all my single ladies



  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    not feeling very sexy today :grumble:

    I didn't get to work out last night cuz I got home late and hungry. I didnt get up this morning AGAIN for my workout so now I feel like I'm behind. I didnt have time to plan my meals for today, so hopefully I don't mess up too bad.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Good morning ladies, let me start by saying I really truly did not feel up to working out and completing today's boot camp assignment (jog/run 4 miles). I just did not want to leave the house, however, I struggled out the door and made it to the gym. I decided to do to interval training on the treadmill. I was able to jog/run 4.60 miles in 48 minutes and burn 444 calories. My intense speed alternated between 6.0 -6.5 mph and my recovery speed alternated between 5.0 - 5.2 mph. In order to ensure I met my 30 day challenge goal (burning 500 calories a day for 30 days) I jumped on the elliptical machine for an additional 12 minutes and was able to burn 115 calories. My total for today is 559, so, my goal was met. Oh, I forgot, my boot camp instructor also wanted us to bang out 30 push-ups. I was able to do 15 standard push ups, took a 90 second break and completed an additional 7 standard with the last 8 being done on my knees.

    SEXY is not the best word to describe me today but EXHAUSTED IS.

    I need my ladies to get their sexy on for me today b/c I'm DONE!!!

    Have a great day ladies.

    NOLACHICK: Don't let last night and today dictate how you end this week. You can and I believe you will get back on track. Remember that pencil skirt that is fitting oh so sexy, let that be your motivator to stay on track with your eating today.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    THNX COCO! great job on getting up this morning - I admire you for sticking to that challenge even tho the rest of ppl are slacking! that's a great challenge. and u know what I might just start that challenge and keep it for the rest of December! Why? Cuz the holidays are awfully tempting and I would like to enjoy my mom's food when I am home for 2 weeks. and with taking vacation from work I must have time to do it!

    gotta be good...gotta be good.....I keep telling myself that!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    THNX COCO! great job on getting up this morning - I admire you for sticking to that challenge even tho the rest of ppl are slacking! that's a great challenge. and u know what I might just start that challenge and keep it for the rest of December! Why? Cuz the holidays are awfully tempting and I would like to enjoy my mom's food when I am home for 2 weeks. and with taking vacation from work I must have time to do it!

    gotta be good...gotta be good.....I keep telling myself that!

    Thank for the encouraging words NOLACHICK b/c I would be lying if I said it has been easy, especially since I know that by next Thursday I'll be done I'm having the hardest time staying motivating. You would think b/c it's almost over I would be revving but I am seriously struggling. The countdown has begun Yippeee....Yippeee.

    The concept of the challenge is great b/c it really forces you to increase your intensity or else you'll be at the gym or outside all day long. I hope you do take on the challenge b/c it would be nice to have someone to chat w/about the good and bad days. It would also allow you to enjoy your mom's cooking just a tad bit more.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    choco: I know you are not going to like this but what if we stick to the challenge together for the rest of the month :bigsmile:
    I know u are counting down until it's over but if u have someone else who is serious about it maybe u will be more excited about doing it.

    lemme know and I'll start up a new thread if u are interested. Of course by everyday I'm not including sundays. haha!
    this will be so very helpful to me. I have been stressing out about what will happen when i go home for 2 weeks, I dont wanna gain it all back and have everything go to waste!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I'm not sure about this challenge NOLACHICK. I'm tempted but boot camp ends on the 18th which means I'll have to figure out how to burn the 500 calories a day w/o getting bored. I know with boot camp I burn at least 500 calories so that's three days accounted for right there and then the instructor gives us assignments on the other days which means I dont have to worry about getting bored.

    When were you planning on starting b/c I'll go strong w/you until next Friday and then see if I can tough it out for another two weeks. I'm considering it but really SCARED
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    lol thats ok I will start on Monday ( gotta pack friday, flying out on Saturday 2 flights 2hrs each I think I will be drained)

    Ok I'll do it for your last week with you cuz I know it will be hard coming up with something to do. haha

    sounds good?
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    lol thats ok I will start on Monday ( gotta pack friday, flying out on Saturday 2 flights 2hrs each I think I will be drained)

    Ok I'll do it for your last week with you cuz I know it will be hard coming up with something to do. haha

    sounds good?

    Thank you girlie, I appreciate such understanding. Now, If on Friday, December 18, 2009 I feel like I can continue until the end of the year I'll let you know and we can go from there. Now, feel free to keep going without me and I will be your little cheerleader b/c Lord knows you'll need it. It's an awesome challenge but damn, a, sista is straight exhausted. I did the calculation and at the end of the challenge I will have burned at least 15,000 calories in 30 days. I know the actual calories burned is higher b/c I did not add up the actual calories just 30x500. WHAT AN ACCOMPLISHMENT!!!!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Choco, I'm not doing exactly the same thing as you, but I have a personal goal of reach 127 lbs by New Year's Eve...that means I have to eat SPARINGLY at home when my stepmom makes her famous Christmas cookies!! :cry:

    I have made a detailed Excel spreadsheet for every day from now until Jan 4th. I'll be home Dec. 19th-Jan 3rd. This weekend I am doing a 2000 calorie refeed on Sat and Sun (healthy foods), and then it BEGINS...I will be cutting down to 1300-1400 cal/day, adding fasted cardio, and even throwing in some 1200 cal days following my few free calorie days. I will be working out 6 days/week and my BMR alone is 1310, so these calories are really low for me. I have never eaten so few but I know I need to really push my body to start losing fat again. We will be tired and tempted! But if we all support one another and remind ourselves of our goals --BLACK DRESS FOR BIRTHDAY -- we can get through the holidays and come out smaller on the other side!! :drinker:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Choco, I'm not doing exactly the same thing as you, but I have a personal goal of reach 127 lbs by New Year's Eve...that means I have to eat SPARINGLY at home when my stepmom makes her famous Christmas cookies!! :cry:

    I have made a detailed Excel spreadsheet for every day from now until Jan 4th. I'll be home Dec. 19th-Jan 3rd. This weekend I am doing a 2000 calorie refeed on Sat and Sun (healthy foods), and then it BEGINS...I will be cutting down to 1300-1400 cal/day, adding fasted cardio, and even throwing in some 1200 cal days following my few free calorie days. I will be working out 6 days/week and my BMR alone is 1310, so these calories are really low for me. I have never eaten so few but I know I need to really push my body to start losing fat again. We will be tired and tempted! But if we all support one another and remind ourselves of our goals --BLACK DRESS FOR BIRTHDAY -- we can get through the holidays and come out smaller on the other side!! :drinker:

    Songbyrd you appear to be such a dedicated person when it comes to eating healthy and exercising that I have no doubt that you'll meet your goal. I want to thank you for the encouragement and reminder about the little black dress b/c I need all the encouragement and reminders I can get at the moment.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Choco, I'm not doing exactly the same thing as you, but I have a personal goal of reach 127 lbs by New Year's Eve...that means I have to eat SPARINGLY at home when my stepmom makes her famous Christmas cookies!! :cry:

    I have made a detailed Excel spreadsheet for every day from now until Jan 4th. I'll be home Dec. 19th-Jan 3rd. This weekend I am doing a 2000 calorie refeed on Sat and Sun (healthy foods), and then it BEGINS...I will be cutting down to 1300-1400 cal/day, adding fasted cardio, and even throwing in some 1200 cal days following my few free calorie days. I will be working out 6 days/week and my BMR alone is 1310, so these calories are really low for me. I have never eaten so few but I know I need to really push my body to start losing fat again. We will be tired and tempted! But if we all support one another and remind ourselves of our goals --BLACK DRESS FOR BIRTHDAY -- we can get through the holidays and come out smaller on the other side!! :drinker:

    Songbyrd you appear to be such a dedicated person when it comes to eating healthy and exercising that I have no doubt that you'll meet your goal. I want to thank you for the encouragement and reminder about the little black dress b/c I need all the encouragement and reminders I can get at the moment.

    Thank you! I have been where you exhausted to even want to eat! But it will pass. Take naps when you can, get plenty of sleep at night and while you don't want to use it as a crutch, caffeine can be really helpful at times. Maybe hang up the dress where you can see it every day as a reminder.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Choco: that is a huge accomplishment - wow

    songbyrd - wow if you stick to that schedule that is an accomplishment too. I wish I was that dedicated, haha
    In any case I can't plan out my meals even if I wanted cuz I'm going to a different country and I am not sure what kind of products I will be able to buy at the grocery store and such. but I'm confident that I'll try my very best to not come out of this holiday season bigger than I went in.
  • amdevito
    Im in OH OH OH!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    CHOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! guess what? haha I wasn't planning on starting today but looks like I will!
    I did 40 mins cardio plus 40 mins circuit training which according to MFP - 800 cals.
    maybe its over but I definately know it had to be 500. Feels awesome!

    Will try again for 500 tomorrow!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I ran my 50 minutes today, with 10 min warmup/cooldown. That's a little over 500 calories for me today! :smile:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    CHOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! guess what? haha I wasn't planning on starting today but looks like I will!
    I did 40 mins cardio plus 40 mins circuit training which according to MFP - 800 cals.
    maybe its over but I definately know it had to be 500. Feels awesome!

    Will try again for 500 tomorrow!

    YIPPEE.....YIPPEE. GREAT JOB W/BURNING ALL THOSE CALS. I'm sooooooooooo glad you started today b/c I really need some motivation.

    It's day 25 of my challenge (burn at least 500 calories everyday for 30 days) and it is getting more and more difficult to see this challenge through BUT my workout is complete for today. It was actually completed by 8:30 am but couldn't post because I got real, real busy with work. I finally had a minute so decided to check on in. Well today was boot camp and our instructor had a little surprise for us. Instead of our usually grueling workout today we were treated to an hour of Yoga. While we clearly were strengthing our muscles my heart rate did not get very high so I knew I would have to head to the gym directly after class to ensure I burned at least 500 calories. I got to the gym and hopped right on the elliptical machine for 65 minutes and was able to burn a total of 637 calories.

    Today was also our unit holiday luncheon and I am proud to announce that I DID NOT OVER INDULGE. I had some turkey (white meat), green beans, stuffing (1/2 cup) and toss salad. Despite there being peach cobbler, red velvet cake, apple and sweet potato pie to choose from I CHOSE NOTHING! I also chose not to eat the rolls, corn bread or baked macaroni & cheese. Today was definitely a good day.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    thnx choco, i was wondering where u were today.

    congrats on being so good at ur luncheon. OMG i cannot resist home made macaroni and cheese. u did awesome.

    i got my hair done today so im not sure if i wanna get all sweaty. lol sounds silly i know but tomorrow morning I fly out to see my family so I want it to look nice. and lord knows i need help with this hair cuz of all of the humidity in bz. its like 80+ degrees out there!

    songbyrd good job on the workout! I wish I could run that long but my knees aren't very good. will start the c25k soon.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    thnx choco, i was wondering where u were today.

    congrats on being so good at ur luncheon. OMG i cannot resist home made macaroni and cheese. u did awesome.

    i got my hair done today so im not sure if i wanna get all sweaty. lol sounds silly i know but tomorrow morning I fly out to see my family so I want it to look nice. and lord knows i need help with this hair cuz of all of the humidity in bz. its like 80+ degrees out there!

    songbyrd good job on the workout! I wish I could run that long but my knees aren't very good. will start the c25k soon.

    Hey girlie, I totally understand about the hair b/c I absolutely hate sweating out my hair. I so wish I was going somewhere where the weather was in the 80's b/c Georgia is tripping with this cold weather. I believe it was 25 degrees this morning when I was heading to boot camp. It has warmed to a balmy 40 degrees.....LOL I know you will have so much fun spending time with the fam. Remember do not let any drama bring you down.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    wow 25? woman u deserve a prize for still going to boot camp! I can barely get up to do my DVD's INSIDE my house when it's 45 degrees (we don't put on the heater, so in the morning its freezing) its so hard o get out of bed~

    will definately like working out in the heat and pouring in sweat! hahah
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    wow 25? woman u deserve a prize for still going to boot camp! I can barely get up to do my DVD's INSIDE my house when it's 45 degrees (we don't put on the heater, so in the morning its freezing) its so hard o get out of bed~

    will definately like working out in the heat and pouring in sweat! hahah

    The reason I'm still able to go to boot camp is b/c when I wake up my house is at a decent temperature, I park my car in the garage so I go from my house directly to the car w/out getting to cold and then I go from the car right inside for boot camp. Now if boot camp was outdoors it would be A WRAP b/c your girl doesn't do the cold.....LOL