all my single ladies



  • carpediem8i8
    Songbyrd -- Welcome to you as well. I feel ya on the relationship thing, but this group is all about us making Sexy a new way of life. There are lots of people in our past, but only a lucky few will be fortunate enough to be with us in our sexy future :)
  • carpediem8i8
    Passion -- love your cute ideas. That reminds me that I should rock some stilettos when I go out tonight...yay for sexy!!!

    Ok so here's how I got my sexy on today: I met up with an old friend and went off my diet by eating a big bowl of pasta from Johnny Carinos. But I wanted it and it was spectacular so that was grand. HOWEVER the sexiest part of all was that I went home and looked up the calorie content of what I had ordered and I logged it on MFP...then I saw how much it put me over my daily allotment and I promptly hit the gym with my best friend and worked those calories off!!! Now I feel great!!!

    Who's going to make tomorrow even sexier than today? I know I am :happy:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I had a fab lunch with a friend and Mimi's Cafe. I came home and did some incline power walking to knock down some of the calories from my lunch.

    Leshawn - incline walking in great for the calves I can see lots of definition. Your calves will be smaller in no time. But in the meantime, find you some knee high boots girl. Check out the privately owned stores that have a larger variety of stock and can order things. My mom started getting great shoes for her size 11-12 feet by finding a store that serves drag queens:noway:
  • leshawnturner
    Wow!!! A store that serves drag queens?? I'll have to look into that. Today I am wearing my brown booties and I think they look great!!! My feet are unacostumed to wearing heels so I'm trying to retrain them now. I will practice walking in them so I won't look like Frankenstein!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Have a sexy day ladies!!! :smooched:
  • passionhi
    Good morning Single Ladies!!!!

    Today I am getting my sexy on by wearing an outfit that was way too tight last year, but its not anymoorrrreee. LOL I love trying on clothes that I bought too small (which was my pt. in buying them too tight/small, to motivate me) and they fit now. Its an awesome feeling, it lets me know that I am truly making progress.

    Leshawn- you will get there girl! And it will be feel so good when you do!!!

    Carpediem- Thanks! It helps to find things that keep you encouraged. I so love that you came up with this idea, there is no better confidence than "SELF CONFIDENCE".

    Have a sexy day ladies!!!! :wink:
  • carpediem8i8
    Hey Girls!

    Today is feeling like a very sexy day even though I have SO SO SO much studying to do :( But I am still going to get on that treadmill! As for my daily sexy, I need to figure something out for that...I can't let a whole day go by with no sexy!

    Passion -- That's so awesome that your skinny-girl clothes are fitting!! Omg I can't wait for that to happen to me!!! :wink:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I'm not feeling the Sexy today head is about to explode I'm so stressed out!! :explode:

    But I straightened my hair last night and that always makes me feel sexier. And this morning I got jeans fresh out of the dryer and we all know how they like to shrink after that, but mine feel more loose than normal!

    Today I should FINALLY get to buy some fresh produce (waiting for a check in the mail) and I'm going on a long run on my favorite trail. :heart:
  • leshawnturner
    Hey ladies!!!! I feel sexy today because I am wearing a sweater that is normally tight on me but today it fits more loosely!!! And this morning I was able to hang with Jillian during the 30 day shred (at least for the most part :tongue: )!!

    Have a great one!!!
  • Cheysmommy823
    I'll join I started losing weight a few months ago. Everyone notices, I'm thinkin of getting another tattoo or piercing some time this week. And I bought my first pair of Skinny jeans last week and leggings(void to never wear those until I lost some weight.) Now that I'm down 33 lbs I feel great!! Almost back to pre baby weight!!!!

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    Very happily married here but after reading posts of where you can find someone, check out There are a ton of different clubs that have various interests and meet up regularly. Some of them are singles clubs some are for anybody. My husband and I belong to a hiking club and there are lots of singles in it but we are welcome as a couple too.

    I also found my walking club on and it is a group of wonderful women who walk together.

    It is for all different ares of all different countries on the same site. Just have a look. If nothing else it could get you out having fun in different ways!

    Good luck on your weight loss journey
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hey all!
    I am feeling SO much better today. I'm getting my sexy on by looking super cute with a cute headband, denim jacket, cute scarf, white tee, and khakis. I'm ready to go shopping somewhere posh! :laugh:
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    Glad you are feeling better, Songbyrd

    Young ladies enjoy your days of being unattached and child free. When you do get married and have children (if you choose. When you are asked, a NO might slip from your lips and you'll come to realize you really do enjoy your life as it is) you will look back on these days longingly.

    Today I am resting. A girl needs her rest. I will do hip hop abs later cause that is just fun.
  • leshawnturner
    Not feeling very sexy today. I had a bad food day yesterday and I'm having trouble shaking it off. Everyone else must feel twice as sexy today just for me.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I'm in.

    Leshawn, are you from the Atlanta area b/c they have Playdate here and I've been quite a few times and always have a great time. I know the creator of Playdate has recently launched the concept in other states so unsure where you reside. If you do reside here in the Atl I would be down to meet you there one night.

    Anyway, I like the idea of a group for the single ladies to share there experiences good and bad with this weight loss journey as well as the eye catching ones as well.

    I'm glad I found this thread.
  • leshawnturner
    I'm in.

    Leshawn, are you from the Atlanta area b/c they have Playdate here and I've been quite a few times and always have a great time. I know the creator of Playdate has recently launched the concept in other states so unsure where you reside. If you do reside here in the Atl I would be down to meet you there one night.

    Anyway, I like the idea of a group for the single ladies to share there experiences good and bad with this weight loss journey as well as the eye catching ones as well.

    I'm glad I found this thread.

    I'm from OKC, OK and I'm going to Playdate for the first time this Sat. Several people told me that they have had an excellent time at them. One of my sorors went to the one in Dallas and said it was fabulous!! So I have to find something to wear that will make me feel sexy, but I can still have fun in!!
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Ladies, I totally got my sexy on last night!

    I have been eyeing (and been eyed LOL) this guy who works at my local grocery store. I'm in there all the time because I live next door. We've had a couple short conversations but I always get sort of shy and chicken out (which is weird because I usually make the first move). So I was determined to go in there last night and tell him we should hang out and exchange numbers, but once I got there, I chickened out again! I was about to approach him when a co-worker came up and started talking to him.

    So I left....

    BUT only briefly! I realized that I wouldn't get anywhere if I kept being shy, so I went back in and borrowed a pen and wrote my number on a receipt and went up and told him that the next time we talk, I don't want it to be in a grocery store. :laugh: I felt so cool after that! :glasses:

    I also got asked out to movies by two guys I sort of dated several months back...weird. :huh:

    OH and I am down to 131.6 and haven't been here in months and I feel GREAT.
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    Good Afternoon Single Ladies!!!!!

    Today I am wearing knee high patent leather boots; feeling ultra sexy. I have gotten so many compliments on my appearance today.

    I WANT A PAIR OF KNEE HIGH BOOTS SO BAD!!!!!!:sad: Most of the pairs I try on are too small around my calves!!!:sad: :blushing: I'm determined to find a pair this winter though and it will be my Christmas present to myself. :drinker:

    I saw this and just had to post, I have always had larger calves. Payless has extended calf boots and I tried them on and they fit, first pr ever, and affordable which is a bonus! You should check them out.
  • jeni26
    jeni26 Posts: 383
    would love to join you all! what great motivation and inspiration. Ironically, this morning, I got up and decided to change my walking route and adding another mile of hills, which felt fantastic.

    I am working on a relationship, but in a rocky year, I have come to realize I can't work on anything with someone else unless I am happy and feel good with me, so that is where I'm at, working on me!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I'm in.

    Leshawn, are you from the Atlanta area b/c they have Playdate here and I've been quite a few times and always have a great time. I know the creator of Playdate has recently launched the concept in other states so unsure where you reside. If you do reside here in the Atl I would be down to meet you there one night.

    Anyway, I like the idea of a group for the single ladies to share there experiences good and bad with this weight loss journey as well as the eye catching ones as well.

    I'm glad I found this thread.

    I'm from OKC, OK and I'm going to Playdate for the first time this Sat. Several people told me that they have had an excellent time at them. One of my sorors went to the one in Dallas and said it was fabulous!! So I have to find something to wear that will make me feel sexy, but I can still have fun in!!

    If it's anything like the one held here in the Atl you should have a great time. Generally speaking are pretty friendly and allow you to join games with ease. Unfortunately there are usually alot more women at the Atl Playdate then men but I enjoy myself nonetheless.

    I'm feeling sexy today because I see MUSCLE. looks like my thighs and biceps are beginning to tone and I absolutely love it.

    Tomorrow is weigh in and measurement day at boot camp so I'm hoping I see some type of change.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Happy Friday all,

    I have great news to report. Today was the last day of my first exercise boot camp session and I did EXTREMELY well. I lost a total of 7 lbs, 2.5 % body fat and 7.5 total inches (chest, waist & hips). In addition to the weigh in/measurements we did a fit test. I was able to complete 40 push ups (on knees), 54 toe touches, 50 seated dips and 84 jumping jacks. We were given a minute to complete as many reps as possible. We will retest at the end of session two which is 12/18/09.

    I was so inspired by my success that I went to the gym after boot camp and completed an hour of cardio and burned 522 calories. In addition to the cardio, I also did a little bit of strength training.