What are you supposed to call...



  • Cliffslosinit
    Cliffslosinit Posts: 5,044 Member
    :angry: :explode: :angry:

    You were WRONG in the previous thread and you are STILL WRONG!!!!
    Your ignorance is amazing!!
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Your poor children. They don't stand a chance.


    What's interesting about your comment is that it's not true. My mother was visiting the other day and she commented, your children are so rich in love. I've made a lot of sacrifices and took a lot of heat in order to go against culture and give my children a better chance. My harshest critics have all come around, because they see the results. God has shown me. I can't take any credit. I'm not a perfect parent, and Ive struggled like any other mother does with the huge job of training a child to become adults that will be a positive influence and positive impact on others. I believe in training children for adulthood, cuddling, not coddling. I don't insult them, but rather encourage them to do right and discipline them when they do wrong. And tell them the truth.
  • tismyhardbody
    tismyhardbody Posts: 100 Member
    Your poor children. They don't stand a chance.


    What's interesting about your comment is that it's not true. My mother was visiting the other day and she commented, your children are so rich in love. I've made a lot of sacrifices and took a lot of heat in order to go against culture and give my children a better chance. My harshest critics have all come around, because they see the results. God has shown me. I can't take any credit. I'm not a perfect parent, and Ive struggled like any other mother does with the huge job of training a child to become adults that will be a positive influence and positive impact on others. I believe in training children for adulthood, cuddling, not coddling. I don't insult them, but rather encourage them to do right and discipline them when they do wrong. And tell them the truth.

  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    You are a lost cause. Good luck to you and your children.
  • pkw58
    pkw58 Posts: 2,038 Member
    You know, I remember my Grandma telling me to have an apple instead of a cookie because it would "last longer".. meaning my mid afternoon snack would last till dinner.. she always said .."Sweets burn out quicker and then you will be hungry"... I guess it was her way of not letting me eat too many sweets on non holiday days. Some one once told me it is impossible to be a perfect parent, but to try and always show a positve rather than negatives to kids.
  • Im_NotPerfect
    Im_NotPerfect Posts: 2,181 Member
    Obviously you feel you're right. Fine. Great. Why do you keep posting then?? For attention? Do you really want THIS kind of attention? These days, nothing we do as parents tends to be right anymore....we're ALL ruining our children. Fine...we'll have a generation in constant therapy. When you daughter is in therapy or has an ED or ends up here because of being told she's fat, then who is she going to blame? Her parent. Bully for you.

    Move on with your life....
  • DontStopB_Leakin
    DontStopB_Leakin Posts: 3,863 Member
    Your poor children. They don't stand a chance.


    What's interesting about your comment is that it's not true. My mother was visiting the other day and she commented, your children are so rich in love. I've made a lot of sacrifices and took a lot of heat in order to go against culture and give my children a better chance. My harshest critics have all come around, because they see the results. God has shown me. I can't take any credit. I'm not a perfect parent, and Ive struggled like any other mother does with the huge job of training a child to become adults that will be a positive influence and positive impact on others. I believe in training children for adulthood, cuddling, not coddling. I don't insult them, but rather encourage them to do right and discipline them when they do wrong. And tell them the truth.

    The fact that you feel the need to defend your parenting skills to complete strangers pretty much proves the fact that your children are effed.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    :angry: :explode: :angry:

    You were WRONG in the previous thread and you are STILL WRONG!!!!
    Your ignorance is amazing!!

    But at least she's not fat!!!
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    YOU ARE SO FAT!!!!!!

    now how do you feel?

    No emotional reaction in particular. I wasn't talking about using the word fat in insults - just in general. As in, too much candy will make you fat. I don't see why that would be offensive, except in the case of hypersensitivity.
  • jackpotclown
    jackpotclown Posts: 3,291 Member

    in_before_lock_1.gif \m/
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    Call it by it's medical name: Adipose Tissue.

    Thanks! Love it. Honey, you can eat a jar of peanut butter at a time because it will make adipose tissue. ;-)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Well, I'm sure you love your children and mean well. The biggest problem I see is that you really believe what you said to your daughter is OK. As long as you don't recognize that you're doing damage, you won't stop doing it.
  • AlsDonkBoxSquat
    AlsDonkBoxSquat Posts: 6,128 Member
    Your poor children. They don't stand a chance.


    What's interesting about your comment is that it's not true. My mother was visiting the other day and she commented, your children are so rich in love. I've made a lot of sacrifices and took a lot of heat in order to go against culture and give my children a better chance. My harshest critics have all come around, because they see the results. God has shown me. I can't take any credit. I'm not a perfect parent, and Ive struggled like any other mother does with the huge job of training a child to become adults that will be a positive influence and positive impact on others. I believe in training children for adulthood, cuddling, not coddling. I don't insult them, but rather encourage them to do right and discipline them when they do wrong. And tell them the truth.

    based on your previous post, you do as a matter of fact insult them, and you are encouraging them to be judgemental of themselves and others.
  • LadyIvysMom
    LadyIvysMom Posts: 391 Member
    Wow. I feel for the OP.

    I understand promoting a healthy lifestyle etc. but there is nothing wrong with encouraging the child to care about his/her personal appearance also. Since when is it a crime to care how you look? It’s a good thing to care how you look. Caring how you look does not always equal an eating disorder!

    It’s funny, if I tell people I’m losing weight to get healthy, they applaud me. If I tell them I’m losing weight because I want to look better, they act like I’m a horrible person.

    Sorry, I’ll come straight out and say it: I find the look of fat just as unappealing as the health risks of fat. But to each their own. I seriously doubt there is a single person among you who isn’t at least partly trying to lose weight to improve your appearance though.
  • oregonzoo
    oregonzoo Posts: 4,251 Member
    I do not use the word. The last time my daughter used the word she got a very long talking to about how it's an ugly mean word and we don't use it.

    I don't, won't and never will.
  • corn63
    corn63 Posts: 1,580 Member
    Wow. I feel for the OP.

    I understand promoting a healthy lifestyle etc. but there is nothing wrong with encouraging the child to care about his/her personal appearance also. Since when is it a crime to care how you look? It’s a good thing to care how you look. Caring how you look does not always equal an eating disorder!

    It’s funny, if I tell people I’m losing weight to get healthy, they applaud me. If I tell them I’m losing weight because I want to look better, they act like I’m a horrible person.

    Sorry, I’ll come straight out and say it: I find the look of fat just as unappealing as the health risks of fat. But to each their own. I seriously doubt there is a single person among you who isn’t at least partly trying to lose weight to improve your appearance though.

    Perhaps you didn't read her original post?.... She told her child not to overeat on PB because it will make her fat.

    Do you think it's appropriate to tell a 3 yr old not to eat something because they will be fat?
  • redhousecat
    redhousecat Posts: 584 Member
    political correctness runs amuck in this country. Someone's little rugrat is going to get their feelings hurt if the right words aren't used.

    Screw that. I call a spade a spade.

    At 3, the kid is not going to remember a damn thing about the PB conversation, so it doesn't matter to the kid WHAT you say. Evidently, though, it matters to everyone else.

    Maybe you should just keep your parenting style to yourself and be confident that YOU are doing the right thing by your kid. Mention it in a forum of "people" are you are marked for life for being the crappiest parent ever because you do it differently.
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Its a word with very negative connotations and although I understand that you are trying to keep your kids from being fat, a more sensitive, less insulting approach would be more mature. I have a chubby stepdaughter whose mom was close to 500 lbs before bariatric surgery. She's got her mom's genes and with that comes a wicked sweet tooth. Instead of telling her if she eats certain things she'll get fatter I try to make sure she has good choices available when she is with us and encourage lots of exercise.

    I personally don't care if you call me fat, cause guess what... I am. But In this society the word fat just doesn't mean body size anymore. It implies laziness, stupidity, unattractiveness, uncleanliness... basically everything people don't want to be. I'm not a child so I can see the word for what it should be, not what it has become. A child will only see it as an insult, taunt, criticism - failure.
  • dinosnopro
    dinosnopro Posts: 2,179 Member

    Since when did the word fat become a cuss word?

    FOYC :flowerforyou:

    And try calorically challenged.
  • odusgolp
    odusgolp Posts: 10,477 Member
    political correctness runs amuck in this country. Someone's little rugrat is going to get their feelings hurt if the right words aren't used.

    You are STILL on this. For the love of gravy.
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