Join me for a challenge?



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy tuesday all,

    I went to exercise boot camp this morning for an hour. According to MFP an hour of circuit training, general is good for at least 500 calories, so, that's how i counted my calories for that. I know I need to invest in a hrm but it probably won't happen until after Christmas therefore all I can do is estimate. I know I worked up a sweat so I burnt something....LOL.

    Anyway, I've been on track since beginning this challenge and I'm feeling really good about it.

    Keep up the good work ladies.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    It's Wednesday, It's Wednesday!!! My holiday vacation has officially begun. I didn't have to work today but i did have to go to exercise boot camp therefore I still had to get up very early. Anyway, I'm glad the workout is behind me so I can enjoy the rest of my day. As I stated I estimates boot camp to burn at least 500 calories in a hour but just to ensure I made my goal I also went to the gym and worked out on the elliptical machine for an hour. According to the machine I burnt 585 total calories so I think i'm good for today.

    Now I don't know if I'll be burning that many calories tomorrow but I have committed to at least completing a workout dvd. However many calories I burn doing that is going to have to count.

    Happy Holidays everyone and I can't wait to hear how everyone did.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Thanksgiving all,

    I have completed my workout DVD for the day. It was a 40 minute cardio/strength training video and 20 minute ab workout. I have had my breakfast and four 8 oz glasses of water thus far. I already plan to eat my snack and bring my own gladware so I have better control of my portions. This gladware is separated into 2 smaller sections and one large section. My plan is to place the dressing or sweet potatoe casserole and the turkey in the smaller sections with the larger section being used for the vegetables.

    I have a plan for today and I feel pretty good about it.

    Hope you all enjoy your family and friends.
  • LifeChanges42
    LifeChanges42 Posts: 636 Member
    This is such a GREAT challenge!!! I am not doing well, but my mind comes back to this challenge a lot! I have come to realize that I might be having trouble with it but I am using the Phycology of it in my house for things other than exercise.
    Since I am having trouble fitting exercise into my "laziness" schedule, I recruited my 12 year old for help! She is supposed to encourage me to fit my exercise in and I encourage her to clean (and keep) her room clean.
    Every night we are checking with each other at 8 (so we have time to finish before bedtime if we haven't gotten to it already).
    After 30 consecutive nights we are going to go out for our favorite meal... Sushi! We don't go often because we have to drive an hour for a decent sushi place and it is SO expensive, BUT I am setting money aside for that night and neither one of us want to let the other down. We are starting when she gets home on Monday! I am going to start again tonight by dancing with my 3 1/2 year old and my 2 year old! (They have SO much energy and will dance for almost an hour)! That has to burn a few calories especially when I lift them up an try barrel turns with them!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    This is such a GREAT challenge!!! I am not doing well, but my mind comes back to this challenge a lot! I have come to realize that I might be having trouble with it but I am using the Phycology of it in my house for things other than exercise.
    Since I am having trouble fitting exercise into my "laziness" schedule, I recruited my 12 year old for help! She is supposed to encourage me to fit my exercise in and I encourage her to clean (and keep) her room clean.
    Every night we are checking with each other at 8 (so we have time to finish before bedtime if we haven't gotten to it already).
    After 30 consecutive nights we are going to go out for our favorite meal... Sushi! We don't go often because we have to drive an hour for a decent sushi place and it is SO expensive, BUT I am setting money aside for that night and neither one of us want to let the other down. We are starting when she gets home on Monday! I am going to start again tonight by dancing with my 3 1/2 year old and my 2 year old! (They have SO much energy and will dance for almost an hour)! That has to burn a few calories especially when I lift them up an try barrel turns with them!

    What a great way to use this challenge in everday life. I'm glad you have the support of your daughter. Keeping their room clean at that age is a huge challenge, so good luck w/that. The philosophy I've been using when I don't feel like exercising is saying "the sooner I get to the gym the sooner I get home".

    I'm still going strong with the challenge. I found a treadmill interval workout program on line and completed that in addition to some ab work. I'm about to call it a night b/c my boot camp instructor is doing a 3 mile jog/run tomorrow and I said I would participate. I'm a bit nervous b/c I don't like jogging especially outside but am trying to challenge myself so I'm gonna give it a try.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Week 1 day 3 of 7 Went to the Gym on Tues. Got ready for Thanksginving Wed and of course Turkey day. Today the eliptical.. Plan to go to the Gym tomorrow for day 4 of 7! That would make week one a sucess (Mon thru Sun) Did well with eating on Thanksgiving and just a few leftovers today. The Twice baked sweet potatoes were great. I made the cranberry salad in small dishes perfect for a snack now that there are a few left. Hope to make a positive report on Sunday. Have a great weekend!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I believe today is day 12 of the challenge for me and I am still going strong. I have already met my goal today. My boot camp instructor held an after Thanksgiving session this morning, so I decided to attend. Now that it's behind me I am so glad I participated and I still have my entire day ahead of me. My eating has been great although my boot camp instructor believes I should up my caloric intake so that my body doesn't go into starvation mode since I've been training like a crazy person. While I totally understand what she's talking about the idea of eating more still doesn't register correctly with my mind. I'm going to get the mind right so the body can continue to progress.

    Happy Saturday all.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Did it! :flowerforyou:

    Week one 4 of 7 days completed 300+ calories worth of exercise! Today was especially good at the gym! Almost 500 cals. between the eliptical, treadmill and strength training!

    Another milestone for me. Ran 1.5 miles with out walking! - Goal 5K!

    Choco- Good work for you! :drinker: Way to stick with it! I bet you are getting so sculpted!

    See you all on Monday! When I begin week 2!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Where is everyone at, It has been a few days since I've seen postings I hope this doesn't mean people have given up on the challenge????

    Anyway, I am still going strong. I burned over 500 calories today between an hour of exercise boot camp, 15 minutes jogging on the treadmill and an hour of weight training.

    My arms are so sore I can barely type this post.

    Don't give up on the challenge ladies, we can do it. Thirty days will be here before we know it.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I guess it's just us, Chocolick, right now! Hope a few others come back, but I am liking this quick check in and accountability. So I guess we are partners! :happy:

    Week Two, Day 1/7 got in my exercise ran 2 miles with out stoppin' :drinker: and walked a bit and did some weights and squats,.. Not too many sit-ups, i was too sore from Saturday! Tommorw I go biking if it's not too cold, otherwise a run in the park!

    Have you always been so committed to exercise? I have gone through spurts it seems. I am really hoping to keep this going as a lifestyle! It does feel great! Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I guess it's just us, Chocolick, right now! Hope a few others come back, but I am liking this quick check in and accountability. So I guess we are partners! :happy:

    Week Two, Day 1/7 got in my exercise ran 2 miles with out stoppin' :drinker: and walked a bit and did some weights and squats,.. Not too many sit-ups, i was too sore from Saturday! Tommorw I go biking if it's not too cold, otherwise a run in the park!

    Have you always been so committed to exercise? I have gone through spurts it seems. I am really hoping to keep this going as a lifestyle! It does feel great! Keep up the good work! :flowerforyou:

    Hoosiermomma, I'm glad not everyone has given up on the challenge, so, you're right, it will be you and me against the I am glad to read you are still going strong and progress well. I too like the quick check in and accountability that goes along with this challenge. When I first joined MFP I did so to just utilize the calorie counter but am glad I decided posting.

    Whenever I have a concrete goal in mind (i.e. get into 2 piece for Jamaica trip or something like that) I can stay real focused. However, once I've reached the goal I begin to slack. I guess I need to just keep coming up w/different goals? The goal this time is to get into this little black dress my friend gave me. She told me I was the most dedicated person she knows as it relates to working out and felt like if anyone could get in the dress, I could. Needless to say, I was down for the challenge so here I am. The challenge is to fit into the dress by my birthday which is in six weeks. While I do have a ways to go I have seen some progress so I'm encouraged.

    I jogged for a full hour today and that is the first time I have ever done that. I usually can go about 30 minutes before I'm done and begin walking but not today. I found a treadmill interval workout online and decided to give it a try. The workout has you jogging/running at an intense speed (which is determined by you and your fitness level) for four minutes and then jogging/walking at a recovery speed (once again determined by you and your fitness level). My intense speed was 5.5 mph and my recovery speed was 4.2 mph and I was able to jog a total of 5.06 miles in a hour and burn 460 calories (to ensure I went over 500 calories I walked on the treadmill for a little bit). While my ankles began hurting as the workout was coming to an end I couldn't be more excited about the fact that I actually jogged 60 full minutes. I'm unsure if I could do it again b/c it was a challenge but at least I can say I accomplished it at least

    Have a great day!
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    I got through my 3 mile jog/walk with 2 miles of jogging so that brings me to week TWO - Day 2/7! Tomorrow will be a off day so i will be reporting back on Thursday. Good work with the jogging!!:smile: . I am guessing it is your Boot Camp work that allows you to progress so well!! :smile: I have been doing most of my running on the treadmill but it was so beautiful outside that I took advantage! Probably will be awhile before we have this nice of a day again! I am wondering, why is it so much easier to run on the treadmill? I seem to tire much more quickly running outside... I think I will ask MFP people, see what I learn! I feel like it should at least be worth more calories!! :tongue:

    I saw that you are also beginning the push-up challenge. I had started that and dropped out before our daughter's wedding. I think I might just try again. It looks like that group is still going strong. Or do I risk ending thast one if I join!! (Might I be a trhread killer? :noway: )

    Hey, have a great day and keep visualising that cute litlle black dress! Funny, I was visualizing what to fix for dinner while I was running... Maybe not the right motivation! :laugh: :laugh:

    Talk soon!

  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member

    My friend and I began week 1, day 1 of the squat challenge yesterday and week 1, day 1 of the push up challenge today. I must admit I am very nervous about the push up challenge b/c I have no upper body strength so I'm afraid i'll get frustrated and not continue. You should join, the more the merrier.

    I find it alot easier to run on the treadmill than outside as well. I think jogging on pavement and dealing with the outside elements like wind makes it much more difficult.

    Have a great day off and I look forward to reading your post on Thursday. My rest day is Sunday.
  • stef_e_b
    stef_e_b Posts: 593
    I've hit a wall of being able to go that long. I've gotten back these last two days. I've been trying to finish up all my assignments for my classes.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I have done my workout for the day. Today was one my exercise boot camp days and she really gave it to us. I am really enjoying this boot camp so I am really considering hanging in there for at least another month or so. I like the fact that in addition to the boot camp sessions the instructor also gives us "homework" for our off days. Yesterday the homework was a 45 minute interval treadmill workout, tomorrow is the stairmaster and Saturday is a 2 mile run. We have to email the instructor when our "homework" is complete so it really holds me accountable.

    Have a great day everyone.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I am still going strong on day 18 of the challenge. A little more than half way through the challenge and I'm still feeling good about it. I've completed my workout for today. I did an hour of cardio (30 minute on the stairmaster and 30 minutes on the treadmill) and 45 minutes of weight training. I burned approximately 430 calories doing cardio and I'm sure I burned at least 70 weight training although I don't have an exact number.

    I'm a little disappointed that I haven't seen a lot of posts for this thread but I'm going to try to see the challenge through.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    DAY 19 and the journey continues...........................

    Thank Goodness It's Friday, ladies! I have already completed my exercise for the day so I am extremely excited to have that behind me. I went to my exercise boot camp class and with everything she had us doing today I'm sure I burned at least 500 calories so I am still on track with meeting my challenge goal.

    We weighed in today. I gained 1 lb but lossed 1% body fat so I'm really hoping the weight gain is because I gained some muscle. I know I can see a nice little bicep muscle when I flex and I'm absolutely loving the way it looks. Despite the weight gain I'm extremely inspired to continue my journey. Since I'm working out extremely hard my instructor told me to increase my caloric intake so that my body doesn't enter starvation mode. We'll see how that helps.

    My goal for this weekend is: 1.) Complete boot camp homework and attend kickboxing class tomorrow. 2.) Not over indulge during a holiday celebration I'm attending on Saturday evening.

    What is everyone else's weekend goals???????
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Did my Friday weigh-in and am down to 138! Yay for me! Not logging it yet since I am rounding up but I am glad to see the scale move down. I am in my second week of 4days/ week exercise. Seems to be making the difference. I admire you, Chocolick - exercising every day! I get sidetracked so easily. Yesterday, between a wedding photo project that took over my day and a trip up to Chicago for Christmas shopping I lost my exercise time!I Today we are working on Christmas decorating so I was able to get on the eliptical for 1/2 an hour. Love those quick calories!

    Hang in there, you are doing great, don't worry about the ones who fell away, you are gaining the benefit (and me too! :laugh:)
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Did my Friday weigh-in and am down to 138! Yay for me! Not logging it yet since I am rounding up but I am glad to see the scale move down. I am in my second week of 4days/ week exercise. Seems to be making the difference. I admire you, Chocolick - exercising every day! I get sidetracked so easily. Yesterday, between a wedding photo project that took over my day and a trip up to Chicago for Christmas shopping I lost my exercise time!I Today we are working on Christmas decorating so I was able to get on the eliptical for 1/2 an hour. Love those quick calories!

    Hang in there, you are doing great, don't worry about the ones who fell away, you are gaining the benefit (and me too! :laugh:)

    Way to go Hoosiermomma, you are inching closer and closer to that goal and I'm sure you will be there before you know it. Keep up the great work. I'm glad you decided to continue posting despite the fact that so many have fallen off. I love to read people's success stories b/c it keeps me motivated.

    I exercise 6 days a week (Sunday is my rest day) but I can't really take credit for doing alone b/c boot camp is three days a week and she assigns some type of cardio homework on the other three days, so, If i'm going to be active in boot camp I will be working out 6 days a week. This session of boot camp ends on the December 18th but I'm strongly considering adding on another month because I am enjoying it and it definitely keeps me accountable. Not only does she give homework assignments that you have to email her about when you've completed them but she also checks food logs every Friday.

    I'm off to the gym to get this workout out of the way. Have a great day ladies.
  • Hoosiermomma
    Hoosiermomma Posts: 877 Member
    Accomplished another week! 4/7 days of workouts worth over 300 calories! Next week I will have to squeeze them all in by Friday since we go away for a Christmas party that day. I get to wear a fun little dress that I could not have looked good in 4 months ago! :flowerforyou:

    Your program sounds great AND you enjoy it! That is a formula for success for you! I am re-assesing my goals. I was trying to reach 135 but now wonder is 132 would be attainable. I have no desire to become thinner than that (I think :happy: ) Especially since my size 8 warobe which I love would become obsolete! Time will tell.. One week of exercise at a time is my goal right now... We will see where the weight goes!

    I will be back Monday! Enjoy your weekend!