Sixers Heading into the Holidays WK 3



  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hey jennifer, if you have to go through something as horrid as that you ought to get something out of it! Hope you get over this fast! Wishing you well sweetie!!!
  • nellienell12
    nellienell12 Posts: 325 Member
    Well, had a gain, but am still under what I started.

    Started- 220.0
    Week 1- 217.0
    Week 2- 219.5

    Rhonda (rmchan) ..............SW 194.5 lbs / GW 182.5 lbs / CW 190.5 lbs / PROGRESS - 4.0lbs
    T (datenshi) ........................SW 208.6 lbs / GW 198.0 lbs / CW 204.0 lbs / PROGRESS -4.6 lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising). SW 152.0 lbs / GW 148.0 lbs / CW 151.4 lbs / PROGRESS -0.6 lb
    Margaret (elephantmeg) ..SW 128.0 lbs / GW 123.0 lbs / CW 126.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2 lbs
    Maggie (magglett) .............SW 174.0 lbs / GW 169.0 lbs / CW 176.0 lbs / PROGRESS +2 lb
    Melanie(mello) ...................SW 306.0 lbs / GW 291.0 lbs / CW 298.0 lbs / PROGRESS -8 lbs
    Nicole (nicolee516)............SW 178.0 lbs / GW 170.0 lbs / CW 175.2 lbs / PROGRESS -2.8 lb
    Nicole(Colie) ......................SW 212.0 lbs / GW 200.0 lbs / CW 210.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2 lbs
    Amy(PDXmomof2).............SW 194.6 lbs / GW 186.6 lbs / CW 195.0 lbs / PROGRESS +.4 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24)...........SW 153.4 lbs / GW 147.0 lbs / CW 151.1 lbs / PROGRESS -2.3 lbs
    Tammy (TERVIN) ..............SW 241.0 lbs / GW 229.0 lbs / CW 240.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1 lbs
    Alison (ali258).....................SW 233.0 lbs / GW 224.0 lbs / CW 230.5 lbs / PROGRESS -2.5 lb
    Sandy ...................................SW 234.5 lbs / GW 225.0 lbs / CW 233.5 lbs / PROGRESS -1 lbs
    Susan (slightingscale)......SW 158.8 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 156.6 lbs / PROGRESS -2.2 lbs
    Tammara (drtamm)...........SW 196.5 lbs / GW 192.0 lbs / CW 196.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.5 lbs
    Patti (pattitricia85)...............SW 150.0 lbs/ GW 144.0 lbs/ CW 148.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -2.0 lbs
    Kel(redneckwoman)...........SW 175.0 lbs/ GW 152.0 lbs/ CW 153.0 lbs/PROGRESS - 4.0 LBS
    Jessica (raincloud)............SW 222.0 lbs / GW 210.0 lbs / CW 219.0 lbs / PROGRESS -3 lbs
    Verda (vhuber).....................SW 150.2 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 147.5 lbs / PROGRESS - 2.7 lbs
    Jenn (fairy28).......................SW 212.0 lbs / GW 200.0 lbs / CW 211.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2 lb
    Lorna (iftcheiaf)...................SW 143.4 lbs / GW 130.0 lbs / CW 142.6 lbs / PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
    Emmie (emmie110)..........SW 215.2 lbs / GW 205.0 lbs / CW 217.2 lbs / PROGRESS +2 lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps)... SW 142.0 lbs / GW 135.0 lbs / CW 139.0 lbs / PROGRESS - 3lbs
    Shanell (nellienell12) .......SW 220.0 lbs / GW 215.0 lbs / CW 219.5 lbs / PROGRESS -0.5 lbs

    Cathy(chipper)....................SW 231.0 lbs / GW 220.0 lbs / CW 235.4 lbs / PROGRESS +4.4 lb
    Erin (gogoleaner)...............SW 161.0 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 161.8 lbs / PROGRESS +.8 lb
    Amy (amypyr) ......................SW 151.8 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 152.4 lbs / PROGRESS +0.6 lbs
    Marci (mdogg09)................SW 305.0 lbs / GW 263.0 lbs / CW 274.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1 lb
    Tami (tigersgirl)..................SW 231.0 lbs/ GW 215.0 lbs / CW 231.0 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Tiff (gonabfit).......................SW145.0 lbs / GW 135.0 lbs / CW 144.4 lbs / PROGRESS -.6 lbs
    Brady(bradybrookes).........SW 185.0 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 185.0 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Okay, since most of us have posted, here are results for Week 2. What an amazing group! Last week we had 16 Sixers who lost weight, this week we had 21 Sixers who lost weight. Congratulations to all!

    Results for Week 2
    ...........Name.....( % lost this week ).... pounds
    :flowerforyou: 1. AmyLou.........( 2.14% )....3.3 lbs
    :flowerforyou: 2. Jennifer.........( 2.11% )....3.0
    :flowerforyou: 3. Jessica..........(1.35% )....3.0
    :flowerforyou: 4. T.....................( 1.16% )....2.4
    :flowerforyou: 5. Nicole516.....( 1.02% )....1.8
    :flowerforyou: 6. Verda.............( 1.01% )....1.5
    :flowerforyou: 7. Colie..............( .943% )....2.0
    :flowerforyou: 8. Jenn28..........( .939% )....2.0
    :flowerforyou: 9. Sandy.............( .85% )......2.0
    :flowerforyou:10. TammyTerv..( .83% )......2.0
    :flowerforyou:11. Margaret.......( .79% )......1.0
    :flowerforyou:12. Rhonda........( .78% )......1.5
    :flowerforyou:13. Patti...............( .67% )......1.0
    :flowerforyou:14. Kel.................(.649%)......1.0
    :flowerforyou:15. Alison............(.647%)......1.5
    :flowerforyou:16. Emmie..........( .37% )......0.8
    :flowerforyou:17. Melanie.........( .33% )......1.0
    :flowerforyou:18 Tammara......( .25% )......0.5
    :flowerforyou:19. Lorna.............(.14% ).......0.2
    :flowerforyou:20. Lauryn...........(.132%)......0.2
    :flowerforyou:21. Susan............(.128% )....0.2
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Sweet! Thanks for showing us that slightingscale!
  • Phoenix_Rising
    Phoenix_Rising Posts: 11,417 Member
    Susan, thanks for those rankings! That is cool!!

    T, CONGRATULATIONS!! I am so proud that you've completed the C25K!!! I have started and stopped it a million times. I KNOW how hard it is, how much grit it takes to stick with you. CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    Cathy -- where are you? Are you weighing in this week dear? Missing you!!

    Maggie, been MIA lately... thinking of you.

    Jennifer, hope you recover soon. My daddy has it the other week and it took a while for him to get back to his normal self.

    I'm doing alright. Managing, coping. Life is crap, but I'm .... crappier? No wait! :laugh: Life is tough, but I'm tougher!!!! There we go!! :wink: I'll make it through this. It's only making me a stronger woman! :drinker:
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Nicole & Lauryn, you're welcome for the standings! It is fun to put together, and I love seeing everybody's progress. It really feels like a group effort, which inspires me to keep trying.

    Jennifer, I hope you feel better soon. My hubby's secretary was out for a week with H1N1, but thank goodness, she didn't infect anyone at work. So far, we're clear here. For now.

    Maggie, AmyPdx & Shanell, this will be a better week for you. Thankfully, we can start every day with a new calorie and exercise counter. It's so nice that yesterday just goes away. Poof! It's gone.

    Tamm & Verda, you survived the restaurants/travel and came out ahead. How did you do that?!?!?

    Rhonda, you're about to break a 10 pound barrier. This week? I'm pulling for you.

    Colie, you made a 10 pound marker! That's such a nice feeling. Way to go.

    Sandy, good luck to you on your H2O bootcamp. I hope you like it, and it produces great results for you.

    Melanie, 1 pound is still a good loss! Congrats.

    AmyPyr, single parenting (whether temporary or permanent) is very hard. I hope you're able to find some time for yourself.

    T, c25k girl, way to go! 31 minutes of running is awesome. Be very proud.

    Emmie, were you able to walk yet? I started walking at the mall last spring, now I love being outside so much I'm trying to stay outdoors as long as possible. So, I'm on the hunt for some rain pants....and running shoe covers???? Remember, I'm in Oregon, and we don't use umbrellas here.

    Jessica, Great Job on your Big Loss! You're amazing.

    And finally, AmyLou, you ROCK. Great job for acing the week! Hope school is going just as well for you. How did those interviews turn out? Any word from the hospital yet?
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Well Girls I think it's time to check in. I have been quite busy this week. Although I didn't work yesterday because I thought it was going to rain. Which it didn't . I must of had a bad case of the lazies cause I didn't even workout. So today I did the shred and 4 mile walk with leslie sansone. I am so exhasted now but will recover in a minute or two.

    Anyway congrats to everyone who lost this past week.

    Love to all

  • amylou24
    amylou24 Posts: 365
    OMG!! I can't believe I made the list this week!! yay!! That sure is fun motivation!

    Susan - how sweet of you to ask! I am still waiting to hear back on a couple interviews. Hopefully in the next week I will have good news for you all from my top choice!

    I'm so glad I have you all to inspire and motivate me. This last week and a half has been rough after losing my sorority sister, but it makes me ever more grateful for the people in my life, even the ones I only know electronically!! Thank you all for being supportive and keeping her family in your prayers. about 30 or so of my sisters were able to attend the wake and funeral and you really saw just how much Jen means to everyone.

    spoiled myself with a Mint Condition latte from the new Caribou Coffee in town today. yum!! kind of scared to see how many calories that was!! (i did restrict myself to a small though!)

    I need to finish an assignment but am making it my goal to do more personals tonight!! :heart:
  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Susan you did a wondeful roll call!!

    I did read all the post and though I don't have time for personals I am thinking about you all and wishing for your success ALWAYS!!!

    I am feeling a little sore this week from a wonderful arm workout this tues and its nearly friday. I hope everyone is drinking their water. LOL, I slacked just a tad the other day but I'm back on it. My dog is destroying a toy as I type so off to clean the mess.

    Take care ladies...

  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Hello everyone!

    I've been having a great day with water. I actually planned it into my food log, and it's been a little reminder to me to drink it. I'm up to 7 cups today, which is amazing for me.

    I've heard of a couple of people doing walking workout videos. How does that work? Do you need a treadmill or do you just walk around the house? I've always been very curious.

    For the past couple of weeks I have been training for a part-time job and now I also have a couple of full-time job opportunities starting to poke their little heads up. Hopefully one of them will turn into an actual job, and then I can keep my part time job for some extra money to pay off those school loans. Even with job opportunities, it seems like when it rains, it pours!

    I had a less-than-great start to my week food wise, but the past two days, I've been pretty good, and I think I will at least have a small loss this week.

    Have a great night!

  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    :bigsmile: HEY! Weighed in at 143.6 I'm still working hard. Just a late poster these days... Went for a 471 calorie run yesterday in the rain! :-D My body is sore now!!!!

    But in a good way :=D :laugh: :laugh: :blushing:

    Sixers. I'm going out of town this weekend.... I'll do my best to eat "pretty" good and burn some cals too! See you Sun when I get back!

    Tiff (gonabfit).......................SW145.0 lbs / GW 135.0 lbs / CW 143.6 lbs / PROGRESS -1.4 lbs
    Rhonda (rmchan) ..............SW 194.5 lbs / GW 182.5 lbs / CW 190.5 lbs / PROGRESS - 4.0lbs
    T (datenshi) ........................SW 208.6 lbs / GW 198.0 lbs / CW 204.0 lbs / PROGRESS -4.6 lbs
    Lauryn (Phoenix_Rising). SW 152.0 lbs / GW 148.0 lbs / CW 151.4 lbs / PROGRESS -0.6 lb
    Margaret (elephantmeg) ..SW 128.0 lbs / GW 123.0 lbs / CW 126.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2 lbs
    Maggie (magglett) .............SW 174.0 lbs / GW 169.0 lbs / CW 176.0 lbs / PROGRESS +2 lb
    Melanie(mello) ...................SW 306.0 lbs / GW 291.0 lbs / CW 298.0 lbs / PROGRESS -8 lbs
    Nicole (nicolee516)............SW 178.0 lbs / GW 170.0 lbs / CW 175.2 lbs / PROGRESS -2.8 lb
    Nicole(Colie) ......................SW 212.0 lbs / GW 200.0 lbs / CW 210.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2 lbs
    Amy(PDXmomof2).............SW 194.6 lbs / GW 186.6 lbs / CW 195.0 lbs / PROGRESS +.4 lbs
    AmyLou (amylou24)...........SW 153.4 lbs / GW 147.0 lbs / CW 151.1 lbs / PROGRESS -2.3 lbs
    Tammy (TERVIN) ..............SW 241.0 lbs / GW 229.0 lbs / CW 240.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1 lbs
    Alison (ali258).....................SW 233.0 lbs / GW 224.0 lbs / CW 230.5 lbs / PROGRESS -2.5 lb
    Sandy ...................................SW 234.5 lbs / GW 225.0 lbs / CW 233.5 lbs / PROGRESS -1 lbs
    Susan (slightingscale)......SW 158.8 lbs / GW 150.0 lbs / CW 156.6 lbs / PROGRESS -2.2 lbs
    Tammara (drtamm)...........SW 196.5 lbs / GW 192.0 lbs / CW 196.0 lbs / PROGRESS -0.5 lbs
    Patti (pattitricia85)...............SW 150.0 lbs/ GW 144.0 lbs/ CW 148.0 lbs/ PROGRESS -2.0 lbs
    Kel(redneckwoman)...........SW 175.0 lbs/ GW 152.0 lbs/ CW 153.0 lbs/PROGRESS - 4.0 LBS
    Jessica (raincloud)............SW 222.0 lbs / GW 210.0 lbs / CW 219.0 lbs / PROGRESS -3 lbs
    Verda (vhuber).....................SW 150.2 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 147.5 lbs / PROGRESS - 2.7 lbs
    Jenn (fairy28).......................SW 212.0 lbs / GW 200.0 lbs / CW 211.0 lbs / PROGRESS -2 lb
    Lorna (iftcheiaf)...................SW 143.4 lbs / GW 130.0 lbs / CW 142.6 lbs / PROGRESS -0.2 lbs
    Emmie (emmie110)..........SW 215.2 lbs / GW 205.0 lbs / CW 217.2 lbs / PROGRESS +2 lbs
    Jennifer (candycaneps)... SW 142.0 lbs / GW 135.0 lbs / CW 139.0 lbs / PROGRESS - 3lbs
    Shanell (nellienell12) .......SW 220.0 lbs / GW 215.0 lbs / CW 219.5 lbs / PROGRESS -0.5 lbs

    Cathy(chipper)....................SW 231.0 lbs / GW 220.0 lbs / CW 235.4 lbs / PROGRESS +4.4 lb
    Erin (gogoleaner)...............SW 161.0 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 161.8 lbs / PROGRESS +.8 lb
    Amy (amypyr) ......................SW 151.8 lbs / GW 145.0 lbs / CW 152.4 lbs / PROGRESS +0.6 lbs
    Marci (mdogg09)................SW 305.0 lbs / GW 263.0 lbs / CW 274.0 lbs / PROGRESS -1 lb
    Tami (tigersgirl)..................SW 231.0 lbs/ GW 215.0 lbs / CW 231.0 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
    Brady(bradybrookes).........SW 185.0 lbs / GW 155.0 lbs / CW 185.0 lbs / PROGRESS +/- lbs
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi everyone ... I've been MIA lately ... really slacking in my efforts. I apologize for this because I love the support and encouragement I get from these posts and I want to do the same for all of you. Well today's a new beginning for me ... I did it ... I JOINED A GYM!!! I go for my first assessment on Sunday ... I can't go tomorrow because I have tickets to a show ... but Saturday morning I'm joining in on a Zumba class. I can't wait. I've done Zumba to a DVD and I loved it but I can't wait to be in a live class ... it should be soooo much fun!!!

  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Hi everyone ... I've been MIA lately ... really slacking in my efforts. I apologize for this because I love the support and encouragement I get from these posts and I want to do the same for all of you. Well today's a new beginning for me ... I did it ... I JOINED A GYM!!! I go for my first assessment on Sunday ... I can't go tomorrow because I have tickets to a show ... but Saturday morning I'm joining in on a Zumba class. I can't wait. I've done Zumba to a DVD and I loved it but I can't wait to be in a live class ... it should be soooo much fun!!!

    Way to go on joining a gym! I used to have a gym membership and I LOVED going to Zumba class! If one of those jobs comes through, maybe I'll re-join. I hope you love your Zumba class as much as I did.

  • mello
    mello Posts: 817 Member
    Nicole & Lauryn, you're welcome for the standings! It is fun to put together, and I love seeing everybody's progress. It really feels like a group effort, which inspires me to keep trying.

    Jennifer, I hope you feel better soon. My hubby's secretary was out for a week with H1N1, but thank goodness, she didn't infect anyone at work. So far, we're clear here. For now.

    Maggie, AmyPdx & Shanell, this will be a better week for you. Thankfully, we can start every day with a new calorie and exercise counter. It's so nice that yesterday just goes away. Poof! It's gone.

    Tamm & Verda, you survived the restaurants/travel and came out ahead. How did you do that?!?!?

    Rhonda, you're about to break a 10 pound barrier. This week? I'm pulling for you.

    Colie, you made a 10 pound marker! That's such a nice feeling. Way to go.

    Sandy, good luck to you on your H2O bootcamp. I hope you like it, and it produces great results for you.

    Melanie, 1 pound is still a good loss! Congrats.

    AmyPyr, single parenting (whether temporary or permanent) is very hard. I hope you're able to find some time for yourself.

    T, c25k girl, way to go! 31 minutes of running is awesome. Be very proud.

    Emmie, were you able to walk yet? I started walking at the mall last spring, now I love being outside so much I'm trying to stay outdoors as long as possible. So, I'm on the hunt for some rain pants....and running shoe covers???? Remember, I'm in Oregon, and we don't use umbrellas here.

    Jessica, Great Job on your Big Loss! You're amazing.

    And finally, AmyLou, you ROCK. Great job for acing the week! Hope school is going just as well for you. How did those interviews turn out? Any word from the hospital yet?

    A big THANK YOU to you for all the great motivation!!!!!! :drinker:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Options I thought I would step on the scale today...even though it is not tuesday....BIG MISTAKE!!!! remind me not to do that again! I gained! YUCK!:noway: :grumble: :explode: :mad: :devil:
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    Susan - I haven't walked yet. I think my body is trying to fight something off - I've been battling a fever, cough, etc the last couple days. Hopefully I'll feel up to it this weekend. I used to walk at the mall too - but now I prefer walking outside. We have a nice trail close to our house. Can't wait to fire up my pedometer again.
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    OH WHERE OH WHERE HAS OUR CHIPPER GONE??? Cathy I miss you so much:flowerforyou: and I am sure everyone else misses you too. :sad: :sad: :sad: Please check in. I know you must be checking the posts.

    Love you bunches:flowerforyou:
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hello everyone!

    I've been having a great day with water. I actually planned it into my food log, and it's been a little reminder to me to drink it. I'm up to 7 cups today, which is amazing for me.

    I've heard of a couple of people doing walking workout videos. How does that work? Do you need a treadmill or do you just walk around the house? I've always been very curious.

    For the past couple of weeks I have been training for a part-time job and now I also have a couple of full-time job opportunities starting to poke their little heads up. Hopefully one of them will turn into an actual job, and then I can keep my part time job for some extra money to pay off those school loans. Even with job opportunities, it seems like when it rains, it pours!

    I had a less-than-great start to my week food wise, but the past two days, I've been pretty good, and I think I will at least have a small loss this week.

    Have a great night!

    Hi Alison,
    The walking videos by Leslie Sansone are great and they are used in your home space without a treadmill. Her latest ones even incorporate "bands" for strenght training! Rent some at your library, you may just LOVE it! Best wishes!
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    Feeling better and went for a walk this evening - only about a mile but better than nothing. 5200 steps today.

    Nicole - stay off the scale - no good can come of it!! It was probably just water weight - don't let it get you down.

    Allison - I have some Leslie Sansome DVD's. You only need a small space to work out to them. The Walk at Home series is good.
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Feeling better and went for a walk this evening - only about a mile but better than nothing. 5200 steps today.

    Nicole - stay off the scale - no good can come of it!! It was probably just water weight - don't let it get you down.

    Allison - I have some Leslie Sansome DVD's. You only need a small space to work out to them. The Walk at Home series is good.
    Glad your feeling better Emmie and I bet the fresh air was bliss! best wishes and enjoy the week-end!