all my single ladies



  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Wow, you guys sound like you're having some fun!!

    I am a little bummed that I haven't done anything fun over break besides a couple dates. I work out 2X a day because there's nothing else to do LOL :tongue:

    I am looking super good though. We've gone out to eat as a family a couple times and I've worn my cute new outfits. I already have one planned for NYE! I just don't know what I'm going to do. :grumble:

    I made a good NY Resolution: Know what I deserve, and act on it. I started by telling one of my casual 'beaus' that I am interested in something with substance and the opportunity for a long-term relationship. I told him if he's not interested in that, I'm going to make myself available to someone who appreciates me and knows what I'm worth.

    Well THAT had him opening up and apologizing. :laugh: His upbringing was pretty much devoid of emotional enrichment so he finds these things difficult to talk about. I know he's a good person but he needs to be more honest and direct.

    way to go songbyrd! I think that's an awesome resolution and I think you couldn't have put it better. Wow. That really must have felt liberating. I kinda did the same last night with my bf who I felt was not putting enough into the relationship. When I confronted him about all the things I had been keeping in he apologized cuz he didn't realize they were bothering me.

    Keep up the great workouts, I wish I had that much time. lol.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    My New Year's resolutions are always ongoing. I did extremely well putting effort into working on eating healthy and exercising, becoming more financially secure, spiritually grounded and improving my level of patience. Since these goals are constantly evolving I plan to continue growing in these areas in 2010.

    Nolachick, you should try to make sure your goals are measurable that way it's more than "just saying it". For instance, I made my goal of improving my level of patience measurable by first identifying situations that make me extremely impatient/upset (i.e. behind a slow driver, long store lines) then I identified things I do when I become impatient/upset (i.e. yelling, cursing or driving fast) then I stated I would decrease the yelling, cursing and driving fast by at least half (i.e. not cursing/yelling EVERYTIME i'm behind a slow driver). The next step was for me to identify things to replace the cursing and yelling with (taking deep breaths, distract myself, internally talking to myself), lastly instead of saying I would do it for the entire year, I started w/small milestones and then continually added to it.

    Because I really identified an issue along with some of the triggers I was able to come up w/realistic ways in which to combat the problem and as a result I had a huge success. While I've made a lot of progress I realize it has not completely become a lifestyle change therefore I will continue working on it in 2010.

    Good luck with determining your resolution
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    My New Year's resolutions are always ongoing. I did extremely well putting effort into working on eating healthy and exercising, becoming more financially secure, spiritually grounded and improving my level of patience. Since these goals are constantly evolving I plan to continue growing in these areas in 2010.

    Nolachick, you should try to make sure your goals are measurable that way it's more than "just saying it". For instance, I made my goal of improving my level of patience measurable by first identifying situations that make me extremely impatient/upset (i.e. behind a slow driver, long store lines) then I identified things I do when I become impatient/upset (i.e. yelling, cursing or driving fast) then I stated I would decrease the yelling, cursing and driving fast by at least half (i.e. not cursing/yelling EVERYTIME i'm behind a slow driver). The next step was for me to identify things to replace the cursing and yelling with (taking deep breaths, distract myself, internally talking to myself), lastly instead of saying I would do it for the entire year, I started w/small milestones and then continually added to it.

    Because I really identified an issue along with some of the triggers I was able to come up w/realistic ways in which to combat the problem and as a result I had a huge success. While I've made a lot of progress I realize it has not completely become a lifestyle change therefore I will continue working on it in 2010.

    Good luck with determining your resolution

    choco that is HILARIOUS :laugh: not ur new year's resolution and the way you worked on it that part is great. but I think its hilariouos that I am exactly the same ( my brother sometimes doesn't call me by my name but just says IMPATIENT COME HERE, OR CALM DOWN IMPATIENT) lol so u can imagine how I am. All my friends tell me I have road rage too - and maybe they are right. So those things are definately things I NEED to work on. I remember one time at the movies these kids were being loud and I just snapped!

    But you know, for some reason my bf really helps me to be better when it comes to that. he is so sweet and gentle that I can't be that crazy and impatient around him. I'm actually quite calm which is what I like about being around him.
    Guess some ppl just have different effects on you cuz my ex used to bring out the absolute worst in me. So it's like night and day.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    My New Year's resolutions are always ongoing. I did extremely well putting effort into working on eating healthy and exercising, becoming more financially secure, spiritually grounded and improving my level of patience. Since these goals are constantly evolving I plan to continue growing in these areas in 2010.

    Nolachick, you should try to make sure your goals are measurable that way it's more than "just saying it". For instance, I made my goal of improving my level of patience measurable by first identifying situations that make me extremely impatient/upset (i.e. behind a slow driver, long store lines) then I identified things I do when I become impatient/upset (i.e. yelling, cursing or driving fast) then I stated I would decrease the yelling, cursing and driving fast by at least half (i.e. not cursing/yelling EVERYTIME i'm behind a slow driver). The next step was for me to identify things to replace the cursing and yelling with (taking deep breaths, distract myself, internally talking to myself), lastly instead of saying I would do it for the entire year, I started w/small milestones and then continually added to it.

    Because I really identified an issue along with some of the triggers I was able to come up w/realistic ways in which to combat the problem and as a result I had a huge success. While I've made a lot of progress I realize it has not completely become a lifestyle change therefore I will continue working on it in 2010.

    Good luck with determining your resolution

    choco that is HILARIOUS :laugh: not ur new year's resolution and the way you worked on it that part is great. but I think its hilariouos that I am exactly the same ( my brother sometimes doesn't call me by my name but just says IMPATIENT COME HERE, OR CALM DOWN IMPATIENT) lol so u can imagine how I am. All my friends tell me I have road rage too - and maybe they are right. So those things are definately things I NEED to work on. I remember one time at the movies these kids were being loud and I just snapped!

    But you know, for some reason my bf really helps me to be better when it comes to that. he is so sweet and gentle that I can't be that crazy and impatient around him. I'm actually quite calm which is what I like about being around him.
    Guess some ppl just have different effects on you cuz my ex used to bring out the absolute worst in me. So it's like night and day.

    I guess we are alot alike (smile) the good thing is you've identified them while you're still young so you have a great chance of changing the behavior. I'm a little older so somewhat stuck in my ways and making the change a lifestyle change has proven challenging. However, I seem to thrive on challenges so I'm confident that I too will make the changes. We're gonna have to hang out the next time i'm in New Orleans oh wait a minute that might not be a good idea since we both suffer from impatience don't know if N.O. can handle two crazy chicks (just kidding).

    Hope you enjoyed your New Year's Eve celebration and have begun 2010 in a positive manner.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I hope all my Single Ladies have started 2010 off in the right way. I relaxed yesterday but headed to the gym this morning. I walked on the treadmill for 30 minutes and then took a 45 minute kickboxing class. It has been so cold in Atlanta lately that the likelihood that I will be heading to the gym the next week is pretty slim so I purchased two workout dvds so I can add variety to my life. I bought the Biggest Loser "30 Day Jump Start & Cardio Max" dvds today and I already the Biggest Loser "Power Sculpt" dvd and Jillian Michael's "Boost Metabolism and Trouble Zones" along with a few others. I hope this variety will keep things interesting b/c I just don't like going outside when it's cold.

    On a side note, I can now do 30 standard push ups w/o stopping. I'm very proud of myself b/c when I began my weight loss journey on November 4, 2009 I could not do any. I had to complete the modified (on knees) version initially and eventually was able to complete 11 standard push ups. I moved from 11 to 15 then 18, 22 and today I knocked out 30.....GO CHOCO, GO CHOCO, GO CHOCO!!!!! Can you tell I'm excited.

    Have a great day all.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member

    wow 30 pushups? thats amazing. U are one tough chick! U shud consider becoming a trainer cuz I am sure u can make motivate people with ur hard work and perseverance. And hey u wud get to workout all the time too! haha.

    I on the other hand need to get my butt in gear. This week I was lazy and ate bad I think worse than the holidays. But I won't wait til Monday this time, TODAY its time to change. I have chicken tenderloins thawing to grill and a bag of steamed veggies waiting for me to have for lunch. So today instead of watching football and stuffing my face with take out, I'll b e eating healthy!
    And NO BEER - just water. :wink:

    gotta be good, gotta be good.....
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hey Nola, hope ur enjoying ur day of football. I have the game on but am actually reading which is something I love to do. I love Sunday b/c its my lazy day and that's what I'm doing.....being lazy. I have dinner plans tonight w/a friend who's visiting but have alrady checked out the menu and selected a healthy option, it helps that they focus on healthy and fresh cuisine.

    Thank for the compliment regarding the push ups, I'm very proud of myself but NO way near able to be a trainer although a few different ppl have told me to consider it. I'm still learning myself plus I don't really like to workout.

    Anyway, enjoy ur day!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    hey ladies, how's everyone doing?

    choco I was good for most of sunday but in the night I ended up giving in to pizza and ice cream. Plus I still haven't worked out due to this cold weather! Its super hard to get moving. But I will try my VERY BEST today!

    Anyone has any ideas for challenges for this week or month? New Goals we can all set and keep each other accountable?
    I find that I work better when I have to be accountable to others.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hey Nola, it sounds like you're having a hard time getting motivated in the new year, don't let this slump last too long because you don't want to lose momentum and the progress you've made. How many slices of pizza did you have and how much ice cream? While we both know they're not our healthiest options it won't kill you if you're eating it in moderation. In fact, I had to improvise on Sunday because the restaurant my friends and I were originally going ended up being too far away from where we needed to be so we went to a pizza/Italian spot. Since there weren't a lot of healhty options I did the best I could w/what I had. I had 1 slice of veggie pizza (loaded w/broccoli, jalepeno, onion and green pepper) and a greek salad w/the dressing on the side. When I calculated it MFP (had to improvise here too b/c the restaurant did not have nutrional facts listed and it wasn't in the MFP database). My dinner totaled about 600 calories but b/c I had planned accordingly throughout the day I still had the calories available and therefore did not go over my calories for the day.

    Enough of my ranting, the bottom line is you can do it b/c you've been doing it. If you need someone to be accountable to, you can utilize me. We can be accountable to one another b/c I too do better w/accountability.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    thnx choco, my cals were not over but I hate that the quality of food were not the best. Had 1 cup of ice cream (whole fat not reduced fat) and 1 lean cuisine pizza @ about 300 cals so yeah probably like 500 total.

    and u are right I HAVE BEEN doing this and I should be able to continue!

    I will be reporting to u choco!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    thnx choco, my cals were not over but I hate that the quality of food were not the best. Had 1 cup of ice cream (whole fat not reduced fat) and 1 lean cuisine pizza @ about 300 cals so yeah probably like 500 total.

    and u are right I HAVE BEEN doing this and I should be able to continue!

    I will be reporting to u choco!

    I personally don't consider Lean Cuisine, Weight Watcher or Healthy Choice meals unhealthy. I know they can pack a lot of sodium so you do have to be careful there but considering what you could of eaten regarding pizza I think you did really well. I was never a big pizza eater but when I do have a taste I usually purchase Weight Watchers or Lean Cuisine. Compare those brands w/California Kitchen or DiGornio's and you'll see you made a pretty smart choice.
  • pooh70
    pooh70 Posts: 38 Member
    Happy 2010 Single Ladies!! Hopefully everyone is having a great new year. I am hoping that the weather gets a little better (I would settle for single digit temps) because I have yet to go to the gym this year. UGH!! I am having withdraws. And to top it off, it is really hard to feel sexy with 3 or 4 layers of clothes on. LOL

    Keep warm and stay sexy!

  • carpediem8i8
    WHAT'S UP SINGLE LADIES!!! I'm back on MFP after a five-month hiatus and I'm ready to lose 20 lbs so I can be sexier than ever. Are y'all still up for the challenge???
  • m2kjenn
    m2kjenn Posts: 1,671 Member
    I'm in - Really needing to refocus, get rid of this last 10 pounds! Great to hear from you!
  • carpediem8i8
    jenn -- so glad you're here. your quote is so right: life is short! so let's feel and look as sexy as we can while we're living it!