all my single ladies



  • jenna_83
    i'm getting my hair restyled on thursday morning- cute layers to flick about never fail in making me feel sexy :wink:
    oh i bought myself some new nail polish yesterday too and now i feel funky :laugh:
  • Naokoheart
    Hello Michelle great challenge,
    I would love to join,
    also I did a kickboxing class today
    and I felt extremely confident throughout the
    whole workout,whilst venting out some stress! ;D
  • leshawnturner
    Hey folks!!!

    I love the challenge!! Now I just have to think of something to do today that will make me feel sexy...I'll find something!!! Thanks for the advice about meeting someone. I am active in my church and all I meet are guys who are waaayyyy to young for me and older married couples. But I love my church so ofcourse I'm not willing to switch churches just for that (that would be crazy and totally defeat the purpose of going to church). But I did find out about a group that has a "play date" once a month. Its a way for single people to get together and get to know each other in a less stressful environment. You play games from your childhood (UNO, twister, monopoly, etc). So I'm gonna go to that right before Thanksgiving and I'm going to try to go to a jazz club too.

    I know how sexy I feel is a state of mind. So I'm working on making my mind up that I am sexy and fabulous now and any weight loss in the future will just increase my sexy!!!

    Now lets get out there ladies and get our sexy on!!!! :drinker: :smooched: :laugh:
  • jenna_83
    But I did find out about a group that has a "play date" once a month. Its a way for single people to get together and get to know each other in a less stressful environment. You play games from your childhood (UNO, twister, monopoly, etc). So I'm gonna go to that right before Thanksgiving and I'm going to try to go to a jazz club too.

    that sounds such good fun! :happy:
  • carpediem8i8
    Hey ladies --

    So here's how I got my sexy on today: I ran five miles! Woohoo it felt awesome!

    I hope all of you found ways to make your day sexy, too! Tell us what you did!!!

    Michelle :)
  • Iluvchopsticks
    Iluvchopsticks Posts: 130 Member
    Hi Michelle,

    I think its awesome that you thought to create such a great group. I recently took a hiatus from dating in order to take the time to work on myself. I found that as much as I worked out and wanted to lose weight it was hard while putting myself out there at the same time because that often included drinks, dining out, etc. So, I am taking a personal period that is all about me and getting my life and health on track. How I make myself feel sexier everyday is by working out. I am currently doing Chalean Extreme and always feel awesome after my workout.

  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    so where do I go to meet someone??:huh:


  • carpediem8i8

    I did the same thing last year -- I vowed a year of singleness because I was just hopping around from temporary high to temporary high, never fully content with anything I was doing because I hadn't taken time to work on myself. The year of singleness came and went, and I dated a little, but this year I still found myself wanting to just take a little more "me" time. I so admire what you're doing and I'm right here with you!!!

    I totally know what you mean about the whole drinks/eating out/high in calories aka bad for you stuff. I have these amazing friends who always want to meet up for margaritas or for dinner etc etc and since I don't want to isolate myself and lose my friends, I go. But it is very difficult (and even presents an awkward social situation when I have to be all like "no margarita for me at margarita night, guys...") to just order lame water or diet coke (I don't even like to drink diet coke because it stains your teeth and I'm a pre-Dental student haha). Just keep telling yourself that this is a temporary measure -- that short term sacrifice is going to give you lifelong success.

    I'm so proud of you, Kimberly! And I'm glad to be in this with you.

    Michelle :)
  • carpediem8i8
    What's up girls,

    How did y'all get your sexy on today??? I'm not getting as many great ideas as I had hoped because not enough of us are sharing our sexiness!

    Today I played tennis for two hours and it was a really good day for me precision-wise with hitting/serving. It felt so awesome. And as an extra super sexy measure, I wore my cutest tennis outfit! Loved it :heart:

    Hope everyone else found a way to incorporate some sexy into their day!

    Michelle :smile:
  • leshawnturner
    I am getting my sexy on today by wearing one of my favorite shirts!!! Its my favorite because I look nice in it and now it shows off my fabulous new shoulders!!! My shoulders are looking great in part to me doing the 100 push up challenge. I also feel sexy in my nice new hair do (spiral curls over my head)!! Finally, I am trying to get in my 80 oz of water today. So feel sexy everyone!!!

    Michelle thanks again for starting this forum!!!
  • passionhi
    Hey Single Ladies!!!!

    I love this idea! I am getting my sexy on today by wearing a shirt that I bought last year (it was too tight when I purchased it) !!! It fits perfectly....and I'm wearing heels. :wink: I haven't worn heels in over a week, and I usually wear them every day. I am definitely gettin my sexy on!!!!

    Carpediem- I hear ya cute patootie, with the tennis fit. Your legs are going to be killer with all the running back and forth.

    Leshawn- I am currently trying to get definition in my shoulders as well. Get it Girl!!!!
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    I'm doing walk /run intervals and Taebo. Taebo always makes me feel FIERCE.:flowerforyou:
  • leshawnturner
    Ivykivy - tae bo always makes me feel fierce too!!! That's a great choice!!!

    Brendalee - several people chimed in when I said where do you meet someone and the answer was church. I agreed that was normally a good place to meet a nice person, but most of the people at my church are too young, too old, or too married :laugh: !!!

    But right now I'm trying to be a sexy me so I'll meet someone when God brings me someone to meet!! :wink: :bigsmile:
  • hopeandfaith24
    i am in! i think this is such a good idea :smile:
  • leshawnturner
    All right ladies what are we doing today?? I'm getting my sexy on by doing my push up challenge. With each set I see more and more definition in my shoulders and it makes me want to go out and buy up every off the shoulder shirt I can find!!! :laugh: :wink: :love: :bigsmile:

    What are you doing to feel sexy today??
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    I'd like to join...I've been single since May and it's been an adjustment process as I was with my ex for 3.5 years and it was a live-in relationship that looked like it was going to lead to marriage. So...yea.. I'm not great at being single. :blushing:

    Meanwhile, I have a lot of time to train LOL!

    I am currently using the Gateway to 8K program and I'm on week 7. It consists of three 15 minute running intervals and two 1 minute rests with a 5 minute warmup and cooldown. I'll do this tonight and Saturday and move on to week 8 Monday. I generally complete 4.5-5 miles in 45 minutes.

    I also lift 3X a week for 45-60 minutes.

    My goal is to reach 127lbs by Jan 1, and 120 lbs by May 1.

    So tonight will just be my run, and it's lovely outside so I'm excited! :happy:
  • 1Corinthians13
    1Corinthians13 Posts: 5,296 Member
    Legally, I'm single as of yesterday!

    But my heart and future belong to someone else. :smile:

    Can I still join?
  • passionhi
    Good Afternoon Single Ladies!!!!!

    Today I am wearing knee high patent leather boots; feeling ultra sexy. I have gotten so many compliments on my appearance today.
  • leshawnturner
    Good Afternoon Single Ladies!!!!!

    Today I am wearing knee high patent leather boots; feeling ultra sexy. I have gotten so many compliments on my appearance today.

    I WANT A PAIR OF KNEE HIGH BOOTS SO BAD!!!!!!:sad: Most of the pairs I try on are too small around my calves!!!:sad: :blushing: I'm determined to find a pair this winter though and it will be my Christmas present to myself. :drinker:
  • carpediem8i8
    HAPPY FRIDAY, my hot sexy SINGLE LADIES!!!

    I can't tell you how excited I am to see how much sexiness exists in this group -- from sexy sculpted shoulders, to sexyfierce taebo sessions, to knee-high boots and cute shirts that fit in all the right places...y'all are really getting your sexy on!!!

    Leshawn -- so proud of'll get those boots to fit your calves in no time and you'll look like a bombshell in them!

    1Corinthians13 -- SO GLAD TO HAVE YOU! Welcome welcome welcome. I started this group because sexiness is next to godliness in my book...and if we can feel sexy at our current weight, imagine how amazingly divine we'll feel when we meet our goals!