


  • yoovie
    yoovie Posts: 17,121 Member
    I do it to spite those losers.
  • AmberMahfouz
    I sabotaged myself yesterday with Buffalo Wild Wings.

    Thank goodness people around me are supportive. Fresh start today!
  • Asha0714
    Asha0714 Posts: 88
    Fat people hate it if their friends lose weight. To them, its like you've betrayed or deserted them. Its the same with smokers. If you give up cigarettes, smokers act as though you've let them down and if you go back on the cigarettes they are delighted that you've rejoined the club! I work with a couple of women who are morbidly obese (its quite common in Ireland I find). Just as you've said they constantly try the "just a little bit of cake won't hurt you". And "you wouldn't look right if you were any thinner" even though I am overweight by about 60lbs. Its a sort of envy - rejoice in the fact that you are rising above it and doing what's best for you and your body!

    I've never felt betrayed by my friends who have lost weight. Ever. I'm very proud of them in fact. Also, my friends have never said anything like that to since I've lost weight either. The difference in our cultures is interesting.
  • RockTheCasbah
    I've had my mom say to me multiple times that I should look into gastric bypass surgery. Every time she does, I get mad and tell her that is not the route I'm going and to not suggest it. And she'll "forget" and bring it up again.

    This coming from the woman who taught me to clean my plate as a kid, no concept of portion control, and told me as a teenager "You'd be so pretty if you lost weight." Yeah, thanks, I'm really taking your advice since you taught me so well about food in the first place.
  • bagge72
    bagge72 Posts: 1,377 Member
    I think there are haters for everything, and some people like to complain about them more than others, and it seems like overweight people like to complain the most about them. I hope people don't take this the wrong way, but overweight people seem to complain the most in our society, and instead of changing they would rather the world change for them, and god for bid you say something to them about it, because you know they can change being overweight, but you can't change being ugly.

    Now this is all coming from a fat guy trying to be somewhat fat guy, who has been made fun of by people who don't know him his whole life.

    Hopefully though you can just use it as motivation instead of complaining about it.
  • thescrumisfun
    Sometimes family members would say things like, "Is that in your plan? How many carbs are in that?" I'm pretty dedicated to logging/finding calories in a recipe, and there would be comments on how long that took also. For a while, I was told on-and-off that I was eating too many calories, and then too few. I did weight training for rugby this summer and was told that I would get bulky because "the women in our family do that." BS. Eventually I just got sick of the outdated information, so I tuned it out. Fifteen - seventeen pounds down (many more to go), there's not many comments. I'm pretty sarcastic and have a sharp tongue, so that has also helped...

    I've gotten some sarcastic comments too, but I've known these people my entire life, and a lot of was a joke. Looking at Skinny Girl cocktail: "You would look at that." At Subway (didn't get anything because I had already ate lunch), I had a small piece of lettuce tossed my way with, "Eat the lettuce you skinny b*tch!" Now, like I've said, I've known them for my entire life - I knew it was a joke. They also tell me how great I look on a regular basis, will work out with me, and ask me if I want to go work out with them. My best friend is the one who actually told me about MFP and proved to be a great role model, as she lost 20 pounds in a healthy manner and is now in maintenance.

    Always remember...you can fix your own fat, but you can't fix someone's ugly personality. Don't let anyone tease, trick, belittle, or bully you into feeling/eating in ways that you don't want to. Your success is too important to be undermined by a thoughtless word or comment!
  • DrMAvDPhD
    DrMAvDPhD Posts: 2,097 Member
    I sabotaged myself yesterday with Buffalo Wild Wings.

    Thank goodness people around me are supportive. Fresh start today!

    Lol I sabotage myself with that once a month. Hey, I go to watch UFC, I have an excuse. Sorta.
  • xshortiex
    xshortiex Posts: 120 Member
    My dad thinks it's okay to tell people that I'm going on a hunger strike and exercising too much; neither of which I am doing. And he says it ALL THE TIME. It's getting on my nerves, and for the past week it's been leading me to eat more and exercise less just to make him happy. I'm so ready to move back to college.
  • CountryCorgi
    CountryCorgi Posts: 11 Member
    Last Sunday, my mom noticed I lost weight and promptly told my husband he better start saving up for me to have some nip/tuck because everything is about to fall south. I was partially glad that she noticed the weight loss, and I know her comment was meant to be a light joke, but I feel more incredibly self conscious after that.
  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Haters, yeah, they're out there. All you have to do is ignore it. However, as far as being "sabotaged", there's no such thing. Nobody can "sabotage'" you without your consent. It's not as if these people are holding a gun to your head and screaming "YOU BETTER EAT THIS f****** *insert random snack food* OR I'M GOING TO KILL YOU"! The point is, as adults we have to take responsibility for our own actions. If you give in, that's solely because YOU wanted to, not because someone is trying to "sabotage" you.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    Eurgh yes!

    I live at home and my parents have taken to actually bringing me slices of cheesecake and cream cakes up to my room when I'm studying :S It's every night, after i've had my tea AND dessert, about an hour later someone will be up with a huge slice of cake or muffin or whatever else. And there's no way of saying no because it's already cut and plated up :S

    Leave it sitting there, or throw it away? They'll stop doing it if it goes to waste. :smile: