-vascular which I could do in less time than it took when I drove, and dealt with traffic and parking.
    I varied my ( downtown) route and looked at flowers, birds and trees instead.
    This was 'me' time and left evenings and week-ends free for quality family time, which could include walks and games - together!!!
    Work with your body clock and the family schedule, would be my advice - I will admit, being a natural early bird gave me plenty of time a.m. to work with but if you are a night owl, it would also work.
  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    If you do decide to do workout DVDs then I'd recommend the 30 Day Shred. The workouts are only 20 minutes long (bit longer with warm up and cool down) but you really feel like you've worked after them.
    If you have internet you can just do these from youtube, theres no need to buy the dvd.
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    i have 20 minutes in between my two jobs (after traveling from one to the other) which is enough time for me to squeeze in a one mile run, freshen up, get dressed, and start my 2nd job.
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,676 Member
    Amazing schedule! You are incredible, Mommy!
    My suggestion is to try to make sure you don't stay up later at night than try to get to bed early. With an infant, this can be thrown off pretty regularly.
    But the idea is that you won't mind a fairly early start in the morning if you've slept enough.
    Even if it's only 45 min first thing in the'll make great progress. Plus that "me-time" first thing is so refreshing.
    Key is to get to bed, and be prepared for the morning the day before.
    Blessings to you, Mommy!
  • saptamani
    saptamani Posts: 14 Member
    I'm a recent law school graduate, full-time worker, parent, and husband. I found that the best way to work out was to do an exercise that allowed me to study while I worked out. I'd go to the university's fitness center in the morning and ride an exercise bike or eliptical while doing my daily reading. I don't know if such a system would work for you, but I found it to be an efficient use of time.
  • OneFitDude16
    Decide. Commit. Succeed.
  • chcoley
    chcoley Posts: 63 Member
    Find a gym with childcare! I felt terribly guilty about leaving my three kids in childcare when I first started going to the gym. As it turns out, they LOVE going and have made lots of friends there and I love having my hour or so to myself to do what I need to do for me (and for them!). :)
  • corrinnebrown
    corrinnebrown Posts: 345 Member
    Body Revolution - Jillian Michaels...30 minutes. Thats it and its a GREAT workout. I do it right before bed and then I sleep great :)
  • jamers3111
    jamers3111 Posts: 495 Member
    I prefer working out before my brain registers what I'm doing! haha I get up at 5am and either go for a run, hop on the elliptical, or do P90X. I also do my P90X strength videos at night since there isn't as much cardio.
  • RachelLovitt
    RachelLovitt Posts: 35 Member
    I am too tired at night and can't work out after dinner, so I work out early morning at home with DVDs.