Part of me really wants to stop getting on here...



  • melaniecheeks
    melaniecheeks Posts: 6,349 Member
    I read through the sodium in V8 thread and I honestly can't see what was the problem with it - you asked a question (and to be honest, the way you asked it might be seen by some as aggressive), people gave their thoughts, nobody suggested you were wrong or stupid.....was there a particular post that you felt was rude?
  • avocado12
    avocado12 Posts: 197 Member
    I don't ask questions on here, as I fear being ridiculed or have my post quoted and then mocked etc - I stick to replying instead and using the search bar. I know exactly how you feel! X
  • theartichoke
    theartichoke Posts: 816 Member
    not being mean

    please remember all meme's are ment as A; joke or B; sarcazim,
    this one is both starship-troopers-noob.gif
    and well we all like to flog the new gie it realy isnt personal, trust me
    but if the forums bug you that much, avoid them:happy: good luck on you weight loss:heart:

    ps im a 13 stepper:bigsmile:

    A 13th stepper! Shame on you. You're banned. :grumble:
  • flynnfinn
    flynnfinn Posts: 209 Member
    i'm sorry you've been treated terrible by others on here. and i agree with you that people should leave sarcasm out of their replies. but what i find is that it is easier to be sarcastic when you can hide behind your computer. trust me, if you came face to face with these people, i'm sure they would talk to you that way.

    so take it all with a grain of salt. people seem to think they can be all high and mighty on here when all they're really doing is hiding behind a computer facade. just ignore it and focus on the positive aspects of MFP.
  • lauren3101
    lauren3101 Posts: 1,853 Member
    Regardless of what this site is about, this is still a forum, and you will always get a wide range of people on here.

    Take it from a woman that's been a member of many mostly male car forums: you learn to filter out the idiots after a while.
  • opuntia
    opuntia Posts: 860 Member
    How I see it is that there's a lot of guys here who do a lot of weight lifting, and who have been very tough with themselves to get into the shape they're in. A lot of testosterone kicking around. Such guys are less likely, realistically, to be the touchy-feely types! And they probably wouldn't want people being touchy-feely with them, so they say the kind of stuff they'd say to themselves and expect others to say to them. You don't have to add those guys to your friends list though. You can post in the Introductions forum that you'd like gentle, encouraging people to be your friends, for mutual support. And search for people in that forum who are also asking for the same thing, and add them.

    Also, the people who use the forums are likely to be a very small percentage of the people who use MyFitnessPal as a whole. And in my experience, people who like using public forums a lot are often the people who are full of opinions and like to express them, and often like a bit of debate/argument!
  • Mishadijo
    Mishadijo Posts: 36 Member
    This is YOUR journey. My advice... draw strength from all the people and interactions if you can. For those who are supportive, embrace it! For those who are more, 'toxic', draw strength of your convictions and use that to become stronger. You see, whether it is on here, or in real life... you will always need to deal with both... wonderfully supportive people, and those that through their actions or words are quite, 'toxic'...

    At the end of the day, this is YOUR journey and NOBODY else's. Keep it as your priority and don't let anyone sway you from your health, and your goals. What you are doing is inspirational, please do not despair. People are human and it takes all kinds to make the world go around. Draw the strength from within you, and your convictions. View the support you get, as a 'bonus'. View the 'toxicity' as 'not your problem, but someone elses problem' and smile... a lot. Feel great about what you are doing!! Always!!!!

    These are just my thoughts... not saying they are right ... but are mine and happy to share them.
  • Restybaby2012
    Restybaby2012 Posts: 568 Member
    R5...........awwwwww ...dont let the bullys rock your world lil one. Keep in mind what you're doing here, who you are and what you want. We all get a tad pissy now and then. Ive done it myself. I tend to handle a lot of things with absolute humor...or a "Killer" story. Killer is my cat. Thats her pic over there
    <~~~~See the exclamation mark on her lil fur covered chunkyy face? She's my lil 15 lb ball of fat with legs!!
    She is my 4th child such as it were. I would hope someone would message me if Ive ever upset them or been outta line. I got snarked at with one of my first few posts and was briefly offended. BUT.....then I hadda think.....hard. My thought was "well dumba$$ ya put yourself out there an ask a direct question seeking assistance and what....... expected everyone to baby your *kitten* and tell ya what you wanted to hear versus what was/is?" DUH. I didnt repeat the mistake and now I know who to be wary off and who to accept and seek out. Im just a somewhat chubby but INCREDIBLY cute slightly over 5......5...........5..................uhh.....aaaaa....errrrrr...ummm.....over 40 YA THATS IT!! over 40 lady thats got weight to lose and friends to make.

    Add me........we'll support each other. (I dont bark though I do growl a lot sometimes)

    sheeeeeeeeeeesh I dont type so good at 4am
  • PaulieUK
    PaulieUK Posts: 11
    There will always be internet trolls and generally nasty people. You won't get away from it. I had a fair few people added as friends and only a couple were genuinely on here to lose weight, to get help and to give it. I cut those who I found offensive and demoralising because I can't filter them out and I don't see why I should have to.
  • mrscreager
    mrscreager Posts: 32 Member
    I read through the sodium in V8 thread and I honestly can't see what was the problem with it - you asked a question (and to be honest, the way you asked it might be seen by some as aggressive), people gave their thoughts, nobody suggested you were wrong or stupid.....was there a particular post that you felt was rude?

  • Arrabindi
    Arrabindi Posts: 169 Member
    i'm sorry you've been treated terrible by others on here. and i agree with you that people should leave sarcasm out of their replies. but what i find is that it is easier to be sarcastic when you can hide behind your computer. trust me, if you came face to face with these people, i'm sure they would talk to you that way.

    so take it all with a grain of salt. people seem to think they can be all high and mighty on here when all they're really doing is hiding behind a computer facade. just ignore it and focus on the positive aspects of MFP.

    Just watch the sodium in that grain of salt :wink:
  • jennielou75
    jennielou75 Posts: 197 Member
    You should try saying you have had bariatric surgery......its like you have made a pact with the devil. When you stand up for yourself in a positive manner you often make new friends!!!
  • 76wendyful
    76wendyful Posts: 202
    You can block the people who are rude to you. Just remember that you are doing this for you, not ANYONE else. I believe that you should be allowed to post about anything you darn well please, but as you have seen, be prepared for those who will be *kitten*. I have witnessed some people just jump on and comment to purposely be rude. They are just trying to get you riled up. Don't let them win!
  • kylejh
    kylejh Posts: 221 Member
    I just ignore those people (and those posts). This should be all about positivity - we're all here for the same reason!
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    I'm sorry you have had a bad time on here. When I joined, I was on the site for about a month before I even looked at the forum bit, then another month before I even posted. Not because people were rude, I have encountered some rudeness. People forget that everyone starts somewhere and not everyone has done it as long as they have or know much about this stuff. I am still learning. I hate seeing people get cut down or made to feel stupid because they don't know things that might seem common since to others. Not everyone is good at everything, which is why I'm sure this place is here, to get answers we need from others who may know them. I wrote a blog post once on here about some of the hateful things I've seen on here. It sickens me. I've had my share of rude people on here, and it really hasn't happen till big changes. It don't matter thought, people need to get their panties out of a twist.

    Don't let the haters and rude *kitten* stop you from what you want most. Hold your head up and find some people here who are not out to cut you down or belittle you to make you feel worse then you already do if you do. I know when I joined I hated myself enough I didn't need anyone else to hate me.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    I think a lot of it is people or are less than patient and have been on here a long time looking at the forums who keep seeing the same questions forget what it was like to be new. So they are rude unintentionally at times. Now, some are rude intentionally as well. they shoudlnt' be rude but they are. Also, some times the newer people will question something, and if someone else explains it they may ask more questions or challenge it, and the "older pro" people get sometimes irritated by that. not sure why, but they do. my advice is just listen to people and take advice that seems good, but if they are rude, who needs them.
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    I read through the sodium in V8 thread and I honestly can't see what was the problem with it - you asked a question (and to be honest, the way you asked it might be seen by some as aggressive), people gave their thoughts, nobody suggested you were wrong or stupid.....was there a particular post that you felt was rude?

    I went and looked too; there wasn't anything even approaching rude in there. I'm always a bit baffled by these "everyone here is so mean" posts because I really don't see it. Yeah, the chit-chat area is chock-full of trolling, but I rarely notice anything out of line in the actual advice sections. I'm not sure if there's just something I don't get (and it could be seeing as I have a number of issues dealing with social situations).
  • CassiusKnox
    CassiusKnox Posts: 305 Member
    There are a LOT of vane, mean-spirited *kitten* on this site for sure. Just like every other part of the internet. Have you noticed?

    Keyboard warriors who can be as mean as they want from the safety of their bedrooms.

    But there are many, many nice people here too who are only too happy to support and encourage you.

    Ignore the a-holes and listen to the good peeps.

    *I sooooo wish this site had an 'ignore' button - MFP Get on it!!!*
  • ZugTheMegasaurus
    ZugTheMegasaurus Posts: 801 Member
    *I sooooo wish this site had an 'ignore' button - MFP Get on it!!!*
    It does! Just click the little arrow next to someone's username and select "Ignore user." :drinker:
  • TheFitHooker
    TheFitHooker Posts: 3,358 Member
    There are a LOT of vane, mean-spirited *kitten* on this site for sure. Just like every other part of the internet. Have you noticed?

    Keyboard warriors who can be as mean as they want from the safety of their bedrooms.

    But there are many, many nice people here too who are only too happy to support and encourage you.

    Ignore the a-holes and listen to the good peeps.

    *I sooooo wish this site had an 'ignore' button - MFP Get on it!!!*

    There is an ignore feature. click the arrow under the person's name on the forum you wanna ignore and ignore them that way :)