all my single ladies



  • leshawnturner
    chocolykiss - great job!!!! I know you must be very excited!!!

    I am going to payless this weekend to try to find some knee high boots!!! Wish me luck!!

    To get my sexy on today I am going to get my hair done. That doesn't always make me feel sexy but today the hair style I want should be really cute so I'm excited!!

    have a great weekend everyone!!!
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hey folks!!!

    I love the challenge!! Now I just have to think of something to do today that will make me feel sexy...I'll find something!!! Thanks for the advice about meeting someone. I am active in my church and all I meet are guys who are waaayyyy to young for me and older married couples. But I love my church so ofcourse I'm not willing to switch churches just for that (that would be crazy and totally defeat the purpose of going to church). But I did find out about a group that has a "play date" once a month. Its a way for single people to get together and get to know each other in a less stressful environment. You play games from your childhood (UNO, twister, monopoly, etc). So I'm gonna go to that right before Thanksgiving and I'm going to try to go to a jazz club too.

    I know how sexy I feel is a state of mind. So I'm working on making my mind up that I am sexy and fabulous now and any weight loss in the future will just increase my sexy!!!

    Now lets get out there ladies and get our sexy on!!!! :drinker: :smooched: :laugh:

    Right on! :smile:
  • AsianTexan
    AsianTexan Posts: 42 Member
    Hello all you sexy single ladies! I'm a single woman and I'd love to join this group! I'm back on the wagon after some couch time and I'm working out everyday for about 30-40 min a day. I've lost about 6 lbs in the past two weeks.

    I look forward to reading and posting!

    Have a wonderful weekend all your sexy ladies!
  • jtorres81

  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hey all!
    I have to say I am having a sexy day today because I can SEE that I have lost weight!! :bigsmile:

    I went on a date last night with the grocery store guy. He opened every door for me--even the car door! He treated me to a movie and dinner and we talked for a couple hours. We're going out with a group of my work friends tonight. He is almost 3 years my junior, which is sort of odd for me as I've only dated older guys. But he's very nice and polite which is what matters! :smile:
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Hey all!
    I have to say I am having a sexy day today because I can SEE that I have lost weight!! :bigsmile:

    I went on a date last night with the grocery store guy. He opened every door for me--even the car door! He treated me to a movie and dinner and we talked for a couple hours. We're going out with a group of my work friends tonight. He is almost 3 years my junior, which is sort of odd for me as I've only dated older guys. But he's very nice and polite which is what matters! :smile:

    thats adorable! I'm glad he treated u nicely, you deserve it! My bf still opens the door for me and we've been together for 1.5 yrs - I think its sweet.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    Now I think I wanna join, lol. I'm not single but even when you are in a relationship - especially after a while u tend to get "comfortable" with each other and start eating out a lot, not watching what u eat or how much u exercise and also slack off on dressing up and stuff. Well I wanna feel like a sexy single lady again! :drinker:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Hey all!
    I have to say I am having a sexy day today because I can SEE that I have lost weight!! :bigsmile:

    I went on a date last night with the grocery store guy. He opened every door for me--even the car door! He treated me to a movie and dinner and we talked for a couple hours. We're going out with a group of my work friends tonight. He is almost 3 years my junior, which is sort of odd for me as I've only dated older guys. But he's very nice and polite which is what matters! :smile:

    What a way to get your sexy on, YOU GO GIRL!. I'm feeling quite sexy in fitting sweater, skinny jeans and 4 inch pumps.

    Have a great weekend
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Hey all!
    I have to say I am having a sexy day today because I can SEE that I have lost weight!! :bigsmile:

    I went on a date last night with the grocery store guy. He opened every door for me--even the car door! He treated me to a movie and dinner and we talked for a couple hours. We're going out with a group of my work friends tonight. He is almost 3 years my junior, which is sort of odd for me as I've only dated older guys. But he's very nice and polite which is what matters! :smile:

    What a way to get your sexy on, YOU GO GIRL!. I'm feeling quite sexy in fitting sweater, skinny jeans and 4 inch pumps.

    Have a great weekend

    That sounds soooo cute!
    I need new clothes. Everything is getting baggy. NOT sexy. :tongue: :laugh:
  • its_B
    its_B Posts: 491
    THIS TOPIC IS AWESOME!!! I am totally digging it!
    Great Idea Michelle I am in!

    I recently dumped a loser man after two years and am going to RELISH my singleness, and am totally losing weight for me! :P

    <3 this
    btw my name is Brittany but most people just call me B!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:
  • carpediem8i8

    I've been MIA for a few days because this week was crazy insane, but I'm back and feeling sexier than ever!!! I'm so proud of all of you -- the posts I'm reading are so inspirational and so full of sexy that it makes me just love y'all so much!!!

    Today I'm going to get my sexy on by cooking!!! During the week I usually just do quick stuff -- like I just grab a Lean Cuisine real quick or whatever -- but I get all these great, healthy recipes from and I've just been dying to try them!!! I'll post whichever ones I try in the next few weeks that actually turn out to be good!

    OMG also -- I went on a date last night! I never go on dates because I can never be bothered to go but last night I went and I had so so much fun!!! yayyyy!!!

    So keep your SEXY stories coming, girls!!! We're in this together!!! Let's make this world a sexier place!!!

    Have a beautiful and sexy day,

    Michelle :)
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Carpe, I'm happy to hear you got to go on a fun date!!:drinker:

    Last night the guy I've been seeing came out briefly after work to meet some of my work friends. They all thought he was very nice (which is correct!) This morning he took me to breakfast and we went to an awesome veggie/vegan restaurant. He STILL is opening all the doors for me! I told him I was very impressed that he opens car doors for me and he was surprised that no one has done that for me before! :smile: Tonight we're going to see some live music.

    Today I got my sexy on by going on my run even though I napped really late and didn't get out there until 8:15. I ROCKED it and I'm going to look super cute tonight!! :glasses:
  • carpediem8i8
    Songbyrd -- GET IT GIRL. omg it sounds like you are just wreckin shop with all your sexiness. For real -- it's very sexy that you are going on these fantastic dates with this sweet guy and yet you're still finding time to eat healthy and get your run on!!! So proud of you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Songbyrd -- GET IT GIRL. omg it sounds like you are just wreckin shop with all your sexiness. For real -- it's very sexy that you are going on these fantastic dates with this sweet guy and yet you're still finding time to eat healthy and get your run on!!! So proud of you!!! :flowerforyou:

    LOL wreckin shop...I love that saying!

    Unfortunately I was reminded of his age last night when we wouldn't stop trying to lay these big wet kisses on me in the middle of this movie I was actually interested in watching! :explode: I told him-- Hey, cool it, I don't know you that well yet. I know you're a growing boy but I'm an old-fashioned woman! :angry:

    I also ate a cup of Ben & Jerry's Light Choco Chip Cookie Dough...amaaaazing!!! I did 30 minutes of cardio this morning as soon as I woke up and I'm going to lift and do some more cardio later this afternoon.
  • nolachick
    nolachick Posts: 3,278 Member
    THIS TOPIC IS AWESOME!!! I am totally digging it!
    Great Idea Michelle I am in!

    I recently dumped a loser man after two years and am going to RELISH my singleness, and am totally losing weight for me! :P

    <3 this
    btw my name is Brittany but most people just call me B!

    :drinker: :drinker: :drinker:

    WTG B!
    The last time i was at m y goal weight was after I had broken up with my then bf of six years - yup 6!. Grr.
    I felt hotter and sexier and healthier than ever - was hitting the gym 2x a day/ 5 days a week. was awesome! I lost 20lbs in one summer (June- August). Best part - I was eating whatever I wanted. Wow wish I had that kind of time and energy again.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I can actually walk on the treadmill and bend over in my skinny jeans. No dancing to get into said jeans.
    Booya, thunder thighs!

    Today and I doing hill climbing intervals on the treadmill and taebo.
  • leshawnturner
    I can actually walk on the treadmill and bend over in my skinny jeans. No dancing to get into said jeans.
    Booya, thunder thighs!

    Today and I doing hill climbing intervals on the treadmill and taebo.

    Great job Ivy!!!! That's wonderful!!!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member

    Did you get your sexy boots?
    I can actually walk on the treadmill and bend over in my skinny jeans. No dancing to get into said jeans.
    Booya, thunder thighs!

    Today and I doing hill climbing intervals on the treadmill and taebo.

    Great job Ivy!!!! That's wonderful!!!
  • leshawnturner
    I got some boots that are cute on me, but I haven't gotten the sexy ones yet. I'm waiting for the after turkey day sales to see if I can get them at a great price.

    I'm not feeling too sexy today because I don't feel well (sinus problems and cramps). Plus for the first time in a long time, I'm sore after a workout. I've been doing Jillian's 30 day shred and I'm on level 2. I started it on Sunday and did it again Monday and Monday nite I started feeling sore!!! I haven't been sore since I started back working out 4 weeks ago!!! This is strange...
  • PSUgrl921
    PSUgrl921 Posts: 368 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I know I'm super late but can I join you guys? I'm recently getting back on the wagon. (Have fell off one too many times) I think this challenge will be good because you guys focus on more than just losing the weight and are fun! Not just weight loss talk all the time. I'll want to sign in and talk to you.

    So some things about me... my name is Nicole, I"m 21 and in college. I used to dance which kept me in shape but haven't since high school which has killed me. My goal is to lose 5 lbs by Christmas.

    SW: 158
    CW: 158
    GW: 153 by Christmas