Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @RobinsEgg - Oh dear, I am so sorry you're in such a grand funk! Keep reading along. I hope that you find the inspiration that helps to pull you through and out. You already have pots and pans everywhere, so maybe instead of a grand funk, you could just 'bring in da noise, bring in da funk' and bang them together to get out some of your frustrations. ;)
    As for being back to where you started, today is the first day of the newest chapter in your success story! Think of the tale you will tell once you get to your goal. You'll be able to share with others just how hard this journey can be and how YOU overcame the hurdles. I hope you can get some decent sleep soon. Everything always looks and feels better with good rest.

    @grandmakaye44 - Not too jealous....okay, a little. ;) It is warming up here this week, too...though not to where I would want to go without my coat. But, we ditched our hats and mittens yesterday and the sun was shining, snow was melting- hope for spring!

    @skinnyjeanzbound - The last time I started 30 DS, I was also training for the half marathon and I think it was too much all together, so I ditched the 30 DS. This time, I'm not running at all, so I'm finding it much easier to stick to it. I'm only doing it every other day because it is hard and I need a rest in between. When I lift, I usually use the machines at the gym. I haven't done a squat with free weights since high school. I know the machines are easier, so my bigger numbers are probably equivalent to your injury-free squats at smaller numbers. Also, I've been lifting on and off since I was 14 or 15. Kind of funny how I got into it....when we were freshmen in high school, my best friend and I were signed up for the exact same schedule with all the 'advanced' or 'challenge' courses for English and sciences. We were required to have a phy ed class, and the only time slot that was left was to be in 'athletic conditioning'. If you knew us then, you would know how hilarious the idea of two nerdy, weak, book-loving, mathletic band geeks joining a class filled with basketball, football and volleyball stars would be! It was hysterical. We were terrible, but it did make me comfortable around weights and I learned about which machines work which muscles.

    @kah68 - Good luck with your interview! :)

    @Tanya949 - I'll be looking for your one-bar-a-day updates! It's great when the new healthy recipes we try turn out to be so tasty, but we always have pesky portion control to think about.

    @soosun - Good job on your food choices during your night out!

    @jtconst - I need my hair cut...but, I also want to get and stay under 250 since I seem to keep getting stuck there. I think I'm going to adopt your hair mandate and say I have to wait until I hit that mini-goal of 249. Cute hair, here we come! :)

    @NK1112 - I love your receipt story. I love when stuff like that happens!

    AFM- It was a little bit of everything in the last 24, drama, boredom, exhaustion. I spent my entire Saturday morning at work and only saw one patient. I did get caught up on emails and schedule things. We got the house clean, and I took the kids shopping in the afternoon. We did find the communion dress for my daughter, and - bonus! - found a three piece suit for my son for only 12.99! Woo hoo! The fundraiser/Mexican night at the kids' school was fun, as usual. We worked for half the night selling puzzle pieces and running a pig race. For the first hour, we sold puzzle pieces. Each piece was $10 and then the person could color their piece and sign it. The goal was to have a piece of art to display at the school. I don't think it did too well. Not a lot of crafty people there, and/or $10 was too much per piece. Then when our hour at the puzzle was up, we bid on some silent auction items, and ate some mini chimichangas, quesadillas, rice and beans. I had two beers and a water over the course of the evening and indulged in a cup full of different candies from the candy bar, but because I worked out in the morning, I came in under goal. There was so much to do there! We played a claw game for a chance to win a fire pit and s'mores fixins. We didn't win the pit, but came away with a purse full of caramels. I plan on using them to make something for the church bake sale this week. We played PLINKO, which my husband did well at, but came in second. We bid on the highlighted lines for some auction items for a chance to grab cash in the cash cube at the end of the night, but we didn't get picked. And we raced mechanical pigs, but our pig never won. We also ran the pig game for an hour. Fun! They built a wooden table with 5 lanes to race these battery-operated pigs. Pigs were bright colored and adorable. For $5, you got to pick one of the colored pigs, then we lined them up and raced! The winner of each heat won a bottle of bbq sauce and a chance in the semi-finals. The winners of the three semi-final rounds went on to the finals, and the winner of that got a basket of mustards and spices, a gift certificate to a local grocery store and $100 worth of meat from a local meat market. The two losers from the final round received sauerkraut. I thought that was the cutest game! They also had the usual paddle/dice game at the bar to win bottles of wine. We didn't win that either. We DID win two of the auction items that we bid on. One was a basket of energy-saving items donated by the local utility company. The other item was a zippered tote filled with a one-night stay in a poolside suite at a local hotel, 4 tickets to one of the local minor league baseball team's games, and $20 to a local restaurant.
    When we got home, it was almost 11 pm...oh, wait...DST, so 12 am. Yikes. I had to get to bed! And just as I fell asleep, my husband woke me because our daughter had an accident in the bathroom. She hasn't had anything like this happen in....ever. She must've had diarrhea and was confused in the dark. It was an unspeakable mess. So, gagging, laughter and moaning followed. And by 130 am, we were all back to sleep. And, I had to be up at 6 am to get ready for work. And, my own stomach is not feeling the best right now....I hope we don't have a domino diarrhea disaster about to happen in our family! About an hour left of work here this morning. Then I plan on doing some baking and laying low for the rest of the day at home. Wow. This was probably my longest post ever. :)
  • laindia85
    laindia85 Posts: 5 Member
    edited March 2015
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Skinny and Kelley- The sun has finally returned and the temp were in the 50's today. I am so looking forward to Spring and ditching the winter coats, gloves and hats. May we all continue to experience beautiful daylight and clear skies.

    Kelley- Good luck with your job interview, hope it goes well for you.

    Hansea your story of a weight lifting class in high school made me laugh as well. I was also in high school when I was first introduced to weight lifting. It was a choice between team sports and weight lifting, so most of the girls choose weight lifting. I learned how to use all the machines and proper form but I was NOT athletic during high school. This class was a joke to all of us. The only benefit was that the teacher would allow us to play the games we like so we would play softball and volleyball. The interesting thing was that I saw this teacher about a year or so ago and he was impressed with the shape that I am. I don't do the heavy lifting now but I still remember enough from that class to hold my own in the weight room.

    Robin-pick one thing a day to work on around the house and accomplish that task. You will find a good sleep pattern again. Steps and knee pain make sure you are using your gluttes (butt muscles) when you are climbing the stairs and keep your body back so you are not putting all your weight on your knees as you climb.

    Laindia Welcome.

    Kaye- Send that great weather our way. So happy that you had a great day to walk.

    This weekend has been good for exercise. Yesterday, I was able to work on running drills and sprints to help build up speed. Monday will be a long run. Today, I went to the gym and pool so I could do a combined spin bike and swim. The bike was good but I am looking forward to riding outside again. Enjoyed the swim and went for over 1500 yds with a 500 and 800 completed again. Sadly, I am tired right now and ready for a nap but that is no go since I want to sleep tonight.

    Exercise Goals
    Sunday- bike and swim (DONE)
    Monday- Trainer workout with a long run
    Tuesday- gym???
    Wednesday- swim???
    Thursday- Gym
    Friday- climbing
    Saturday- Swim

  • Lives2Travel
    Lives2Travel Posts: 682 Member
    Check in for today:

    1. At or under calories 6/7 days every week and at or under as a weekly average.
    Week 2 - 1/7 days
    Week 1 - 6/7 days

    2. Walk at least 6 times per week, at least 3 miles each walk.
    Week 2 - 1/7 days
    Week 1 - 5/7 days

    3. Note daily calories and miles in calendar and weight on Thursday morning.
    Week 2 - 1/7 days
    Week 1 - 7/7 days

    4. Check in here every day if only to read the posts and keep current on the thread.
    Week 2 - 1/7 days
    Week 1 - 7/7 days

    2015 Mantras:

    Live like someone left the gate open (Live Joyously)
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Hello my friends! Got back from the lake on Friday afternoon and have been getting back into the swing of things the last couple of days. The time away was really nice; very relaxing and a good time reconnecting with my BFF. We didn't have Internet at the cabin, so I wasn't able to log daily, but I did login every day and logged what I could remember. Kept to my no-fast food vow 99% of the week - I slipped up when we were at McDonald's to use their wi-fi one afternoon and had a cookie before I remembered my vow. I did remember in time to not eat all of the cookies I ordered, so that's a win, right?

    Gonna go back and try to catch up on what y'all have been doing this week.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    I had another good 5 mile walk today with Amy and Cathy. It is still really warm and beautiful. Food wise it was a terrible, awful, no good, very bad day. Had family over again. We had Hawaiian haystacks which aren't that bad, but I also made lots of cookies (which I ate my share of) and chocolate pudding cake for dessert. I'm not sure how I'm going to log those cookies. I'm afraid I didn't pay a lot of attention. That habit of mindless eating again.
    @hansea I loved your description of the fun night at the school. They do something similar here, but they call it Cabin Fever Carnival. I remember it being lots of fun when our kids were young. We don't go any more. The kids are what makes it fun.
    Well, needless to say, I hope the week gets better.
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @melifornia - Welcome back. Definitely a win to actually be at McDonald's and only eat a cookie!

    @Lauriek70 - With all the focus on weights in high school, I will say I am sorely lacking in cross-country ski and wiffle ball experience. ;) We thought of our gym class in high school as a joke, too. One of the highlights were when we got a break from lifting to do an aerobics video. I hope to impress my former gym teachers with my fitness some day, too. :)

    @laindia85 - Welcome! A lot of us here don't spend too much time on our newfeed, but do check in on this thread daily, so feel free to share and ask questions. It's a great place for accountability and support!

    AFM- It's been a long day. Between the lack of sleep last night, having to go to work this morning, and tons of fresh air this afternoon (I went for a walk without my winter coat!), I'm beat. Looking forward to a busy work week and baking week...I'll be having to make one creation each night instead of baking all in one day like I planned, but it's all getting delivered on Thursday for the church bake sale.

    I made my shopping list, walked to the new grocery store which is about a mile from my house and hauled my food home in our little red wagon! I love the return of sunshine and the fact that we have a grocery store nearby again! I was thinking, 'boy, this is worth the extra time it takes to walk and haul things for the calorie burn and the time in the fresh air', however, it actually took me about the same amount of time that it would've taken me to get in the car, drive to the other store, shop, check out and drive home. :)

    Calorie Goal- 6/21
    Exercise Goal- 5/12
    Veggie Goal-22/93 servings
    Lift Goal: 3/8
    Leg Press-185/200
    Abs- 152.5/165
    Back- 152.5/165
    Triceps- 82.5/90
    Biceps- 82.5/90

    2015 Mantra: You Know Better! ~and~ Finish This Baby!

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Hey Guys!

    Just a quick check-in. Had a fun afternoon, lunch with my sister, bil, and 3 yo niece. Then afternoon pub crawl for Irish Funday Sunday. A little over today, but not bad considering I had 3 beers.

    My big fail this weekend was not getting enough grading done. I will really have to stay focused over the next couple of days to get caught up.

    I can already see that I won't be able to get in 3 runs this week, but I will work to get in 2 at least.

    March Challenge:
    At or under calories 5/7 days every week and at or under as a weekly average.
    All-in strength challenge=core work 3 x/week; PT 1-2 x/week; run 3 x/week:
    Week 1: x/3 core; PT DONE; x/3 runs
    Week 2: x/3 core; PT; x/3 runs
    Week 3: x/3 core; PT; x/3 runs
    Week 4: x/3 core; PT; x/3 runs
    8k at end of month (not sure what day) in 55 minutes (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 40/64 BNW journal reflections
    2. 3/64 AP essays
    3. 7/16 AP analysis activities
    4. 5/60 JRP outlines

    Exercise Goals: (week 2)
    Sun--rest day
    Mon--walk gunner
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Fri--rest day
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 mantra "Just 15 minutes"
    GOINSTD12 Posts: 331 Member
    I'm having trouble with late night snacking. I was fine on calories until about 10pm, then started snacking & ended up eating over 200 cal.... Grr!
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 604 Member
    Oops forgot to check in yesterday, the time change, busy day and loss of time messed me up. I totally slipped up and had breakfast at McDonalds yesterday. I left the egg and cheese on english muffin at home when I left to go hiking. By the time I realized I forgot it, it was too late to turn around. The next thing I knew I was ordering a bacon and egg mc muffin at the drive thru. I only brought a small snack so I needed that breakfast to get me through the hike. It was only after I ordered that I realized my mistake!

    As for the protein bars, they didn't turn out well this time :( . I melted the peanut butter to make it easier to stir everything in, but the consistency wasn't the same, and I left it in the oven a few minutes too long and it turned out to dry. I ditched the batch, and will go back to the way I made it before.
  • hansea47
    hansea47 Posts: 353 Member
    @Tanya949 - At least you know you won't overeat those bars that you had to throw away! And I'm sure all your hiking balanced out the egg mc muffin, but I know you're probably very disappointed that you slipped. Today will be a better day!

    @GOINSTD12 - Oops on the late night snacking, but at least you're only over by 200. You'll balance out with more good days than bad days this week!

    @skinnyjeanzbound - Sounds like a fun Sunday!

    AFM- There are no words. My sister called with some life-altering news last night. I'm sorry to be vague, but I really don't have the right to talk about her family's problems in a public forum. I was pretty emotional and devastated for them and turned to food. At first, I couldn't sleep because my head was spinning (now I know what that phrase really means!), so I thought I would get started on the baking for this week and made a batch of chocolate cookies. My thought was that it would keep me busy and I wouldn't eat any because they're for someone else. My stress eating mechanism kicked in though, and I ate three of the smaller cookies (oh, how I rationalize!), and then sat in front of the tv and polished off over 1000 calories of other things I found in the kitchen. So disappointed in myself, but I'm pulling up my boot-straps today and starting anew.
    Monday Check-in/Weigh-in: I am down 4 lbs! On my way again....:)

    Calorie Goal- 5/21
    Exercise Goal- 5/12
    Veggie Goal-22/93 servings
    Lift Goal: 3/8
    Leg Press-185/200
    Abs- 152.5/165
    Back- 152.5/165
    Triceps- 82.5/90
    Biceps- 82.5/90

    2015 Mantra: You Know Better! ~and~ Finish This Baby!

  • kah68
    kah68 Posts: 1,515 Member
    @Hansea~I have a lot of baking to do this week, too—6 dozen cookies that I need to deliver to church Saturday morning. :wtf: I’ll probably spread it out over Thursday and Friday night. I’m sorry for what your sister may be going through; yep baking was the wrong choice :frowning:—I hope the stress of her situation eases soon. Woo Hoo for the weight loss though—4# is fantastic!

    @Tanya~Sorry about the protein bars. Oops on forgetting breakfast :confounded:; I know you've been trying to avoid fast food but as far as McDonald’s goes their egg McMuffin isn't horrible calorie wise—so if you got the Canadian bacon you actually made a wise choice.

    AFM~Ugh, DST just messes with me. :sleeping: First yesterday just got away from me yesterday. Then I was up half the night, although some of it could be anticipation of my interview this afternoon. Heard from my doctor yesterday (Sunday of all days :astonished:) and he confirmed a partial tear in my Achilles (again), recommended I see a specialist—need to schedule that appt this morning.
  • NewCaddy
    NewCaddy Posts: 845 Member
    So my weekend turned to a bust…I started my day shopping and it ended up taking me 6 hours. I called my sister and we made a day of it. It was beautiful weather here and I just couldn’t fathom spending it inside and yet the outdoors is still too wet to do anything productive out there. So I decided to spend too much money instead. Food was horrible but like someone said on here…pull up the boot straps and get back at it.

    @L2T…hope you enjoyed the layover with your DD and SIL to-be.
    @Jennbo…great drop – 4 lbs!!!
    @Lori…glad your hubby and you were able to talk and find some type of middle ground for now. Hope you can both figure out each other’s love languages and move on to happier times again.
    @Niki…yay to finding that receipt…the 25 mile drive will be worth it for new tires.
    @Tammy….Glad you can see twoderville from where you are at.
    @Kelley…Oh dangit! A tear isn’t good. Good luck on the job interview.
    @Kaye…Great week of stats! We’ve had great weather, but we know it’s just a break of winter…certainly no flowers popping up here.  As I look at the weather forecast, all I see if upper 40s to lower 70s over the next 10 days…I’ll take this extended pre-spring we’re having!
    @Robin…great attitude about still doing steps. Down is better than nothing. Hope you can get your sleep hours straightened out soon.
    @Hansea/Karen…our tiny little town did PE classes a little different. During girls’ basketball season, we used 1 period as practice and the boys had a PE “break.” Then during boys’ basketball it was opposite and we had an extra hour of study hall (if that’s what you call a free period at the end of the day!! HA). Then in the spring, we would actually go play volleyball or softball or touch football. We were such a small school (I graduated in a class of 7) that it was the entire 8-12 having PE at the same time. I think technically we got in all the hours we needed but we didn’t ever have anything formal. We didn’t even have a weight room. And then I missed most of the spring PE since I went to the neighboring school to participate in track. It was half hour away so I had to use that last period to drive over there to be ready in time for the afterschool practice.
    @Hansea…I’ll say some prayers that your sister and her family get what they need. I hope it can all be fixed/straightened out/accepted.

    AFM…After spending the day on Saturday shopping (and eating out for both meals), I came home and started reading my “Left Behind” series again. All of a sudden I blinked and it was 4 am (new time). Fell asleep and then my puppy got me up every hour because he was whining in his kennel – took him outside and diarrhea is back. At least he woke me up and didn’t have accidents in his kennel, but it made for a super long night. Still got up for church, but then crashed for a 3 hour nap yesterday afternoon. And then the process started over and I didn’t get to sleep until about 1:00 this morning. Hopefully, I can get back on track soon.

    I was able to get an appointment with my chiropractor today.

    How’s my March stacking up?
    • Cardio – 3 times a week – 1/1
    • Lifting - 2 times a week – 1/1
    • Water Goal – 5 days a week - 1/1
    • Calories – 6 days a week - 0/1

    Today’s Goals – back to the basics
    • 75 oz of water
    • Meet my calories
    • Go to Water Aerobics
    • Bed by 11:00

    Here’s to a great week for us all!
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    Good morning everyone! Whoo, I hope you are surviving the time change. It threw me for a loop!
    Like @Kaye said, "That habit of mindless eating again." I made apple cinnamon coffee cake for breakfast and it went down hill from there. At least I had the sense to give a large chunk of the cake to a neighbor and get it out of the house.
    We walked on the beach at Lake Michigan yesterday afternoon. Had a picnic first (in the car as there are no tables yet and it was a bit cool). Unfortunately, the pantry is bare and we bought subs so ate more than I should have. Still, it was delightful to be out of doors. Next time I need to plan said picnic and have crudité to go with the sandwiches, etc.
    ~~so I am back at it again this morning. I WILL EVENTUALLY GET THIS! The sooner the better.
  • 2ledbetter
    2ledbetter Posts: 199 Member
    Monday check in:

    Lost 2 pounds after a two week stall, I walked 1 mile on a treadmill at 3mph. For me, that's really good.

    I don't feel as though I know everyone well enough to comment individually, yet. I do want to encourage you all to as y'all say "pull up your boot straps and keep at ie". Lol.
    @tlh0407. I've read the "Left Behind" series but now I'm working on the books written for the "before" the beginning of the series. I also stayed up till 1:30 last night reading. Lol. I'm getting to old to do that much anymore.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    @Tanya- 27,000 steps that is wonderful.
    @LaurieK- Glad you found a new route to challenge yourself with.
    @Karen- My hair has always been a darker brown with different color highlights. I prefer the red highlights the most. That is what I got this weekend. Hope you got all your grading done and sorry for the stress you have. As for MIL let’s have a little chuckle first thought in my head on how to make her stop was “Throw Momma From the Train” it‘s an old movie. Maybe the only way to get her to stop is maybe to tell her that she is loved but she is harassing you and it needs to stop.
    @jtconst- Your so close to twoderville you got this. Your profile pic looks nice.
    @kah- glad your weather is back and you could get a walk in with friends. Good luck on the job interview.
    @GrandmaKaye- Glad you had nice weather for walking.
    @RobinsEgg- I am sorry to hear you are in a slump right now. Insomnia is so not good my son is the same way. I hope you feel better soon and I will keep you in my prayers.
    @Hansea- Glad your family had fun at the school event. I am hoping the sickness is not from something you ate there. That is awesome that you could walk to the grocery store. Sorry to hear about your family issue I will keep you in my prayers. I am an emotional eater also but I am glad you didn’t beat yourself up about it.
    @Laindia- welcome to the group
    @Mountmary- Picnic sounds so fun even if it was in a car.

    AFM- Weekend was horrible food wise and I didn't log a thing because I honestly ate so much I couldn't remember every thing I ate and I had kind of a I don't care to log attitude. I had a healing pray moment while getting my hair done. God allows Jennifer(hairstylist and ex sunday school director of me) minister so well to me. She cried, I cried we prayed and I ate the emotions away :s . I got my school work done and even though it is spring break I have work in all my classes not able to understand how all these kids go places on break to party when we still get assignments. The weather warmed up took Riley for a walk....umm yea not again until it is dry he was a wet mess and would not let you dry him or his paws off not even for treats. However he has taken to sleeping on the bed with me at night or should I say hogging the bed it is a King size bed plenty of room for both of us but not to Riley. Gotta love him. I have been doing good with drinking more water instead of soda especially on the weekend.
  • grandmakaye44
    grandmakaye44 Posts: 1,205 Member
    Wake-up call for me. My food choices yesterday were really good without the cookies. Got to get rid of the cookie monster in me!
    Onward and downward. Kaye
  • soosun
    soosun Posts: 129 Member
    I think I am coming down with bronchitis and feel uggy muggy. Will check in tomorrow. Listing foods and staying under but not legal foods if that makes sense. Thanks for listening.
  • mountmary84
    mountmary84 Posts: 259 Member
    edited March 2015
    @Mnwalkingqueen Holly, I too went back to school as an adult and remember one weekend, probably Thanksgiving when I had the family coming as house guests for the ususal, at that time including MIL etc, and had 1200 pages of lit to read. Breaks in college are NOT vacation by any means. To say the least I was a little frantic. Hang in there; you too will get this done, it just takes persistence.
    @Kaye I had never heard of Hawaiian Haystacks so had to look them up. Must not be a Wisconsin thing!
  • jennbo83
    jennbo83 Posts: 62 Member
    @mnwalkingqueen‌ – Great job on your increased water intake! I understand the school work thing. I finished school about a year and a half ago and I remember every moment of free time went to homework. I don’t know how people do it. I am about to start studying for the CPA exams so I will be right back there with you with the constant work to be done! 
    @2ledbetter – great job on your loss!!!

    @kah68 – sorry to hear about the tear in your Achilles, at least you have a diagnosis though so you can work on healing.

    @hansea47 – I am sorry to hear that your sister is going through a hard time. I hope whatever is going on improves and you can all be relieved of any stress. Congrats on the weight loss!

    The weekend went well. My shoulder is a lot better. Sunday my boyfriend and I drove 2 hours to my mom’s house to surprise her and make her breakfast. I made low carb muffins that were delicious. My mom loves muffins and so I was happy to find a good low carb recipe. After breakfast we took her for 3 mile hike which was great. Then Sunday my boyfriend and I drove out to one of our favorite hiking spots and did an eleven mile hike. It felt great to get out there after not being able to do much exercise the past couple weeks with my arm. Food wise wasn’t exactly where I like to be but I did well on calories. It just wasn’t as well balanced as I like. It’s ok though – I told myself that every day can’t be perfect and just to do the best I can. I have decided I am going to set up some goals for myself and link them to rewards. Rewards I have been thinking about are purchasing new pants for hiking. I want the kind that has a zipper near the knee to make them from long pants to shorts. Our hike went a little late yesterday and I really could have used pants at the end!  The other reward I want is to go horseback riding. I used to take lessons back in the day and I would like to get back into it. Lately I have been too uncomfortable on a horse. I am thinking another 50 pound weight loss for that reward.