Sixers Heading into the Holidays WK 3



  • drtamm
    drtamm Posts: 427
    Hey ladies.....

    Glad someone else loves Leslies Walk Away the Pounds. Tiff bought them for me for christmas and I bought a set myself. I love it and it gives me great results. Good workout for home and its motivational.

    Cathy- Yes you are missed. Tell us how you are. :)

    Maggie- Motivation can go down at times but we are here for you. I'm sure you will get it back

    Mello- Keep up your good work!

    Verda- How was your fitness this week. Love the new picture too!

    Well ladies...... I hope all my sixer friends are doing well. I am resting for the evening at the late hr just like I love. I have to work tomorrow then back to work on monday. I hope to visit one more time before the weekend is over.

    Ladies.... THANKSGIVING IS CLOSE.... What are the tactics you will use to counteract some extra calories. Lets get a game plan now!!!

    Take care,

  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Feeling better and went for a walk this evening - only about a mile but better than nothing. 5200 steps today.
    Emmie, great job. The first step is the most difficult. rainingsmile.gif
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Tamm, how did your job and house searches go this week? Glad to hear of your great workouts.

    My Thanksgiving plan is to: reduce some carbs (do we really need mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, dressing/stuffing AND dinner rolls?), eliminate a few pie crusts (make pumpkin custard-but I really really need a small piece of pecan pie), use spray whipped cream, eliminate the cream sauce on the veggies and have them roasted instead, reduce the amount of food I cook (fewer leftovers) and then portion control. Also, I want to make Thanksgiving ONE day, and not eat leftovers all weekend (except the turkey). One of my daughters is a vegetarian. We tried Tofurkey one year - which was totally gross. Last year is was a bean casserole, which was just okay. This year I'm going to make a veggie pot pie (with a broth sauce, and an oil crust on the top only). That will be good. This is making me hungry!
  • vhuber
    vhuber Posts: 8,779 Member
    Hi girls! Just reading about Thanksgiving makes me think about all that food and how I ALWAYS feel miserable afterwards! I am going to change that this year portion- portion-portion!!! They say the first two bites are the best so throw out the rest! I am going to do my daily workout now!!! Have a good day!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi all ... just reading about Thanksgiving makes me glad that I'm Canadian ... ours is over and done with so that temptation is gone for me. Good luck to all my American MFPers with that. I just got back from the gym ... I love it there ... such a great atmosphere and all of the staff seem great so far. I did a Zumba class ... it was way fun. Tomorrow is my first assessment and then I'll get set up to learn how to use the equipment and balance ball and stuff. It's nice to have something new to get me back on track (although the Cora's breakfast after the workout wasn't exactly the healthiest choice ... but ... yummy). The weather here is beautiful and hopefully it will be the same tomorrow ... my friend and I will do a big hike after I'm done at my assessment if all goes as planned. Happy weekend all ... talk to you soon.

  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Hi all ... just reading about Thanksgiving makes me glad that I'm Canadian ... ours is over and done with so that temptation is gone for me. Good luck to all my American MFPers with that. I just got back from the gym ... I love it there ... such a great atmosphere and all of the staff seem great so far. I did a Zumba class ... it was way fun. Tomorrow is my first assessment and then I'll get set up to learn how to use the equipment and balance ball and stuff. It's nice to have something new to get me back on track (although the Cora's breakfast after the workout wasn't exactly the healthiest choice ... but ... yummy). The weather here is beautiful and hopefully it will be the same tomorrow ... my friend and I will do a big hike after I'm done at my assessment if all goes as planned. Happy weekend all ... talk to you soon.

    I'm hearing great things about Zumba, so I'm excited to try it this week at my gym. How many calories do you figure you burned? It isn't in the exercise database yet.
  • emmie110
    emmie110 Posts: 176
    I was just thinking about Thanksgiving and wondering if anyone had any healthy versions of the traditional recipes. Last year, when I was doing better at the low-carb thing, we had whipped cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes. It was really good and I did not even miss the mashed potatoes. I'll have to hunt down that recipe for this year.

    Susan - Pumpkin custard sounds really good. I make pumpkin squares every year - love them, but they are not low-cal.
  • Redneckwoman
    Redneckwoman Posts: 668 Member
    Tamm, how did your job and house searches go this week? Glad to hear of your great workouts.

    My Thanksgiving plan is to: reduce some carbs (do we really need mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes, dressing/stuffing AND dinner rolls?), eliminate a few pie crusts (make pumpkin custard-but I really really need a small piece of pecan pie), use spray whipped cream, eliminate the cream sauce on the veggies and have them roasted instead, reduce the amount of food I cook (fewer leftovers) and then portion control. Also, I want to make Thanksgiving ONE day, and not eat leftovers all weekend (except the turkey). One of my daughters is a vegetarian. We tried Tofurkey one year - which was totally gross. Last year is was a bean casserole, which was just okay. This year I'm going to make a veggie pot pie (with a broth sauce, and an oil crust on the top only). That will be good. This is making me hungry!

    Tony and I are going to do steak and lobster on thanksgiving. We will be by ourselves(our choice). His birthday is on this day and our football teams play against each other. So we will having a birthday instead of the feast. My daughter is trying to talk me into cooking the feast the next day. I told her I would think about it. May be something different.

    Allison I currently workout to Lesllie Sansone Ultimate collection It has a 1 2 3 and4 mile workouts on it. I have been switching it off with Jillian Michaels 30 day shred. But I have been doing the walking dvds quite a while now( I have some of her early years) and I just love them especially when its cold or wet outside.

    Maggie Good for you for joining the gym. I am looking forward to hearing about the classes and such. I just love all your cartoons.

    To everyone else Have a great weekend

  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I was just thinking about Thanksgiving and wondering if anyone had any healthy versions of the traditional recipes. Last year, when I was doing better at the low-carb thing, we had whipped cauliflower instead of mashed potatoes. It was really good and I did not even miss the mashed potatoes. I'll have to hunt down that recipe for this year.

    Susan - Pumpkin custard sounds really good. I make pumpkin squares every year - love them, but they are not low-cal.
    Hi Emmie, Pumpkin Squares sound good. Are they made with cream cheese? DH and I love cauliflower, but I'm not sure about everyone else (unless it's saturated with cheese sauce). They will eat roasted broccoli, however. Easy and yummy.
    My four daughters are all very thin, so they want their favorites at Thanksgiving. So, I've asked each one of them to finish this sentence:
    "Thanksgiving wouldn't be the same without ___________________."
    Their answers are helping me cut out those foods that people won't miss. The other menu items, I'll try to put on a low-fat diet.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    ...Tony and I are going to do steak and lobster on thanksgiving. We will be by ourselves(our choice). His birthday is on this day and our football teams play against each other. So we will having a birthday instead of the feast. My daughter is trying to talk me into cooking the feast the next day. I told her I would think about it. May be something different.......

    Kel, can I come to YOUR house for Thanksgiving? I :heart: lobster :heart:!
    One year, my sister grilled steaks for her family for Thanksgiving. I say, if it works for you, go for it!
    It's also my SIL's 30th bday on 11/26. We are going to celebrate the following Saturday, though.
  • elephantmeg
    elephantmeg Posts: 113 Member
    I've had a good week, kept on exercizing and eating within my calories :) I think I was 125.5 on friday so hoping to see 125 on Tues. That will be a first since the babies! Jillian's 30 day shred is getting better and I feel good-I love her stretches I feel much better since I've been doing them after the shred and running.

    I'm a little scared about t-giving too. Not really cooking any of it. Parents, Bro and SIL will be at our house for T-giving day but we're doing pot roast etc and the big turkey with extended family on Friday. I'm baking rolls and pies for Friday-I think I'll do some white and some whole wheat and a rich pie and a lower fat pie (both pumpkin). The rest of it will just have to be portion controll!
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I'm hearing great things about Zumba, so I'm excited to try it this week at my gym. How many calories do you figure you burned? It isn't in the exercise database yet.

    I've heard that with Zumba the calories vary, depending on the instructor/choreography and how much you put into it. But to give you a range it would be somewhere between 575-1000 calories per hour.
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    I'm hearing great things about Zumba, so I'm excited to try it this week at my gym. How many calories do you figure you burned? It isn't in the exercise database yet.

    I've heard that with Zumba the calories vary, depending on the instructor/choreography and how much you put into it. But to give you a range it would be somewhere between 575-1000 calories per hour.
    Wow! I'm definitely going now. Thanks!
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    I'm pretty lucky that I'm doing Thanksgiving at my parents' house, so I won't have the leftovers everywhere. I let Thanksgiving be my day off for the week, and I'm going to do my best to just make it a normal day off and not an excuse to totally gorge myself on too much unhealthy food. It should be pretty easy for me to make sure I have some egg beaters for breakfast and a really light lunch, if I have lunch at all - we usually eat pretty early on Thanksgiving.

    I'm definitely going to try some of the walking videos! I think my local video store has free rentals on fitness videos. It's one of the benefits of living in a small town. I've been trying to start Couch-to-5K all week, but between the rain most of the week, and it getting dark before 6pm, it's been really hard to find any time to try to jog.

    My goal for this week is to just keep being healthy. I had a little bit of a speed bump last week because I made some delicious treats on my day off, with the plan to freeze them and enjoy them for a few weeks. Well, it turns out, they tasted even better frozen, so on Tuesday, I sent the rest of them to my fiance's work since I couldn't stay out of them. For my day off this week, I didn't make anything to keep at home. I just went out, enjoyed some good food, and didn't bring home any leftovers.

    I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend, and getting ready for some great weigh-ins!

  • pirategirl
    Hi my name is Leslie and would love to join the sixers. Kelly has introduced me to this web site and ready to get started.
  • gonabfit
    gonabfit Posts: 711 Member
    Hello all! I am back :-) I had a great weekend and though I ate a few fast food meals, I still feel like I kept it under pretty good control AND I got a nice massage today!! :-D WONDERFUL! Now I'm ready to get back into working out hard!!! My hip feels better though I have to get a MRI this week...

    My plan for counteracting Thanksgiving calories is to workout in the a.m. :-D eat what I want within reason......... and take an after dinner walk. ;-D

    How are you guys preparing to keep the weight OFF or lose more during the upcoming cold months? I find winter hard to keep up my running routine (but I do have lots of videos and a gyym I could use... just don't like treadmill running)
  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    Hi my name is Leslie and would love to join the sixers. Kelly has introduced me to this web site and ready to get started.
    Hi Leslie (pirategirl). Welcome!:flowerforyou: Kelly might have told you this already, but here's how our Tuesday weigh ins work. Early Tuesday morning, someone will start a new thread for the upcoming week. It will be referenced in this thread on the last post, or you can search for it. The next one will be called: Sixers Heading into the Holidays WK 4. It will have a list of our names with our stats. Add your name and stats to the top group like this:

    Leslie (pirategirl)................SW xxx.x lbs / GW xxx.x lbs / CW xxx.x lbs / PROGRESS +/- 0 lbs

    SW stands for your starting weight (which will be Tuesday's weight - or you could weigh in today and use that weight). This weight will never change throughout this challenge. GW is goal weight, the weight you'd like to be by December 8th (our final weigh in of this 6-week challenge). CW is the weight you are on the day of the weigh in (hopefully, this changes weekly). Progress is the amount of weight you've gained or loss for the entire challenge.

    Copy and paste your info In your reply. Meanwhile, we'd love to get to know you. Again, Welcome!
  • ali258
    ali258 Posts: 403
    Leslie - Welcome! I hope you enjoy being a part of this group as much as I have the past 3 weeks! Everyone is so supportive and has loads of advice and humor to dish out.

    Tiff - That's a good idea to work out on the morning on Thanksgiving. I didn't think about that, but my parents do have a treadmill and a total gym, so I should definitely get some calories burned before the big meal.

    About working out during the colder months - I'm just getting to the point where I'm feeling like I have my eating under control and I'm ready to start working out except that now that it's cold and dark. I went to my video store today and they had some of Leslie Sansone's Walking DVDs in the FREE fitness rental section! I'm so excited to try them. I want to do one tonight, but I don't think I'll go to sleep if I do. So, my plan is to do a one-mile workout first thing in the morning to get my day started right.

    Today was a pretty good day. Sometimes Sunday is a little hard to get back on track after my free meal on Saturday, but today wasn't so bad.

    Everyone ready for Monday? I'm so glad it only happens once a week. :laugh:

  • slightingscale
    slightingscale Posts: 1,209 Member
    .... I sent the rest of them to my fiance's work since I couldn't stay out of them. For my day off this week, I didn't make anything to keep at home. I just went out, enjoyed some good food, and didn't bring home any leftovers.

    I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend, and getting ready for some great weigh-ins!


    Alison, :heart: fiance :heart: ? Tell us more. Do you have a wedding date set? Congratulations!

    I don't have a day off anymore, because I can't handle it. I guess I have to keep to a 12-Step Food Anonymous mentality! I also love Tuesday weigh ins, because my weekend used to be a free-for-all. I allow myself treats within my daily calories. I like it better this way. I admire that you're able to pull it back together after your day off.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000