You know what really bugs me....



  • flowersofdawn
    flowersofdawn Posts: 47 Member
    ... And I have been cancer free for 9 years...

    Excellent news!!
  • Savemyshannon
    Savemyshannon Posts: 334 Member
    Ugh, I hit quote instead of edit... again... always do that! ^^
  • bleacheblonde
    Do not fear, OP, not everyone hates you and thinks you're a bad person! I often feel the same way...I'm 27 and I'm engaged but we have no plans for kids in the near future. Perhaps I post on facebook too much about my cats...they are my furry kids. I realize that sounds nutty, and no, I don't care :)

    I just do not want to be a mom yet. Right now it is not in the cards for me. I need to have other things taken care of before I start to be responsible for another life, such as: 1) Get my health in line, 2) Actually have enough money to pay MY bills, let alone medical bills for a freaking kid, and 3) self-realization to accomplish, art to create, songs to learn, and tattoos to get. Perhaps that is selfish, but it's my decision. I respect other people's decisions to start families and at 27 I think it's normal for most people my age to have kids starting school. And I like it when people respect my decision to not have babies yet instead of assuming that I am some sort of abnormal female being that is missing some essential caretaker gene (and I feel like this is often what's assumed).
  • snoopytwins
    snoopytwins Posts: 1,759 Member



    This just totally cracked me up!

    I'm "older" and most of my facebook friends have children. I realize that most of my status updates and photos are of my children, and I understand that it's sometimes annoying, as I sometimes find my facebook friends' posts annoying.

    People who don't know how to merge lanes in traffic...that bugs me!
  • PattieCakes23
    i dont think she was bashing them for having kids by a certain age but for posting pics every day of their kids i see this everyday and agreed very annoying

    Not necessarily bashing about posting pictures, I mean, that is part of what Facebook is for. I don't mind seeing them every now and then. I admit I have taken a couple people off my newsfeed because they post EVERY single move their child makes (oh, she wiggled...oh now she smiled...oh, she just pooed) It was too much.

    I like being able to catch up with the friends that have gone away because we have different lives, it's nice catching up.
  • PattieCakes23

    I think I understand what you are trying to say. I don't have children and have never wanted any. It has been tough to see my group of friends dwindle away because they don't know how to still be a person separate from their kids. I have stopped trying to connect with them right now. I hope when their kids are older, we can resume our friendship.

    I agree and understand what the OP is saying. I'm 27, still unmarried (been with the same guy for almost 5 years though) and with no kids. Neither of us have plans to get married or have kids any time soon, cause we love our life as it is. I post on Facebook that we're getting up and going on a road trip, or that I spent 300 dollars on a Tiffany's necklace and it gets spammed with, "OMG HOW I SPENT 200 ON ALL MY KIDS SCHOOL CLOTHES?" and "once you have kids you won't be able to do that!" and I'm like, why does my life has to constantly be compared to what your life as a parent is? Maybe I don't even want kids!

    And it IS hard watching your friends fade away as kids become their life. No, they can't go to the movies because they can't find a sitter. No, they don't want to go to Atlantic City for the weekend cause they can't leave their kids for that long. I once went on a 2-day road trip with my friend to see a concert in Miami and she spent the entire time complaining about how much she missed her kids.

    I'm not against parents at all, but I can understand how some people suddenly make their kids their entire life and you feel like you've lost a friend because of it.

    It does bother me when they say "Oh, once you have kids you'll understand." Who even said I want them? That then makes me feel bad for saying something about it, and then they are coming back going against how I chose to live my life.
  • stephendamour
    The bottom line is, there are too many kids in this world and everyone should just stop having them now and save us all from the punishment.

  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    It bugs me when my boyfriend buys me flowers then my *kitten* roomate steals them to give them to his gf :noway: WTF dude?!
  • PattieCakes23
    The bottom line is, there are too many kids in this world and everyone should just stop having them now and save us all from the punishment.

    Just tie your legs closed if you have a serious problem.
  • beccyleigh
    beccyleigh Posts: 847 Member
    people who post really passive aggressive things on facebook but then don't actually elaborate on what the problem is. these people are only interested in attention.

    when someone posts a :( as their status update or when they put something like "I am so devastated right now, I can't believe someone I trusted did this" again without elaborated make me go for the remove friend button.

    FFS people, say what you mean or STFU.
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    It bugs me when my boyfriend buys me flowers then my *kitten* roomate steals them to give them to his gf :noway: WTF dude?!

    That is major douchebaggery.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I feel ya on the whole getting married and having kids young thing. Mostly because I feel too young to be an adequate wife and mother. It's just not even in the realm of possibility at the moment for me.